Kinetikos Health

mKinetikos app improves the quality of life of people with Parkinson's through continuous monitoring.

Digital health company revolutionising the standard of care for Movement Disorders

Empresa de saúde digital a revolucionar o processo de decisão clínica das Doenças do Movimento.


Read the full article on LinkedIn, which was written to mark April 29, , and to spotlight two outstanding initiatives aimed at utilizing dance's transformative potential to improve the quality of life for Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. 🩰💃
DDance for PD ®MMark Morris Dance GroupDDance for Parkinson's AustraliaDDancing with Parkinson's Canada


Story 11/11

🚴‍♂️ Today, on World Parkinson's Day, we introduce you the last of the 11 stories. Joaquim Pimenta is Portuguese and was diagnosed with PD at the age of 55. Despite his diagnosis, Joaquim Pimenta has found that physical exercise is a great ally and something that helps him cope with the adversities of the disease.

The whole story is written both in English and Portuguese.
(A história complete está escrita em português e em inglês) #?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_publishing_post_edit%3BlzvA19UkQdua%2B81ujNvncQ%3D%3D


Story 10/11

Read the story - both in English and French - of Bertrand Delhom , a sailor with 's Disease who is crewing aboard Neptune in the Ocean Globe Race.
His motto, "Who dares will live," means, "We must continue to fight with our own means as long as life is here."

Histoire 10/1

Découvrez l'histoire - en anglais et en français - de Bertrand Delhom , un navigateur affecté par la maladie de Parkinson qui participe à l'Ocean Globe Race à bord de Neptune.
Sa devise, "Qui ose vivra", signifie "Nous devons continuer à nous battre avec nos propres moyens pendant que la vie est là".


Story 9/11

Nine years ago, in 2015, Chris Hamper , at the time with 57 year-old, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease ( ). Despite the diagnosis, he didn't let PD stop him from .

Read the whole story here: #?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_publishing_post_edit%3BcbVG13nrQ8OhR%2BIGhaJCqA%3D%3D


Story 8/11

At 41, after being diagnosed with 's disease, the Fabio Dwyer faced the daunting fear of never strumming his guitar again. Despite his compromised physical health, he tirelessly sought new ways to play guitar with just one hand. However, as the disease progressed, his right-side motor skills deteriorated completely. It wasn't until October 2021, with surgery, that the flicker of hope reignited, offering Fabio the opportunity to grasp his guitar once more. The Brazilian musician, who has been based in Toronto, , since 2011, says that the surgery has given him the chance to live a third life.

Read the full story here:


Story 7/11

On 2024, read the story of Kabugo Hannington , the founder of Parkinson’s Si Buko Uganda Project - an organization that aims to fight the stigma associated with this neurological condition by promoting education among health professionals and also the population.

Read the full story here:


Story 6/11

🎩✨ Read the inspiring story of the Spanish magician Tomás Asenjo Martínez (aka, Mago Tomy Gárgoles), who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease three months ago, at the age of 58. 💫

Known by many as Mago Tomy Gárgoles, Tomás Asenjo Martínez had spent a lifetime captivating audiences with his magical performances. His life changed three months ago, at the age of 58, when he became aware that the tremor in his left leg, that seemed to have "no apparent reason", was actually caused by Parkinson's disease.

The tremor, seemingly innocuous at first, led Tomás to visit a doctor. Having undergone L3-L4 surgery, he initially thought it might be related to his sciatic nerve. Nevertheless, a CT scan and neurologist consultations led to the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease.

The news hit Tomás like a wave, a mix of fear, frustration, and uncertainty. He wondered, "Now what?", as he struggled to accept the truth of his diagnosis. But in the middle of the emotional tornado, Tomás made the choice: "Let's get back to reality."

"It's up to me to face this challenge," Tomás resolved. In order to achieve this goal, Tomás is committed to “work, enjoy every day” and do his best “to alleviate the consequences of this disease. “Whatever will be, will be. I don't want negativism in my life. That’s the way I have told my family, friends and acquaintances that I have made along the way.”

Even with some uncertainty about the future, Tomás is determined to live each day with a high dose of optimism and to maintain his current life– working, enjoying his hobbies, and cherishing time with family and friends. Tomás found that the true magic was not in the tricks themselves, but in the fact that “life is wonderful”.

