Casa Saudade Faro

4 wonderful rooms in central old Faro, very closed to the Marina, Ria Formosa and Praia de Faro. On

Come and visit us to have peaceful time in Algarve, paradise on earth.

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 04/05/2024

Charming Portuguese house located in the historic city of Faro.
It is close to pedestrian streets and shops, the marina and the bus and train stations.
It consists of an entrance patio, a main room with open plan kitchen, a second pleasant patio and a bathroom with toilet.
The kitchen is fully equipped.
The patio allows you to enjoy a drink with your guests while cooking.
Upstairs, there are two bedrooms with storage space and a beautiful bathroom.
This house is very pleasant to live in all year round, quiet and sunny.
The works were carried out with taste and quality.
Faro is the capital of the Algarve. It is a magnificent and typically Portuguese city. The Ria Formosa (the natural park) offers magnificent views, especially at sunset.
The international airport is nearby, which is very convenient for receiving family and friends or taking a trip.
A large public car park is just 30 meters from the house.
The house is sold with its furniture (some of which are new).
It is also possible to rent this house seasonally: the income can be between 25,000 and 30,000 euros per year.
Don't wait, there are no two like this in Faro!
Only Cash buyers. No real estate please.
295 000 euros

Kristin Romancière 10/12/2023

Je ne savais même pas que j'étais inscrite sur Flickr... depuis 2012. Enfin, j'avais oublié.
C'est en parlant avec une cliente anglaise à la guesthouse, cliente photographe, que j'ai retrouvé ce compte. Compte réactivé, donc.
J'y ai déposé mes photos. Et sans être une professionnelle, je touche ma bille !
Je vous invite à vous abonner pour le simple plaisir du voyage et de l'échange.
Il n'y a rien à vendre rien à acheter, juste à profiter!
Go go!

Kristin Romancière Explore Kristin Romancière’s 821 photos on Flickr!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 12/11/2023

"The good that grows in the world," writes George Eliot, "depends in part on unhistorical acts; and that history escapes the worst owes largely to the number of those who have faithfully lived hidden lives, and lie in forgotten graves."

And yet... The architects of the Modernist Weekend in Faro have silently and discreetly made history by inventing astonishingly free houses at a time when the Salazarist dictatorship was imposing the heavy and the prescriptive.
It's through art, in art, for art that we conquer.
And in silence, away from chaos and violence.
It's a real lesson, not in morality, but in living.
Draw your own path or lines, write your life and your work, to fight evil.
Thanks to , _architecture, , lovers of silence and art.
Together, we've taken a surprisingly fundamental small step.
And by the way, long live Faro!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 03/11/2023

Next weekend in Faro: architectural walking tour! Fantastic opportunity to discover secrets of this amazing town!
Thanks to !

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 30/10/2023

November will be a warm month in Portugal and in Faro : official meteorologist just announced that good news!
So, you know what you have to do (with year-ending promotions on
We are expecting you at Casa Saudade guesthouse!


So important to be connected with nature. At Praia de Faro, in Barrinha just in front of ilha Deserta, it’s the perfect place to.
Come to Faro in fall to feel peaceful.

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 06/10/2023

Beautiful Life in Praia de Faro.
We are expecting you ! As always 🍀😂

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 25/09/2023

A new pillow at Casa Saudade.
For each room, we've had the name and logo of our guesthouse embroidered. Nice and warm, isn't it?

Un nouvel oreiller à Casa Saudade.
Pour chaque chambre, nous avons fait broder le nom et le logo de notre guesthouse.
Joli et chaleureux, n’est-ce pas ?


The most beautiful place in the world : Barrinha, at the end of Praia de Faro. If you come at Casa Saudade guesthouse, we’ll give you our best tips: unforgettable memory…
This picture was taken yesterday afternoon, no filter. 😇☺️


Until Sunday and the big tour of more than 30000 bikers in Faro, the EVENT: !


