Lateral Strategy

Innovation, Human Centric Research, Strategic Consulting Boutique Agency


"When you learn, teach. When you get, give” Maya Angelou.

Me levanté con “flojera” post vacaciones de Pascua y la mente se me fue a las cosas que mas me disfruto de mi trabajo. Procrastinando el arrancar hoy, entré a Linkedin y me encontré este alegre video del trabajo realizado en marzo para Kantaya.

Me motiva enseñar pero enseñar a quien verdaderamente quiere aprender. Terminé pensando en este proyecto en particular, las docentes maravillosas con quienes compartí 3 días y el hermoso trabajo que han logrado las escuelitas de Kantaya en Peru.

Loca por reconectar pronto en la virtualidad para dar seguimiento a las maestras y que me cuenten como lo han puesto en práctica con los niños.

Gracias Quinones por hacer realidad este gran sueño!

Ahora los dejo para aprovechar la MUSA que me regalaron las chicas de Kantaya hoy 💥💥🌱🌱


Aprovecha esta oportunidad en conmemoración a la Semana Mundial de la Creatividad .

¡Regístrate y participa de este taller gratuito de Creative Proble Solving!

¿No sería genial tener un proceso verdaderamente probado y auténtico y para resolver problemas más rápido y crear tus propios resultados ideales? Con la solución creativa de problemas, puede dar pasos firmes y con intensión para hacer realidad tus ideas. Para celebrar la Semana Mundial de la Creatividad, ¡estamos ofreciendo GRATIS nuestro taller “Ser creativo a propósito” el próximo 21 de abril, liderado por Alexandra Suarez-Carlo de Lateral Strategy! ¡Aprende herramientas que puedes aplicar inmediatamente a tus planes! Regístrate:


Un cambio de mindset puede ser transformador.
¡Imagina lo que puede lograr tu equipo de ventas y servicio!
El taller Adopta un se ajusta a todos los niveles organizacionales y tamaños de empresas. Pregunta por la oferta antes de la Semana del Profesional de Ventas:


“Growth mindset es la creencia de que la habilidad para aprender no es dada sino depende del esfuerzo colocado, de la disposición de fracasar y volver a intentarlo con lo aprendido, intuición y optimismo.”

Ted talk de Angela Duckworth

Photos from Lateral Strategy's post 19/12/2022

No te pierdas el workshop que transformará a tu equipo📈 en 2023. Últimos espacios disponibles en enero.
🗓 Reserva:


Proper ex*****on of Design Thinking drives better results and causes extraordinary things to happen within a company: human focus, collaboration, noteworthy ideas, experimentation, taking action, and innovation.

One way to start investing in Design Thinking is to hire a professional facilitator like Lateral Strategy, whose expertise will ensure a seamless adoption of the process. Learn what human centricity means and how this approach can help your business attract more customers!


Planning doesn’t take as much time as worrying does. We love tools 🛠️ and starting our week 🗓️ by writing down what main goals we wish to accomplish guarantee that things get done (and that we don’t impose with requests that take us away from our goals).

Every Monday, we write down what steps need to be taken that week!

If you would like to improve your productivity without working any longer or any harder, comment and we will send you our weekly planning worksheet...

🔥 PRO TIP 🔥: Storyboarding your goals helps visualize the things that need to get done, plus it keeps organization more realistic and fun.

How do you start your week?


Yes, Human Centric Design and Design Thinking are powerful and proven frameworks, and everyone wants to jump into the bandwagon. However, training must be accompanied by a robust innovation company culture and mentality, or else people will not be able to take full advantage of it.

Human Centric practices can change the core of an organization and make it more innovative. Many companies are training leaders, hoping that this alone will result in a more customer centric organization. The question is: is the culture encouraging people to apply the learnings?


We are passionate about Human Centricity and we ❤️ to make things better for users! That’s why we recently became LUMA Institute trainers. Lateral Strategy clients now have access to 36 new tools to work with AND we will now be reaching more corners of the world. Helping people that need a process or some inspiration to keep innovating. By the way, "like” if you are one of them!


🚫Don’t do things that you think would be great. ✅ Find out what your customers think would be great.
🚫Don’t assume you know what is best for your customers. ✅Spend time talking to them and collecting real stories.


Hi there! It’s been a long time since we haven’t spoken! My name is Alexandra Suarez and I am a Human Centric Research Practitioner, that means that I try to understand people at the most basic human level in order to see how a product or service can improve their lives. My job is to help companies innovate by better understanding problems so that solutions address these challenges.

I bring over 15 years of research experience, 10 years of Strategic Planning in Advertising and 7 year as Innovation and Creativity Facilitation.

My life purpose is to get more people to experience the mindsets that make innovation and creativity grow. Would you like to be one of them? Let’s talk! I will offer a free consultation to the first three people who comment a
👍 below.

Jazzed to announce that…(this got me really excited) 🎉 21/09/2021

We are jazzed to announce that... Read the big news here

Jazzed to announce that…(this got me really excited) 🎉                            I am jazzed to announce that I was chosen to become a LUMA Institute trainer.  This is exciting because I believe great partnerships are built on shared beliefs.


For an innovation project to be successful companies must understand the following:

· Innovation is messy, ambiguous, and has many unknowns

· Innovation requires insights (not only data) to create the value that end consumers seek


We are curious to know: Does your job require you to INNOVATE? Is your manager encouraging you to use creativity? How does she/he do it? We’d love to hear from you!


Let’s play! Comment below what is the first word you read


Does this sound familiar?

How feedback is phrased is one of the most common barriers to innovation.

What are phrases you’ve heard that limited your creative potential?


Have you ever practiced these five steps to problem solving? If you have, tell us which step do you think is the most important to understand and why.


Some people say everyone is creative while others have a hard time thinking there is any creativity within them.

