Asociația Sava's Safe Haven

Asociația Sava's Safe Haven

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Sava's Safe Haven este un adăpost privat pentru animale situat în județul Galați.

Sava's Safe Haven este un adăpost privat pentru animale, autorizat sanitar veterinar, situat în județul Galați. Adăpostul este condus și îngrijit de familia Sava și are ca scop salvarea, îngrijirea și adopția animalelor salvate de pe stradă. Adăpostul nostru are o politică împotriva eutanasiei animalelor sănătoase, astfel toți rezidenții noștri trăiesc în pace și armonie până când aceștia își vor

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 17/12/2022

Noi am împodobit adăpostul și am început și ședințele foto de Crăciun, voi cm stați cu pregătirile? :D


It's beginning to look alot like Christmas in Sava's Safe Haven!

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 07/12/2022

O scrisoare pentru Moș Crăciun din partea câinilor din Sava's Safe Haven.
„Dragă Moș Crăciun, îmi doresc pace pe Pământ, mâncare în bolul meu și o cuscă caldă. De asemenea, mi-ar plăcea o jucărie nouă!”
Fii Moș Crăciunul nostru anul acesta! Donează ❤

Santa appears at shelter and melts hearts giving ‘presents’ to the dogs and cats 07/12/2022

Acel moment cand se umple Facebook-ul cu pozele si filmarile noastre de Craciun.. ochii nostri se umplu cu lacrimi! Va multumim din suflet

Santa appears at shelter and melts hearts giving ‘presents’ to the dogs and cats Santa didn't forget any of these good boys or girls.


„Ajutor, am găsit un cățel ce pot să fac?”

Este apelul pe care îl primim zi de zi de la persoane din Galați sau împrejurimi..
Adăpostul nostru din păcate a ajuns la o capacitate maximă, astfel putem prelua numai urgențe majore.. în schimb, mereu redirecționăm persoanele să contacteze asociațiile și adăposturile de animale din zonă.

Știați că există un site unde puteți găsi toate adăposturile legale din fiecare județ?
Intrați pe și contactați cel mai apropriat adăpost! :)

'We've saved 5,000 cats and dogs so far, now we need your help to continue' 02/12/2022

Pentru că in 2022 munca noastră s-a axat pe ajutarea animalelor din mediul rural cât și animalele salvate din calea războiului, proiectul nostru de suflet de a construi prima bancă de alimente pentru animale de companie va fi reluat in 2023..
Aici aveti un interviu dat de Alexandra pentru cei de la The Mirror

Mai multe detalii despre proiect

'We've saved 5,000 cats and dogs so far, now we need your help to continue' The Sava family has rescued 5,000 abandoned and injured animals in Romania over the last 10 years - now they're on a mission to help communities who cannot afford to keep their pets after the pandemic


Din păcate o mare parte din postările noastre s-au sters ca urmare a îmbinării a 2 pagini dublură! Ne cerem scuze pentru neplăceri și zilele următoare vom reposta o mare parte dintre ele..

Cu drag,
Sava's Safe Haven

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 29/11/2022

What a big difference between 2015 and now! These tree survived to so many puppies that tried to chew it.. now that puppies are adults and seniors and are enjoyign of the shade that trees offers in summer time..


Our yearly Christmas campaign is here!!
Please consider blessing our shelter with a Christmas Donation!
Our animals already prepared their letter to Santa, ad for the first time since Christmas campaign's began, our team will publish its letters to Santa! Please join us!
For many years now, our shelter for rescued animals in Romania has been providing our 4-legged residents with Christmas cheer during the holidays—and the gratitude rings out in howls of delight through the snowy countryside.
We love our rescued animals so much that every winter we prepare the shelter for a Christmas visit from Santa Claus.
Santa Claus comes for all the animals in the shelter, bringing a sack filled with “toys, yummy food, goodies, and gifts” donated from people around the world. WATCH the heartwarming videos on the link below—and please consider sending a holiday donation to support our loving mission at Sava's Safe Haven.


The daily work in the shelter can be extremely strenuous, we need a helping hand to help us promote the rescue of animals.

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 19/11/2022

Tessi is looking for a home!
Please consider this sweet girl!
Born ~ 10/2021
Size now - about 40cm, 9 kilos
Size - medium to large
Spayed, fully vaccinated, microchipped, healthy.
Well with dogs & cats. A bit insecure of new places
Ideal home together a confident dog or in a family with experience with insecure dog ( shy of new places)
Sava's Safe Haven rehomes animals in Germany, UK, Holland, Belgium.
We offer full RBU, contact us for more details!
For English [email protected]
For German [email protected] ( Sava's Safe Haven German Friends e.V)


Join us and subscribe to a monthly donation! ❤
Mostly of the monthly donation subscribtions have been cancelled and unfortunately all costs have increased terrible much.
Emergencies are in a huge number, people keep push us to save more and more animals, but with lack of adoptions we are unable to immediately act in rescuing puppies, seniors and sick animals. This is terrible, because for some of them may be too late.
Please don;t leave us behind! We need your help!
Please subscribe for a monthly donation, even $5.00 makes a huge difference.
People continue to like, share and comment on our posts, its necessary to stay active in your news so you can see most important news about shelter.
Thank you!