To those facing a similar journey, Tomás offered his advice: "Life goes on, and there are always worse things. Stay optimistic, work towards happiness, and never lose sight that life is wonderful. Face reality and be happy.”

* Kinetikos would like to thank Asociación Parkinson Madrid for the help in collecting this testimony.


Story 5/11

Jim Redmond's story is an allusion to the power of tenacity and perseverance. Through his love for , he not only defies Parkinson's, but he also encourages people to face life's obstacles head-on with determination. On the open road, amidst the whir of wheels and the rush of wind, Jim Redmond found his way to live life to the fullest.

Read the full story bellow

Jim Redmond's life unexpectedly changed when he got a 's Disease diagnosis at the age of 44. The onset of a series of puzzling symptoms, including sensitivity to light, dizziness, frequent stumbles while jogging, and tremors in his right pinky finger, followed by tremors in his ring and middle fingers, revealed itself as Parkinson's disease, leaving Jim feeling his life was over.
"I thought I was going to deteriorate so quickly that I would only be able to do things within a year or two, or it would be too late because I wouldn't be able to do anything physically anymore. After a couple of months and having researched ways to combat the disease (exercise, stretching, diet, and medication), which actually contributed to feeling better, it seemed like I was going to be the person who would beat Parkinson's Disease. As it turns out, both feelings were absolutely wrong.”
However, Jim wasn’t ready to simply give up. The former high school teacher of Social Sciences and volleyball coach had always been passionate about staying active. When faced with Parkinson's, he turned to his love for as both a form of therapy and a platform for raising awareness. Jim immersed himself in research, discovering the profound impact of exercise on Parkinson's symptoms. , instead of , became not just a hobby, but a lifeline. "Cycling became my way of pushing back against Parkinson's and showing others that life doesn't have to stop with a diagnosis”, he reflects.
In 2022, Jim embarked on an extraordinary journey across Canada, cycling 8000 km as part of the . Along the way, he shared his story with fellow riders and communities, raising awareness about and inspiring others with the same diagnosis.
Buoyed by the success of the tour, Jim, along with companions Mike Loghrin and Lloyd Taylor, set their sights on an even greater challenge: the Spinning Wheels Relay to End Parkinson's, which is powered by U-Turn Parkinson’s (). This ambitious relay, slated for July 27 of 2024, will cover 12000 km with teams starting from opposite ends of Canada and converging in Ottawa for a grand Parkinson's Disease Awareness Rally.
"We wanted to show the world that Parkinson's doesn't have to be the end of the road," Jim explains. "Through cycling, we're not just raising awareness; we're proving that life with Parkinson's can still be full of adventure and purpose."
Beyond his epic cycling endeavours, Jim launched a podcast, "Spinning Wheels, Parkinson's Conversations with Jim Here”, where he shares stories of resilience and positivity. The podcast “offers a realistic view of living with the disease but also highlights the triumphs and positive attitudes of people that help make living with Parkinson's just a bit better”.
Despite the challenges Parkinson's presents, Jim remains undeterred. His daily routine revolves around cycling, exercise, and connecting with the Parkinson's community, through a support group that meet once a month.
For those facing a new Parkinson's diagnosis, Jim has a simple message: “The first thing I would advise is to take some time, either just by yourself or with your family. There are going to be so many emotions flooding in that they will need to be felt and addressed. Taking some time away can also help you get a game plan together about potential life changes, like adding exercise to your daily routine. It will also give you time to reflect on how you feel about working and how you feel about the different Parkinson's treatment options that are available.”


Story 4/11

Watch the video ( with the touching story of Robbie Tucker Music, a Canadian singer and songwriter who was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (PD) at just 28 years old.

Despite the challenges, Robbie (now with 47) has continued to create music, releasing his 13th album titled "WTF is Happiness" in 2023.

In March of 2024, he underwent a DBS surgery, and he's feeling almost as good as he did before his diagnosis of PD.

Robbie hasn't performed live since 2007, but with the hope that DBS brings, he's optimistic about returning to the stage.

In this video, we included one of Robbie's songs, "Hope is all we have", as we delve into his inspiring story of resilience, which reveals the power of music and hope.


