Feminism For Real

A women's leadership hub empowering women with information and support to change the world!

Photos from Feminism For Real's post 14/12/2023

The Romanian Women's LOBBY Association (the national coordination in Romania of the European Women Lobby) and National Democratic Institute - are preparing the ground for the participation of Romanian women in the elections multiples of 2024.
The two partner organizations in the Minority of the 51% project – funded by the Dutch Embassy in Romania and co-financed by the European Women's Lobby - believes that it has been reached
to an impasse regarding women's access to leadership positions in local, county councils, in
The Romanian Parliament and in the European Parliament and that the current models cannot lead to change if the paradigm is not changed. Violence against women who are politically active is one of the main reasons why they do not run or refuse to participate in the elections.
The event was dedicated to the various forms of violence against women active in politics and will have moderators and speakers from the European Union, mainly from the Netherlands and guests from the USA and its proposes to emphasize this phenomenon which is taking place on a large scale, but has not been discussed and not solved either. The event presented case studies from different countries and share the best overcoming practices, especially when talking about physical or online violence, as a barrier main factor in women's participation in political life.

Congratulations for the proeminent speakers:

H.E. Willemijn van Haaften, Ambassador – Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania

H.E. Kathleen Kavalec, Ambassador of the United States in Romania

Liliana Popescu, Director National Diplomatic Institute

Daniela Palade Teodorescu, Editor in Chief Feminism For Real, journalist, trainer D&I, founding member Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate
Ana Radicevic, National Democratic Institute Program Director
Andreea Daniela Fedor – Vicepresident ROWL
Iliana Balabanova – President European Women’s Lobby

Hinke Nauta – Deputy Head of Mission at Embassy of the Netherlands in Romania
Roxana Minzatu, State Secretary at the PM office, former member in Romanian Parliament, former ministry of EU funds (Social Democratic Party)
Angela Zarojanu, former deputy mayor Suceava, former deputy prefect Suceava (National Liberal Party)
Andrea Eva Csep, member of the Romanian Parliament (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania)
Flavia Boghiu Deputy Mayor Brașov city (Save Romania Union)
Iulia Lung – feminist Writer and trainer, member in municipal bureau Bucharest, (RENEW Romania's European Project)

Conf. univ. dr. Oana Băluță – SNSPA– Cracks in the system
Astrid van Heumen – president NETHERLANDS Coordination to European Women’s Lobby
Ana Radicevic, National Democratic Institute Program Director

Botond Csoma – Member of the Romanian Parliament (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania)
Dan Barna – Member of the Romanian Parliament (Save Romania Union)
Cătălin Teniță – Member of the Romanian Parliament (RENEW Romania's European Project)

Congratulations to the organisers:
Laura Albu, President Romanian Women’s Lobby
Alice Pop, Director National Democratic Institute Romania
Dina Loghin, Vicepresident European Women’s Lobby

MeToo Unless UR A Jew 14/11/2023

Join this campaign:

MeToo Unless UR A Jew Join the global campaign against the hypocrisy of UN Women oraganization.


Pentru a doua oara in acest an, egalitatea de gen si de sanse sunt pe agenda Leaders’ Summit - The Highway to Success.

Cu Anca Paliu Dragu, Wajiha Haris, Akhalkatsi, Csaba Asztalos, Cristian Selaru

Multumim pentru invitatie, Ioana Gabriela Tiganescu si Grupul de Presa MediaUno!

Congratulations to Nobel Prizes Winners Narges Mohammadi (...) 16/10/2023

Two amazing women awarded for 2023 Nobel Peace Prize - Narges Mohammadi and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel laureate Claudia Goldin!

