HR Coach Puerto Rico

HR Coach Puerto Rico

Human Resources Consulting Services. Strategic Planning. Organizational Development. Executive Coaching. Certified Mediator. OKR's Development .

Domestic and International Business Expertise


I've decided to start working on my Scrum Master Certification. And, What is an HR Professional doing within this world? I have always been interested in directly impacting and improving the business from the HR side. From the people side, as a people obsessed professional, I believe that us humans are the principal asset in every company. Without us, there would not be a business. My HR view of what I should accomplish is: how can we equip our people with the right set of competencies that will make customers buy OUR products or services, making a conscious decision, over any other products or services in the market.

In my career, I have achieved great success, and also dealt with not those good situations, from which we all have learned. Remember, that a High Performing Company do not means that 100% of things have been completely successful. Some stuff have not resulted the way the business planned. But the great part of this is the ability of being professionally humble, recognizing what went wrong and why, and standing up again, with more experience and knowledge ready to excel with a great level of Learning Agility.

With professional credentials in Executive Coaching, Business Agility, Cultural Transformation, Team Coaching, DiSC, DiSC Flow, HOGAN, Prosci/Adkar Change Management, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, among others; I was really curious about the Scrum Master Certification, and how it really tied up with professional expertise. It's all about our people. It's all about enabling people talent.

In this Digital World that we are living in, HR needs to be more knowledgeable of the world our employees live in. Our technical Departments, and even our Technical providers are a pivotal piece in the development and growth of the business capabilities to move forward in this Digital Era.

So, here I am, getting Scrum Master Certified to better serve my customers. when you truly understand the environment in which people need to work and succeed, you are then capable of building programs and support putting together processes that will enable a natural continuous improvement environment. Success is inevitable.


Hoy estamos de aniversario numero 27 de una hermosisima aventura llamada matrimonio. los anios mas hermosos de toda mi vida! aventuras, celebraciones, despedidas, felicidad, amor. Gracias Carlos Colon Miray por ser el companero perfecto en esta travesia. TE amo con la vida y con el alma. Hoy comenzamos los proximos 100 anios juntos!


Busco un profesional Freelance para trabajo de Desarrollo de contenido y manejo de redes sociales para uno de mis clientes. Si conoces a alguien que me puedas recomendar, dejame saber!




As a Certified Change Practitioner, I have had some customers approached me with concerns related to the resistance, or the extremely slow pace of their businesses (people) to making important changes in the workplace. One of my first reactions to this question is about Upper Management Behavior and real commitment towards that "change" that they business supposedly needs. Usually, upper management is not committed with what needs to be done in order to achieve the desired future state. The ADKAR methodology requires the real walk the talk, change does not happen in a bubble, happens in everyone's heart. Employee engagement is the result of the human aspect of management. Sustainable change happens when everyone in the business is working towards a real goal, and when we all put our hearts and souls into what needs to be done. If an employee perceives that management care less about what should happen, they will also care less about making a difference.

Depending on the answer my customer shares, then would be the action plan to develop and put in place.

Change is NOT a trend. Change is a natural activity that requires the highest amount of commitment and TEAM WORK, driven by professionals at all levels that really master the needed competencies in Diversity and Inclusion competencies behaviors.

No real commitment + No real trust = ZERO CHANGE


Reflexionando sobre la situación del mercado laboral, sigo pensando en como las empresas en general fallan en aumentar los niveles de "engagement" de los empleados. Continuamos pensando que las cosas vienen de "afuera hacia adentro" . Nuestros gerentes se continúan escogiendo meramente por sus conocimientos técnicos. Si bien es cierto que ese expertise técnico es super importante para la consecución de metas y objetivos, tambien es cierto que es mas importante que dominen su destrezas en el manejo del capital humano. No perdamos de perspectiva que todos absolutamente todos somos empleados, unos con fungimos como contribuidores individuales, otros como líderes formales manejando personas. El interés en la gente no se finge, se siente, se vive y se respira. Cuando expermintas la sinceridad en las relaciones, creas un ambiente de trabajo excepcional. Y en ese ambiente es que la gente crece, es feliz, y desarrolla lazos afectivos positivos hacia el negocio y sus resultados.


No he enviado friend requests nuevos. Debe ser un amig@ de lo ajeno!!!!

Photos from MDjesus-Atelier's post 19/09/2023
Photos from Centro para Puerto Rico Sila M. Calderón's post 07/02/2023

Positivo! siempre positivo, que la historia ha demostrado que todo se supera, que todo continua y que somos fuertes.


En este tiempo que el universo nos esta regalando, tenemos la oportunidad de hacer un ejercicio de "coaching" con nosotros mismos. Te parecerá medio loco, pero ¿alguna vez te has encontrado hablando contigo mismo? Si, ¿verdad? ¿cuantos asuntos resuelves o adelantas tu mismo? La verdad es que la solucion a muchas cosas estan dentro de ti. Solo tienes que buscar, y tener una buena conversacion sincera y honesta contigo mismo. Y, claro, algo que SIEMPRE es crucial para tu crecimiento y desarrollo es una buena sesion de "feedback" Ire compartiendo datos intersantes y actividades para que puedas desarrollar esta destreza contigo mism@. Te adelanto que el Coaching esta instrinsicamente relacionado a CAMBIO! Espero disfrutes las cápsulas que compartire!

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