Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association

The PRSSA is the oldest and largest non-profit, student organization dedicated to promoting statehood for Puerto Rico. Since 1979.

The Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association, Inc. (PRSSA) is an American non-profit student organization, incorporated in Puerto Rico, that promotes Statehood for Puerto Rico. The PRSSA is the largest pro-statehood student organization in the globe. The Association has over 70 chapters in universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and reaches over 5,000 students. The PRSSA waged


Luis A. Ferré. Un gran estadista para nuestros tiempos.


Dos miembros fundadores de PRSSA y un legado inquebrantable de servicio a Puerto Rico. ¡Gracias!


Hoy, uno de los miembros fundadores de la Asociación, y su presidente capitular en Tulane University, juramentó como Gobernador de Puerto Rico. ¡Enhorabuena!


¿Estudias actualmente en alguna universidad del estado de Massachusetts?

Queremos que seas parte del equipo. Nombra tu universidad en los comentarios.


¿Estudias actualmente en alguna universidad del estado de Pensilvania?

Queremos que seas parte del equipo. Nombra tu universidad en los comentarios.

Jóvenes republicanos solicitan la admisión inmediata de Puerto Rico tras resultado del plebiscito 05/11/2020

Jóvenes republicanos solicitan la admisión inmediata de Puerto Rico tras resultado del plebiscito La Juventud Republicana de Puerto Rico celebró la victoria del “Sí” en el plebiscito de estadidad y exigió acción inmediata al Congreso para admitirlo como estado de EEUU.


En memoria del profesor Carlos Colón de Armas, quien con gran entusiasmo compartió sus conocimientos y apoyó a nuestra Asociación.

Que descanse en paz.


Luchar por la igualdad es hacer patria.

“La patria no es bandera, ni es himno, ni es ruido. La patria es esfuerzo creador, es sentido de responsabilidad social, es respeto a la razón y es amor a la libertad.” - Luis A. Ferré

La Constitución de Puerto Rico es un paso hacia la estadidad 25/07/2020

El verdadero significado del 25 de julio.

La Constitución de Puerto Rico es un paso hacia la estadidad La Constitución de Puerto Rico, la cual se celebrará mañana 25 de julio y está en efecto desde 1952, es un paso hacia la estadidad. La constitución cumple con uno de los requisitos que Thomas Jeff…


Do you attend college in the states and want to contribute to Puerto Rico statehood? Now's the time to get active!

Please comment below or send us a private message to get you on board. We're looking forward to working with you!


Si eres un joven estadista matriculado en alguna universidad en los estados y Puerto Rico, ¡queremos que seas parte de nuestro equipo!

Envía un mensaje para más detalles.


Gracias por su respuesta a la convocatoria de reclutamiento de miembros nuevos.

Estaremos comunicándonos para reactivar capítulos y reiniciar la misión de PRSSA.



¿Quieres formar parte de la organización estudiantil estadista más ilustre de Puerto Rico? El momento es ahora y esta es tu oportunidad de aportar al legado de PRSSA y a la causa de la estadidad.

Estaremos reclutando jóvenes universitarios matriculados en universidades y conformando capítulos nuevos a lo largo y ancho de Puerto Rico y los estados continentales.

Miembros interesados favor de comunicarse mediante esta página.


Hoy es el natalicio de Rafael Martínez Nadal, importante líder estadista, republicano y puertorriqueño de la primera mitad del siglo XX.

Un día como hoy nació un gran líder estadista, don Rafael Martinez Nadal.

Rafael Martínez Nadal (1877-1941)

Martínez Nadal fue el líder máximo del movimiento estadista puertorriqueño luego de la muerte de José Celso Barbosa.

Fungió como el tercer Presidente del Senado de Puerto Rico de 1933 a 1941. Previamente fue miembro de la Cámara de Diputados de Puerto Rico y de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico.

Martínez Nadal primero ingresó en el Partido Republicano de Puerto Rico, fundado por José Celso Barbosa. Luego fundó el Partido Constitucional Histórico y fundó y presidió el Partido Unión Republicana

Además de político, fue un empresario en la industria cafetalera, periodista y abogado exitoso.

Nació en 1877 en Mayagüez y a los cinco años fue huérfano. Sus tías paternas lo criaron.

Murió de cáncer en 1941 en Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. Tenía 64 años.

