Wine Eccentrics Portugal

We founded Vinhos Cortém in 2005 which we sold last year. We will continue to make wine on a small

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 28/09/2023

Here are some great fotos taken by Wendy who with Nuno, Fernando and friends, helped us pick the Touriga Nacional in our old field Cova last Saturday. It`s great to see a field of old vines. Each one has its own character. The grapes, a bit overripe (13,8alc) but fine for our blend with the Jaen from the same vineyard. We finished just in time for a nice lunch at Zé Povinho in Imaginario! Thank you all for a great day!!!,

Aqui ficam algumas excelentes fotos tiradas pela Wendy que com Nuno Fernando e amigos nos ajudaram a vindimar a Touriga Nacional na nossa antiga vinha Cova no passado sábado. É ótimo ver um campo de vinhas velhas. Cada um tem seu próprio caráter. As uvas, um pouco maduras (13,8alc), mas ótimas para o nosso blend com o Jaen da mesma vinha. Terminamos bem a tempo para um belo almoço no Zé Povinho no Imaginário! Obrigado a todos por um ótimo dia!!!,

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 10/09/2023

Our first grape harvest was on Friday with our neighbours in Cortém , Wendy and Nuno and Fernando and ouselves. a small team but the same feeling as the big group of friends we used to have.
As always.... Coffee at the house, then picking and a great lunch at the Zé Povinho Restaurant.
Above all good grapes for our special blend JAEN TOURIGA NACIONAL. and a nice day with good friends. Thank you all, more next week!
A nossa primeira vindima foi na sexta-feira com os nossos vizinhos de Cortém, Wendy e Nuno e Fernando e nós próprios. uma equipe pequena, mas com o mesmo sentimento do grande grupo de amigos que tínhamosnos an os atras.
Como sempre.... Café em casa depois vindima e depois um excelente almoço no Restaurante Zé Povinho em Imaginario.
Acima de tudo boas uvas para o nosso blend especial
JAEN TOURIGA NACIONAL. e um bom dia com bons amigos. Obrigado a todos, mais na semana que vem!


Wine eccentrics newsletter Sommer 2023




Last Sunday we went to the AVINHAI at Quinta da Murta, A wonderful afternoon hosted by Joana and family with wines from local wine makers who we all know well.
Good friends, excellent wines, and an old Quinta with unique architecture which we hope you can anjoy in the video
Thank you all!

Domingo passado fomos ao AVINHAI na Quinta da Murta, Uma tarde maravilhosa recepcionada pela Joana e família com vinhos de produtores locais que todos conhecemos bem.
Bons amigos excelentes vinhos, e uma Quinta antiga com arquitectura única que esperamos que possam apreciar no video
Obrigado a todos!

Our local restaurant, very special in many ways! - Review of Restaurante Ti'ascencao, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal - Tripadvisor 14/05/2023

The good life is all about community with friends, with good things and places to enjoy together. Our local restaurant Ti´ Ascenção in Fanadia is one of those places we always go back to for good food and company. I just did a review for Tripadvisor which I think describes it well. Sunday lunch there today with friends from Finland was excellent. .html

Our local restaurant, very special in many ways! - Review of Restaurante Ti'ascencao, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal - Tripadvisor Review of Restaurante Ti'ascencao, Caldas da Rainha: Our local restaurant, very special in many ways!

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 29/04/2023

Our friend and sommelier Clas Runnberg from Sweden just sent us this foto of a tasting they did recently with Pinot Noirs from many different countries. see foto below of the wines tasted. And he said this:-

"…and your 2015 Pinot Noir turned out to be one of the most preferred wines in a rather broad line up."

Thank you Clas and we hope to meet you here again soon!

Here in Cortém weare working hard planting new vines and renewing the vineyards we have.
In the end we hope to have 2Ha of vineyards. enough to experiment with new flavours and blends.

Our new brand already registered and "on the barrel" is ARS VITIS.. The Art Of The Vine.

