YinYang Taichi

Taichi face parte din artele martiale in jurul carora s-a tesut mult mister. La inceput pare un dans


La mare la ploaie, s-a schimbat sloganul. Pentru Taichi avem totusi loc si timp asa ca suntem prezenti de la 5 dimineata.


Azi daca vrea sa vina cineva la Taichi sa ma sune neaparat, fiindca grupa constanta m-a anuntat ca nu vine pe motiv de ploaie. 0744771551


Maine la ora 17 incepem. Mai anunt pana toata lumea se prinde, apoi psst.. ascultam activ in interior.

Photos from YinYang Taichi's post 04/05/2021

Urmatoarea intalnire de recreere va fi joi ora 17 la adresa Asociatiei Catunul Verde


The most fascinating thing about karate for me, and this since I was a teenager and starting getting interest in this art, was not necessarily the skill that you gain, the capacity to withstand adversity, the moves, but the mystery, the aura, the hidden. Looking at a master performing kata, for example, although very impressive, it was always the feeling of calmness and serenity that fascinated me more. It took me a long time to understand what it was, and in the process I discovered my true self. And funny thing, that wasn’t even me, it was quite the opposite, it was the absence of me.

Since we are born, our life is an accumulation of experiences, some good, some bad. We are formed by the education of our parents, by the school, by the environment that we are raised in, by the religion we are raised in. In time, our own experiences in this environment form our personality. Funny enough, the word “personality” comes from the greek word “per sona” wich means a mask used in theaters in ancient times to produce a more powerful sound on the scene. Our personality is an accumulation of good and bad experiences, and we carry it around with us, and it always interferes with the way we see the world, with the way we interact with the world. If we had bad experiences with people, we will do our best to avoid them, if we had a bad experience with a dog, we will do our best to avoid every dog, and this is an unconscious action most of the time. Our personality is a freaking mask, and most people don’t even know this. Mask is good, you need it in society in order to function. It is like wearing clothes, you need them when going out of your home, but the biggest problem is that people get identified with them in time, they get identified with their personality. They get identified with the past, with all the experiences, the good ones, the bad ones and if you do not know how to take a break from yourself, this can be overwhelming at times. For me, the answer was karate. I went to train and everything disappeared starting with the first “Osu!”. It was a daily cleansing process that I did not comprehend. I felt so much better during the training, immediately after training, and I didn’t get it then. So I kept doing it. And it came to me one day. It was the process of surrendering myself to my sensei, surrendering my will, my thoughts, my body, my past, my future, my wishes, my bad experiences, everything, just pure surrendering and executing techniques, and shouting, and sweating. And it still feels good to this day to do this, but now I understand. I understand that I am not my experiences, I am not my past, I am not my personality. This are all external. My true self is the absence of myself that allows serenity, calm, light to come in. It is only when we clean up everything that God is able to enter. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you will get closer to your true self. And it is not necessarily to be karate, although I recommend it. It can be just maybe 10 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of doing nothing, of letting go of the past, of the future and just be...Presence. It can be a cold shower that brings you instantly in the here and now. It can be a breathing technique. In my opinion this should be a daily process. A daily process of contemplation, of emptiness, of getting rid of our persona, of our believes and prejudices, behaviors, wishes and griefs. Feeling the calm and eternal love present in everybody and around us without making any judgement. So, find your own way and learn to detach consciously from your accumulation of experiences that forms your personality, your mask. Allow emptiness to fill you. Otherwise you will be condemned to live everyday with your own little drama, your own little insecurities and projections. And this is never a good option. I wish you all presence and consciousness! HW (Chie Shimizu art)


Cu bucurie anunt inceperea intalnirilor de initiere in primele forme Taichi din luna mai. Cum zicea antrenorul meu, orice inceput e bine daca porneste de la zero. In cazul Tachi primul lucru de invatat este sa stam in picioare.
Datorita unei oportunitati deosebite vom putea tine intalnirile pe strada Nicolae Jiga la sediul Catunul Verde.
Participantii avansati nu vor trebui sa plateasca pe perioada verii iar cei incepatori vor putea ajuta din cand in cand ca voluntari; oricine se pricepe la a da o mana de ajutor.
Propunem prima intalnire luni 03 mai ora 17
Pentru detalii sunati-ma: 0744771551 Marius


