Agni Way

Agni Way

Yoga, ta**ra, holistic massage & events at beautiful yoga shala just few minutes walk from Lagos old town. Ta**ra, Ashtanga Viniasa Yoga & Holistic Touch



We are people who dare to love. To relate in the new ways, to cultivate intimacy & appreciation for those sacred earthy bodies within the communities, circles of beloved friends & families of choice.

Our intention is to build community culture, where we reclaim our right to freedom, to pleasure, to sensual intimacy, to physical closeness with other people that can but doesn’t have to be secsual. To reclaim our right to celebrate the innocence of our sacred erotic nature together.

We want to create safer space for everyone who wishes to explore themselves through embodied intimacy within community/tribe with no attachments, obligations and with full respect to their boundaries.

No matter if you are in committed relationship, single or have more beloved people with whom you share intimacy.

On Sun March 3th we’re inviting you for sensual TEMPLE OF DIVINE LOVERS & BE-LOVEDS at our AGNI WAY Temple in Lagos.

*To discover temple magic and beauty of slow, conscious & embodied ways of cultivating love, sensuality & erot!c energy.

*To co-create the sacred, respectful space for yourself, your partner(s) and the community, to nourish ourselves, to meet in the simple yet profound practices & rituals.

*To honor the Divine Lover & Beloved within another person and within yourself.

This evening temple journey is designed to cherish love & our sacred bodies in the gentle, soft and safe ways through sensual play.

You do not need to have a previous experience in the ta***ic temples to come.

We will offer caring guidance, keeping our Temple open to people of different levels of experience and backgrounds.

* If you’re in committed monogamous relationship, you may decide to stay in your couple’s ‚love bubble’ and dedicate your whole presence & affection for yourselves. And if you decide to explore sharing some forms of contact with others - as the Temple Priestesses we’ll be there to support you in navigating your relationship more safely.

TIME & PLACE: Sun 3.03.24, 18:30-23:30 | AGNI WAY Temple Lagos:

Temple space holders: Monika Abrazo & Agni Chandra

Contribution: 33-55€

Due to the limited number of spots & our temple space preparations for the right size of the group, advance registration with prepayment is necessary.

Contact as via: [email protected]


Tomorrow (Sat 24th) during Ta***ic Embodiment session we will reestablish the connection between the beauty and tenderness of the Heart and power of our S*x Centres 💚🔥
Reopening this connection through embodied experience - mindfully gathered energetic exercises that will give direct information to our subconscious. This is individual practice in shared space, so you will work on your our nerves system, establishing new level of safety in a mixed gender group set up.
After session you will most likely feel energised and soft, open at the same time, as we will be grounding our bodies in the ecstatic state of sweetness, that could be also called parasympathetic state of arousal 💦

After 1,5h practice we will have time to land together in community gathering with snacks (please, bring sth to share), music and meaningful conversations. Will have opportunity to ask me any questions or advices about ta**ra as spiritual path, if that is your desire.

Time: Sat 24th at 18:30
Exchange: 20-25e (if you have financial difficulty, please reach out, we will find a way for different form of exchange)


If you are in a Relationship and crave for unique experience to deepen the connection with your partner & yourself, to explore the new territories of being in the Body, open to Love, Passion & Pleasure, meeting & celebrating life with another person from the place of greater openness - we have beautiful proposal for You.

Come and allow your relationship to be deeply nourished by the Couples Temple Massage Rituals held by two qualified priestess of Eros in the AGNI WAY Temple (in Lagos): Monika Abrazo & Agni Chandra.

Wild Devotion : Monika Abrazo
Agni Chandra

During the ritual, that will be carefully design according to your needs and requests (with a careful attainment to your relational agreements & openness for exploration) you will have an unforgettable experience of transformative, healing & deeply nourishing massage
that will open the flow of love between you.

Whole body touch honoring you as the divine vessels of love & energy, offered both of you at the same time will allow to deeply relax and open up into the realms of Eros & Sacred Secsuality.

Feeling your Beloved next to you, in the warm embrace of love & bliss, sharing your experience, expanding your love and passion of your shared path.

To celebrate Saint Valentine Day we have a special offer for the unique experience: 400e instead of 444e.

Please, DM for details 🙏🏻


MYSTIC MOVEMENT KEYS & Modern Ritual | last pre-field taste with Itay Ganot 29/1, 12.30-2pm at Agni Way

The Field of Modern Initiation is coming very close! This is the last & most charged opportunity to come, sense this work, collect a Key to doors of mystery and magic inside & receive manifold in a powerful collective field! 🔥🔥🔥 The keys are designed to reach into our subconscious & clear what holds us captive at the nervous system level. 🔆Register here:
Please register only if you can come!


