Microsoft Student Partners UAIC

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Microsoft Student Partners UAIC, Community Organization, Strada General Berthelot, Nr. 16, Iasi.

Aceasta este pagina oficială a programului academic Microsoft Student Partners (MSP) pentru Facultatea de Informatică din cadrul Universitaţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iaşi, România.

Timeline photos 25/04/2017

Echipa Microsoft Student Partners UAIC recruteaza.
Cautam viitori colegi, ambitiosi si pasionati de cele mai noi tehnologii.

Trimite-ne un CV la [email protected] folosind adresa de email a facultatii, iar daca vei fi selectat, vom vorbi mai multe la un interviu. Termen limita pentru trimiterea CV-urilor: 30 aprilie.


Timeline photos 28/03/2017

Let’s code something For The Win!

Unele dintre cele mai inovatoare, incredibile și vizionare softuri sunt realizate de cele mai multe ori de către studenți. De la rețele sociale, aplicații de muzică, fotografii, jocuri, gadgeturi și până la roboți, lista poate continua. Suntem în căutarea celor mai fresh idei și noi știm că studenții ca tine le au!

Imagine Cup code.FTW!, competiția globală susținută de Microsoft Corporation, este locul unde îți poți pune în aplicare cea mai îndrăzneață idee.

Nu mai sta pe gânduri, formează o echipă de maximum 3 membri și asigurați-vă că prin pasiune, cunoștințe și multă creativitate, ideea voastră prinde viață până pe 14 aprilie.

Pe 20 aprilie vom anunța finaliștii, iar pe 27 aprilie ne dăm întâlnire la București pentru finala națională. Cine știe, poate vei fi tu cel care ne va reprezenta în America. 😉

Mai multe informații despre Imagine Cup 2017 poți afla de aici: www. sau la [email protected]

Holiday Album Giveaway 02/12/2016

Today only! Holiday Album Giveaway

Holiday Album Giveaway Our gift to you, today only! Celebrate the season with these holiday freebies.

Visual Studio on Twitter 02/12/2016

Te-ai gandit vreodata cm arata un datacenter de la Microsoft?

Visual Studio on Twitter “Wow. Amazing video from - Ever wonder what a datacenter looks like? Wonder no more...”

Timeline photos 28/10/2016

Happy Birthday Bill Gates! :)

Microsoft signs up Adobe for its Azure cloud computing services 27/09/2016

Microsoft signs up Adobe for its Azure cloud computing services Microsoft and Adobe today announced a major partnership that will see Adobe deliver its cloud services on Microsoft Azure and that will make Adobe the..

Timeline photos 19/08/2016

Coding Challenge >

Better late than never! Try out on in this Coding Challenge.


welcome bash! :D

Timeline photos 10/03/2016

Exciting News - Microsoft joins the Eclipse Foundation and brings more tools to the community -

A Xamarin + Microsoft Future | 24/02/2016

A Xamarin + Microsoft Future | I have exciting news for developers everywhere: I am proud to announce that Microsoft has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Xamarin. We are thrilled to join the team at Microsoft when the transaction closes. We founded Xamarin more than 4 years ago with the mission to make native mobile development fast, easy, and fun …

Timeline photos 06/02/2016

Making C++ even more awesome with its various explicit and implicit benefits,, here's why you should be trying out these C++ Modules

Funny! Orchestra plays Microsoft Windows™ - the waltz 06/02/2016

Funny! Orchestra plays Microsoft Windows™ - the waltz Rainer Hersch performs his waltz based on the sounds used in Windows XP. CHECK out Rainer Hersch: BUY the concert DVD: http://amz...


Microsoft is offering a way to keep the 15GB OneDrive space (and bonuses) even after 2015.

OneDrive Click below and your account will not be affected when the amount of free storage changes from 15 GB to 5 GB and the +15 GB camera roll bonus is discontinued.*

Microsoft's Cortana digital assistant officially launches on Android and iPhone 10/12/2015

Microsoft's Cortana digital assistant officially launches on Android and iPhone Microsoft has finally released its promised version of its Cortana digital assistant for Android device owners. The app has been in beta testing for some time after Microsoft announced its plans to expand Cortana beyond its Windows platforms earlier this year. Here's what users can expect from Corta…

Timeline photos 29/10/2015

Happy Birthday, Bill Gates!

Enter Microsoft's Department of Human Data 27/10/2015

Enter Microsoft's Department of Human Data Inside Microsoft's Building 87, this team designs technology for the way humans operate, not just engineering efficiency.

Timeline photos 26/10/2015

Say it loud, say it proud. Typing works too.

Building Windows 10 Games with Unity 5 23/10/2015

Building Windows 10 Games with Unity 5 Learn to build 3D games with Unity 5 for the Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform (UWP). See how to create a great-looking 3D game with powerful features.

WinJS: The Open Source Windows Library for JavaScript 20/10/2015

WinJS: The Open Source Windows Library for JavaScript Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS) takes its first step to becoming cross-platform: release under the Apache 2.0 license as an Open Source project.


Comment below if you're building your own website!

Website Screenshots & Responsive Design Screenshots : MSEdgeDev MSEdge Dev Developer Resources

Fundamental Windows 10 App Techniques from the One and Only Bob Tabor! 11/10/2015

The Absolute Beginner series is back!

Fundamental Windows 10 App Techniques from the One and Only Bob Tabor! The absolute beginners series is back for Windows 10. It doesn't matter if you're a pro dev or just starting out, there's valuable content for everyone. If you're looking for a faster pace conten...

Microsoft #Windows10devices NYC Event 06/10/2015

Microsoft #Windows10devices NYC Event On September 14 Microsoft announced their next big press showcase. That event is to take place on October 6 in New York City. On tap for announcements? The vague phrasing of ‘Windows 10 Devices’. However, insider leaks and sourcing have suggested that Microsoft is announcing at least five products,…

Building a UWP app that automatically _adapts_ based on the current size of your app 03/10/2015

Building a UWP app that automatically _adapts_ based on the current size of your app This week, Shen and I took a look at how you can very easily use the new XAML SplitView control to build an experience in your UWP application that automatically _adapts_ based on the current size of

Opening Ceremony for the 2015-2016 academic year 02/10/2015

Opening remarks and pieces of advice given by the dean and professors, rewarding the best students with contributions from the IT companies that work in a close cooperation with the Faculty of Computer Science: Amazon, Continental, EBS, Endava, Levi9.

Microsoft Virtual Academy 29/09/2015

Microsoft Virtual Academy Looking for a simple, effective way to get training on Microsoft’s Cloud technologies? Microsoft Virtual Academy!

Microsoft YouthSpark Hub | Student Career | Computer Science Skills 28/09/2015

Care este viziunea lui Satya Nadella (CEO Microsoft) în ceea ce priveşte tehnologia şi educaţia? Încurajăm tinerii să înveţe să codeze prin programul Microsoft YouthSpark. Află mai multe informaţii aici:

Microsoft YouthSpark Hub | Student Career | Computer Science Skills Microsoft YouthSpark creates career opportunities through 30+ free programs including computer science skills for youth around the world. Explore programs in the YouthSpark Hub.

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Videos (show all)

Just another day of coding our way to a better world. Happy Programmers Day! #LetsDevThis


Strada General Berthelot, Nr. 16

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Fericirea animalutului tau

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Strada Rândunica 1, Etaj 2
Iasi, 700399

Activăm spiritul comunitar și stimulăm inițiativa locală. Lucrăm cu companii și donatori individuali.