Hauki Studio
Najbliższe usługi komputerowe i elektroniczne
Zajmuje sie fotografią biznesową, produktową, fashion oraz backstage
I want to present you The Record - online shopping app.
The full CASE STUDY is on my Behance:
The main task for this mobile app design was to make a convenient application where you can easily and quickly buy music product.
I used friendly oval shapes and enough free space for quick reading of information and ease of use.
I chose a neutral color scheme of dark grey and black, to focus attention on the presented products and added blue and violet accents - they give a feeling of something fresh and emphasize the modernity of the application mood and minimalistic product photos (AI) are the main focus of this design 🪄
Thank you for watching! 😉
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Warsaw, 01-496
Działamy w tym co lubimy czyli w E-MARKETINGU (sem, seo, web design, social media). To nie tylko nasza praca, ale także od ponad 25 lat PASJA !
Warsaw, 02-677
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Warsaw, 03-982
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Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21
Warsaw, 02-001
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