During this Saturday Ta***ic Embodiment session we will play also experiencing self touch.

Touching shamelessly each part of the body with awareness of the elements, through which we are touching. That profound intention will allow us to keep the awareness focused on the quality of the touch.

Mastering the art of love, by mastering the art of aware touch, exactly how we want it to be, and not how the desire is driving us to.

We will play a lot with energetic self touch quality, which is pure magic!

During this practice with gender mixed group with emphasis on deep self awareness, allows it to go beyond the veil of impression, into profound self expression of pleasure potentiality through simplicity ❤️‍🔥

Sat 6:30pm/ exchange 20-25e/ location: 🫶


During today's (Sat) Ta***ic Embodiment I will share with you a core teachings of mine: PLEASURE AS MEDICINE 👑

How we can heal and transform through pleasure? How can we reclaim it? How can we tap into the primordial state of True Bliss using pleasure as portal 🫶

My self explorations and deep study allow this knowledge to come from a lived, embodied experience 👑

This session will be the essence of my transmission 💚
Also an intro to a few days workshops about the Depth of Pleasure coming soon!

We will work individually to master The Art of Pleasure ❤️‍🔥
All genders are welcome 🙏🏻
We start 18:30-21:30
Exchange: 20-25e
Please book through DM:[email protected]🙏

After session you are welcome to stay for afterglow gathering, so please bring smth yummy to share with others 🥰

Photo taken during Ecstatic Remembrance
with Sofia Sundari by 🙏


Mystic Movement Key Training with Itay Ganot

You are invited to a 75 minute dive into the mystic & modern rituals.

The body holds the keys to its own self-transformation.
Those Movement Keys, developed by Itay in extensive research & hundreds of field trials, are one of the most progressive tools of education for individual & collective metamorphosis, helping you to become your own self-healer & step into the power of inner authority.

In this 75 minute session this work will be offered on donation, as we wish for it to be known & ripple widely.

When: 29/12, 6.30-8 pm
Where: Agni Way Ashtanga Yoga & Ta**ra

Please register only if you can come! 🙏

Information about MMA &
The Field of Modern Initiation 2. - 4. FEB | Portugal:

Join us here:


Im delighted to share with you my Ta***ic Embodiment Mini Course online!

For only 33e you will receive life access to high quality embodiment transmission for:
* Erotic body activation (26 min)
*Heart soothing and nourishing (22 min)
*Full energy sovereignty (17 min)

This is for you if you wish to be softly guided into potent energy activating practices.

To build up the strength of your nervous system in a compassionate way.

To wider your capacity to live and love more fully.

Your facilitator is trauma informed and all practices invites you to tap into the energy field in your own rhythm and intensity.

Fundamental part of the energy awakening is relaxing into the new expansive state of being, so it becomes a new normal.

Imagine you are an embodied being, fully relaxed in receiving present moment, exactly as it is. Reading the signals from the body and not being overwhelmed by them. Imagine that you are both grounded and expanded, calm and awaken.
Imagine that life become a love affair full of pleasure unfolding in each moment.

Check details:


Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos is proud to introduce our Massage Team!

Professional and trauma informed massage therapists and massage artists:
Agni Chandra, Ian Mason, Monika Abrazo and Julia Erdmann
are opening their hearts and skills to welcome you for most likely the best touch experience in your life


New schedule for Autum & Winter 2023/2024 at Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos! With new exciting evening sessions by Wild Devotion : Monika Abrazo: Wild Body, Juicy Body & Kundalini Flow.

Check details at:


Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos is growing! I’m proudly introduce our Massage Team: Agni Chandra, Ian Mason, Wild Devotion : Monika Abrazo and Julia Erdmann. From now you can choose from variety of professional ta***ic massages offered from a deep heart realignment. Please, check link in BIO 💚


Dearest Friends! Warmly welcome to join tomorrow’s Ta***ic Embodiment session and community gathering at Agni Way Temple in Lagos 💚

Theme for tomorrow’s session is: sensing the bonderies and transforming the anger 🔥

I think it can be really deep and transformational for some of you 🙏🏻

And if you never participated in my Embodiment sessions, here is the chance!

So just please, let me know who I will see tomorrow 18:00 WET 🙏🏻💚

Exchange: 20-25e



Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow on Mon & Fri 9:00 am at Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos, welcome 🤗


Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow tomorrow (Fri) 9:00am at Agni Way Temple Lagos:,
warmly welcome 🤗
Agni Chandra

Photos from Agni Way's post 26/07/2023

➡️Swipe to Meet the facilitator of our transformative Kundalini Fusion Retreat - an experience designed to awaken the authentic feminine within you. This profound journey is guided by experts who wholeheartedly serve the goddess, bringing women into a deep connection with their feminine essence, all while providing safety and profound wisdom.

