Bogdan Vintila - Fizioterapeut

Bogdan Vintila - Fizioterapeut

Fizioterapeut | FMT Specialist @RockTape | Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Specialist @OMT Training


Pentru ca mi-a placut la maxim partea de recuperare maxilo-faciala si am vrut sa le ofer pacientilor mei cel mai bun tratament, am mai urmat un curs de supraspecializare organizat de catre 🤓
Niciodata nu este prea tarziu sa inveti ceva nou!
❗Daca te "supara" articulatia temporomandibulara sau coloana cervicala, nu ezita sa ma contactezi!

Photos from Bogdan Vintila - Fizioterapeut's post 01/02/2023

Mobility training session with



🔴 Simți durere în zona lombară și amorțeli\furnicături în membrul inferior? Încearcă aceste exerciții!
🔴 Poți ajusta numărul repetărilor\seriilor în funcție de cm te simți.
🔴 Dacă simți durere în timp ce execuți exercițiile, ar fi mai bine să te oprești!
❗ Acest clip nu înlocuiește vizita la medic sau fizioterapeut și are caracter pur informativ.
Te-a ajutat acest clip? Arată-le și prietenilor!


🔴 Ai dureri în articulația umărului atunci cand te antrenezi la sală? Încearcă aceste 3 exerciții ușoare, dar extrem de utile, înainte să începi antrenamentul!
🔴 Poți ajusta numărul repetărilor\seriilor în funcție de nivelul tău de antrenament.
🔴 Dacă simți durere în timp ce execuți exercițiile, ar fi mai bine să te oprești!
❗ Acest clip nu înlocuiește vizita la medic sau fizioterapeut și are caracter pur informativ.


Caught in the act 😅



Ai suferit o accidentare sau dorești să te menții în formă? Sunt aici pentru tine! Contacteaza-mă pentru a stabili împreună un plan de recuperare\antrenament individualizat. Corpul tău o să-ți mulțumească pentru alegerea luată! 💪


This man is such an inspiration! Tudor Mihaita can be described as being the "apostle" of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Romania. He's also a 4x European Champion and the owner of Absoluto sports club. Bye-bye backpain!😄💪


I forgot to put on my high heels shoes! 😅
Elvir Koljić - FC Universitatea Craiova\National Football Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I wish him a fast recovery! ⚽


Post Covid-19 Infection Breathing exercises⚕️

Deep breathing exercises can improve diaphragm function and increase lung capacity

❗ Do not begin exercises and stop immediately if you feel that:
- you have fever;
- you are experiencing any difficulty breathing\shortness of breath while resting;
- you have chest pain\dizziness\irregular heartbeat.

Stay safe! 😄



Post Covid-19 exercises⚕️
🔴How can they help you?
They will improve your mobility, cardiac and pulmonary function, as well as your flexibility, strength, endurance, and, of course, your mental health.
❗Before starting this exercise program, you should ask your doctor if it is suitable for you.
1. Perform these exercises carefuly and don't forget to breath! Example: breath in as you go up, breath out as you go down;
2. Do between 10 and 15 reps (or less\more) and when it comes to isometric exercises, try to hold the contraction for 3-5 seconds;
3. Stop immediately if you feel that something is not right and discuss to your doctor!



Ankle sprain rehab (final phase) with Quick Board.🦶


"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn


Tone and lift your bottom and thighs with these 4 easy exercises that you can do anywhere and anytime! 🍑
You have to be patient, do these exercises daily or at least 3 times a week. You should feel and notice a difference in a couple of weeks. 💪
• Do you lack moblity? Go as far as you can and perform the exercises slowly and in a controlled manner. You'll be alright!
• If you feel pain during these exercises I suggest you to stop and consult with your GP or Physiotherapist. Every person is different.


-Recuperarea mainii d**a un accident vascular cerebral ischemic masiv-

Imi aduc aminte ca in prima sedinta nu putea prinde conurile decat d**a nenumarate incercari, dar imediat le scapa. Astazi, d**a mai multe sedinte de kinetoterapie si terapie ocupationala, pacienta a reusit sa realizeze extensia degetelor si sa mute obiectele mult mai usor. Mai avem de lucrat, dar suntem pe drumul cel bun. Inceperea unui program de kinetoterapie imediat d**a AVC este absolut necesar pentru a reveni la o viata cat se poate de normala! Poate ca exercitiile par banale pentru noi, dar pentru pacientii care au suferit un AVC, aceste miscari pot reprezenta un efort de nedescris.


