ITSelF Festival

10th edition of ITSelF Festival will be held from 3 till 8 October 2019. Join us! All details are here:

The 9th edition of the ITSelF Festival will be held from June 30th till July 6th, 2017. The main objective of ITSelF Festival is to promote theatre culture and young talents of the stage, share experiences, bring cultures closer by gathering artists together, as well as to present Poland as a country which supports culture and appreciates its influence on the development of the society. The presti

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Our Story

The International Theatre Schools Festival ITSelF is a theatre biennial, organized by The Aleksander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Poland. The Festival is supported by the Capital City of Warsaw, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and International Visegrad Fund. Since its first edition, it is organized under The Honorary Patronage of The President of the Republic of Poland.

The 10th edition of the ITSelF Festival will be held from 3rd till 8th of October 2019

‘This festival is like a storm that rocks our boat. We await it, but when it’s gone, it leaves silence’ – these words were written in 2009, halfway through our 20-year experience, by Beata Szczucińska – the current Chancellor of the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. The mood hasn’t changed much. The political and climatic situation both in Poland and abroad is undergoing transformation, the artist’s role is being redefined, and theatre functions are given new shape. And yet, young people and drama schools from all over the world still come to Miodowa Street in Warsaw to experience and understand things.



Strona Internetowa


Akademia Teatralna Im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza, Ulica Miodowa 22/24

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Kup bilet online!

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Warsaw, 01-864

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Warsaw, 00-901

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