Congratulations to Nobel Prizes Winners Narges Mohammadi (...) [Brussels, 10 October 2023] This year, the [Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences->https://www.kva.se/en and the [Norwegian Nobel


Sport is still a male-dominated world. Only 37% of all currently registered athletes are women. Their percentage is even lower when it comes to management positions in the representative institutions of Romanian and international sports. This important topic is debated in a complex book on Romanian women's sports - "Women's strength in sport" - coordinated by Andreea Paul, the founder of INACO - Initiativa pentru Competitivitate. The book's launch will take place on October 9, 2023, with the support of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee.

"Currently, women's sport is less popular than men's, despite spectacular results in international elite sport; secondly, there is no reason for this situation to continue. If you accept these premises, women's sports offer the market a lot of new opportunities to increase the quality of life, commercial opportunities and new sports performances, a lot of new perspectives for reimagining the Romanian sports environment", says the coordinator of the book, Andreea Paul.

Olimpic și Sportiv Român


International Day of Equal Pay has supporters in Romania.

Congrats, Kaufland Romania!


Madi Radulescu MCC, Executive coach MCC (ICF), ACTC (ICF), MBA - Managing Partner of
MMM Consulting Int'l is an entrepreneur, team coach and executive coach, facilitator, experienced trainer, with over 30 years of experience in working with leaders in multinational companies. She holds multiple coaching, management and leadership certifications, being a member of ICF - MCC - Master Certified Coach - and ACTC - Advanced Team Coach Certification, certified consultant for Persona Global and PerformanSe methodologies. She has led projects in 14 European countries and is actively involved in multiple volunteer projects focused on education and coaching.

We are so greatful she joined campaign! Big Thank You!

Follow us on an insightful interview - link in the first comment


Mirabela Miron, president of the Organization of Women Entrepreneurs (OFA UGIR) in Romania, managed to make her voice heard in the business world from a very young age.
Through OFA, Mirabela inspires and supports many women on their way to entrepreneurial success, promoting, supporting and providing them with an adequate framework for the development and growth of their businesses.

She believes in female solidarity and encourages female entrepreneurs to give back to the communities where they live and work.

Grateful for joining us in campaign!

Photo: Padurariu

Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate


🙌🏻 👏🏻 🙏🏻 Mirabela Miron, president of the Organization of Women Entrepreneurs (OFA UGIR) in Romania, managed to make her voice heard in the business world from a very young age.

⚜️⚜️Through OFA, Mirabela inspires and supports many women on their way to entrepreneurial success, promoting, supporting and providing them with an adequate framework for the development and growth of their businesses.

💎💎 She believes in female solidarity and encourages female entrepreneurs to give back to the communities where they live and work.

👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻 Thankful for joining campaign!


🙌🏻 👏🏻 🙏🏻 Ana Raluca Chisu is an economist, the founder of the first pediatric recovery center in Romania (Asociatia KinetoBebe). It is a trailblazer both in terms of social economy and health management actions.

🏆🥇🏅 She initiated prophylactic programs for preventive motor assessment of the child in the first 12 months of life and developed the formula for social clinics for motor assessment and she advocated for several public policy proposals to implement such clinics. Her strengths as a female entrepreneur are ambition, attention to macro strategies, but also fine details, especially in relationships with people.

👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻 Thankful for joining campaign!


Diana Șerban, a dedicated entrepreneur, passionately advocates for the principles of moral economy and sustainable education in our society.

As the founder of ARCA-Advanced Research in Education and Școala Quantum, two organizations at the forefront of driving innovation and excellence in learning, Diana believes that "education represents a social vocation and immense responsibility. With each child educated, we write a piece of the future".

Since 2003 Diana is also founder and manager at Carbogaz SRL, a leading fuel and energy distribution company 100% Romanian.

Grateful for joining campaign!

follow us on the entire interview - link in the first comment


Cristina Chiriac is the president of the National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship (CONAF), the most powerful and active confederation in Romania, which brings together the interests of entrepreneurs in the European spirit of gender equality and equal opportunities.
"Flori de ie" represents her soul project that includes all her entrepreneurial ideals: sustainability, rural development, equal opportunities, the promotion of Romanian values.

Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate


⚜️🕉 „There are those women writers who, at this point, want to avoid being pigeonholed at all costs, and reject the label of feminist writer though concerns of gender inequality are present in their work. In a given country, in a given subculture, any of these can be an understandable position - I think that’s part of the solidarity we owe each other. In the English-speaking world, several initiatives use statistics as an impetus for providing more support to women writers as underrepresented. I think of the organization “Women Who Submit” which focuses on the lower rate that women submit for publication, and the Women in Translation movement which tackles the lack of translations of women writers, including founding the Warwick Prize for women in translation. ”

Monica Cure is a talented writer and Romanian-English translator who has won the 2023 Oxford Weidenfeld-Translation Prize for her translation of „The Censor’s Notebook” by Romanian writer Liliana Corobca. „The Censor’s Notebook” tells the story of life in communist Romania, exploring the nature of literature and censorship.

Thank you, Monica, for such an insightful conversation! The entire interview - link in the first comment


Women who have meant something in your life deserve a laudatio! It's the best time to tell us about a woman who makes you proud to be a woman.

Mihaela Raluca Tudor, founder of the Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate, is sharing about the women who inspire her:

„My story is intertwined with the strength and influence of remarkable women in my life. From my cherished grandmother to the inspiring public figures, they have left an indelible mark on my journey. 💫

Today, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and pay homage to all the strong women who have shaped my life and motivated me to strive for greatness. You are the wellspring of my strength and determination. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!” 🙏


Women who have meant something in your life deserve a laudatio! It's the best time to tell us about a woman who makes you proud to be a woman.
Mihaela Raluca Tudor, founder of the Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate, is sharing about the women who inspire her:

„My story is intertwined with the strength and influence of remarkable women in my life. From my cherished grandmother to the inspiring public figures, they have left an indelible mark on my journey. 💫
Today, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and pay homage to all the strong women who have shaped my life and motivated me to strive for greatness. You are the wellspring of my strength and determination. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!” 🙏


"In one out of every two families, where there is a child with autism, parents get divorced" - according to the statistics of the association.

Daniela Bololoi is the founder and president of Help Autism, the largest organization in Romania dedicated to supporting children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, fundraiser, and president of RO TSA - the network of autism NGOs.
This NGO started in 2010 from her own experience as a mother of a child with autism who faced the shortcomings of the system.

Thank you for joining us in campaign!

Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate


"We believe in amplifying the voices and visibility of women! 🌟 We want the world to recognize the incredible importance and love that a woman embodies, the countless positive contributions she can make, and why it's crucial to appreciate her.

That's why we're launching a heartfelt campaign aptly named: 'Nominate a Woman Who Makes You Proud to Be a Woman!' We aim to discover the story of the woman beside you, who has impressed you and serves as your role model. Send us her story and a few photos, and we'll share it with the world. 📸✨💪



🙌🏻 👏🏻 🙏🏻 Atena Boca founded the La Primul Bebe community, the most active and broadest online community in Romania, dedicated to pregnant women and new mothers. "We hope that in 10 years society will have changed the perception of mothers' role in Romania, and that LaPrimulBebe will have contributed to this. Supporting mothers is an essential value for us. We bring into the spotlight the importance of their role, often ignored and unrecognized”, declared Atena


💎❇️☀️🌻In a diplomatic career of over 30 years, Simona Mirela Miculescu was the first female spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the first woman with the diplomatic rank of ambassador in the history of Romanian diplomacy, the first woman to lead the Permanent Mission of Romania to the UN and the first woman who leads the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. She was the coordinator of the diplomatic campaign carried out by the ministries of foreign affairs and the ministries of culture from Romania and the Republic of Moldova, which led to the registration of the file "The art of the traditional Romanian IA: an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova" in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage on December 1, 2022 - Romania's National Day.

A big thank you for such a performance on The International Day of Romanian IA!

👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻 The portrait of Simona Miculescu was presented in the "We Are Half" exhibition at Casa Europa, and it stood under the sign of a gratifying statistic: almost 50% of all MFA employees (Central and Foreign Service) are women. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


🙌🏻 👏🏻 🙏🏻 Mihaela Miroiu is a political scientist, philosopher and writer, the most consistent and influential opinion leader of liberal feminism in Romania, a point of reference for what real and authentic feminism can be. She defines it as humanism with women included. Her public appearances, including social media ones, are full of wisdom and substance, influencing the minds and hearts of thousands of people who benefit from her experience.

👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻We are grateful for her supporting campaign.
👉🏻 👉🏻 👉🏻 Follow us on Feminism For Real to discover the entire interview - link in the first comment:

Statul suntem noi!🤝💫

De aceea, e nevoie să ne implicăm în procesele sociale de dezvoltare. Instituțiile statului au rolul de a orândui lucrurile, dar asta nu înseamnă că nu avem o datorie morală la nivel personal.

Fiecare dintre noi este o voce, iar propriile acțiuni pot influența mai mult decât ne putem imagina! Profesoara 𝗠𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘂 a influențat cu siguranță multe generații de studenți și studente, dar a deschis și culmile egalității de gen în România.

Pionier al domeniului, prin inițiativa proprie a militat pentru egalitatea de gen și a vorbit despre inegalitățile sociale. Acțiunile pe care le-a făcut au dus la conștientizarea în masa a fenomenului, la schimbarea de mentalități și chiar de legi.

EN: Let's embrace our role in shaping society!

We believe that "the state is us," and it's essential for everyone to actively participate in social development. 🙌 Meet Professor 𝗠𝗶𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗶𝘂, a true inspiration who has influenced countless generations of students and shattered gender barriers in Romania.

📚🚀 As a pioneer in her field, she has tirelessly advocated for gender equality and addressed social inequalities. Her courageous actions have sparked mass awareness, transformed mindsets, and even changed laws.

🌟💡 Let's follow her lead and make a difference with our own voices and actions! Together, we can create a more equal and just society. 🤝💫

Photos from Feminism For Real's post 13/06/2023

👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻 The top personalities that Romanians identify as landmarks in the fight for gender equality - Mihaela Miroiu, Andreea Marin, Delia, Emma Watson and Michelle Obama are among them.

🏆🥇🏅 Mihaela Miroiu (political scientist, philosopher and writer), Aluziva (Alina Greavu - activist, independent fundraiser, content creator), singer Delia Matache, Oana Băluță (teacher, a researcher specialized in gender equality and politics) and media personality Andreea Marin are the most famous public figures from Romania, which Romanians associate with sustained activity in the gender equality field and the promotion of women's rights - shows a study done by the Solidarity and Equality Association - Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate.

Follow us for more info - link in the first comment:


👩🏻 ⚖️ 👨🏻 According to the report, working mothers are 6 times more likely to be responsible for most or all of the housework and childcare compared to their partners.

We cannot have equal opportunities in the public space as long as we do not have equal opportunities in the private space, at home.


„A better world for women is a better world for everyone” was my motto in almost 30 years of supporting women in Romania. With our team from Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate, we initiated an international campaign dedicated to creating awareness of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, called .
With the support of TUDOR Communications and the EWA European Women's Association, we started to create a national movement and intend to extend it internationally.”

Daniela Palade Teodorescu was a speaker for „Bucharest Leaders’ Summit: The future is now. Perspectives of the aftermath” Bucharest, Palace of Parliament - 23 May 2023, among distinguished ladies and gentlemen who presented the benefits of gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

The panel dedicated to Equal Opportunities had the support of the Senate Committee for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Cults and Minorities.

Thank you for your invitation, Ioana Gabriela Tiganescu and
Grupul de Presa MediaUno team!


