Lisa Marie's Studio for Pilates

Lisa Marie's Studio for Pilates

Providing group and private Pilates classes to the English speaking community in Warsaw, Poland. I believe in Pilates thats why I take it and teach it.

I truly believe Pilates is beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. Not only it is great for flexibility, strength, and stamina but it is also just a great way to ensure your taking care of yourself throughout all ages. I will be the first to tell you it is not the only activity you should partake in BUT when taken in addition to cardiovascular training you can guarantee a well rounded exe

Shop 14/12/2015

Posture Garments

There are many benefits to Pilates but one of the more powerful benefits is better posture. After just a few sessions you will feel your focus shift a bit more to concentrate on your posture throughout the day; whether that's on the mats, in your office chair, or driving your car. Many clients ask me how can I better my posture beyond the mats though.

Here is my suggestion:

Below is a link to a company that makes posture garments - Intelliskin. I have worn the shirt and met the vendor. This is a great product and company to help improve your posture. Please note: the shirt does not put you in a position to weaken your muscle but it simply guides you and provides a corrective pull on the muscles that control posture. This is a great product and I highly recommend it for workouts, plane rides, work, or just a stroll in the park!

~ Have a great day, Lisa



As many of you know Pilates is my passion as are many other things, but I BELIEVE in Pilates! and I truly feel I can help others better themselves by encouraging and guiding them through an appropriate pilates program. Currently, I am offering my knowledge and skills to the Embassy folks here in Warsaw, Poland but in time I will be expanding that and feel this is a great tool to reach as many individuals as I can.

I plan to use this page as a Pilates resource; a place for personal stories, informative articles, and advice. In the near future it will also serve as a tool for informing and inviting locals to my open mat classes.

If you feel my experience can help others please share this and like my page.

See you on the mats!

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ACA/US Mission

Godziny Otwarcia

Wtorek 12:00 - 13:00
17:30 - 18:30
Czwartek 12:00 - 13:00
17:30 - 18:30