
Minitremu este un laborator de experiențe estetice, afective și de dezvoltare colectivă.

Minitremu este extensia educațională a duoului de artiști Monotremu, compus din Laura Borotea și Gabriel Boldiș. În continuarea unei practici artistice ce evidențiază problemele din spațiul public și surprinde în tonuri critico-ludice problematici ale vieții sociale, economice și religioase autohtone, munca lor ca organizatori și educatori e concentrată pe construirea de alternative pedagogice și

Atelier de producție și compoziție muzicală cu Esosu @ Minitremu 27/08/2024
Atelier de producție muzicală cu Esosu 22/08/2024

Atelier de producție muzicală cu Esosu sâmbătă de la ora 15 🎬🎤🎹🎼🎧

Atelier de producție muzicală cu Esosu Te invităm să participi la o introducere în compoziția muzicală electronică, printr-un atelier cu acces gratuit. Dacă ești pasionatx de muzică electronică, sau curiosx ce se întâmplă în procesul de lucru al unei piese, te invităm sâmbătă, 24 august, la ora 15:00, la Spațiul Minitr...

Atelier de producție muzicală cu Esosu 20/08/2024

Atelier de producție muzicală cu Esosu Te invităm să participi la o introducere în compoziția muzicală electronică, printr-un atelier cu acces gratuit. Dacă ești pasionatx de muzică electronică, sau curiosx ce se întâmplă în procesul de lucru al unei piese, te invităm sâmbătă, 24 august, la ora 15:00, la Spațiul Minitr...


Recordings from Art Camp 9 mixed with music playlist made by our dears participants on air now 💗🌱💫


Now 💓


Împreună cu Casa Jakab Toffler vă așteptăm în grădină să descoperim teatrul de hârtie ca o formă de storytelling pentru copii într-o sesiunea de povești Kamishibai cu Alina Iga de la Cufărul cu povești.

Atelierul face parte din programul Festival de cartier Secrete Întrețesute și va avea loc în intervalul orar 12:00 - 14:00 la Casa Jakab Toffler de pe strada Constantin Titel Petrescu 4.

Vârsta recomandată de participare este între 5 și 12 ani. Înscrieri:

Descoperă teatrul de hârtie ca o formă de storytelling pentru copii la sesiunea de povești Kamishibai cu Casa Jakab Toffler și Minitremu.

O practică populară în Japonia între 1920 și 1950, precursoare a culturii manga, Kamishibai (kami = hârtie, shibai = dramă) e format dintr-o cutie de lemn în care se introduc planșe cu povești ilustrate, pe spatele fiecărei planșe fiind o legendă sau o poveste pe care naratorul o citește.

Supranumit „teatrul săracilor”, Kamishibai putea fi transportat cu ușurință în adăposturile antiaeriene sau prin cartierele devastate. Era o formă de divertisment atât pentru adulți, dar mai ales pentru copii.

Atelierul face parte din programul Festival de cartier Secrete Întrețesute și va avea loc în intervalul orar 12:00 - 14:00 la Casa Jakab Toffler de pe strada Constantin Titel Petrescu 4. Vârsta recomandată de participare este între 5 și 12 ani. Înscrie-te:

Photos from Minitremu's post 07/08/2024

Minitremu Art Camp 9: Tower Fountain@Celebrating City
16-17-18 august, 19 - 22
Curtea Liceului de Arte Plastice Timișoara

“Minitremu Art Camp” is a pedagogical project centered around a nomadic art camp, designed for high school students from Romania and Eastern Europe, as well as first-year university students. The core of the camp consists of various workshops and artistic activities that serve as a pretext for discussing current issues in contemporary society.

The ninth edition of the camp, organized in collaboration with the Timișoara High School of Fine Arts, proposed several collaborative processes of design and reimagining the educational space as an inclusive space for collective learning. These processes were carried out together with and (*foundationClass), Marlène Halguevache, .aziz, .radhouene ( ), , , , .xo , Crista V., , .42_ , , .oh.ry, , , , , , , .daraban.90,

Several visual results of these workshops will be exhibited in the courtyard of the Timișoara High School of Fine Arts, in the form of a multidisciplinary installation that functions as an agora and meeting place. This open space is dedicated to collective research, free discussions, self-organization, and peer-to-peer education.

These results provide a glimpse into a multidisciplinary experiment that stimulates curiosity, affectivity, and collective development, continuing to an extent the tradition of the Sigma group, which implemented in the 1970s, within the Fine Arts High School in Timișoara, an own curriculum that created new connections between art and pedagogy.

◠ The project is financed by the Municipality of Timisoara through the Center of Project and co-financed by AFCN.

Photos from Minitremu's post 06/08/2024

Ne bucură mult colaborarea cu FAUT - facultatea de arhitectură și urbanism timișoara și Grădinița nr. 31 din Timișoara, ce a coagulat energiile comunității de părinți, educatori și copii, și a studenților de la arhitectură anul I, coordonați de arh. Bogdan Isopescu.

Practica arhitecturală realizată de Livia, Rareș, Mihai, cot la cot cu domnul profesor, s-a materializat cu un prototip de mobilier de grădină / bucărie de vară – The Mud Kitchen, ce include inclusiv materiale găsite la fața locului.