Nosso amigo e sommelier Clas Runnberg da Suécia acaba de nos enviar esta foto de uma degustação que fizeram recentemente com Pinot Noirs de diversos países. veja abaixo a foto dos vinhos provados. E ele disse isto:-

"... e seu Pinot Noir 2015 acabou sendo um dos vinhos preferidos em uma linha bastante ampla."

Obrigado Clas e esperamos encontrá-lo aqui novamente em breve!

Aqui em Cortém trabalhamos arduamente plantando vinha nova renovando as vinhas que temos.
No final esperamos ter 2Ha de vinha. o suficiente para experimentar novos sabores e misturas.

A nossa nova marca já registada e "no barril" é ARS VITIS.. The Art Of The Vine.

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 11/04/2023

At Christmas time we sent six Cortém wines to Clark Smith, the famous winemaker and author of the book “Post Modern Winemaking" for him to taste. He has tasted 3 of them with his journalist friend Dan Berger.
Thank you both for your detailed and very positive comments especially for the Syrah which was a small lot of only 800 bottles from our COVA vineyard.

This is what they had to say:-

From Clark:-
Dan and I tasted three wines at lunch:

2015 Amber SB/Viognier-wonderful mouthfeel with great acidity. We loved that, but the nose was simple and dull. Seems like a warm fermentation. I’m not sure Viognier is good for this style, though the SB’s acidity saves it.

2017 Jean / Touriga was very tasty – intriguing young, complex fruity nose and good acidity in the mouth, surprising for your climate.

The 2017 Syrah was a big step up – one of the best Syrahs we’ve ever had – very profound nose you can’t stop falling into. Loads of black pepper in the mouth, which is very refined and stylish.

From Dan:-
Chris and Helga:
I’m in complete agreement with Clark on the Wines, in particular because they represent remarkably sensitive winemaking when it comes to the overall acidity. Far too many American (California!) efforts seem to be made for the masses, most of which think of wine as a cocktail and not as a food companion. Your Syrah in particular is remarkable in a couple of ways that I cannot, for reasons of space, explain in detail, but what you have here in addition to being classically styled is a wine that really has amazing durability and will be in much better shape in 6 to 10 more years. There are almost no examples extant in California of a wine like this, and if there were I would most certainly write about it glowingly. The differences between European style wines and California styled wines are significant, and it always comes down for me to how much acidity the wine retains so that it can be properly served with food. That wine is exemplary.

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 09/04/2023

Here in Cortém very warm summer days are already here and nature is responding. All the trees suddenly have leaves and nature is already racing to fruition. We are in a hurry too! We have redone our Cova vineyard which made our very first wines in 2006 and some good ones too over the years, Jaen, Touriga Nacional, Syrah..
We have replanted the Jaen where some vines we have died and added some more. This Jaen is our favourite and with Touriga Nacional its floral notes combine with the rather heavy Touriga to give a powerful but easily enjoyable wine.
We are making wine again and will bring out our first wine from 2022 later this year under our new brand ARS VITIS. We have changed our barrel at the front of the house to reflect this change. Let’s see how things turn out and enjoy the days as they come and pass by, thinking of good friends past and present as we go.
Take care all

xx Chris & Helga

Aqui em Cortém os dias de verão bem quentes já se fazem sentir e a natureza responde. Todas as árvores de repente têm folhas e a natureza já está correr para a fruição. Nós também estamos com pressa! Repararmos a nossa vinha da Cova que produziu os nossos primeiros vinhos em 2006 e alguns bons também ao longo dos anos, Jaen, Touriga Nacional, Syrah..
Replantamos o Jaen onde algumas videiras morreram e adicionamos mais algumas. Este Jaen é o nosso favorito e com Touriga Nacional as suas notas florais combinam com a Touriga bastante pesada para dar um vinho poderoso mas facilmente agradável.
Estamos fazer vinho novamente e lançaremos nosso primeiro vinho de 2022 ainda este ano sob nossa nova marca ARS VITIS. Mudamos nosso barril na frente da casa para refletir essa mudança. Vamos ver como as coisas acontecem e aproveitar os dias que vêm e passam, pensando nos bons amigos do passado e do presente enquanto passamos.

