ACCO Limited

ACCO Limited

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ACCO Limited is a company that is located in Qatar and specialized in accounting and consultancy services.


Document Control is a document management profession whose purpose is to enforce controlled processes and practices for the documents.

It includes the creation, review, modification, issuance, distribution and accessibility of a company's documents.

The main role is to make sure that the documentation available at an organisation is trusted by its users and contains up-to-date, reliable, checked and formally approved information.


الاصول الثابتة هي الاصول التي تقوم المنشأة بشراءها بهدف استخدامها ومساعدتها في مزاولة نشاطها مثل شراء الاراضي والمباني وآلات الانتاج والسيارات والاثاث وغيرها.

في شركة اكو نوفر لكم خدمة تسجيل الاصول في الدفاتر لتقديمها لاحقا للمصالح الحكومية مثل دائرة المحاسبات و غيرها.


ACCO Limited provides Virtual bookkeeping services , that allows the company to arrange the accounting services for a client remotely.

A virtual bookkeeping arrangement can be beneficial to both the business and the bookkeeper in terms of flexibility and cost.


تستخدم الشركات جدول الحسابات لتنظيم مواردها المالية وإعطاء الجهات المعنيّة مثل المستثمرين والمساهمين رؤية أوضح لحالتهم المالية.
في شركة اكو نوفر لكم عروض للاشتراكات الشهرية لمساعدتكم لادارة مشاريعكم.

A chart of accounts is a created list of the accounts used by an organization to define each class of items for which money or its equivalent is spent or received.

ACCO Limited provides for you monthly subscription to help you run your business.


We provide you a monthly subscription for bookkeeping, making it easy for you to run your business.
نوفر لك خدمة مسك الدفاتر شهريا ، لمساعدتك في إدارة مشروعك.


ACCO Limited is an Accounting and Consultancy Company , provides for you monthly contract for Bookkeeping Services.

شركة اكو المتخصصة في المحاسبة و الإستشارات توفر لكم عقود شهرية لمسك الدفاتر .
[email protected]


مسك الحسابات هو التسجيل اليومي التفصيلي لكل المعاملات المالية، من مبيعات، ومشتريات، ودخل؛ من حيث المستلم والمدفوع.

Book Keeping is the detailed daily registration of all financial transactions including sales, purchases, and income,in terms of Payables and receivables.


مسك الحسابات هو التسجيل اليومي التفصيلي لكل المعاملات المالية، من مبيعات، ومشتريات، ودخل؛ من حيث المستلم والمدفوع.

Book Keeping is the detailed daily registration of all financial transactions including sales, purchases, and income,in terms of Payables and receivables.


ACCO Limited provides accounting services to companies and start up businesses on a monthly basis or as per customer's request.

توفر لكم شركة اكو خدمات المحاسبة لكل ما يخص الشركات بعقود شهرية أو حسب المدة المطلوبة من العملاء .
[email protected]


Acco Limited provides accounting services to companies and start up businesses on a monthly basis or as per customer's request.

توفر لكم شركة اكو خدمات المحاسبة لكل ما يخص الشركات بعقود شهرية أو حسب المدة المطلوبة من العملاء .

[email protected]


Although we are moving towards a cashless society, and its benefits are undeniable, ATMs still play an important role in the financial life of people around the world, and reduced access to these might have unpredictable consequences for a number of industries besides the financial services – such as retail and hospitality.

Digital banking expectations are evolving, forcing the banking industry to reimagine how products and services must be delivered. At the same time, advances in Fintech are now encompassing all stages of the customer journey with chatbot technology, machine learning, and AI, co-browsing, modern messaging and automations, with more developments are in the way.

The focus for banking institutions and financial services must be to keep a strategy that puts the customer at the center of their processes, in order to ensure a more seamless and omnichannel experience.

Traditional retail banks will need to monitor the digital revolution steered by Fintech startups and challenger players in the industry, and consider opportunities for partnerships, open innovation and strategic investments that can considerably improve their operations in line with the digital revolution.


A system is a procedure, process, method, or course of action designed to achieve a specific result. It's component parts and interrelated steps work together for the good of the whole. Creating effective business systems is the only way to attain results that are consistent, measurable, and ultimately benefit customers.

Creating effective business systems often unifies the problem solving and decision making of the organization. Many common tools and methodologies are universally taught and expected to be utilized by all levels.

Several key management structures, such as a full-time Performance Excellence office or systematic maturity assessments, are made a permanent part of the infrastructure. The business system also encompasses how we lead our people and connect them to the operational strategy.


