2B Turystyka Biznesowa

"2B" Studenckie Koło Naukowe Turystyki Biznesowej Grupy Uczelni Vistula Członkowie Koła rocznie realizują kilka projektów, m.in.

"2B" Koło Naukowe Turystyki Biznesowej Grupy Uczelni Vistula zrzesza studentów zainteresowanych tematyką przemysłu spotkań i branży eventowej. Działalność Koła oparta jest na pracy naukowej jego członków i pomocy ze strony Władz Uczelni, na której funkcjonuje. Głównym celem Koła Naukowego jest wspieranie idei poszerzenia wiedzy z dziedziny turystyki biznesowej wśród studentów, dążenie do stworzeni

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 28/06/2024

Dlaczego warto był wolontariuszem... ? Co daje zaangażowanie w świat ?

Ta historia to 15 lat tworzenia, wspierania, budowania i wiara w to, że wolontariat prywatny, pracowniczy, osobisty i firmowy działa.
Pierwsze spotkanie odbyło się u mnie w domu. Do tej pory pamiętam tą kolację i rozmowy. Chcieliśmy pokazać światową branżę spotkań w Polsce. Oczywiście to nie czas na podsumowania bo wolontariuszem nadal jestem. Ale... dlaczego warto... ?
🎤 WARTO SIĘ SPOTYKAĆ - branża spotkań to godziny wymiany myśli, uśmiechów, biznesów i wyzwań. Nie zawsze jest wesoło, ale zawsze jest "Z KIM"
🎤 MOŻESZ WSZYSTKO - praktycznie na cały świecie mam kontakt, z którym współpracuje, buduje nowe pomysły i wymyślam jak można zmieniać świat
🎤 ROZWÓJ - 10 międzynarodowych certyfikatów, 5 kierunków studiów i DUŻO WIEDZY
🎤 WSPARCIE - XXI wiek to okres gdzie mamy wahania, brak wiary, czasami również brak siły do kolejnych działań.

To wszystko dał mi wolontariat na rzecz MPI Poland Chapter - dziękuje za to 15 lat.
Pani Prezes jest tylko jedna Barbara Świderska - spotkanie z pomysłem. Brawo dla zarządu i członków. W imieniu Meeting Professionals International - MPI Foundation BARDZO DZIĘKUJĘ za wsparcie! Super pomysły i pieniążki na wsparcie! Brawo MY! Plany i wizje na kolejne 2 lata wspólnie z Federico Toja i przede wszystkim WAMI!

When we meet we can change the world! Tak dla przypomnienia dla byłych prezesek i prezesa: Wojtek Wojtek Agnieszka Faracik Marta Kicler Monika Dymacz

Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania UMK w Toruniu Grupa Uczelni Vistula 2B Turystyka Biznesowa

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 25/06/2024

The most beautiful ceremony of the year - Vistula School of Hospitality Graduation!🧑‍🎓

To some of our students the end of June means the end of their university journey and the beginning of a new stage in life.

Graduation is an important event for 2B Club, since we are saying all the goodbyes and good wishes to some of our members and getting ready to welcome fresh students when the holidays are over 🙌

With graduation, the classes end, but the friendships and connections you make at university are life-long, so there is no need to be sad - instead, let’s get ready for a new exciting journey! ✈️

We are passing the warmest congratulations to the graduates, now it’s time for you to rock the world! Looking forward to seeing you succeed and shine very soon! 🥰

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 24/06/2024
Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 19/06/2024

The Student Science Club of Business Tourism 2B has officially concluded a series of activities for the 2023/2024 academic year! 📆

We hosted our final event in the Polish Tourism Organisation, thanks to the hospitality of Aneta Książek and Jarosław Marciuk. 2B members participated in the Eventprofs Creators Lab workshop, focusing on marketing and the use of social media in our industry. Special thanks to for this insightful session! 💻🤳🏼

