Neuroteen Negruzzi

Neuroteen Negruzzi

Negruzzi English Ezine is committed to empower students at Costache Negruzzi National College or els The Tempest-W. Shakespeare

"I long to hear the story of your life, which must captivate the ear strangely."


🍂Welcome autumn!🍁

Photos from BBC Learning English's post 05/08/2021
Timeline photos 02/08/2021
Nicole Avena Efectele zaharului asupra creierului 29/07/2021

Nicole Avena Efectele zaharului asupra creierului Daca materialele gasite aici te-au ajutat, poti spune "multumesc" printr-o donatie:


Confidence is a mindset. For some, that mindset is ever-present; for others, it takes some work to get there.

These questions are meant to be answered on your own, though feel free to ask a close friend or family member how they would answer these questions about you. Sometimes it helps to get an outside perspective, especially if we’re struggling with self-esteem. The people who love us are often much kinder to us than we are to ourselves.

This exercise is included in this month's blog 5 Ways to Start Conversations with Confidence. To read the article, visit

Timeline photos 10/06/2021

Sunt o serie de factori care obosesc creierul și de care tinerii noștri nu țin cont. Cum ar fi: tutunul, alcoolul, internetul, suprasolicitarea nervoasă (lucrul sub presiune, termenele-limită, graba de a face mai multe lucruri în același timp, agitația etc).

Alcoolul modifică metabolismul celulei nervoase și, evident, nu îi face bine! Niciuna din cele enumerate mai sus nu fac bine. Obosesc creierul. Și de la oboseală până la accident vascular cerebral nu este decât un pas!

Câteva dintre semnele de care trebuie să ținem cont când sunt probleme: oboseala - senzația că nu ne mai putem ține pe picioare, senzație de nerecunoaștere a propriei mâini, dificultate în exprimare, tulburări de vedere... Vestea bună este că în primele șase ore se poate interveni și îndepărta orice risc.

Putem preveni multe dintre probleme dacă avem grijă de noi. Sunt chestiuni simple și la îndemâna oricui: apă, oxigen, odihnă, mâncare ușoară, plimbări în natură, discuții plăcute, muzică, zâmbet.



"Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him."
― Maya Angelou

Easy linkers and openers to use in Cambridge speaking and writing exams 03/06/2021

Easy linkers and openers to use in Cambridge speaking and writing exams Angela is back this week with some easy linkers and openers to use in Cambridge speaking and writing exams! Watch this video for some good connections words ...


📸 .xtina_
Everything we do is based on agreements we have made
- agreements with other people, with God, with the Universe, with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.

Author don Miguel Ruiz explores self-limiting beliefs and offers this code of conduct for self-transformation, promoting happiness, peace, and love.
One of my favorite & top 5 books.


People are contagious, choose wisely who you spend your time and energy with. Who can relate to this? 🧠👇 (PC: .mentalhealth)

The Little Prince narrated by Kenneth Branagh 01/06/2021

The Little Prince narrated by Kenneth Branagh Edited from the PC interactive computer game that unfortunately does not run on modern machines by Tivola. Kenneth Branagh as the narrator, and Owen Evans a...


‘So’ is one of those words we find ourselves using all the time. It’s useful when we want to give a reason for something.
Here are some .
(Note: These are suggestions – they may not work in every sentence.)




😊😎🥳 We’re delighted to teach you these 5 alternatives to ‘happy’! 😄👍❤️
How many other words meaning ‘happy’ can you name?
(Note: These are suggestions – they may not work in every sentence.)



Your brain stops growing until 25 years old or even later up to 30s some researchers say. But your Mind instead, keeps expanding through Neuroplasticity until becomes groomed.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
Educate your mind, keep your mind healthy taking it to the

Is 25 the new cut-off point for adulthood? 22/05/2021

Is 25 the new cut-off point for adulthood? Psychologists now believe adolescence effectively runs up until the age of 25. So is this the new cut-off point for adulthood?


Neuroteen English Ezine * the English digital magazine at Colegiul National Costache Negruzzi, IASI


In The Flow * Fine Art Photography

Photos from Neuroteen Negruzzi's post 22/05/2021

Arts' Week 20-22.05.2021
Life in the Flow

Vincent Van Gogh Visits the Gallery | Vincent and the Doctor | Doctor Who 22/05/2021

Vincent Van Gogh Visits the Gallery | Vincent and the Doctor | Doctor Who The Doctor and Amy take Vincent Van Gogh - who struggled to sell a single painting in his own lifetime - to a Paris art Gallery in the year 2010. Subscribe: ...

Immersive Live Show at Atelier des Lumières in Paris (Monet, Chagall, Klein) 22/05/2021
, ,

Immersive Live Show at Atelier des Lumières in Paris (Monet, Chagall, Klein) Important Things You Must Know Before Visiting Atelier des Lumières Paris: this video, we revisited the 2 expositions of l'Ate...

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