
TestCLIX is a no-code SaaS solution that offers website monitoring, functional testing, and end-to-end testing.

TestCLIX is a comprehensive cloud-based solution (SaaS) that offers website monitoring, functional testing, and end-to-end testing. The platform also helps improve web application functionality and availability. With the test scenario recording feature, companies can effectively monitor the quality and performance of their online services and track the availability of key user paths, both locally


A big update of the TestCLIX platform is now live!

We are excited to introduce some cool new features available to all the users:
✨ Pixel-perfect image comparison
✨ Real-time editing of test scenarios
✨ Masked fields for enhanced security
✨ AI-powered assistant to streamline your workflows

These updates are designed to elevate your testing experience and make your work even more efficient. Are you ready to try them out and improve your website performance? Start using our new features today! 🚀


Last week we completed our first TestCLIX presentation in Warsaw, during which Mariusz Zaborski, our CTO, shared insights on how TestCLIX helps create performance tests and monitor websites without the need for coding, while also improving user experience by optimizing user experience. 🚀

It was great to see the audience's interest in our product and to answer their questions! 🙌

Thank you 4Prime IT Security for the opportunity to participate in . It was a pleasure to be a part of this event, which brings together experts and enthusiasts in cybersecurity.☀

Did you miss the presentation? Contact us, and we'll share how TestCLIX can support your business! 🤝


Here’s a story about one of our clients who runs an online sales business in Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia. While their business was thriving in Poland, they faced unexpected challenges abroad despite increased marketing efforts. 📈

Our tests revealed that the service provider was significantly blocking foreign traffic by forcing burdensome captcha verifications, which deterred customers from using the store. 🔍

This situation underscores the importance of monitoring key e-commerce functionalities - like product search, cart features, and payment processes—to ensure they are seamlessly accessible wherever your business operates. 🛒

With TestCLIX, you can effortlessly monitor these crucial functions and ensure a smooth shopping experience for all your customers, regardless of their location. Let’s ensure your business can thrive across borders! 🌐


Do you monitor your website's availability?

That's great, but it’s not always enough – your site can also face other issues, such as shopping cart functionality, image and style optimization, internal search engine performance, and more. 80% of small and medium-sized e-commerce stores learn about shopping problems from their customers. ⚠

Be a professional and use automated monitoring of the entire shopping process, from product search to adding it to the cart and proceeding to payment. Stay ahead of the problems and increase your e-commerce sales. 💡

Visit our new website and try out testing with TestCLIX: www.testclix.com


Did you know that a staggering 82.9% of websites now use ? 🔒 This widespread adoption is essential because SSL encrypts user traffic, protecting it from potential eavesdropping by third parties or network providers. 🌐

Using SSL certificates is the standard now. SSL certificates not only protect user connections but also build trust among users. However, a common misconception is that the green lock icon means a website is trustworthy. In reality, it only indicates that the connection is encrypted, but doesn't guarantee the integrity of the business owner. ⚠️ Malicious sites can still misuse user data, so always be cautious when providing personal information on ANY site.

Despite being an industry standard, maintaining SSL security comes with challenges. For example, certificates need periodic renewal (e.g., every 3 months or 2 years), a task often overlooked in dynamic business environments. Admins may change jobs without transferring this crucial responsibility, leading to potential service disruptions. ⏰

While automating SSL certificate renewals is beneficial, it’s not foolproof. Monitoring tools that notify you of certificate status can prevent issues before users encounter them. 🛠️

Does your website use SSL certificates? How do you manage renewals? Share your experiences in the comments below! 💬


Recently, one of the major national broadcasters experienced a significant failure during, of all moments, a . ⚽

They invested a lot of time and effort into building a streaming platform. However, when the big day came and the national team was supposed to play, everything went south. The platform crashed during the crucial match, leaving thousands, if not millions, of fans frustrated. 😱

While not everyone is in the streaming business or has such a large audience, there's much to learn from the blunders of big players. Building a product doesn’t end when the developer commits the final code to the repository. Operational tasks remain crucial. Implementing robust monitoring systems and setting up useful alerts are essential.🔧

It's important to monitor not just the causes but also the symptoms of potential issues. Monitoring causes might involve checking if our website is functional, ideally not only on the HTTP level but also visually. Symptom monitoring might include tracking machine utilization, latency, throughput, error rates, queue lengths, service limits, and more, depending on your environment.🔍

Without sophisticated monitoring tools that are integrated with our product and tailored to our needs, we risk facing a scenario similar to the disappointment experienced by football fans.😞

Do you enjoy the Euro Cup, or were you one of the unlucky fans affected by the streaming platform's issues?