During this last week, we received at Casa Saudade guesthouse in Faro so many kind guests. From all over the world they came and visit us.
Gigi and her Italian husband came back after their first vacations at the beginning of the year: what a pleasure to have great discussions! They offered us some naturel honey!
We received too guests from Mexico… and French people who lived in Mexico!
Some Americans, English, Swedish, Swiss came by Casa Saudade too.
Young French ladies too, who appreciated boat tours in The Ria Formosa.
And some personal friends. Life is great!
Thanks all of you! It will be a great pleasure to meet you! We know you enjoyed some much Faro and around!


Portugal is a country of surfing! Funny sentence, isn't it? Of course, there is the big wave of Nazaré. Everywhere in Portugal you can surf. In Praia de Faro, on the ocean side, it's magical. An atmosphere that is both sweet and “intoxicating”, calm and adventurous. Have you ever tried surfing? If you come to Casa Saudade guesthouse, try a lesson with our great partner! It's a promise: the sensations are incredible. It’s freedom!

Le Portugal est une terre de surf! Drôle de phrase, n’est-ce pas? Bien sûr, il y a la grande vague de Nazaré. Partout, au Portugal, on peut surfer. À Praia de Faro, côté océan, c’est magique. Une atmosphère à la fois douce et enivrante, calme et aventurière. Avez-vous déjà essayé le surf? Si vous venez à Casa Saudade guesthouse, tentez une leçon avec notre formidable partenaire! C’est promis: les sensations sont incroyables! C’est la liberté!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 30/01/2023

Casa Saudade guesthouse will open soon for a new season in Faro-Algarve.
A season with sun, caliente, nature, ocean, Ria Formosa, fresh fish, warm wine, love and friendship, quiet and peaceful vacations.
We’ll welcome you and guide you in your trip there!
Go go!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 24/01/2023

Porto, so closed to Faro. Let’s discover Portugal, this marvelous small country.
Start your trip by Porto and around, have a stay in Lisbonne and drive to Faro to spend a couple of days in our paradise.
Nice trip, isn’t it ?
Go go! Ask us if you need tips!


What do you think of this landscape? Different from the beaches of the Algarve, it's true. Portugal is beautiful. All of Portugal. We often welcome clients who visit the country and tell us about their discoveries.
This picture was taken yesterday a little north of Sintra.
Only three hours from Faro. Why not plan a trip from Porto to Faro? We can advise you! As long as you discover Portugal, it's great!
Go Go! Long live Portugal!

Que pensez-vous de ce paysage? Différent des plages d’Algarve, c’est vrai. Le Portugal est magnifique. Tout le Portugal. Nous recevons souvent des clients qui visitent le pays et nous racontent leurs découvertes.
Cette photo a été prise hier un peu au nord de Sintra.
A seulement trois heures de Faro. Pourquoi ne pas prévoir un voyage de Porto à Faro? Nous pouvons vous conseiller ! Du moment que vous découvrez le Portugal, c’est formidable !
Go Go! Vive le Portugal !


Casa Saudade guesthouse takes some short vacations. We’re coming back on the 1st of February. What do you think about some postscards during our Portuguese trip?
You can still join us if you want to book your vacations in Faro!
Let’s go?
Go go!


Winter in the Algarve is magical. You will say to me: "But spring, summer and autumn too!
It's true!
In winter, with sweet temperatures during the day, between 20 and 24 degrees, with nights between 14 and 18 degrees, with a little less crowded, you take the time to live and breathe in Faro and its surroundings.
Like our guests: this German couple spends two weeks at Casa Saudade. They enjoy themselves, rest a lot, exhausted from their professional life. They visit, they walk, they sail. They sleep well, they read a lot. They seem to love each other very much. Yesterday morning they confided in me:
-We are thinking of moving here. You have convinced us. It is wonderful to live here...
They came in the winter to see how good life is in Faro.
And they chose.
Casa saudade is so proud to show that everything is possible here: success, well-being and serenity.
Winter is a beautiful season in the Algarve.
Come and see for yourself!