After the workshop, we summarized our activities, watched a movie highlighting our year🍿and gave certificates to the most active students.🏅
(Big thanks to the partners - .suntago and for sponsoring some prizes for our members! ❤️)

After the official part, a surprise awaited us - a vintage bus where, with an Open Mic session, everyone had the opportunity to share their impressions and memories. We concluded the evening with an afterparty in the old town. 🪩

Short recap of the academic year 2023/2024 include:
• Around 80 members from 20 different countries 🌍
• Over 50 projects 📈
• 12 volunteering opportunities 🤝
• 4 trips abroad ✈️
• And 30 individuals who will soon become leaders in the meetings industry 🚀

Still wondering whether to join us? 2B Club is waiting for you in October! 😉


It's time to wrap up the academic year of our activities! 📆

We are happy to announce that the Polish Tourism Organisation will be hosting our end-of-year event. 🌎 Thank you Polska Organizacja Turystyczna Jaroslaw Marciuk Aneta Ksiazek! We can't wait to meet you!

While we won't reveal the full agenda just yet, we promise it's filled with exciting surprises! 🎉 Expect detailed summary of our achievements, movie premiere, certificates and awards ceremony, opportunities to gain new skills, and... a farewell party! 🪩🚍

Have you been an active member over the past months? If so, we can't wait to see you this Monday! 💚

And don't forget, the dress code is "feels like summer" – so bring your brightest smiles and most colorful outfits! ☀️🌸

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 01/06/2024

🇺🇸 "2B" conquers another continent

✈️ Our vice-chairwoman, accompanied by the Rector of Vistula School of Hospitality, had an exhilarating experience at the World Education Congress (WEC) 2024 in the United States, thanks to the Maritz MPI Foundation Scholarship she received.

🎓 WEC, organized annually by Meetings Professionals International (MPI), spanned three days, brimming with diverse sessions focused on the meetings industry. While education is at the core of WEC, it's not just about learning.

🥳 Networking parties are a key element!

The WEC organizers excel at this.

🐎🪩 On the first day, there was an opening ceremony at the iconic Kentucky Derby venue. The congress concluded with an all-American event, where an entire street was closed off so MPI members could network and celebrate, wrapping up three days of intensive networking.

Remember MPI's slogan: "When we meet, we change the world."

Which continent will "2B" conquer next? Stay tuned 👀

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 29/05/2024

„Let’s talk about sustainibility”🌱
- and we talked!

🚀 We did it for 17th time! On 27th of May we hosted the Student International CSR Conference where professionals talked about what sustainable development on the example of the companies they represent.

👩🏽‍🎓📈 The conference participants were students who obtained the Sustainability Manager Travelife certificate. After completing the Travelife course, they had the opportunity to test their knowledge again during a CSR quiz with prizes.

💚 Once again, we would like to thank our special guests - Grażyna Grot Duziak, Jakub Emanuel Malec and Joanna Kędziołka. We are extremely grateful for their support and willingness to share their valuable knowledge with us!

🏆 Congratulations to those who received the certificate and to those who once again proved their knowledge of sustainable development during our quiz. You are true sustainable masters!

Keep updated for our next 2B conferences!🎉

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 24/05/2024


🗓️ Dear 2B members, mark your calendars! On May 27th, our university will host the 17th edition of the highly anticipated CSR Conference.

💚 This year’s highlights:

- Jakub Emanuel Malec, Sustainable Food Manager at Żabka Group
- Grażyna Grot-Duziak, Founder of Mice Expert business consulting
- Joanna Kądziołka, President of the Polish Zero Waste Association, joining us in a unique format

Our aim is to explore diverse perspectives on sustainability while uniting under a shared vision for a better future.

🏆 In addition to enriching discussions and networking opportunities, we will also be awarding Travelife certificates to students who completed the related course in the first semester of their master's degree.