abraços a todos

xx Chris & Helga

Advanced Red Winemaking for Seasoned Professionals 04/04/2023

Clarke Smith red winemaking course now online, a must for us all!
Curso de vinificação de tintos de Clarke Smith agora online, uma obrigação para todos nós!

Advanced Red Winemaking for Seasoned Professionals Advanced Red Winemaking for Seasoned Professionals - Description


Spring is always amazing and yes (sorry) it is awesome! It all happens so quickly now. Our Wysteria never ceases to amaze us.....from nothing to full bloom in seven days!


In the last two weeks we have been renovating our Cova vineyard, taking out dead vines, planting new Jaen, and adding a few Touriga Franca in the spaces. Some of our best wines were made from these grapes. Now we will be able to make two blends and a Syrah from this vineyard.
Planting went well helped by Rodolfo and his father Fernando. We invented a plastic tube which holds the vine and roots as you insert it into the hole. in this way the roots point down and are not bent up inside the hole. We planted 300 Jean . we were able to water the vines as we have a water mine and used the water and a very long hose!

Nas últimas duas semanas temos vindo a renovar o nosso campo de Cova tirando vinhas mortas, plantando novas Jaen, e adicionando algumas Touriga Franca nos espaços. Alguns dos nossos melhores vinhos foram feitos a partir destas uvas, agora poderemos fazer dois lotes e um Syrah desta vinha. O trabalho correu bem com Rodolfo e seu pai Fernando. Inventamos um tubo de plástico que segura a videira e as raízes conforme você a insere no buraco. assim as raízes apontam para baixo e não ficam dobradas dentro do furo, agora resolvido! Plantamos 300 Jean. conseguimos regar as cepas porque temos uma mina de água e usamos a água e uma mangueira muito comprida!

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 21/01/2023

Simplesmente Vinho is coming again at its old venue at the Alfandega Porto. If you are a wine enthusiast/lover it is really worth the trip to spend a day or more at the show, where all Portugal´s innovative winemakers as well as some from other countries will be present. A nice hotel within walking distance is the Via Galé Ribeira.
O Simplesmente Vinho regressa ao seu antigo espaço na Alfandega Porto. Se é um entusiasta/amante do vinho vale mesmo a pena a viagem para passar um dia ou mais na feira, onde estarão presentes todos os enólogos inovadores de Portugal e alguns outros paises tambem. Um bom hotel a uma curta distância é o Via Galé Ribeira.

Gimme Shelter (The Rolling Stones) feat. Taj Mahal | Playing For Change | Song Around The World 29/12/2022

Gimme Shelter (The Rolling Stones) feat. Taj Mahal | Playing For Change | Song Around The World We kindly invite you to support Playing For Change and access free downloads and exclusive videos:"Gimme Shelter" is a track...


Desejamos vos um Natal muito feliz "Boas Festas" e um Ano Novo excelente em 2023 e obrigado por todas as coisas boas em 2022. até breve beijinhos Chris e Helga


Christmas Greetings 2022 -
Warmest greetings from Chris & Helga here in Cortem, and hoping to see you in 2023. Let`s keep in touch.


Exciting music and exciting wines, from Cortém of course.
The 2017 wines now on sale are quite special, an excellent year and harvest and now the wines that tell the story. We love the Cortém Selection 2017 and the Jaen Touriga Nacionall 2017 but all have something special to offer. Visit the shop here in Cortém or buy online: or in Estado Liquido in Caldas
Música emocionante e vinhos emocionantes, de Cortém claro.
Os vinhos de 2017 agora à venda são muito especiais, um excelente ano e vindima e agora os vinhos que contam a história. Adoramos o Cortém Selection 2017 e o Jaen Touriga Nacionall 2017 mas todos têm algo de especial para ofereçer. visite a loja aqui em Cortém ou compre online: , ou na loja Estado Liquido em Caldas.


