Rainbow of Puerto Rico - Página Oficial
Distribuidor e importador exclusivo para PR del sistema de limpieza y purificador de aire Rainbow.
Una oportunidad sin límites para todos
los que sueñan con un futuro mejor.
The new RAINBOW SRX's innovations
include a more powerful 4 speed motor
designed to make cleaning easier and
a timer that allows you to purify the air
inside your bedroom while you sleep.
The Rainbow SRX retains dirt in the water basin and the HEPA H13 filter - and with
the new auto-lift system, it’s even easier
to remove the tank to empty it.
Experience the revolutionary SRX and
you will see why it has no competition.
There’s nothing like it! The Rainbow
cleaning system is in a class by itself.
The One and Only Rainbow SRX is here
and we can do a full demonstration for
FREE in the comfort or your own home.
Call us today to schedule a presentation.
Rainbow® SRX Warranty When you purchase a Rainbow, you are buying many years of product development, continuous improvement and ingenuity. Plus, your Rainbow is supported by Rexai...
👉🏼 Not all HEPA filters are created equal
Do you know what makes the HEPA H13
filter so special? It’s the ability to capture
ultra-fine particles, like viruses, bacteria,
and allergens, ensuring efficient filtration.
Rainbow combines the HEPA H13 with
water filtration to remove 99.97% of all
the contaminants for cleaner, healthier
air in your home.
Share to help more people understand
the Rainbow difference!
Call us today 939 585 8585
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.
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Rainbow Building/Aspiradoras Rainbow, 1750 Fernández Juncos Avenue
San Juan
359 Avenue San Claudio, Cupey Professional Mall, Suite 200 B, PR 00966
San Juan, 00926
Trabaja con Violecia Domestica. Certificaciones: Hipnosis Clinica, Mediacion de Conflicto, Tanato
Avenida San Patricio #832
San Juan, 00921
Centro Neuromuscular del Caribe: El centro más completo de terapias coporales en Puerto Rico y el
San Juan, 00901
Somos distribuidores autorizados de 4Life. Compra de manera segura y rápida. Recibe asesoría personalizada. Tenemos promociones y descuentos en todos los productos.
Carretera #1 Km 25. 5 Bo Quebrada Arenas
San Juan, 00926
La pagina oficial de Farmacia Central Drug. Salud que llega a ti.
San Juan
Health Professional | Generalist Nurse at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico | Educator in health and educational issues | Puerto Rico
San Juan/Cayey
San Juan, 00918
Servicio de Oftalmologia con especialidad en Cornea y Cirugía Refractiva, eliminamos tus espejuelos, mantenemos tus ojos saludables.
Calle Belaval
San Juan, 00602
💋Veniselle Productos de varices eficaces y seguros 💋
Chirino Office Plaza Suite 204-B San Juan
San Juan, 00926
Psicóloga Clínica Licenciada -Servicios de psicoterapia presencial y virtual -Talleres psicoeducativos -Psicoterapia para niños, adolescentes y adultos -Modificación de conducta -H...
Avenida Borinquen #2207
San Juan, 00915
+20 años de experiencia Atendemos los hogares de envejecientes Aceptamos planes médicos
San Juan
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