Acum putem constientiza mai bine ce inseamna nevoia unei imunitati crescute fiind in plina pandemie internationala. Una din solutiile sigure pentru viitor va fi sa avem o atentie marita asupra evolutiei noastre personale in acest sens. Poate ati auzit de The Iceman (Wim Hof), care sustine un mesaj puternic "Boost your immune system". Da el ofera alternativa dezvoltarii pe termen lung pas cu pas, fara a forta organismul.
Am gandit cateva planuri prin care fiecare din noi individual si in grup putem asocia metodele cresterii imunitatii organismului astfel ca zilnic sa contribuim constient la a avea incredere in noi.
1. asigurarea substantelor necesare metabolismului pentru a putea lucra dinamic si eficient
2. antrenarea fizica a organismului privind sistemul circulator sanguin impreuna cu cel muscular
3. relaxarea activa si constienta ce antreneaza mintea si trupul
4. meditatia sau punerea in stare detasata a organismului, psihic, fizic.
5. stimularea adrenalinei
6. emotia, gandirea pozitiva
7. somnul
Este vreo investitie mai buna pe termen lung decat propria sanatate fizica si mentala ? Voi ce practicati in prezent ? Hai sa incepem acum atat acasa cat si in natura imediat ce este posibil.


Frumos e putin spus.


Aceste semne reprezinta Taijiquan, sau cm se incearca traducerea: "arta martiala suprema", ce a fost celebrata in 27 aprilie la nivel mondial ca recunoastere a practicarii acestor miscari asupra sanatatii fizice si psihice.
De aici din Romania as spune ca Taoismul si Ortodoxia azi au fost cei mai bun prieteni, iar cercetand in profunzimile conceptelor, d**a cm s-a scris si o carte in acest sens, Christ the eternal Tao, lumea este creata de cuvantul unui singur Tata.


Saptamanal va invit la incursiunea in artele martiale interne, in special in practica Taichi Chuan. Pana in toamna veti avea ocazia sa primiti gustare din ceea ce se va invata la cursurile practice efective.
Va astept sa ne vedem in parc la ora 19:30 de 3 ori pe saptamana. Pentru detalii sunati sau scrieti sms: 0744771551


La un moment dat ne oprim si stam, pentru ca apoi sa pornim din nou; asa incepem sa vedem Yin si Yang in Taichi Chuan


Mi-a parut cat se poate de sincera remarca lui Aurelian "Taichi pare ceva inutil" :) si sunt total de acord, daca nu practicam corect este pierdere de vreme. Pe tema asta ca sa dezvolt, cred ca aplicabilitatea este un lucru esential in lumea moderna, fiindca ceea ce avea sustinere acum 100 sau 1000 de ani nu-i sigur ca-si mai are acum rostul, de aceea totul trebuie oarecum testat.
In acest sens cc. 5 ani am testat efectul fizic al practicarii Taichi pentru a avea certitudine daca este sau nu util, de aceea vom aborda de-a lungul cursurilor, situatiile reale de zi cu zi in care practica Taichi ne ajuta foarte mult.


Stilul Chen este oficial unul dintre cele mai vechi stiluri de Taiji Quan. Acest stil provine din satul Chen, Chenjiagou. Deși satul este populat doar de câțiva mii de săteni, există o mulțime de variații ale modului în care este realizat stilul.
Vom prezenta cele 74 forme pe care le propunem spre invatare de-a lungul a mai multor sedinte ce implica deopotriva practica si teorie


La inceput a fost Tao.
Prima miscare genereaza Yang; cand aceasta se finalizeaza, apare linistea care genereaza Yin, care este sursa pentru urmatoarea miscare Yang, care e sursa pentru Yin, pana la nesfarsit.

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