VIDAIS. I found this in the public library in Caldas. It is an interesting page from the Gazeta de Caldas 1928 giving detailed info about Vidais as well as how much produce was made in 1920. Vidais made much more wine than the other parishes 5,000 000 Litre annually, so it says says, as well as 1,000,000Kilo potatoes and many other interesting things.
Wishing you all a nice weekend Chris & Helga

Encontrei isso na biblioteca pública de Caldas. É uma página interessante da Gazeta de Caldas 1928 que dá informação detalhada sobre Vidais bem como a quantidade de produtos produzidos em 1920. Vidais fazia muito mais vinho do que as outras freguesias, 5.000 000 Litros anuais em 1920 assim diz, também como 1.000.000Kilo de batatas e muitas outras coisas interessantes.
Bom fim da semana a todos Chris & Helga


SULPHITES IN WINE I just came upon this article on the NATIVO website , an organic winery in South Africa, Its a good and honest read about the effect of sulphites in wine on the wine drinker.
Personally I do not believe that a headache Wine
" Chateau Migráne " is primarily caused by sulphites in the alllowed levels. Treatment of the vines with pesticides and herbicides as well as other additives used in the non organic winery can enter the wine. Also people can be allergic to tannins and cannot drink red wine fro example. Anyway have good read

Hughes Family Wines | Sulphites in my organic wine? | Nativo Sulphites in my organic wine? Sulphites in my organic wine? There are many reasons a person is attracted to any organic product, most of which have to do with health and environmental impact. The explosion of awareness regarding where our food comes from and what’s in it, as well as it how it impa...

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 22/10/2022

VINDIMA 2022 FINISHED! We have just finished pressing this year`s wines and cleaning up. It has been great to make wine again after 2 years and to have the help of Rodolfo, a good friend who has helped us many times over the years.
We also bought grapes this year, some Syrah and Touriga Nacional from an organic winery east of here. We have kept the lots separate so we can taste the diffrence and ther really is a big difference in taste even between the lots made from the same grape variety. The wines taste promising but we will wait for the malolactic ferentation to finish, then we can get a better idea of what they will be like. Wishing you all a great weekend and some quiet days, Chris & Helga
Here are the wines see below

VINDIMA 2022 FINALIZADO! Acabamos de prensar os vinhos deste ano e limpar a adega. Foi ótimo voltar a fazer vinho depois de 2 anos e contar com a ajuda de Rodolfo, um grande amigo que nos ajudou muitas vezes ao longo dos anos.
Também comprarmos uvas este ano, algumas Syrah e Touriga Nacional de uma produtor biologico a leste daqui. Mantivemos os lotes separados para que possamos provar a diferença e realmente há uma grande diferença de sabor mesmo entre os lotes feitos da mesma variedade de uva. Os vinhos têm um sabor promissor mas vamos esperar que termine a fermentação maloláctica para ter uma ideia melhor de como serão. Desejando a todos um ótimo fim de semana e alguns dias tranquilos, Chris & Helga

Aqui estão os vinhos

Touriga Nacional (bought grapes)
Syrah (bought grapes)
Field blend Cortém, Cova vineyard. Syrah. Touriga Nacional

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 10/10/2022

SOME NICE (FRENCH) WORDS ABOUT ONE OF OUR WINES. We have been sending our wine labels to a french collector for the last two years. Friends of ours who visit him in Burgundy take the labels and he sends us some lovely bottles to drink in return. He is also a connoisseur of french wines. Last time we also sent him some of our wines to taste. Here are his comments he sent back to us, especially about the Jaen Touriga Nacional 2017.