Story 3/11

LaMonica journey with Parkinson's disease ( ) is not just a personal struggle, but a story of resilience, advocacy, and unwavering determination. Kristi's life took unexpected turns, leading her on a path where she defied the odds and emerged as a beacon of hope for many women facing similar challenges. Kristi LaMonica's story is not defined by her diagnosis but by her unwavering spirit and determination to make a difference.

Read the full story here: #?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_publishing_post_edit%3B%2FQGg7mReQNOQmtET4ahhVw%3D%3D


Story 2/11

This story encapsulates Rune Vethe's journey from diagnosis to becoming a dedicated advocate for Parkinson's awareness and exercise. The following text highlights his resilience, determination, and the positive impact of physical activity on his life.

Even before his 's diagnosis in 2009 at the age of 34, Rune Vethe was an active person, deeply involved in sports. He tells he started feeling rigidity in his hand and wrist, noticing the subtle changes in his body. "I remember trying to turn my fork while eating, struggling with simple tasks," Rune recalls.
The realization that something was wrong prompted him to seek medical help. After a visit to his GP and a subsequent appointment with a neurologist, the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease was confirmed in an usual way: through a phone call from his neurologist. "Hearing those words and getting this rough diagnosis was a heavy moment," he remembers. Rune, a father of two young boys at the time (aged three and one, respectively), felt the weight of uncertainty about his future role as a father.
Despite the initial blow, Rune decided early on to face his diagnosis head-on. "The symptoms weren't debilitating at first. I was still working full-time, and with medication, life seemed relatively normal," he reflects. However, it was not just about managing the physical symptoms; it was also a mental shift. "I started to prioritize what truly mattered to me, letting go of things that weren't as important."
Rune explains that six years ago, after retiring from his job as a family therapist/educational therapist, he gradually switched to focusing his time on Parkinson's initiatives and exercise, which became a cornerstone of his life. "I've always been active, but after my diagnosis, it became a lifeline." It was during this time that he discovered Rock Steady Boxing, a non-contact boxing program designed for people with Parkinson's.
"We went to the World Parkinson Congress in Montreal in 2013 and discovered Rock Steady Boxing International HQ. It was tough to start something new, but it made a huge difference," Rune shares. He became a certified boxing coach and brought the program to Norway, making it accessible to others in the Parkinson's community.
But boxing is just one part of his routine. Rune also embraced cycling, both outdoors and indoors. " was a passion I had to put on hold for a while, but with indoor cycling programs, like Zwift it became a year-round activity," he explains. Zwift, an online platform, allowed Rune to cycle with others from around the world, including people with Parkinson's like himself.
"We founded ZWAP (Zwifters Against Parkinson)," Rune proudly states. "It's not just about exercise; it's a community. We cycle together, support each other, and even organize virtual rides and events." The club quickly grew, with participants from the UK, Canada, and beyond, all united by a shared goal of staying active despite Parkinson's.
Their activities weren't limited to the virtual world. Last summer, Rune and his cycling club embarked on a journey from Brighton in the UK to Barcelona for the . "It was an incredible experience, cycling for a cause," he recalls.
Next August, Rune is gearing up for the Race (PD version of the professional Arctic Race), an eight-day cycling tour above the Arctic Circle in Norway. "It's a 650 km journey, and we have 22 cyclists joining, including 14 with Parkinson's," he shares enthusiastically. "It's about pushing boundaries, proving that Parkinson's doesn't define us."


Story 1/11

Soania Mathur's story seems to be against all odds. Diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's at the age of 27, the now-retired family doctor was pregnant when she became aware of a condition that has been with her for almost 30 years. Soania Mathur, who is now 53 year-old, devotes her time to patient education, writing, and Parkinson's advocacy – three objectives that are fully met by the project Unshakeable MD. Here's the first of 11 stories that Kinetikos Health will publish from April 1 to 11 ( ).

Soania Mathur was finishing her residency in family medicine and beginning her career as a physician in Canada when she noticed a slight tremor in her right pinky finger. She was almost 28 years old and pregnant with her first daughter (she has now three in total). The tremor initially seemed sporadic, but concerns grew as it became increasingly consistent. "My husband, who is also a doctor, suggested that I get it looked out. I tried to ignore it since I assumed it was insignificant. But my husband insisted, so I went to see a neurologist, a friend of mine, who worked in the same clinic. He told me he believed the symptoms were caused by Parkinson's disease. I thought that was impossible. I am a young woman. How can this be ?", asks Soania Mathur.