Two out of three companies (of all sizes) begin in a spare bedroom, garage, basement or sometimes even a bathroom.

That's how companies as diverse as Apple Computer, Baskin-Robbins ice cream, Electronic Data Systems, Hallmark cards, the Lillian Vernon catalog, and Purex began.

Of course, the internet makes operating a personal-based business from home more feasible and popular than ever.

Running a personal-based business comes with many benefits, like flexibility, the ability to create your own schedule and even tax breaks.

These benefits are hard to beat, but it can be difficult to grow your personal-based business.


The size of exports in the world grew from less than $100 million after World War II to well over $11 trillion today. Export and import is big business, but it isn’t just for big businesses. Most of the participants are small and midsize businesses, making this an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs.

If you’re successful at home it’s going to be very difficult to succeed abroad. Having a strong entrepreneurial spirit is important.

You need to be able to think fast on your toes, find the resources you need right away, and not be afraid to find the right people and go out and do it


People often ask, is internal audit necessary? What if we’re a smaller organization, should we be spending our already limited resources on an internal audit program?

The answer is always and forever “YES”.

Internal audit is an important function of any information security and compliance program and is a valuable tool for effectively and appropriately managing risk.

Here are 5 reasons why to audit:

1. Provides objective insight and data-driven decisions
2. Improves the efficiency of operations
3. Evaluates/predicts risks and protects your assets
4. Assesses controls
5. Ensure compliance with laws and regulations

In the end, you want to keep your organization healthy while controlling its performance and by making sure you're following the regulation and policies.


The trend of SmartPhones increased since it gets mobile apps to run faster and smoother than desktop or laptops.

We all are aware of the fact that how badly people are addicted to shopping, but when it comes to online shopping then the whole case becomes much more enjoyable.

E-Commerce is a huge platform that is growing at an unprecedented rate all over the world.
People from every age whether they are children, millennials, or old love to shop from different e-stores.

Online shopping provides more happiness as compared to physical shopping stores. The reason is simple as we have a lot of websites and apps focusing on e-commerce, it has become simple to search, compare prices, compare products and order.


GDP, short for Gross Domestic Product, is defined as the total market value of all final goods
and services produced within a country in a given period.

It includes private and public
consumption, private and public investment, and exports and imports.

GDP is the most commonly used measure of economic activity and serves as a good indicator
to track the economic health of a country.

Economic growth (GDP growth) refers to the percent change in real GDP, which corrects the nominal GDP figure for inflation.
Real GDP is therefore also referred to as inflation-adjusted GDP or GDP at constant prices.


With so many business ideas in 2020, it can be hard to figure out which are worth pursuing. You’ll want to create a business that’s not only profitable today, but also great for the long-term. You may notice that a lot of the ideas on this list have been growing in popularity recently. While jumping on a new trend can sometimes be risky – it can also be highly rewarding. Some of the eCommerce business ideas on this list have been popular for a long time making it more competitive but less risky.

Here are 6 business categories to keep an eye on in 2020:

•Artificial Intelligence Drives •Customer Experience
•Communities Embrace Live •Interactions Over Social Media
•Blockchain Embraced By Big Players
•Going Green Is Picking Up Steam
•E-Commerce Will Continue to dominate
•All-Encompassing Digital Platforms Will Keep Rising


You’ve probably heard plenty about VAT – it stands for value-added tax and it adds to the cost of nearly everything you buy in Qatar.

Qatar is now expected to be the fourth Arab Gulf state to introduce a 5% VAT in January 2020.

This follows Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain.
The Qatar Ministry of Finance has confirmed that it will not introduce a Value Added Tax regime in 2019.

The ministry stated it is still evaluating the potential impacts

Key features of the new Qatari regime will include:

▪︎ VAT law and supporting Executive Regulations to be release Autumn 2019
▪︎ Registration threshold of QAR364,000
▪︎ VAT rates of 5% and 0% (exports, medicines, international transport)
▪︎ Imports subject to VAT
▪︎ Exemptions for financial services, and real estate
▪︎ Monthly VAT reporting


There are good reasons for hiring an accountant at different stages of your company's growth.

From a business plan to company formation, loan application to a tax audit, an accountant can
make life easier for you at each step.

That doesn't mean you always need to employ an accountant full-time or hire one on a retainer
basis. Sometimes just a couple of hours of their time will be enough.

If you get an accountant to take care of time-consuming tasks like taxes, it’s quite likely they will cost less per hour than you would pay yourself.
You’ll not only have extra time to free you up to generate revenue, but you’ll have peace of mind that an expert is taking care of the details.


