Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate, Medical and health, Vaselor Street, No 31 Sector 2, Bucharest.
Iata cateva impresii asupra Conferintei EHMA organizata in acest an la Bucuresti!
EHMA 2024 Recap: Hear from Our Key Participants We asked some of our key participants at the 2024 European Health Management Conference for their impressions - watch and learn more!About the EHMA 2024 Conf...
🎉 Săptămâna trecută, proiectul EDU-FIT a fost prezentat la Institutul Național de Management al Serviciilor de Sănătate din București! 🎉
Dr. Eva Turk, PhD, MBA, reprezentand Fundatia SanAstra din Norvegia, a oferit participanților la Programul de formare în management spitalicesc, modulul de Managementul proiectelor, o perspectivă asupra proiectului “EDU-FIT - INCLUSIVE SOCIAL EDUCATION FIT FOR HEALTHY LIFE-STYLE: PREVENTING OBESITY IN YOUNG ADULTS”.
EDU-FIT are ca scop creșterea gradului de conștientizare asupra importanței dezvoltării unui stil de viață sănătos și crearea de metode și practici durabile pentru prevenirea obezității în rândul studenților și a adulților tineri.
Am aflat ca peste 40% dintre studenții din Croația, Slovenia, Portugalia și Slovacia, țări partenere în proiect, au declarat o creștere în greutate în timpul facultății, în topul primelor trei cauze fiind stress-ul, obiceiurile alimentare nesănătoase și lipsa activității fizice.
În cadrul unor întâlniri viitoare, putem explora modalități de a extinde beneficiile programului EDU-FIT în mediul spitalicesc, creând o abordare holistică a sănătății și bunăstării. 🌿💪
INMSS sprijină și documentează elaborarea politicilor de sănătate de către Ministerul Sănătăţii - România, și colaborează continuu cu World Health Organization Office for Romania și cu European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, prin experții care fac parte din cadrul retelei HSPM!
Inca un pas spre o mai bună pregatire in managementul serviciilor de sănătate: semnarea contractului pentru construcția unui nou centru de formare, in cadrul PNRR!
Au fost 3 zile intense pentru echipa INMSS, care a participat la atât în calitate de co-organizator și gazdă, cât și cu prezentări științifice în cadrul panelurilor, workshopurilor și dezbaterilor din cele trei zile de conferință. Au fost peste 15 sesiuni în care au fost implicați colegii noștri, România având cel mai mare număr de lucrări acceptate la conferința din acest an.
Le urăm felicitări tuturor pentru munca depusă și ne pregătim pentru Conferința care va avea loc la Rennes, având co-organizator pe colegii noștri de la EHESP!
EHMA - European Health Management Association
World Health Organization (WHO)
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
INMSS la ! Work and fun!
Zilele acestea sunt la București peste 400 de experți în politici de sănătate, management sanitar și sănătate publică din peste 40 de țări, cu ocazia Conferinței Europene a Managementului din domeniul Sănătății, organizată de EHMA - European Health Management Association, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Sănătăţii - România și Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate din România.
Tema din acest an, „Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems” cuprinde întregul spectru de megatendințe din domeniul sănătății: de la transformarea digitală a sistemelor și serviciilor de asistență medicală, până la importanța tot mai mare a sustenabilității și analiza seturilor de abilități necesare forței de muncă din domeniul sănătății, aflate într-o continuă schimbare.
Echipa INMSS participă atât în calitate de co-organizator și gazdă, cât și cu prezentări științifice în cadrul panelurilor, workshopurilor și dezbaterilor din cele trei zile de conferință.
💫Join us at the Second Plenary Session! 💫
We're excited to announce the upcoming plenary session titled "What to Finance First? Prioritising Investments and Spending" at the Conference. This session delves into the complexity of prioritising investments and spending from a multistakeholder perspective, featuring representatives from national health authorities, insurers, health managers, and health and care professionals. Focusing on lessons learnt in Romania and comparing experiences from other countries, this session is a must-attend.
💡 Why to talk about financing?