Winter is very nearly. The temperature dropped very much , the wind is very strong and we work very much to protect our babies and help them to pass more easy of this period.

Keep a dog warm this winter.. ADOPT or SPONSOR a shelter dog from . Hundreds of lovely dogs and puppies are waiting for a chance!


Not everyone gets to spend Christmas with loves ones!
Shelter dogs spend days, months and sometimes years and even whole life waiting for someone to love them just as much they love people!
This Christmas consider helping your local shelter!
- Adopt a dog instead of buy one, but please think twice! A dog is not a gift, a dog is not just for a holiday. A dog is your forever friend.
- Foster a dog in case you can't adopt, many shelters needs foster volunteers, including us! We would love more volunteers.
- Please consider blessing a local animal shelter with a Christmas donation. Even you make a donation in monetary or donate food, blankets or warm coats, every shelter would appreciate it.
If you would like help Sava's Safe Haven this Christmas, please make a donate to

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 14/11/2022

Looking to adopt a small dog? This sweety is here waiting for you! This adorable girl deserves a loving and gentle home.
Name: Cory
S*x: Female
Date of birth: March 2022
Size: Small ( under 10 kilos)
Cat tested: Yes
Can live as only dog: Yes
Character: This girl is lovely, loving and gentle, playful
Best in a home with another dog.
If you want to give this puppy a home write us a message or an email to:
For General enquiries- [email protected]
For German enquiries - [email protected]

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 14/11/2022

Small sized boy looking for a home! Please give him a chance ❤
Name: Jamie
S*x: Male
Size: Under 10 kg.
Health state: Healthy, fully vaccinated, microchipped, neutered.
Character: Friendly, sociable, active and playful!
Abandoned in front of shelter together his siblings
Cat Test : Yes, good with cats.
Dog Test: Good with dogs
Video: Available, if request.
Please give him a chance!
For more details and adoption procedures please contract our team:
Sava's Safe Haven - German Friends
[email protected]
Sava's Safe Haven
[email protected]
Sava's Safe Haven German Friends e.V.

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 14/11/2022

We have so many adorable puppies in our shelter, please give a chance!
Name: Romy
S*x: Female
Size: Small
Date of birth ( approximatelly): 10.11.2021
Health state: Healthy, fully vaccinated, microchipped,spayed
Character:A bit shy of new places, active and playful!
Most suitable home together a confident dog.
Abandoned in front of shelter together his siblings
Cat Test : Yes, good with cats.
Dog Test: Good with dogs
Video: Available, if request.
Please give this puppy a chance!
For more details and adoption procedures please contract our team:
Sava's Safe Haven - German Friends
[email protected]
Sava's Safe Haven
[email protected]

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 11/11/2022

Christmas Shoe Box .. all shelter babies should open a present in the Christmas Day. ❤
Food, toys, blankets, towels, vitamins, agility equipment are only a few of the wishes..Please prepare your gift and let us make a new fabulous Christmas for our shelter pets.

Your gifts can be sent direct to shelter via post or using local online shops or even Amazon Wishlist.
Lets do it!


Adorable and adoptable dogs are forgotten in shelters due to various reasons as size, age or colour!
Unfortunately this is the sad truth about black dogs, adults dogs and large sized ones. Some of them are waiting for years to get a home and some never get one.
Fluffly ones, young ones and little dogs are the first dogs that get families, its very good for them as they are the lucky ones that leave first, but how many other dogs are left behind?
Sava's Safe Haven have many older dogs, we have dogs that has been rescued as tiny puppies in 2012, but are still living in shelter now, after 10 years, but people won't adopt them, because they are older. That's sad truth,mostly of Sava's residents are in shelter by 1 to 2 years and never got a request..
Our refuge have no kill-policy, that means dogs stay here until they found a home, sometimes is totally unfair to live in a kennel by years! But we tried make this living a little more confortable with the facilities we have as a playground for shelter dogs so they are not closed in a kennel without a possiblity to go out.
But still is not enough. So many dogs still in shelter!
Sava's Safe Haven is a dog refuge in Romania, we rehome dogs to UK and Germany by over 10 years, we are a legal and authorised shelter, all our animals are healthy and travel with all documents to good families that has been checked prior of adopting a dog.
Please help us and save a dog! We have so many residents in shelter, over 200 animals are living now in shelter, we have young dogs but also many adults in shelter, all sizes and colours!
We offer support to all adopters and forever RBU for our dogs!
Join our team today and help us save dogs!
Adopt a dog, foster one or simply share video. There are so many ways you can help us. Please do it.

