Jean Monnet Module Intercultural Communication or Civic Integration.
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Jean Monnet Module-Intercultural Communication or Civic Integration. Daily Challenges in the Europea
The publicist approach "European integration and Romanian education reform. Intercultural communication and multiethnic dialogue", published this year at Debrecen University Press, is part of the many efforts to develop the European Social Space, a form of social construction motivated by the need for the functionality of administrative, political, and economic structures, to ensure a foreseeable future, oriented towards security and welfare, for all peoples European Union. We can consider, therefore, this approach of analysis and promotion of intercultural values, as part of the efforts made to strengthen the European social space and, of course, for the positive evolution of the European Union.
The closing conference of the Jean Monnet project "Intercultural Communication or Civic Integration. Daily Challenges in the European Social Space / ICCI" took place on August 5th, 2021. It was a meeting whose main objective was to follow the inter-evaluation of this project from the perspective of its members and to present the conclusions regarding this project on intercultural education.
Jean Monnet Module Intercultural Communication or Civic Integration. updated their business hours.
Jean Monnet Module Intercultural Communication or Civic Integration. updated their website address.
The volume entitled "The Role of Intercultural Communication in Adapting Ethnic Groups to the European Union Social Space" published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing House in 2019, is based on three gnoseological dimensions that the authors develop from different perspectives, using interpretative models and knowledge strategies specific to the humanistic and social scientific field:
1. "Intercultural dialogue and interethnic coexistence in the European Union" is a general theme that emphasizes the forms of interaction of the ethnic groups found in different geo-social spaces of the European Union.
2. "The Role of Intercultural Communication and European Education" is the second dimension that underlies this volume, emphasizing European education and its role in the development of the global society.
3. "Social values, integration and multicultural compatibility in Europe" is the third thematic basis of this volume. Multicultural compatibility is the basis of the principles of the constitution and functioning of the social space of the European Union. The harmony of the relations between the different ethnic, religious, and national groups is a mandatory condition in the functioning of the European space.
The role of intercultural communication in adapting ethnic groups to the European Union social space.
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