Health financing is a core function of any health system. It encompasses more than just the available funds for health; it includes all financing mechanisms, from raising funds to paying for health services. Well-designed health financing policies can address several critical issues, including incentivised care coordination, improved quality of care, and universal health coverage.
Our discussion will explore:
- Comprehensive views of all health system functions and policies
- Identification of country-specific objectives and prioritised actions
- Factors and competing interests shaping budget allocations
- Strategies to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, equity, and responsiveness to patients’ needs
👥 Speakers:
- Prof Dr Alexandru Rafila, MD, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Romania, Romania
- Prof Diana Paun, Presidential Advisor on Health, Romania
- Prof Dr Cristian Vladescu, General Director, National Institute of Health Services Management, Romania
- Dr Stefan Strilciuc, Former Advisor, National Insurance House
- Prof Dr Federico Lega, Professor, University of Milan, Italy
- Dr Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Belgium
🎙️ Facilitator:
Dr Teodor Blidaru, MD, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Health, Romania
Our deepest gratitude goes to the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute of Health Services Management (INMSS) for their diligent efforts in organising this insightful session.
Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to the dialogue on prioritising health investments and spending. Register now:
See you at !
🚀 Join us at the EHMA 2024 Conference 1st Plenary Session! 🚀
Our first plenary session called "Health inequalities in 2030: anticipating scenarios and solutions" will deliver valuable insights and foresight through three compelling acts, each highlighting health disparities and strategies to address them.
🎭 Act One: Setting the Stage
Our opening keynote will unveil the projected health landscape for 2030, supported by scientific data. This presentation will expose the stark realities of health inequalities, emphasizing the urgency to address these issues and envision a more equitable future.
🎤 Act Two: Diverse Perspectives, Shared Vision
A dynamic panel of experts from various fields will take centre stage. Covering topics from sustainability to digitalisation and access to care, our panelists will analyse the causes of health inequalities and propose innovative strategies to overcome barriers and promote inclusivity.
🎢 Act Three: Charting the Way Forward
As the session concludes, our moderator will synthesise the insights from the panel discussions. They will craft a narrative outlining actionable steps to prevent and manage health inequalities, guiding us towards a future where healthcare is accessible to all.
📋 Keynote Speaker:
🔹 ChatGPT
🗣 Panelists:
🔹Prof Federica Morandi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
🔹Dr Tuomo Nieminen, Wellbeing Services County of Päijät-Häme, Finland
🔹Julie Spony, European Patients Forum, Belgium
🔹Dr Eva Turk, University of Applied Sciences St Polten, Austria/Slovenia
🔹Dr Tomas Zapata, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Spain
🎙️ Facilitator:
🔹Dr Marius Ungureanu, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
We extend our deepest gratitude to EHMA Scientific Advisory Committee for their dedication and hard work in preparing this session.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain profound insights and contribute to shaping a healthier, more equitable future. See you at
Not yet registered? Do it now! 👉
Astazi participam la European Public Health Week - Health is a political choice! cu o prezentare despre Screeningul pentru cancerul colorectal in politicile publice din Romania. Felicitari colegilor nostri Dr. Lavinia Panait, Dr. Georgeta Popovici, Dr. Sorana Lixandru-Dohotariu si Dr. Marius Ciutan!
Calling all PhD students! 🎓 Don't miss out on a golden opportunity to elevate your career! We're offering reduced fees for students at the EHMA2024 conference.
Seize this chance to join an engaging space where you can showcase your research, projects, and best practices and discuss with peers complex problems with a view to identify solutions in health management.
🏷️ Take advantage of our reduced PhD student tickets 👉
🌟 Excited to announce the Opening Ceremony of Conference! 🌟
This year's theme, "Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems", encompasses the entire spectrum of health megatrends. From the digital transformation of healthcare systems and services to the growing importance of sustainability, and the evolving skill sets required by the healthcare workforce, we're ready to explore how the health sector is adapting to these changes. Emphasizing an ecosystem approach, we're fostering collaboration among stakeholders to drive innovation and address pressing challenges.