"Nous avons eu la chance d'avoir quelques flacons du Portugal. Vins que nous ne connaissions absolument pas.
Tout d'abord nous avons gouté le Tannat, puis le Merlot et le Cabernet Sauvignon, et nous nous sommes arrêtés sur la Syrah. Vin splendide goût de fruits murs, un grand vin de garde.

Mais pour finir nous avons dégusté un Jaen Touriga Nacional de 2017.
Ce vin est sublime, il possède un équilibre et une puissance formidable, des arômes de fruits noirs, murs, intenses, une bouche ronde avec des tanins remarquables et une belle longueur. C' est un vin concentré, harmonieux et il a un bel avenir devant lui.
Merci au vigneron qui a produitce grand vin.
Pierre Beller
le Tronchet
71330 Frangy en Bresse

Tivemos a oportunidade de ter algumas garrafas da Cortém de Portugal. São vinhos dos quais não sabíamos absolutamente nada.
Primeiro provamos o Tannat, depois o Merlot e o Cabernet Sauvignon, e nos estabelecemos no Syrah. Um vinho esplêndido com sabor a fruta madura, um óptimo vinho para deitar.
Mas para terminar provamos um Jaen Touriga Nacional de 2017.
Este vinho é sublime, tem um tremendo equilíbrio e poder,aromas de frutos pretos, maduros, intensos, boca redonda comtaninos notáveis ​​e bom comprimento. É um vinho concentrado,
harmonioso e tem um futuro brilhante pela frente.
Obrigado ao enólogo que produziu este grande vinho.

We were lucky to receive a few bottles from Cortém in Portugal, wines that we knew absolutely nothing about.
First we tasted the Tannat, then the Merlot and the Cabernet Sauvignon,and we settled on the Syrah, a splendid wine with a taste of ripe fruit, a great wine for laying down.

But to finish we tasted a Jaen Touriga Nacional from 2017. This wine is sublime, it has tremendous balance and power, aromas of black fruits, ripe, intense, a round mouth with remarkable tannins and good length. It is a concentrated wine, harmonious and it has a bright future ahead of it.
Thanks to the winemaker who produced this great wine.

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 04/10/2022

What happened to all those grapes?! The grapes are now fermenting well in our tubs see the fotos. You can see the carbon dioxide from the yeast activity pressing up the plastic sheet. which is sealed by an elastic cord round the tub. We always do it this way, punching down twice a day by pulling back the sheet also to temporarily to allow oxygen into the must. We think covering the tubs is a good idea for the following reasons.

1. It keeps the cap moist allowing the yeast to ferment the skins even if they are not submerged.
2. Water and alcohol vapour and aromas stay in the tub and do not evaporate.
3. Flies, carriers of acetic acid bacteria (vinegar!) do not get into the tub.
4. A parallel carbonic maceration takes place
5. Our fermentaion takes 3-4 weeks in the tub on skins. The sealed covering protects the wine when fermentation is very slow at the end before pressing.

O que aconteceu com todas aquelas uvas?! As uvas estão agora a fermentar bem nas nossas dornas, veja as fotos. Vocês podem ver o dióxido de carbono da atividade da levedura puxando dem cima a folha de plástico, que é vedado por um cordão elástico ao redor da dorna. Sempre fazemos assim, pisando a uva duas vezes por dia, puxando a folha para trás também para permitir a entrada de oxigênio no mosto. Achamos que cobrir as dornas é uma boa ideia pelas seguintes razões.

1. Mantém a capa úmida permitindo que a levadura fermente as peles mesmo que não estejam submersas.
2. Os vapores e aromas de água e álcool ficam na cuba e não evaporam.
3. Moscas, portadoras de bactérias do ácido acético (vinagre!) não entram na dorna.
4. Ocorre uma maceração carbônica paralela.
5. Nossa fermentação leva de 3 a 4 semanas na dorna com as peles. A cobertura selada protege o vinho quando a fermentação é muito lenta nos dias finais antes da prensagem.