L’hiver en Algarve, c’est magique. Vous allez me dire: -Mais le printemps, l’été et l’automne aussi!
C’est vrai!
L’hiver, avec des températures douces dans la journée, entre 20 et 24 degrés, avec des nuits entre 14 et 18 degrés, avec un peu moins de monde, vous prenez le temps de vivre et de souffler à Faro et aux alentours.
Comme nos clients: ce couple allemand passe deux semaines à Casa Saudade. Ils se régalent, se reposent beaucoup, épuisés de leur vie professionnelle. Ils visitent, ils marchent, ils font du bateau. Ils dorment bien, ils lisent beaucoup. Ils semblent s’aimer avec douceur. Hier matin, ils m’ont confié :
-Nous envisageons de nous installer ici. Vous nous avez convaincus. C’est merveilleux de vivre ici…
Ils sont venus en hiver pour se rendre compte de la douceur de vivre de Faro.
Et ils ont choisi.
Casa saudade est tellement fière de montrer que tout est possible ici: la réussite, le bien-être et la sérénité.
L’hiver, c’est une bien belle saison en Algarve.
Venez voir par vous-mêmes !

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 28/12/2022

Less than one hour from Faro and Casa Saudade guesthouse, an incredible walk: the seven hanging valleys.
The ideal day: leave Casa Saudade around 10am. Start the walk at 11am. Walk for about three hours, take pictures, sit facing the ocean and the sun.
Take water and good shoes.
And return quietly to Faro by 5pm after a snack.
A shower, some rest, and a sunset drink!
Perfect day, healthy and delicious.
For reservations, everything on

À moins d’une heure de Faro et de Casa Saudade guesthouse, une balade incroyable : les sept Vallées suspendues.
La journée idéale: partez de Casa Saudade vers 10h. Commencez la balade à 11h. Marchez environ trois heures, prenez des photos, asseyez-vous face à l’océan et au soleil.
Et revenez tranquillement pour 17h à Faro après un snack.
Une do**he, un peu de repos, et un apéro au coucher du soleil!
Journée parfaite, saine et délicieuse.
Pour réserver, tout sur


Merry Christmas to all of you, dear friends. From Faro and Praia de Faro with love 💝


Pour une première année, c'est une sacrée année!
Merci aux visiteurs du monde entier d'avoir choisi Casa Saudade guesthouse à Faro, en Algarve. Merci de la confiance, des discussions, des échanges, des sourires, des remerciements, des commentaires, des encouragements.
On continue en 2023!
Go go!

For a first year, it's been quite a year!
Thank you to the visitors from all over the world for choosing Casa Saudade guesthouse in Faro, Algarve. Thank you for the trust, the discussions, the exchanges, the smiles, the thanks, the comments, the encouragement.
We continue in 2023!
Go go!


Pour une première année, c'est une sacrée année!
Merci aux visiteurs du monde entier d'avoir choisi Casa Saudade guesthouse à Faro, en Algarve. Merci de la confiance, des discussions, des échanges, des sourires, des remerciements, des commentaires, des encouragements.
On continue en 2023!
Go go!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 11/12/2022

Sun is coming back in Faro!


Casa Saudade guesthouse in Faro prepared for you some privileged partnerships. Work in progress… Our goal is to make your stay as pleasant as possible and to help you discover the beauty of this region.
We will propose 4 partnerships: boating, biking, kayak-paddle-surfing and horseback riding.
Would you like to try it?

Casa Saudade guesthouse à Faro prépare pour vous quelques partenariats privilégiés. Ça avance! Objectif: que votre séjour se déroule le mieux possible, que vous découvriez la beauté de cette région.
Nous allons vous proposer 4 partenariats : du bateau, du vélo, du kayak-paddle -surf et des balades à cheval.
Ça vous tente ?