📅 Join us on Monday, May 27th!
🕔 9:30AM
📍 Aula 2A

Remember, knowledge is always in style. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and make a difference. See you there! 💚


Leadership and motivation are born from inspiration 🎤

🗣 Anna Księżnik, CEO of PrimeSpeakers, joined us to share her story from organizing TEDx events to creating a network of experts and top speakers!

🚀 At the meeting, Anna took us through the evolution of PrimeSpeakers, an agency dedicated to connecting powerful speakers, storytellers, and business influencers with event organizers to create unforgettable events.

👩‍🏫 Anna emphasized the importance of having a mentor speaker or guide. She explained how these mentors provide invaluable support, offering expertise, motivation, and practical advice. We have learned that the strongest tool to inspire people and spread knowledge is to share our stories with them!

👏 A huge thank you to Anna Księżnik for an enlightening and motivational session! It was an honor to have you as our !

As we close the series of in this academic year, we encourage you to stay tuned for the rest of the events coming very soon in this semester! 🙌

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 19/05/2024

✈️ Three busy and productive days at IMEX Frankfurt!

🌍 IMEX Frankfurt is where the global meetings, events and incentive travel industry come together annually for the largest trade show of its kind in Europe. IMEX is the whole world in one place - each country has a chance to present itself on a big international platform.

🌟 Three members of 2B Club - students of tourism from Vistula School of Hospitality had the opportunity to attend the show and be in the spotlight of the MICE industry!

👏 They actively participated in the IMEX-MPI-MCI FUTURE LEADERS FORUM, which was opened by Ray Bloom himself, the Chairman of the IMEX group. The two of our students presented their projects in the grand final of the international University Challenge competition and we were invited to the IMEX Awards Ceremony 2024 along with a solemn gala dinner!

🏃‍♀️ Lastly, our students joined this year’s initiative IMEXrun - a 5km long promotional marathon and part of the IMEX Frankfurt well-being program. IMEXrun has a mission of cultivating healthy lifestyle and supporting sustainable initiatives.

💫 IMEX Frankfurt was an unforgettable adventure full of learning, exploring and connecting with people worldwide - as the MPI slogan stands: when we meet we change the world!🚀


Looking for motivation? 👀

🎉 We are inviting you to our final meeting in this academic year, and this time we prepared for you something really special!

🤩 Our guest is Anna Księżnik, the CEO of PrimeSpeakers, and at the meeting Anna will share her captivating journey - from organizing TEDx to creating a huge network of experts and best speakers!

🌎 PrimeSpeakers is an agency that connects powerful speakers, storytellers and business influencers with event organizers to find the best match possible and make each event unforgettable.

🌟 Since 2012, PrimeSpeakers has been implementing its global mission of spreading knowledge and sharing meaningful stories to the world!

🧐 Want to learn from Anna how to build a network of experts and inspire people through storytelling?

Then, see you at the meeting! 👋

📅 May 17th
🕔 5:30 p.m.
📍 Room 221

Don't miss out on the final meeting of the academic year, we are waiting for you!💚


😍 Have you ever wondered how it feels to run the best event agency in Poland?

💎 Our Wojciech Cłapiński knows everything about it! Wojciech holds the position of the Vice-President of the event agency El Padre, and the last week we had a wonderful opportunity to meet him and learn from his rich experience.

🏆 El Padre is celebrating its astounding success – it was recently awarded as the best agency of the year at MP Power Awards 2024! Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?

💡During the meeting, Wojciech navigated us through the history of El Padre and showcased on its example how event agencies function and grow. We learned about the process of organizing events step by step and got some exclusive tips for excelling in the event industry.

🌟One of the most exciting parts of the meeting was looking into some real case events organized by El Padre. We were impressed not only with the scale but also with the creative and innovative ideas that were at the core of the concept in each event.

💚 We are extremely happy to have top MICE professionals as our guests. With every event we expand the horizons even wider and bring our meetings to the next level so that our members make connections with the greatest leaders of the industry!