Get ready to hear from our speakers:
🎙️ Prof Sandra C. Buttigieg, MD, President, European Health Management Association (EHMA); Professor and Head of the Department of Health Systems Management and Leadership, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, Malta
🎙️ Prof Dr Alexandru Rafila, MD - Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Romania
🎙️ Prof Dr Cristian Vladescu - General Director, National Institute of Health Service Management
🗣 Dr Teodor Blidaru, MD - Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Health, Romania
Join us for insightful discussions!
🌟 Excited to share why the #ΕΗΜΑ2024 Conference is a must-attend event for anyone in the healthcare management field!
Here are three compelling reasons:
1️⃣ Bridge research and practice in health management: In an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, it's crucial to stay abreast of the latest research findings and how they translate into real-world practice. At #ΕΗΜΑ2024, we're dedicated to fostering a dialogue that bridges the gap between theory and application, ensuring that you're equipped with the most relevant insights to drive impactful change in your organisation.
2️⃣ Collect best practices from EU Member States: With diverse healthcare systems across the European Union, there's a wealth of knowledge to be gained by learning from the best practices implemented in different EU Member States. Whether you're looking to optimise operational efficiency, enhance patient care or navigate regulatory complexities, the #ΕΗΜΑ2024 Conference provides a unique opportunity to explore innovative approaches and adapt them to your own context.
3️⃣ Career development and networking opportunities: Building meaningful connections and advancing your professional growth are integral aspects of any event. Whether you're seeking mentorship, exploring new career opportunities, or simply looking to expand your circle of influence, the #ΕΗΜΑ2024 Conference offers unparalleled networking opportunities that can further advance your career.
Reserve your spot now 👉 🎟️
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Astazi a inceput primul curs de perfectionare in managementul serviciilor de sanatate, cu tema Actualitati in contractarea si decontarea serviciilor de sanatate. Detalii gasiti aici:
Sunteți interesați de metode inovative de furnizare a serviciilor de sănătate și provocările pe care le-ar ridica pentru sistemul de sănătate? Vă așteptăm la cea de-a treia sesiune plenară din cadrul Conferinței EHMA în care se va dezbate această temă! (București, 5-7 iunie 2024)
📣 We are excited to announce the third plenary of : 'Innovating service delivery: the challenge of transformation'.
🏥 Health systems are facing a myriad of challenges. Addressing them through incremental service improvements may fall short of meeting the demands of our evolving healthcare landscape; instead, we must embrace . By exploring innovative methods of delivering , we can enhance both the quality and efficiency of care delivery.
🎯 Despite the abundance of innovative ideas, models, and best practices available, leveraging them to strengthen health systems and effectively address challenges remains a formidable task. Too often, well-intentioned innovations and transformation initiatives become ensnared in the technical and political complexities inherent within .
🗂️ In this plenary session, we will introduce a comprehensive framework for effectively navigating these complexities. This framework will encompass the roles of policymakers, the importance of vision and strategy, strategies for aligning top-down and bottom-up approaches, and the mobilisation of resources necessary for successful transformation. Recognising that transforming health service delivery is a continuous and long-term endeavour, we will also delve into the critical aspect of transformation continuity.
❓Curious to learn more? Join us in Bucharest on 5-7 June!
Get your ticket now ➡️
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Vă așteptăm la sesiunea plenară organizată de INMSS și Ministerul Sănătăţii - România în cadrul Conferinței EHMA în care se vor discuta prioritățile în finanțare. Ce credeți că e mai important să finanțăm în sănătate? Pe ce criterii stabilim priorități? Vă invităm să vă împărtașiți cu noi ideile și experiențele! (București, 5-7 iunie 2024)
📣 We are excited to share details on the second plenary of : 'What to finance first? Prioritising investments and spending'
🌐 This plenary session investigates the complexity of prioritising investments and spending from a multistakeholder perspective with representatives of national health authorities, insurers, , and healthcare professionals. With a focus on lessons learnt in Romania, and a comparison of other country experiences.
📈 is a core function of any health system. It describes more than just the money available for , but includes all financing mechanisms, from raising funds to paying for . Carefully designed health financing policies can help address a number of issues, including incentivised care coordination, improved quality of care, and universal health coverage.