Listo el Gobierno para un nuevo plebiscito 28/02/2019

Listo el Gobierno para un nuevo plebiscito Tras tener una conferencia legislativa, el gobernador Ricardo Rosselló indicó que se presta a celebrar un nuevo plebiscito

Bipartisan Bill Seeks To Make Puerto Rico The 51st U.S. State 28/06/2018

Bipartisan Bill Seeks To Make Puerto Rico The 51st U.S. State “To sum everything up, this is about equality.”

Senator Bill Nelson Endorses Statehood for Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico 51st 28/06/2018

Senator Bill Nelson Endorses Statehood for Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico 51st Senator Bill Nelson, running for reelection in Florida, endorsed statehood for Puerto Rico, saying, “Statehood is the answer.” Nelson has been very vocal about the need to support Puerto Rico... Read more »


PRSSA is initiating the process for the 2018 National Board Elections.

If you are interested in running for any of the National Board positions, please send an inbox message to this page so that we can register you as a candidate.

The Board positions are the following:
National President
Executive Vice-President
Associate Vice-President

PRSSA está comenzando el proceso para las elecciones de la Directiva Nacional

Si estás interesado en aspirar para alguna de las posiciones de la Directiva Nacional, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo via "inbox" a esta página para que te podamos registrar como candidato.

Las posiciones de la Directiva Nacional son las siguientes:
Presidente Nacional
Vice Presidente Ejecutivo
Vice Presidente Asociado

Rick Scott: Puerto Rico should get statehood 04/05/2018

Sen. Bill Nelson Your opponent supports equal rights for the US citizens in Puerto Rico. When will you do the same? Your constituents in Florida are watching and demand that you support statehood for Puerto Rico. Equality is a bipartisan issue!

Rick Scott: Puerto Rico should get statehood Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Tuesday announced his support for Puerto Rican statehood, saying the U.S. should listen to the territory's voters.

Rob Bishop se expresa a favor de la estadidad para la isla 04/05/2018

It's time to turn words into actions.

Ya es tiempo de convertir palabras en acciones.

Rob Bishop se expresa a favor de la estadidad para la isla

Photos from Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association's post 20/01/2018

¡Amigos del sistema UPR! El futuro de nuestro terruño está en tus manos. Como ciudadanos americanos debemos levantar nuestra voz y reclamar igualdad de derechos. ¿Acaso no crees que necesitamos voz y voto en el congreso? ¿Voto presidencial? ¡YA ES SUFICIENTE! Únete, lucha, levanta tu voz y educa junto a nosotros. Escribenos para mas información, el momento de ser un es AHORA.

Photos from Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association's post 05/01/2018

Anoche, la Sociedad Civil Estadista tuvo una fiesta navideña para discutir futuras iniciativas y foros que adelanten el ideal en común. Nuestro Vice Presidente Asociado, Julio Correa, representó a PRSSA. ¡Felices fiestas a todos!

Last night, the Statehood Civil Society had a holiday celebration to discuss future initiatives and forums that promote the common ideal. Our Associate Vice President, Julio Correa, represented PRSSA. Happy holidays to all!


After reviewing the submitted ballots, we are pleased to announce the newly elected 2017-2018 PRSSA Executive Board!

Christian E. Santos González

Executive Vice President
Melanie A. Vargas Vélez

Associate Vice President
Julio Correa

Cristian Andrés Bernaschina

Ramon A. Ramirez

Good luck to all of our new leaders!


Good morning PRSSA members!

The 2017-2018 PRSSA National Elections are officially OPEN until Saturday November 18th at 11:59pm EST. Check your email for instructions on how to vote.

If you think you should have received an email, but didn’t, or if you or someone you know are unable to vote due to factors beyond your control, please contact us at [email protected]

¡Buena suerte!


After a long pause on our electoral processes due to the series of natural disasters that Puerto Rico has endured, we would like to formally announce the final date of the 2017-2018 PRSSA Elections.

Those who registered to vote will receive an email on Thursday November 16th, 2017, where they will find instructions as to how to cast their electronic ballots.

Please let us know if you are aware of any registered voters who still have limited or no access to the internet, so we can take the appropriate steps to make sure their vote counts.

Good luck to all the candidates!

-PRSSA Elections Committee


Due to recent developments regarding Hurricane Irma, the Elections Committee has decided to postpone the 2017 PRSSA National Elections until further notice.

At this time, all of our attention should be directed towards keeping each other safe.


The registration and nomination process for PRSSA's national elections is now closed.

Thank you all who registered to vote, your desire to help brings us one step closer to achieving equality for Puerto Rico, through Statehood.