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 13/11/2022

With .experiences at Praia de Faro, discover kayak on the Ria Formosa in the laguna of the natural park. Amazing and peaceful time in the middle of nature and birds.
Casa Saudade guesthouse and Salty are partners to offer you good vibes!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 12/11/2022

Go back in time to Ludo and Praia de Faro.
The universe does what it wants and it is right.
Faro in November: sublime, peaceful, natural, wild, free.
Come and see us!

Remonter le temps à Ludo et à Praia de Faro.
L’univers fait ce qu’il veut et il a bien raison.
Faro en novembre : sublime, paisible, naturel, sauvage, libre.
Venez nous voir!

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 02/11/2022

At that time of year, many people think of making fires to keep warm.
In Faro, we think of admiring the magical sunsets every evening.
In Faro, we don't need television to travel. Just our two legs and our eyes.
And it is simply magical, this gift from the universe.

À cette période de l’année, beaucoup pensent à faire des feux de cheminée pour se réchauffer.
À Faro, on pense à s’extasier devant des couchers de soleil chaque soir féériques.
À Faro, nous n’avons pas besoin de télévision pour voyager. Juste de nos deux jambes et de nos yeux.
Et c’est tout simplement magique, ce cadeau de l’univers.

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 29/10/2022

From Casa Saudade guesthouse in Faro, it’s easy to visit Algarve and famous spots.
As Praia do Camilo in Lagos, a beautiful beach you can access by walking down by wooden stairs.
The countryside and the colors are quite different from Praia de Faro.
Algarve is such a rich area!
Come and visit us to discover beautiful spots.


In October in Praia de Faro, we continue the vacations. Elsewhere in Europe, for example, everyone is talking about turtlenecks.
Here in the Algarve, we talk about swimwears.
Is your choice made?
We are expecting you in Faro for walks, by sea or by foot, by bike or on horseriding, for surfing, kayaking or paddling, for aperitifs at sunset or coffee at sunrise.
Here, life is simple and therefore wonderful...

En octobre à Praia de Faro, nous continuons les vacances. Ailleurs en Europe par exemple, tout le monde parle de cols roulés.
Ici en Algarve, on parle de maillots de bain.
Votre choix est-il fait?
Nous vous attendons à Faro pour des balades, en mer ou à pied, à vélo ou à cheval, pour du surf, du kayak ou du paddle, pour des apéros au coucher du soleil ou des cafés au lever.
Ici, la vie est simple donc merveilleuse…

Photos from Casa Saudade Faro's post 13/09/2022

Sometimes, very rarely, too rarely, it rains in the Algarve countryside.
Sometimes it rains in Estoi on the gardens and the azulejos of the Pousada Palace.
The light is then shady, dark and bewitching.
The sky seems to be shouting something but what?
The clouds speak to us. And the sun returns to greet us.

Parfois, très rarement, trop rarement, il pleut en Algarve.
Parfois, il pleut à Estoi sur les jardins et les azuléjos du Palais Pousada.
La lumière se fait alors ombrageuse, ténébreuse et envoûtante.
Le ciel semble hurler quelque chose mais quoi?
Les nuages nous parlent. Et le soleil revient nous saluer.

Quer que o seu negócio seja a primeira Hotel em Faro?
Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

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Barrinha at Praia de Faro in February : what are you waiting to come and spend just a couple of days to relax? ‘Cause we...
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Adventure Portugal: Quinta da Boa Sorte Adventure Portugal: Quinta da Boa Sorte
EStrada Municipal 517, 145A
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Avenida Da Republica 96 5°
Faro, 8000-078

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Rêves d'ocean Rêves d'ocean
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FaroWay Hostel FaroWay Hostel
Rua Dom Francisco Gomes, 18
Faro, 8000-306

Faroway Hostel is located in the centre of Faro's main pedestrian streets, and invites you to enjoy its cosy, warm atmosphere. Visit us!!