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 03/10/2022

VINDIMA 2022. For the first time in 3 years we picked our own grapes again in our Cova field. it was not just the grapes. We had our good friends and the same team who had picked with us before, so it was very Dejá Vu and emotional.
As usual we met at the house at 9:00 am for coffee and croissants and Helga´s fig and walnut creation and strengthened we went down and picked all the grapes (Touriga Nacional and Syrah). we finished just in time for lunch at the Ti Asçensão Restaurant with João´s lovely food and Monica to look after us.
Thank you all for a great and memorable day! Chris & Helga

Pela primeira vez em 3 anos vindimarmos novamente as nossas próprias uvas no nosso campo Cova. Não eram apenas as uvas. Tínhamos os nossos amigos e a mesma equipa que havia vindimado conosco em anos passados. Então foi muito “Dejá Vu” e emocionante.
Como de costume nos encontramos em casa às 9h00 para café e croissants e criação de figo e nozes da Helga e fortalecidos descemos e vindimarmos todas as uvas (Touriga Nacional e Syrah). Terminamos bem a tempo para almoçar no Restaurante Ti Asçensão com a comida deliciosa do João e a Mónica a cuidar de nós.
Obrigado a todos por um grande e memorável dia! Chris e Helga

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 22/09/2022

We started the grape harvest this week and are half way through. Its nice to be back making wine and we think there will be some good wines coming with Syrah, Touriga Nacional grapes and a touch of Jaen. We are keeping our wine making methods we used to make wine at Cortém. Anyway first pics of our adega revived and our new Jolly 25 destemmer crusher and time for a glass of wine with José Matos and his son who passed by as we were cleaning up.... More soon

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 16/09/2022

From Saturday to Sunday there is a wine show in Alenquer dedicated to Lisbon wines. There are about 50 of the best portuguese producers there as well as live music during the day, restaurants and various tasting events and at night a live group. It is an excellent opportunity to get ot know Lisbon wines and have a nice day out. Tastings are free of course! We will be there again on Sunday. Here a few pics of the opening ceremony on Thursday evening, with the presence of the Confraria dos Vinhos de Estremadura of which I am a member

Photos from Wine Eccentrics Portugal's post 13/09/2022

WE are very excited about our Roman Ruin project.Terence Austin is going to do a mural for us which blends into the Roman arch we made. See the first mock up he did.The real arch is on the right, his mural is the bridge and stream. Our parish Vidais already has a roman bridge with a stream! see fotos below.
Estamos muito animados com nosso projeto Ruina Romana.
Terence Austin vai fazer um mural para nós que combina com o arco romano que construimos. Veja a primeira maquete que ele fez. O arco real está à direita, seu mural é a ponte e o riacho. Vidais tem tambem uma ponte Romana verdadeira com um riacho! ver os fotos.

Quer que o seu negócio seja a primeira Empresa De Alimentos E Bebidas em Caldas da Rainha?
Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Last Sunday we went to the AVINHAI at Quinta da Murta, A wonderful afternoon hosted by Joana and family with  wines from...
Spring is always amazing and yes (sorry) it is awesome! It all happens so quickly now. Our Wysteria never ceases to amaz...
In the last two weeks we have been renovating  our Cova vineyard, taking out dead vines, planting new Jaen, and adding a...




Rua Joao Alves 37-39, Cortém
Caldas Da Rainha

Outra Adega/Vinha em Caldas da Rainha (mostrar todos)
Vinhos Cortém - Organic Wines From Portugal Vinhos Cortém - Organic Wines From Portugal
Rua Joao Alves 37-39, Cortém
Caldas Da Rainha, 2500-741

Our cool maritime climate is helping us make wines with authentic and complex tastes and aromas, without the taste of oak. The wines are easy to enjoy and once opened Cortém bottl...