If you are a woman looking to reclaim your feminine power, or if you already feel the strength within you but sense there is more to explore, then this retreat is tailor-made for

We are here to support your growth, activate your true potential, and most importantly, to encourage you to ALLOW YOURSELF TO RECEIVE the abundance life has to offer. Experience the full radiance of your feminine self as you embark on this empowering journey.

Are you ready to take ownership of your desires, turn-on, and feminine awakening?

🌼 Retreat Details 🌼

🌬 Facilitators: .soul .by.ellie **ra

📍 Location: Serpa, Portugal

📅 Date: September 20-24

🎟️ Limited Spaces: We believe in providing personal attention, so spaces are limited to ensure everyone receives the nurturing they deserve.

🔥 Take the Leap 🔥

This retreat is calling all women who are ready to take ownership of their desires, embrace their turn-on, and experience a profound feminine awakening. Your transformation awaits you in the serene landscapes of Portugal.

For details contact: .soul

Agni Way - The Way of Fire

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Holistic Massage

My name is Agni. I am a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher. I practice for over 11 years, although my yogic path was winding and filled with obstacles. For a long time, I hesitated to call it a life practice, until something finally clicked and changed my life, opening me to deep body work. I have completed a year-long course of contact improvisation in Berlin and many workshops with world-renowned teachers who opened my eyes to other systems of deep body work (Body Mind Centering, Axis Syllabus, Feldenkrais). Through those experiences, I understood how fundamental physical touch is. This inspired me to create a unique signature ‘Agni Touch’ massage treatments. Through a conscious, warm touch, I talk to the body that trusts me and opens to the strength far greater than myself. I use ta***ic, ayurvedic, soft bioenergetic and thai massage techniques, combining them into an intuitive wholeness. I’m constantly looking for a smooth flow, softness and pleasure resulting from inner strength. My motto is "To be soft and strong, and just let it flow".

Jestem certyfikowaną nauczycielką Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, praktykującą od ponad 11 lat, choć moja jogowa ścieżka przez długi czas była kręta i z przeszkodami. Długo wzbraniałam się, by nazwać ją życiową praktyką, do momentu, gdy coś w końcu kliknęło i odmieniło moje życie, otwierając mnie na głęboką pracę z ciałem. Ukończyłam roczny kurs kontakt improwizacji w Berlinie i liczne warsztaty u światowej sławy nauczycieli, które otworzyły mi oczy na inne systemy głębokiej pracy z ciałem (Body Mind Centering, Axis Syllabus, Feldenkrais). Zrozumiałam, jak fundamentalnie ważny jest dotyk. W autorskich masażach Agni Touch korzystam z technik masażu tantrycznego, ajurwedyjskiego, łagodnej bioenergetyki i tajskiego, łącząc je w intuicyjna całość. Przez świadomy, ciepły dotyk, rozmawiam z ciałem, które ufa mi i otwiera się na siłę znaczenie większą ode mnie. Nieustannie poszukuję płynnego przepływu, miękkości i przyjemności wynikającej z wewnętrznej siły. Moje motto: „To be soft and strong, and just let it flow”.

Agni Way.

Videos (show all)

Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow on Mon & Fri 9:00 am at Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos, welcome 🤗
Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow tomorrow (Fri) 9:00am at Agni Way Temple Lagos:, warmly welcome 🤗 Agni Chandra
Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow Mon & Fri 9:00 am at Agni Way Temple 🥰 We will learn this beautiful sequence to ...
Sweet and Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow is there tomorrow at 9:00 am at Agni Way Temple! We will learn this potent hips openin...
Juicy Vinyasa Yoga Flow is happening again 😍 Mon & Fri 9:00 am at Agni Way Ta***ic Temple in Lagos: www.agniway.comIn Ju...
Im delighted to welcome you to my DAILY TA***IC DEVOTION program ✨ This is for you if you wish to  elevate your state of...
This 11 days OrganiCurrent Ta***ic Embodiment immersion is for you if... … you want to awaken your life force energy … y...
Free OrganiCurrent ta***ic embodiment Masterclass experience on Dec 15th at 19:00-21:00 CET. Details and booking: www.or...
It feels quite vulnerable to share this story… but this is how it was. I survived this experience and something inside m...
Video creation of Jacob Rigaux for Monte Orada retreat center, with my voice and instrument and body shape 😇 pure poetry...
OrganiCurrent is a ta***ic methodology that allows you to effortlessly channel life force energy in your body. Life forc...
I can help you build dharmic relationship 💚


R. Dom Francisco Luis Da Gama LV40

Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 07:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 07:00 - 19:30
Thursday 07:00 - 19:30
Friday 07:00 - 19:30
Sunday 07:00 - 19:30