Photos from Sava's Safe Haven's post 09/11/2022

5th November 2012 - Day we signed the contract to purchase the land where we have been able to house and rescued thousands of animals!
Happy Anniversary to all of friends that made it possible!
It was such a long journey.. thank you for being part of it!

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 03/11/2022

Gold-D EU have been a great supporter of our shelter through sending premium quality food to distribute at local Ukraine-Romania border but also to feed our rescued animals.
Our cats are simply in love with the high quality food and our puppies adores their yummy food!
We high recommand you try their food.

They was happy to create an website for us where you can order food to send to our shelter. We would be very grateful for any bag of food or canned meat purchased!


You can't do EVERYTHING, but you can do SOMETHING!
Dear friends we are needing of network volunteers to help us promote our dogs for adoption. We people that would like to search families for our dogs , home check potential adopters etc.
We are also looking for volunteers that can help us promote our work Worldwide.
Apply for being part of our team in work of rescuing and rehoming poor animals!
[email protected]


Shelter is not a home! Please adopt a shelter dog ❤

Lissi is looking for a home! Please give her a chance of a family ❤
Size: Small ( short body, long legs)
Weight about 10 kilos
Date of birth April 2021
Character: Active, friendly, well with dogs & cats. Super loving with people.
She is suitable for any family who may give her love and time.
Healthy, fully vaccinated, microchipped.
Sava's Safe Haven currently is open for adoptions in Germany, Belgium,UK, France and Holland only.
Please help us with a share! ❤


Happy 10th Anniversary, Sava's Safe Haven!
Oana Sava says:
"Ten years ago my life changed forever! Everything started with a dream to save about 30 animals who was left to die in middle of nowhere. I fed them daily, I gave the medicine but I could not save them because I had no space to take them.. Every week there was new dogs coming in or dogs that disappeared ( mostly of them died because of illness or car accidents).
On 5th November, together a group of animals lovers that I am glad to call them friends, I purchased a land, in middle of nowhere.. away of all suffer. since then, I spend day and night, all holidays, all seasons, and all days of the year. I could never get tired of it, even is terrible hard, even sometimes I feel I can not cope.
Together you all, we name it Sava's Safe Haven , today housing about 250 animals, and a total of over 5000 animals helped and along of time.
Happy Anniversary to you all that helped us grow, happy anniversary to you all that continued to help us, to follow us and adopt from us.
Please consider making a donation to our shelter and help us continue this work! Only with your help we can go on ❤"

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 01/11/2022

Bengie is waiting for his forever family! Would you give him a chance? Apply to adopt this sweety TODAY!
Name: Bengie
S*x: Male
Size as adult: Very small
Character: Very friendly, loving and playful.
Rescued from street.
Health condition: Healthy, fully vaccinated.
Date of birth: Jully 2021.
If you want to give this puppy a home write us a message or an email to: [email protected]
For German [email protected]

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 01/11/2022

Christmas Countdown!

We will start appeal for Christmas Shoe Box .. all shelter babies should open a present in the Christmas Day.

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 31/10/2022

Full of wounds, only skin and bone.. this girl is a fighter!
Anim All Delta is her guardian angel! Not only for her but for so many animals in huge need that no one sees..

She was found in a deplorable state..she was just skin and bones.
She is living proof that proper treatment, lots of care and love are the perfect recipe to save an animal's life.
The Anim All Delta team fell in love with her fighting strength!
She is currently in our clinic and undergoing the vaccination schedule before being available for adoption.
You can help the Anim All Delta team continue community projects to help animals with a donation.

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 31/10/2022

He is most cute baby, despite his overbite mouth!
(An overbite is a genetic, hereditary condition where a dog's lower jaw is significantly shorter than its upper jaw. )

We love him! Most adorable boy looking for a home!

Name: Zorro
S*x: Male
Date of birth: November 2021
Size: Small ~10 kg
Cat tested: Yes
Can live as only dog: Yes
Character: This boy is lovely, loving and gentle.
Best in a home with another dog because he loves to socialise and play
If you want to give this puppy a home write us a message or an email to:
For General enquiries- [email protected]
For German enquiries - [email protected]

Photos from Asociația Sava's Safe Haven's post 30/10/2022

Lino is looking for a home! Please give him a chance of a family ❤
Size: Small ( short body, long legs)
Weight about 10 kilos
Date of birth Feb. 2022
Character: Loving, gentle, needs a home with a patient family because he is super quiet boy, a bit shy and timid.
Shy of new places. Best in a home with another pet.
Healthy, fully vaccinated, microchipped.
Sava's Safe Haven currently is open for adoptions in Germany, Belgium, France, UK and Holland
Please help us with a share! ❤


Page is back to who belongs to!
We are very sorry for all of you that messaged this page and never got back. Someone have hacked it and we work hard to get full access to! ❤
With love
Sava's Safe Haven Romania

Page is back to who belongs to!
We are very sorry for all of you that messaged this page and never got back. Someone have hacked it and we work hard to get full access to!

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