Not convinced by her colleague's words, she sought a second opinion and visited "the best neurologist in the country," who confirmed the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. "I was 28, expecting my first daughter and diagnosed with Young Onset PD." After ten years of hiding the symptoms – which were "mild at first and slowly progressing” - from work colleagues and from her "social circle," Soania Mathur chose to divulge that she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, as it "became impossible to hide at that point." Despite having a "great husband and a supportive social circle," Soania Mathur remained "constantly worried about the future and about hiding the symptoms," to the point she made a shift in the mindset: “I can't change the diagnosis of PD, but I can change how I face the diagnosis and the challenges that it brings. This shift in mindset is what led me to the advocacy work that I do now."

"I stopped practicing medicine clinically roughly 12–13 years after my diagnosis. So not being able to practice family medicine was a significant life adjustment for me, though I believe I am busier now with my advocacy work than I was back then." In the UnshakeableMD, a webpage created by Soania Mathur, the physician discusses her experiences as both a patient and a doctor, which she considered "unique at the time." “Writing, which I enjoy doing, was the easiest way for me to share my stories with others. I also wanted to promote patient education, because I believe that knowledge is power when it comes to Parkinson's disease”, she adds.

Being a woman with PD

Overall, men are 1.4 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease compared to women. And, despite the prevalence rates, there are differences in Parkinson's disease symptoms between men and women. "Women appear to have more dyskinesia and more non-motor symptoms, such as pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, or mood and sleep disturbances," explains Soania Mathur. She adds that women report more severe symptoms as well as less effective treatment before and during menstruation.

“Unfortunately we don't have the guidelines to support how we should approach women during those times. There are no different medications for men and women when it comes to treating Parkinson's disease. All the studies that have been done mostly included white older men. So the dosages that we have and that are used are based on those studies with white older men. We know that women have different pharmacodynamics when it comes to how they process medications based either on their metabolism, the percentage of body fat or their weight or how hormones affect the absorption of medication, for example."

Soania Mathur states that “due to the unmet needs of women with Parkinson’s disease and the inequity in research” a working group on women and Parkinson’s disease was formed as part of the , a global advocacy group. The women’s group partnered with the The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to create “a series of questionnaires that women can answer through the Fox Insight web platform”. Currently, Soania Mathur states that Fox insight is conducting a study of PD. “Through that we hope to gain more insight and data to help direct research. It’s an easy way for women to have their voices heard and help us develop treatments or direct research in a way that may improve their quality of life.”

Photos from Kinetikos Health's post 08/03/2024

Today, 8th of March, on the , Kinetikos Health couldn't ignore the gender disparities in Parkinson's disease (PD). That was the reason why we prepared a carousel summarizing the key features of PD in women.

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish all women a wonderful day. Together we celebrate .


We had the pleasure of interviewing Sara Houston, Professor of Dance at the University of Roehampton, about her work exploring the connection between dance and Parkinson's disease. We asked her how does dance help people with Parkinson's disease improve their physical and mental well-being?

To read the full interview and learn more about the potential benefits of dance for people with Parkinson's, check out our blog post:


Did you know? Digital technology has the potential to greatly improve the management of Parkinson's disease, allowing patients to receive more personalized care and clinicians to make more informed treatment decisions.

Find out more:

Photos from Instituto Pedro Nunes's post 13/03/2023

Movement Disorders are worldwide. 🧠 🌎

We exist to help healthcare providers, businesses and patients making patient monitoring more efficient and meaningful. How? By combining research with AI powered technology to tackle the leading cause of years lived with a disability. 💪

Learn more about what we do at our website ( or reach out to [email protected].


We've been shortlisted! 🎉 So pleased to pitch our awarded digital technology for Movement Disorders in one of the most well-renowned competitions in the health tech space.

Digital Health News


Staying active is important for your physical and mental wellbeing. Use mKinetikos app to keep track of your activity and follow exercise plans.

Neuro Heroes also deliver online condition specific classes for .