Next 2B events are around the corner, stay with us for more!✈️

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 30/04/2024

🎓 The University Challenge semifinal was intense! Big shoutout to Ozoda, Yevgeniia, and Nikola for their amazing performances! Each contestant showed their skills and did amazing!

🥳 And congratulations to our Chairwoman Nikola Naus for winning the semifinal. Next stop: IMEX Frankfurt for the finals together with our Vice-president Iga Najdek. We wish you good luck and victory there!

💡The University Challenge is not just a competition; it's a testament to the talent and potential of young leaders like Nikola, Ozoda, and Yevgeniia. So can you! As we head for the IMEX Frankfurt, we look forward to you, our students, to participate in the challenge next year!

🤝 We express our gratitude to the prize sponsors: Suntago and NYX Hotel for providing vouchers for our semi-finalists!

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 29/04/2024

Together, we are shaping the future of our industries!

🌟 At the IMEX-MPI Future Leaders Forum Poland 2024, we were honored to host professionals from various industries who generously shared their expertise and experiences!

💼 We received speeches from 6 speakers, each delivering unique insights into success, career path, and company building!

🗣️ Networking is a key! We understand the singinicance of building connections, which is why we had a networking session for all the 70 guests, where students and 14 industry leaders leaders were building connections!

👏 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each professional who participated, enriching the event! Your willingness to connect with students and support the next generation fosters growth in our community and empowers the leaders of tomorrow!

🏨 We also express our gratitude to the Hotel Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre and the hotel staff for their support and hospitality, contributing to the forum's success! It was a pleasure to host our event at the wonderful 4-star hotel! 💚

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 28/04/2024

We've made it!⚡

✅ After months of preparation and organisation, here we are - successfully hosting an event for 70 amazing guests!

🎯 The IMEX-MPI Future Leaders Forum Poland 2024 was a well-received, and you could feel the energy all around! Our goal was to bring together professionals and young students to connect and support each other, and we've made it!

🌟 We had students from 16 nationalities, 4 universities and professionals from various rich industries sharing inspiring stories about their journeys to success and company building.

🤝 We thank each student who joined us for the event. Your passion to learn is what makes these events to be! Remember, you are the future leaders!

🎶 Thank you for opening and closing the forum with your wonderful performance!

💚 Special thanks to our 2B students who worked hard to make this event happen. Your dedication to build this event is truly invaluable! Thank you for choosing "to be"!


Future Leaders Forum POLAND 2024
Photo: Katarzyna Cegłowska


📢 Calling all participants of the Future Leaders Forum!

🎉 Exciting news awaits for you!

Prepare yourself for an incredible opportunity to engage in LIVE INTERVIEWS with HR manager from Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre Hotel - a flagship brand within one of the leading international Hotel Groups! 🏨

🛎️Offering 4-star high-quality services, a wellness area, a spacious and lively bar, modern Polish-influenced dishes and live music in the hotel restaurant, as well as spacious and soundproofed rooms, Golden Tulip provides a multitude of amenities for its guests in the heart of Warsaw. Doesn't it sound like a dream place to work?😍

📈This is an amazing moment to boost your career and forge invaluable connections within the industry🤝

🤩Who knows, you might just find your perfect fit with the Golden Tulip team!

📄Don't forget to bring your CV along to make the most of this golden opportunity!

Get prepared and ready to shine! 🔥

See you there! 💚

📍Hotel Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre

📅April 22th

🕥 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Let’s congratulate our wonderful students for becoming the semifinalists of the IMEX-MPI University Challenge! 🎉

🌟Yevheniia Honcharuk

🌟Nikola Naus

🌟Ozoda Yusupova

For over 15 years, the International University Challenge has been motivating students to demonstrate their creativity and find solutions to unusual challenges.