The candidates for the 2017-2018 PRSSA National Election are as follows:

Christian E. Santos González

Executive Vice President
Melanie A. Vargas Vélez

Associate Vice President
Julio Correa
Jorge Emmanuel Baez-Pagan

Cristian Andrés Bernaschina

Ramon A. Ramirez


Those who registered in time will receive voting instructions via email within the next 24hrs.

If you registered to vote and did not receive an email, please contact us through [email protected]

Best of luck to our candidates and future national leaders!

Pedro D. Rodríguez
PRSSA Elections Committee 2017

PRSSA Membership 2017-2018 27/08/2017

We would like to announce the process for the 2017 Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association National Board Elections.

This year’s elections will be held on September 6-8 2017 online through our election portal.

As before, our Elections Committee will be conducting the process, beginning with the registration of the voters and nomination of candidates. Mr. Pedro Rodríguez has been appointed chairman of the Elections Committee.

Like with years prior, we will be asking members to register to vote, to have a clean slate of eligible members, ensuring that current students are the ones casting votes in the elections. All you need to do is to fill out the registration form below. As long as you are a current student in a high school or university, you will be eligible to vote. As election day approaches, registered voters will receive an email prior to the vote with the instructions and appropriate information.

We encourage you to register as soon as possible to cast your vote. We also encourage you to nominate students to the different positions in the National Board.

The deadline to register and nominate is Sunday, September 2nd, 2017 at 11:59pm.

Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/e65E8mEexc7q3Na92

Nomination form: https://goo.gl/forms/QO8ZFhYwJIq6kstw2

PRSSA Membership 2017-2018 We welcome all students who support the admission of Puerto Rico as a state of our union to register as a member, free of charge. We'll keep you updated with PRSSA events near you! Those who register as members prior to Sunday September 1st 2017 will be eligible to vote for the PRSSA National Electi...


Tremenda oportunidad para nuestros miembros.


ANUNCIO: Si eres estudiante y buscas un internado que te ayude a crecer en el ámbito profesional solicita al Programa de Internados del Departamento de Estado. ¡No te quedes fuera! Busca tu convocatoria accediendo aquí: http://bit.ly/2vPTLnT


La Puerto Rico Statehood Students Association desea conmemorar el natalicio del Dr. José Celso Barbosa. Honramos su legado como hombre puertorriqueño, y como padre del movimiento estadista. Su dedicación ha resultado en una lucha y un ideal que no ha mu**to, ni morirá, hasta que se consiga igualdad plena para nuestra patria.

"Buscamos el bien de la patria por distinto camino, pero con igual patriotismo."


Happy 4th of July from the 3.5 million disenfranchised U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico, who are being governed without their consent.


We want to wish our members a happy 4th of July.

However, this is also a day of reflection.

We must recognize that the founding fathers' ideals will never be truly fulfilled until we put an end to colonialism in this country, and grant equal rights to the 3.5 million American citizens of Puerto Rico.

Dem Party boss backs Puerto Rico statehood 19/06/2017

Chairman of the Democratic Party supports Statehood for Puerto Rico!

Equal rights now!

Dem Party boss backs Puerto Rico statehood that he thinks Puerto Ricans should have the same rights as Americans. He said he personally believes that statehood is the best way to guarantee equal rights and give Puerto Ricans full representation in government.

Timeline photos 14/06/2017

We, the American citizens of Puerto Rico, stand tall today to commemorate . More than a Star Spangled Banner, it is a symbol of liberty, freedom, and democracy for all. The Founding Fathers fought for what it represents and intended for it to be such a symbol.

It is no coincidence that, in , Puerto Rico democratically reiterated their will to end our colonial, territorial relationship with the United States, and their desire to be admitted into the Union as a sovereign state. Only then will we be guaranteed our rights and liberties as U.S. citizens. Only then will we truly be a part of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Today and until our voices our heard, we will fight to put our star in the American flag, and for the will of the people of Puerto Rico to be respected.

Timeline photos 13/06/2017
Timeline photos 10/06/2017


-Senador Marco Rubio (R-Florida)
-Representante Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland)
-Representante José Serrano (D-Nueva York)
-Representante Stephany Murphy (D-Florida)
-Representante Carlos Curbelo (R-Florida)
-Representante Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin)
-Representante Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida)
-Representante Darren Soto (D-Florida)
-Representante Don Young (R-Alaska)
-Representante Tom MacArthur (R-Nueva Jersey)


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Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.


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