The financial stability of a company refers to its ability to generate healthy profits, avoid heavily increasing expenses and have a better chance of long-term success.

The definition of financial stability in business goes beyond just making good money through sales. It indicates that your business continues to grow more profitable while your expenses stay mostly the same or see little increase.

Financial stability is important since it provides opportunities for business expansion and growth. When your company continually sees increasing profitability, you can afford to add to your product line or even open an additional shop in a desirable location.


A chart of accounts (COA) is a financial organizational tool that provides a complete listing of every account in an accounting system. An account is a unique record for each type of asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense.

An important purpose of a COA is to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets, and liabilities so that viewers can quickly get a sense of a company’s financial health.

A well-designed COA not only meets the information needs of management, but it also helps a business to comply with financial reporting standards. A company has the flexibility to tailor its chart of accounts to best suit its needs.


Document Control helps you enforce controlled processes and practices for the creation, review, modification, issuance, distribution, and accessibility of documents.

In a busy company where lots of unstructured information overflows, the quality of data is important. If data quality is poor due to lack of version control or duplication, time is lost as staff work out what information they can trust, and mistakes are made.

Moving up a level, a company may achieve Document Management maturity status by using a repository-based tool such as sharepoint.

It is often said that Sharepoint is now synonymous with document management. However, this is defined as being able to share a document by saving it to a document management server (on the cloud).


After the initial business opening, growth can be one of the most exciting times for any
entrepreneur. However, periods of growth may not always be sustainable, as each business has
its ups and downs. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your business grow in a
more sustainable manner. Strategic growth can help your business become more profitable
over time and sustain in a competitive environment.
Sustaining your business depends on two factors; how you manage your business and how you
retain your customers.
Follow these tips for growing your business more sustainably.

1. Stay Efficient
2. Capitalize On Your Brand
3. Keep Your Customers
4. Connect With The Community


How to manage your business

“If you can run one business well, you can run any business well.”
– Richard Branson

When running a business, among the top things to consider are the 4 M's.

The four M’s of business are: Manpower (HR), Materials, Money, and Machinery. These are the most important resources any organization must utilize in an optimum way.

Consider also:
-Preparing the best plan which produces best possible results with minimum utilization of resources.
-Arrangement of funds not only for the ex*****on of the plan and day-to-day functioning of the business but any surprising and uncertain activity.
-Effective marketing strategy, involving market research, advertising, promotion, sales, and after-sales service.
-Allocation of proper resources to different activities involved.
-Changing market scenarios and upgrading technologies
-Venturing into new business lines or investing in new strategies.


"Accounting is the language of business" Warren Buffett

Modern accounting and financial reporting standards are in place to enhance efficiency and public accountability within a business. Adherence to modern accounting standards is a requirement of business accountants.

Here are 5 important principles of modern accounting:

1. The Revenue Principle
2. The Expense Principle
3. The Matching Principle
4. The Cost Principle
5. The Objectivity Principle

As a result of modern accounting standards both public and private entities can provide interested parties with consistent and reliable financial information.


Over the course of the past decade, Qatar invested significantly in its economy resulting in an increase in GDP that is expected to hit $225 billion by 2020. In turn, this growth has attracted attention from foreign investors and enlarged the investment market.

Here are 10 rules to consider when investing in Qatar.

1. Invest in what you know.
2. The bigger the potential returns, the higher the level of risk.
3. Never compromise on business quality.
4. Know the difference between price and value.
5. Be considerate of the Market Culture.
6. Invest for the long-term.
7. Never invest in anything you don’t understand.
8. Embrace the benefits the Qatari market provides.
9. Don't try to time the market.
10 Have a margin of safety.


• Startups companies in Qatar •

Managing documentation and legal processes could be a headache for some, but it’s an inevitable step in building a startup.

Building a startup is a big step for anyone to take, as it may require leaving the comfort and
security for a more uncertain financial future.

It’s not hard to tell that there’s an entrepreneurship transformation happening in Qatar.

In the last couple of years, Qatar has jumped into the top 25 countries of the Global Entrepreneurship

Thinking about joining the movement and starting a business in Qatar? Here is what you need:

1- A Good Idea: That’s what every business need.

2- Commercial Registration: Issued by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce

3- Trade license: Issued by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce

4- Establishment Card: Issued by the immigration office.

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26 Ibn Obada

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 17:00
Thursday 07:30 - 17:00
Sunday 07:30 - 17:00

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