The winner of the semifinal at Future Leaders Forum in Warsaw gets an incredible opportunity to compete for the MPI Foundation Scholarship Award at the Grand Final at IMEX 2024 in Frankfurt! 🔥

Let's support our semifinalists and wish them the best luck!🤞

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 15/04/2024

Throwback to the Tourism Promotion Forum that took place on April 11th in Wrocław at Hydropolis! 🌍

Our university's Rector and the Supervisor of the 2B Club, Krzysztof Celuch, along with the chairwoman of the Club, Nikola Naus, participated in a debate on the topic: "Don't share the fate of the dinosaur, or how to rejuvenate personnel in the tourism industry." During the debate, they delved into the pressing issue of how we can bring younger generations into the tourism sector. The discussions revolved around innovative strategies to attract youth, including initiatives led by Vistula School of Hospitality and industry associations- .polandchapter and . Debate's participants shared their experience of recruiting and managing younger talents within their companies.

Also, on April 11th, we celebrated Global Meetings Industry Day , recognizing the vital role meetings and events play in driving economic growth and innovation worldwide. 💯

Huge thanks to .pl for the invitation and to for hosting us. Together at 2B Club, we're shaping the future of tourism personnel in Poland! 💼✨


📣 Attention, students! 📣

🤩 Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure? 2B Club has a wonderful news for you! It is only 8 days left to the IMEX-MPI Future Leaders Forum!

Sessions from professionals, networking with experts, the University Challenge, dose of inspiration, motivation, insights, and positive energy - on one day, in one place!

🏨 Hotel Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre
🗓️ April 22th
🕙 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

💚 You can't miss it! Join the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/957925038502836

Event registration is mandatory and places are limited.

Grupa Uczelni Vistula MPI Poland Chapter


🎉 Have you ever dreamed of organizing remarkable events and creating mind-blowing experiences for the guests?

🌟 Good news, we invite you to our April meeting with the Vice President of the event agency El Padre Wojciech Cłapiński!

🏆 El Padre has been organizing spectacular galas, meetings, conferences and shows for over 20 years. In 2019 and 2020, the agency received the prestigious award “Agency of the Year” granted by MP Power Awards.

🎤 Wojciech Clapinski has not only been one of the leaders of the agency, but also a speaker at famous industry events such as Forum Branży Eventowej and Meetings Week Poland.

💚 Want to learn from Wojciech about career in an event agency?
You are welcome to our next meeting!

📅 Wed, April 24
⏱️ 6:00 p.m.
📍 Room 221

See you soon!🚀


Sharing the recap of the Vistula Compasses Gala!🏆✨

Photos from 2B Turystyka Biznesowa's post 09/04/2024

🧭 The Vistula School of Hospitality joyously celebrated its honorable graduates, proudly unveiling the winners of the "Vistula Compasses 2024" awards!

5⃣ The Vistula Compasses, now in its 5th edition, awards the graduates of the Vistula School of Hospitality for their remarkable accomplishments in the tourism, hospitality, HORECA, dietetics, and meetings industries!

🌍 The gala was held as part of the Global Celebration of the Meetings Industry Day GMID 2024, thereby we had a pleasure to celebrate this significant event for our community!

🤝 Being a global gathering, the gala brought professionals, leaders, and students of VSH, together in one place!

This year, five categories of Compasses were distinguished and awarded to:

⭐ Tourism - winner Sebastian Nasiłowski
⭐ Hospitality - winner Aneta Lewandowska
⭐ Rising Star - winner Paulina Szymczak
⭐ Open - winner Aneta Książek
⭐ International - winner Mariam Metivishvili

💚 Our esteemed 2B Club took on the role of organizing the gala, leaving its mark on the event! We had an opportunity to showcase the club's activities and initiatives to the guests!

🎶 A special thanks to the Vistula Choir for their amazing performances, adding a delightful touch to the evening's atmosphere!

🥳 Warmest congratulations to this year's deserving winners! As we celebrate your achievements, we aspire to follow in your footsteps in the future. So the question to our current students: when will you receive your Vistula Compass award? 👀💚

Grupa Uczelni Vistula

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