I can't describe how happy I am that I had the chance to work with one of the greatest Romanian actors, Horatiu Malaele. He's such an extraordinary man, full of joy and energy. 💪👏



Stiff ankles? Fear not, I'm here to help you move better!


Si cand te gandesti ca in urma cu multi ani il urmaream pe Keo la televizor, iar acum lucram impreuna in sala... Este printre cei mai faini oameni pe care i-am intalnit. 💪


I'm taking my "babies" out for a treatment session. Today's condition: plantar fasciitis.


Astazi am fost "tortionarul de serviciu", iar Daniel Osmanovici poate confirma. No pain, no gain! 💪😂


Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. It happens when the neurons gradually break down or die. Exercise has been proven to maintain health and well-being in Parkinson’s dosease and now importantly it is shown to play a big role in addressing secondary prevention (focusing on strength, endurance, flexibility, functional practice and balance).
Here you can see three easy exercises for balance, strength and posture. I only needed a stick, a slide and a small balance pad.


Here we can take a look at: lumbar spine, sacrum and coccyx. They support most of the weight of our body.

According to a study by Devon I. Rubin it is estimated that 15% to 20% of adults have back pain during a single year and 50% to 80% experience at least one episode of back pain during a lifetime (2007). You can feel low back pain at any age, from 13 years old to 90 years old. Risk factors for developing spine pain are multidimensional:
- general medical health;
- mental health;
- work environment.
Take care of these "little guys" by maintaining a healthy lifestyle: exercise at least 30-50 minutes a day, drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and sleep more than 6 hours per night.


These are some of my post graduate certifications. You're in good hands!


Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization for calf and ankle. A study by Schaefer and Sandrey (2012) indicated that IASTM improved ankle ROM and reduced pain in high school athletes with chronic ankle instability.


IASTM for lumbar pain



This exercise, also known as "dead bug", targets core muscles, especially the re**us abdominis, transvervse abdominis and spinal erectors.
Follow me on instagram


Fascia is a collagenous network of tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. Sometimes, some adhesions (knots) may appear on the fascial tissue. Adhesions are areas of tissue that are "glued together". We can break down these adhesions with RockBlades or other IASTM tools. To be honest, I prefer RockBlades because of their ergonomic design.



Shoulder rehabilitation using RockPods from and sliders. When it comes to rehabilitation, always think outside the box!



Recuperarea poate fi si "altfel". Kinetoterapia nu inseamna intotdeauna memorarea unor exercitii si realizarea acestora pe tot parcursul perioadei de recuperare. Incercam sa motivam persoana care vine la noi si sa personalizam fiecare plan de tratament. In cazul de fata am utilizat Quick Board pentru a creste viteza de reactie, imbunatati echilibrul si a mai "condimenta" vizita la clinica. 💪

Efectele terapiei Shockwave in durerile lombare 15/07/2020

Va astept pe pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre terapia Shockwave (ce este, cm actioneaza si cm poate influenta starea de sanatate psihica).

Efectele terapiei Shockwave in durerile lombare Durerea este unul dintre factorii care afecteaza intr-o buna masura calitatea vietii pacientilor, ducand la probleme socio-economice asociate cu majorarea costurilor de tratament, dar si la dificultati in indeplinirea activitatilor zilnice. Afla mai multe informatii in acest articol.

COVID-19: Exercise may protect against deadly complication - Neuroscience News 18/04/2020

Se pare ca o singura sesiune de antrenament poate creste productia unor antioxidanti, numiti EcSOD, capabili sa reduca efectele infectiei cu virusul COVID-19. Deci, miscare, miscare si iar miscare!

COVID-19: Exercise may protect against deadly complication - Neuroscience News Regular exercise may help prevent or reduce the severity of ARDS for those with coronavirus. A single session of exercise increases the production of a critical antioxidant, called EcSOD, helping to reduce the effects of COVID-19 infection.

Videos (show all)

🔴 Durerea de genunchi îți dă bătăi de cap si vrei sa faci câteva exerciții pentru a tonifia musculatura membrului inferi...
🔴 Simți durere în zona lombară și amorțeli\furnicături în membrul inferior? Încearcă aceste exerciții!🔴 Poți ajusta numă...
🔴 Ai dureri în articulația umărului atunci cand te antrenezi la sală? Încearcă aceste 3 exerciții ușoare, dar extrem de ...
Ankle sprain rehab (final phase) with Quick Board.🦶