The impact of and on user engagement and satisfaction is immense. Many customers base their purchase decisions on the visual appeal of your website. Gone are the days of single photos, basic backgrounds, and walls of text. Today, UX and UI design is an art form that can build trust in your brand—or if done poorly, lead to user frustration. 😕

The market is taking note. There's been a significant rise in the UX/UI design sector, marked by innovations in both design trends and tools. 🚀

Traditional tests, such as checking document structure or server responses, are only part of the equation. This is where visual testing comes into play. It's a crucial component in ensuring that what we design is what the user experiences. We can’t achieve this by just looking at the code. Visual testing isn't just about functionality (though that's important); it's about the look and feel of the application. 🖥️

Choosing the right tool for visual testing can help you detect major changes, like a missing logo on your website. There's nothing more frustrating than noticing these small changes weeks after they've been introduced. 😩

That's why constant monitoring of visual aspects is essential—it helps you build trust with your customers. 🤝

We'd love to hear from you! How are you integrating visual testing into your projects? Share your insights and let's learn from each other to create visually perfect applications. 🌟


Running a small e-commerce business often means working with a tight budget, especially for software development. Many rely on software houses, small internal teams, contractors, students, or even those high school gamers (and yes, we also hire these talented individuals, but five years later). 🤓

However, this approach has its challenges. Every change made by these experts needs to be manually verified by you, the business owner. Daily, weekly, with every update, you have to ensure your website remains solid. This means spending countless hours repeatedly checking the same things instead of focusing on what truly matters—growing your business. 🥱

No matter the size of your company, whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, TestCLIX is here to help. We ensure your business stays online 24/7. ✅

With TestCLIX, you can automate your repetitive monitoring tasks. Instead of manually navigating your website to check if everything works, you can set up your tests with TestCLIX just once. We will run your tests as frequently as you need—every 5 minutes, every 30 minutes, or on-demand with our "single ex*****on packages" (for instance, when your expert updates your website). 🤖

We monitor your website, so you don’t have to!


The financial impact of downtime on large companies can be devastating.🚨

Take Apple, for example, which suffered a 12-hour outage in March 2015. The estimated loss? A staggering $25 million—that’s over $2 million per hour. Facebook also experienced a 14-hour outage that cost them around $90 million, equating to $6.42 million per hour. 💸

But it's not just the tech giants that suffer. Smaller companies and startups can face significant consequences too. Did you know that 29% of startups fail because they run out of cash? Imagine the impact of downtime during peak shopping periods like weekends, Christmas, or Black Friday. Such outages can severely hit profits. 📉

Identifying and resolving issues is crucial, but recognizing a problem's existence is equally important. This underscores the need to monitor your applications' availability effectively. Tools like and are great for basic monitoring and managing alerts. 🛠️

However, these tools have their limitations, especially when it comes to evaluating the user experience. Just because a server responds doesn’t mean your website is functional and displaying correctly. To ensure comprehensive monitoring and a better user experience, consider tools that verify the visual aspects of your website. 👀

Don't let downtime catch you off guard. Stay vigilant and ensure your monitoring tools cover all bases. 💡


We all love software developers, but let’s be honest: if you're a business owner and not a technical expert, their language can sometimes be a bit hard to follow. 👽

Phrases like:
“The server returned an HTTP 400 response.”
“The XPath is invalid; I need to fix it.”
“The regression in the deployment pipeline was due to an unhandled exception.”
“The front-end application is experiencing CORS issues because the preflight request is missing.”
..can be confusing. 🤔

"A picture is worth a thousand words”, as the old saying goes. TestCLIX helps you monitor your website with a visualization tool, rather than by tracking the underlying protocol. This means you can easily see what’s wrong with your website, if it's working properly, and if your processes are running smoothly. 👀

The best part? You can set up your scenarios today, on your own! It's easier than ordering an Uber! ✅

Monitor your website effortlessly and leave the coding to our skilled developers.


In business, website availability is everything. ⬇️

Every time a customer tries to visit your website or purchase a product and your website is not working, you don't just lose a transaction – you lose a customer. The damage to your online presence is significant. After having a bad experience, the customer won’t be willing to recommend your business to other users. At worst, they might give you a negative review. 👎

This is why major tech companies work hard to maintain high uptime. Services like Google's GSuite claims a 99.9% availability. To put this in perspective, it means they declare that their service will be unavailable for a maximum of 8 hours and 45 minutes per year.

Meanwhile, Amazon claims a 99.99% availability for their EC2 service, which translates to 52.60 minutes of downtime per year!

These statistics have become a standard when discussing high availability, so much so that the experts started calling 99.9% “three nines” and 99.99% “four nines”. 🎯

Achieving such a level of availability is challenging, but not impossible. One of the crucial keys to your website’s success is the constant monitoring. Thanks to a great monitoring platform you'll be able to identify problems faster than your customers.

Have you considered at how many “nines” your website performs yet? 😊


We often assume that monitoring is hard and requires specialized knowledge. One common method involves using , a versatile tool that can be scripted or integrated into your monitoring infrastructure, such as or . This tool can verify the validity of your SSL certificate and the success of HTTP requests. However, it does not confirm whether the website is displayed correctly to the client. 🖥️

On the other hand, there are highly specialized testing tools like , a remarkable tool used by QA teams for automated testing. While powerful, it requires coding skills. Of course, there are tools and frameworks on the market that reduce the amount of coding needed, but they were originally designed as tools for coders, and they are most effective when used as such. Even with these frameworks, setting up proper monitoring can be cumbersome, as this tool primarily analyzes the structure of your website's code. 📊

Alternatively, you can hire a third-party company to design specific test scenarios and handle monitoring for you. 💼

What if there was another way? TestCLIX offers a SaaS service that enables you to create test cases on your own, without writing a single line of code. It tests not only the validity of certificates, the structure of websites, and HTTP codes but also the visual aspects of your website, which no other solution offers. It’s also powered by AI; for example, you can use an AI visual assistant to validate the UX/UI as a user would. Moreover, you can easily integrate it with Zabbix or Prometheus via an API. Try it for yourself! 🌟

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