What do you think? Is creativity a trait, a skill, a talent, something we are all born with, or something some people learn to develop?

Please share in the comments below. I’m all ears (eyes) 👀.


Your face when you find out that the solutions you were looking for were right in front of you! 😮


We are grateful to work with clients that value our work. Clients that believe in a human centric approach to problem solve. Clients that invest in their teams and co-create with their clients because they see the ROI of working collaboratively.
Clients that are eager to try new approaches and innovate.

Bold clients = Lateral Strategy clients.

Evertec, Inc. and Popular Thank you for believing in us.


In one of our recent posts we asked you to let us know the topics you would like to see discussed by us. Creativity was the BIG WINNER, so we want to start by asking you what is creativity for you?

Please share your definitions in the comments below…


Can you think of three possible solutions for each of them?

Personal problems are difficult to solve, because our own psychological barriers often prevents us from discovering a solution.

Now, try these steps:

🔎Analyze what is causing the problem
👩🏻‍💻Describe the problem in simple terms (as if explaining it to a child)
🤔Think of what would be the ideal state or solution if the problem was somebody elses
✍🏼Develop a sound solution and share it with someone else
👉🏻Do not forget to measure the results.


Are you an entrepreneur? Armed with empathy and perseverance, entrepreneurs take huge courageous steps in other to grow their brands. We commend you for that! We are proud to have helped entrepreneurs add value to their brands throughout our trajectory as a Research, Strategy, and Innovation company. We are seeking a few more to help. If you are an entrepreneur, we would like to offer you a free consultation if you are brave and share with us your entrepreneurial story in the comments👇🏻 below.
What is the bravest thing you have done to succeed?


The other day while I was standing in a long line at the grocery store, I was thinking about how this company could improve the shopping experience for its consumer🤔. I can't help but apply many of the tools that I share in my workshops to daily life. Wherever we turn there is an opportunity for improvement. That day in line I thought of at least five ideas that could work. What common day problems inspire you to brainstorm possible solutions?



🥣Sharing a simple recipe for innovation with our followers, What else would you add? Let’s read your ingredients🥕🌶🍆🍅. Comment below 👇🏻


Today, Lateral Strategy starts a new phase. We want to hear more from you to understand how to best help you. Which of these topics would you like to learn more about? Leave your answer in the comments.


Have you ever wondered what is stopping you from innovating? Here at Lateral Strategy we put more thought into the “why”: Why do we need to innovate? Why are we (the brand, the company) engaging in this project? And why might this become a problem for the consumer?

We believe that the secret to innovation is problem framing. The more accurate you are, the faster you will be able to come up with a solution.


If you're truly interested in providing the best customer service, let your customer talk. Then, show customers you care by acting upon
the feedback you get.


Not every researcher can get you the insights you need to problem solve. Being able to get that for our clients, gets us excited.


Staying curious, spontaneous, and courageous sometimes feels awkward but the rewards of a creative life give sense of purpose to share.

What have you done to nourish your creativity today?


What is the purpose of listening to consumers if no action is taken?

When Lateral Strategy was founded, it was done with the intent to bring in the into the room and provide clients with opportunities to innovate based on human needs. By incorporating and practices into we would bring in more meaningful conversations into the decision making process.

Many clients miss out on opportunities because they treat research as a checkpoint, and take little action to improve performance based on those findings. It is our job as researchers to accelerate the evolution of our practice and to provide clients with the insights that allow them to solve problems with real needs in mind.


3.0 – Don’t just speak their language; become them.

Gen Z'ers are open, visual and their fragmented identities mean that the first thing they say may not be the honest truth. It takes them longer to articulate what matters and often need creative tools to express themselves.

Traditional is passive and was not working with Gen Z. To mend that, we developed a methodology to research, using their gadgets to focus on understanding their natural world.

As Human Centric Researchers, we do research that fits into the participant's lifestyle. For its versatility, quickly became one of our go-to , tools; it engages users effortlessly and allows the researcher to catch the need.

Ask us how using can help you understand your target better!


Equipping your people with creative confidence pays off. Most companies have great human capacity and creativity within their workforce that goes untapped. Creativity is a unique skill with the power to add value, impact customer experience and employee satisfaction. That potential should be leveraged correctly, and Lateral Strategy can help you do just that.


We wrapped up the QRCA Annual Conference with an experiential session called El Recreo, where we guided participants through a reflection on the learnings made throughout the week, then turned those learnings into
powerful insights.


Did you know that the #1 reason for Innovation to fail is lack of understanding of consumer needs? Innovation is growing and will
continue to grow as more companies try to future proof their products and services. In Lateral Strategy, we are Innovation Centric based on solid Human Centric research.


Lateral Strategy is a new breed of Human Centric research and innovation development studio. We have facilitated innovation
development for Fortune 500 companies seeking to become more relevant to the customer they serve. We use Human Centric innovation frameworks to stimulate collaboration, problem-solving and creative thinking.


According to the Interaction Design Foundation, Design Thinking (DT) is “an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions…”All types of professionals and industry insiders can benefit from incorporating Design Thinking into their work, from artists and writers to engineers and scientists. It’s a mindset that positions the target user at the core, along with a solutions-based approach, in order to solve challenging problems.


“Proper research drives us into the future, preventing our products and even our company from becoming obsolete. Lateral Strategy is basically a liaison for product teams to ensure we are actually listening to the problems from our clients point of view. Their insights have helped us innovate and gain market share".
- Client testimonial


Yes, we do market research well, but that is not what makes us valuable to clients. We are known for bringing in insights that inspire solution finding, for making presentation engaging and for inspiring action. We don’t want our research work to be filed, we want you to challenge assumptions and print opportunities right in front of your desk so that a solution inspired by the consumers’ understanding pops out.

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