Learn more:

Parkinson's Exercise Research Group


From keeping warm to stocking up on medicines and staying active, check our 12 tips to stay well with Parkinson's this winter (2022).
Read here:

Cure Parkinson's PD Avengers Young Parkies Portugal York Parkinsons Group Parkinsons.Me Parkinson's Awareness North Hampshire Parkinson’s Evening Group Parkinson's People Parkinson's Support Group


The season for getting together with friends and family is here. Whether you're planning something small or large, here are some ideas to make the most of Christmas.

- Attend a Christmas Carol Concert, bake cookies with a friend or go on a walk with neighbours to view outdoor decorations
- If you cannot cope with too much noise, simply spend time with loved ones by holding a Christmas quiz or eating dinner together.
- Do things at your own pace and allow extra time to prepare for and travel to activities so you don't feel stressed.

Full article here:

Cure Parkinson's PD Avengers Young Parkies Portugal


The season of giving is here! So why not organise your own festive funraising event? Take some inspiration from Cure Parkinson'sincluding singing Carols for a cure, running a Santa Run or organising a cracking quiz!

Follow the link to find out more:


Don’t just fill your stockings with gifts this Christmas, fill your medicine cabinet too!

- Talk to your GP and pharmacist to ensure you have enough medicine.

- Register your medication intakes by using the app mKinetikos. This allows your clinician to monitor medication adherence.


Link to article🫱


Parkinson's Disease is frequently associated with vasomotor symptoms such as distal cold limbs or sensitivity to cold.

Check our tips to keep your body temperature up:


It's our 7th Anniversary today! 🎉 We would like to thank everyone that has been supporting us throughout this amazing journey! We greatly appreciate and value your support.


Today is the 1st World Movement Disorders Day!

Kinetikos Health supports this global initiative, by raising awareness about these difficult-to-treat conditions to help millions of patients & caregivers.

See how technology can help!


🎉 We're happy to announce that KinetikOS is FDA-listed.

KinetikOS is a movement operating system for portable (smartphone).

🧑‍⚕️ Created and developed by Kinetikos Health to empower movement research and clinical practice.

Designed to be used as a stand-alone application or embedded seamlessly into third-party solutions.


Photos from Kinetikos Health's post 14/11/2022

👋 We are at . Come say hi and meet us at Hall 16 Stand H25.

📈 Here we will present you one of the most promising digital health technologies for . We specialise in translating human movement into clinical insight.

👨‍⚕️ Our solution benefits all stakeholders: Healthcare Providers, Healthcare Institutions, R&D. Also, 3rd party companies that want to enhance their solutions through the capability of accurately remotely monitoring movement quality.

Kinetikos technology is:

✅ certified ✅ - listed ✅ Gold-standard validated

Contact ➡️

UK Trade

Some patients left waiting for 'years' for care, says Parkinson's UK | 5 News 11/11/2022

📢 Gary talks to 5 News about his wait for Parkinson's care.

👩‍⚕️A shortage of staff and hidden workforce pressures is having a huge impact on people's health. This will bring additional costs to the NHS.

📈 Digital Health tools like Kinetikos are key to achieving this monitoring, enabling early detection of deterioration and patient self-management.

Some patients left waiting for 'years' for care, says Parkinson's UK | 5 News ► Have you subscribed to 5 News?: ► Parkinson's is a devastating disease with a far-reaching impact. But now it's being made even more...

Timeline photos 11/11/2022

👋Are you coming to ?
📍Come visit us at Hall 16 Stand H25.
📥Or Contact Us Here:

We're looking forward to showcase our award winning health technology for and to network.

UK Trade

Kinetikos to highlight technology for movement quality at MEDICA

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Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Today is the 1st World Movement Disorders Day!Kinetikos Health supports this global initiative, by raising awareness abo...
11 de abril é o Dia Mundial do Parkinson! O que vais fazer para ajudar? 🧠Sejas uma pessoa com Parkinson, familiar, amigo...
April 11th is World Parkinson’s day! What are you doing to help fight Parkinson's? 🧠✔️Participate on our question challe...
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Have you been to our website page dedicated to the Kinetikos service for Parkinson's Disease and MSK? 🖥
A Kinetikos Health está a recrutar um UX/UI Designer para a equipa de Coimbra ou Lisboa. Mais info sobre a vaga aqui: ht...
Moving for Parkinson's Challenge




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