📊 Health financing strategies include a comprehensive view of all the health system’s functions and policies. They also identify country-specific objectives, together with a prioritised set of actions. Numerous factors and competing interests shape budget allocations for health, policymakers have complex decisions to make that may generate value by prioritising efficiency and effectiveness of expenditures, or by improving equity and responsiveness to patients’ needs.
❓Curious to learn more? Join us in Bucharest on 5-7 June!
Get your ticket now ➡️
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Vă așteptăm la prima sesiune plenară din cadrul Conferinței EHMA în care se va dezbate problema inechităților în sănătate. Aveti vreun scenariu pentru cm va evolua acest aspect până în anul 2030? Vă invităm să îl împărtașiți cu noi! (București, 5-7 iunie 2024)
📣 We are excited to announce the first plenary of : 'Health inequalities in 2030: anticipating scenarios and solutions'!
This plenary session offers valuable insights and foresight, aimed at guiding us towards a fairer, healthier future. The session unfolds in three acts, each shedding light on health disparities and strategies to address them.
1️⃣ Act one: setting the stage
Commencing with an opening keynote, attendees are presented with a clear picture of the projected landscape for 2030. Supported by scientific data, the keynote reveals the stark realities of , underscoring the urgency to address these issues and envision a more equitable future.
2️⃣ Act two: diverse perspectives, shared vision
A dynamic panel of experts takes centre stage. From sustainability to digitalisation and access to care, these voices converge to offer diverse perspectives and solutions. Through insightful discussions, panelists not only analyse the causes of health inequalities but also propose strategies to overcome barriers and promote inclusivity.
3️⃣ Act three: charting the way forward
As the session nears its conclusion, the moderator synthesises the insights from the panel discussions. Drawing upon collective wisdom, they craft a narrative outlining actionable steps to prevent and manage health inequalities, guiding us towards a future where is accessible to all.
❓Curious to learn more? Join us in Bucharest on 5-7 June!
Get your ticket now ➡️
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Anul acesta s-a depasit numarul de lucrari trimise spre a fi prezentate la conferinta EHMA!
Speram sa depasim si numarul de participanti din anii anteriori!
Va asteptam cu drag!
❓ Do you know who attends the European Health Management Conference?
Every year we bring together more than 400 delegates to discuss the latest trends in services and systems management🏥 Our participants represent academia, , and community care, health professionals, and industry.
As Europe’s preeminent gathering in , we offer a rich and diverse programme made of plenary sessions, abstract presentations, workshops, and master classes. 🤝 We also provide several opportunities with our welcome reception and social dinner, so that you can build long lasting professional connections.
Register now to secure your place 👉
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
Happy and honoured to be EHMA collaborators for the Conference!
❓ Do you know who are the Co-Hosts of the European Health Management Conference 2024?
🤝 The Co-Hosts are the Ministry of Romania and our Member, the Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate (INMSS - National Institute of Health Services Management).
Together, we will provide a platform for all stakeholders to share the latest evidence on and discuss how different actors can work together and leverage each other’s strengths to drive and address pressing challenges.
Discover all partners and supporters that make this year's conference possible 👉
A început înscrierea pentru participare la Conferința EHMA! Găsiți mai jos detalii! Vă așteptăm!
📣 We are excited to announce that registrations are open for the European Health Management Conference 2024!
What is included in the registration?
💠 Access to a full three-day programme packed with thought-provoking sessions on the current and future practices
💠 An engaging space where to showcase your , projects and best practices and where to discuss with peers complex problems with a view to identify solutions
💠 Access to the latest management research in Europe and the world
💠 Unparallel networking opportunities with , industry leaders, administrators, decision-makers, researchers and much more
💠 Invitation to the welcome reception and the social dinner where to connect with 400+ representatives of the entire ecosystem
Join us to exchange knowledge on excellent health management practices to shape and manage innovative health ecosystems.
Register now ➡️
Ministerul Sănătăţii - România
Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate
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Vaselor Street, No 31 Sector 2