The gender equality index in Romania in 2022 was 53.7, a score that places Romania in 26th place in the European Union, according to the European Institute for Gender Equality. The European average is 68.6, and the highest level is 77.8 in Denmark. Romania is far from the European average, and it is obvious that we still have a lot to do. Gender equality also leads to economic growth, but also to the reduction of social inequities, and this was the theme of the Inspiring Voices event. Empowering Women Leaders & Entrepreneurs organized by Business Review in partnership with the Representation of the European Commission in Romania.

Photos from Feminism For Real's post 17/05/2023

Elena-Manuela David is the prototype of educator-leader, or school master or, more precisely, a mentor who sees education as an entity that cultivates and develops leadership. When she talks about education, she admits that the voice she feels mostly in her mind and soul is that of a mentor - including for his two daughters, two beautiful young professionals.
That is why she is aware that leadership must be learned at school, as well as well-being. Until they are officially included in any program, she believes that every educator has the moral duty, unstated, to leave an imprint of a leader, a mentor, regardless of the subject they are teaching. Children feel it, recognize it instinctively and remain marked by it in a positive way, all their lives. To paraphrase Maya Angelou, pupils will forget what you taught them, what information you shared, but they will never forget the way you make them feel, dream, become professionals.

Her classes are infinitely more than boring, dull, sterile, abstract mathematical formulas; they are skillfully explained with the help of storytelling, sacred geometry, with mandalas full of symbols, with stories about people who enlightened the world with their formulas (Newton, Platon, Aristotel, Pitagora), but also with elements of cosmology and sacred architecture, based on the principle reformulated by a famous mathematician, Gauss - "God does arithmetic."


Uca Marinescu - the first woman in the world to reach the four poles - Feminism for real 15/05/2023

Happy birthday to Romanian explorer Uca Marinescu!
83 yo is a great performance!

For Mrs. Uca Marinescu, lifelong learning is one of the main motivations in her life. At the age of 50, she started learning Chinese, in her 60s she learned the basic vocabulary of the Papuan language because she was preparing to go on an expedition to Papua New Guinea and needed to be able to interact with the native population, not only with English-speaking guides. That’s because she often lives in people’s homes, to get to know and understand them better. She has cultivated a fantastic sense of survival in all conditions, and lives in extremely modest conditions on her expeditions. Only the transport costs are sponsored, the rest is dealing with the native population. She always has in her rucksack a prayer book and a bit of Transylvanian bacon, even though she is a vegetarian.

Maria Uca Marinescu

Uca Marinescu - the first woman in the world to reach the four poles - Feminism for real Uca Marinescu is a teacher, explorer and performance athlete. Immediately after retiring as a sports teacher, Uca Marinescu began to explore the world. At almost 83 years old, although she has experienced two major surgeries that have prevented her from traveling far, the explorer is not giving up o...


Vadim Ghirda and the Associated Press team were honored with this prestigious award, for 15 images that reproduced in real-time the devastating human disaster of the Ukrainian war.

Photojournalist Vadim Ghirda is one of the photographers who supported us in the campaign with a selection of pictures that illustrate the difficult situations that women in Ukraine live day by day, but also their courage to fight with a gun, shoulder to shoulder with men soldiers. In many of his photos, Vadim captured women in distress issues and life-limit situations - refugees, injured, abandoned women - but also women who did not hesitate to fight as soldiers to defend their country.

Follow us on Feminism For Real for the entire feature:

National Day of Equal Opportunities - Feminism for real 09/05/2023


Every year, since 2015, May 8 is dedicated to equal opportunities between women and men. It was established by the law 23/2015 dedicated to equal opportunities between women and men as an integral part of social policy.

National Day of Equal Opportunities - Feminism for real Every year, since 2015, May 8 is dedicated to equal opportunities between women and men. It was established by the law 23/2015 dedicated to equal opportunities between women and men as an integral part of social policy. The legislative project for the establishment of this day was initiated by UDMR....

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