Academy of Traditional Astrology

The Academy of Astrological Studies is devoted to the in-depth and rigorous study of Astrology.

Its objective is to prepare future astrologers and contribute to the development of astrological knowledge.

Photos from Academy of Traditional Astrology's post 22/12/2023

Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year! The Academy is now presenting the course schedule for 2024


Happy Holidays to all and wishes of an Excellent 2024.

Next year's courses at the academy are now being scheduled. The Foundations of Astrology (starting in February) and the Advanced delineation course (starting in September).

Soon we will announce the dates for the Prediction techniques course and for the mentoring and training session. The latter will start on January 2024.

More details at

Sue Ward's Traditional Astrology – Traditional Astrology teaching and research 17/06/2023

Introduction to Traditional Elections

This short course of 4 classes over 4 weeks, offers an introduction to the magical art of elections – choosing the golden moment. We will begin with the theory, rules, method, and mindset; in the next class we will work together through ‘mock’ elections that I will provide; the final two classes will offer you the opportunity of working with your own charts to propose your own ‘mock’ elections – we will work through these together. Full details will be provided nearer the time. This course is intended to show how the process works, but each election is unique, which is why this course is intended as an introduction to that uniqueness.

This course is aimed at those who have some familiarity with traditional astrology, and horary astrology preferably. Otherwise, please contact me initially.

All classes begin at 2.30pm BST:

Saturday 15 July 2023;
Saturday 22 July 2023;
Saturday 29 July 2023;
Saturday 5 August 2023.

Each class will be between 1.5 and 2 hours in length and will be recorded and made available to enrolled students.

The fee is £160.00.

Please contact [email protected] to register or for further information.

Sue Ward's Traditional Astrology – Traditional Astrology teaching and research NEW COURSEThe Traditional Mundane Course The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of this very important facet of astrology. You will learn how to approach the various phenomena and their charts through the conjunctions of 1981 and 2000, and then apply that theory to the 20...

Tradition Techniques of Prediction – Academy of Traditional Astrology 19/05/2023

The new prediction course in English starts tomorrow. More details:

Tradition Techniques of Prediction – Academy of Traditional Astrology Traditional Techniques of Prediction - 2023 Edition This eight-lesson advanced course addresses the main traditional predictive techniques, their combination and practical application in natal charts. It can be attended live online via the Zoom platform or afterwards on recorded video. Each lesson w...


Comment to the current WSH controversy

I was going to abstain from commenting on this matter, but I am now forced to make a statement.

Like many traditional astrologers I have been following the recent criticisms of whole-sign houses by Deborah Houlding. I had heard the audio version of this lecture sometime ago, and had formed my opinion of the arguments. It was not a good opinion, but I let it be.

However, while watching Chris Brennan’s long and detailed reply to Houlding’s arguments, I heard my and Helena’s names mentioned by Houlding and was surprised to see a photo of us in one of her presentation slides. This was done without my knowledge or permission.

This slide presents two groups, one of supposed whole-sign house supporters, and another group with a different or opposing view. We are included in the latter together with Houlding herself. While not specified, this gives the impression that Helena and I are supporters of Houlding’s views. This is not the case at all.

I have my opinions on house systems (and their astrological uses) which I restrict to astrological discussion, but this is not the point at issue here.

Houlding’s presentation makes historical claims in order to argue against whole-sign houses. As an historian of astrology I will not be associated, implicitly or explicitly, with any of the shoddy historical opinions presented in that talk. They are unsound, poorly researched, and unsubstantiated.

It is unfortunate that I should have to make such a statement, but I cannot let this misrepresentation pass.

Sue Ward's Collected Essays: Reflections on Traditional Astrology 12/03/2022

New book by Sue Ward. A must!

Sue Ward's Collected Essays: Reflections on Traditional Astrology Sue Ward's Collected Essays: Reflections on Traditional Astrology

Photos from Academy of Traditional Astrology's post 06/01/2022

Two new courses beginning next month: the Foundations of Astrology and the more advanced on methods of prognostication.

More details at

Photos from Academy of Traditional Astrology's post 04/01/2022

Information on the 2022 editions of the main courses offered by Academy are now available. Best wishes, Luis Ribeiro.

Courses 2022 -


Happy Holidays and wishes of a Happy New Year!

House Division Calculations in Astrology Explained 31/07/2021

Luís Ribeiro joins Chris Brennan at The Astrology Podcast for a discussion on the astronomy and mathematics underlining the traditional house divisions. Enjoy!

House Division Calculations in Astrology Explained Explaining the astronomy and mathematics underlying the calculation of the different forms of house division in western astrology.


Medical Astrology Module by Luís Ribeiro

This module deals with the signif**ators of health in the natal chart, the determination of vitality, the sensibilities of the body and proneness to certain illnesses.

Some of the topics addressed are:
– diseases associated with planets and signs
– hyleg and vitality
– sixth house and its signif**ators
– forecasting sickness.
– example charts

3 lessons · Saturdays, 7 to 9 pm, Lisbon Time
Lesson calendar: 3, 17, 31 July
Cost: 150€ (

Photos from The SpaceShip Project's post 30/04/2021
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