Celebrăm întreg procesul și prietenia ce s-a legat în aceste zile petrecute împreună, atât în cadrul practicii cât și în afara ei (Tradiționalul Căsătoriți vs. Necăsătoriți din cartierul Fabric, aflat la a 88 a ediție!)

”All schools should be art schools” este un proiect propus de Minitremu și Brigita Onaca, în colaborare cu Babel Școală și Liceu - prima școală cu învățare experiențială din România, Școala Generala Nr. 2 Timisoara, Școala Generala Nr 6, Timisoara, Școala Gimnazială nr. 19 Avram Iancu Timișoara, Grădinița Cu Program Prelungit Nr 23, Timișoara și Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism Timișoara (F.A.U.T.).

Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Power Station + | Școli creative, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin buget de la Ministerul Culturii.

Photos from Minitremu's post 06/08/2024


A glimpse of the last Minitremu Art Camp, where we formed ”a dreaming organism that irradiates through the drops of our crying and pulsates to the beat of our dancing”, as Mihaela Ştefania beautifully puts it. More posts soon, as we have so much to unfold.

with: and (*foundationClass), , .aziz, .radhouene, Marlène Halguevache ( Studio), , ,xo, Crista V., , .42_, , .oh.ry, , , , , , , , .daraban.90, ,

, , .diy, , ,


Foto credit Andrei Becheru

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly summer camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.

◠ The project is financed by the Municipality of Timisoara through the and co-financed by

The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.

Pi Radio – Freies Radio in Berlin 21/07/2024

Krishan Rajapakshe and Nadira Husain invited in Minitremu Art Camp #9 on air from Weißensee Art Academy Open Studio day! Talking about Common Kitchen as class and cooking as education! With One love Foundation radio 🤍

Pi Radio – Freies Radio in Berlin In eigener Sache Logo: Finyl Vinyl Wie wir heute mitgeteilt bekommen haben, ist unsere langjährige Radiomacherin Elisabeth Pieplow, nach langer Krankheit gestorben. Elisabeth war die „nur vorübergehende Hüterin eine Plattensammlung“. Mit /Finyl Vinyl/ produzierte sie eine Radiosendung, die ei...

Photos from Minitremu's post 20/07/2024

Practică arhitecturală cu studenții de la F.A.U.T. coordonată de arh. Bogdan Isopescu la Gradinița cu Program Prelungit nr. 23.

22 - 28.07.2024

Pedagogul italian Loris Malaguzzi spunea despre mediul de învățare (learning environment) că este cel de-al treilea profesor. E un spațiu esențial proceselor de învățare pentru că „face declaraţii tacite, dar vizibile, vorbeşte înaintea cadrelor didactice şi, uneori, chiar în locul lor”.

Alături de studenți de la Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism Timișoara (F.A.U.T.) coordonați de arh. Bogdan Isopescu, vom schița un astfel de mediu, ludic și actual, în cadrul unei practici arhitecturale realizate în colaborare cu Gradinita Cu Program Prelungit Nr 23, Timișoara.

”All schools should be art schools” este un proiect propus de Minitremu și Brigita Onaca, în colaborare cu Babel Școală și Liceu - prima școală cu învățare experiențială din România, Școala Generala Nr. 2 Timisoara, Școala Generala Nr 6, Timisoara, Scoala Gimnaziala nr 19 Avram Iancu, Grădinița Cu Program Prelungit Nr 23, Timișoara și Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism Timișoara (F.A.U.T.).

Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Power Station + | Școli creative, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin buget de la Ministerul Culturii.

Grafică de Diana Vlasa

Photos from Minitremu's post 03/07/2024

Ro / En

Artist radio talk @ One Love Foundation / Proiecție de film F-Sides
Vineri, 5 Iulie, de la ora 20
@ Liceul de Arte Plastice Timișoara în cadrul Minitremu Art Camp #9

Vă așteptăm în curtea Liceului de Arte Plastice Timișoara, la o întâlnire cu Nadira Husain și Krishan Rajapakshe (*foundationClass), Andrei Becheru, El Warcha Studio (Aziz Aissaoui, Radhouane Boudhraa, Marlène Halguevache) și Nicoleta Moise, și să vizionăm împreună Papicha, un film din selecția F - sides.

OneLove Foundation este un studio colaborativ de artă și practică media.

F-SIDES este primul cineclub românesc dedicat exclusiv filmelor făcute de femei și modurilor alternative de a privi și reprezenta feminități în cinematografie și societate.

Papicha (2019), r. Mounia Meddour Gens

Nedjma, o studentă de 18 ani pasionată de design vestimentar, refuză să lase evenimentele tragice din Războiul Civil din Algeria să o împiedice să trăiască o viață normală. Pe măsură ce climatul social devine mai conservator, ea respinge noile interdicții impuse de radicali și decide să organizeze o prezentare de modă.


Artist radio talk @ One Love Foundation / F-Sides film screening Friday, July 5, from 8 p.m. @ Liceul de Arte Plastice Timisoara in Minitremu Art Camp #9

We are waiting for you in the courtyard of the Timisoara Fine Arts High School, for a meeting with Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe (*foundationClass), Andrei Becheru, El Warcha Studio (Aziz Aissaoui, Radhouane Boudhraa, Marlène Halguevache) and Nicoleta Moise, and to watch together Papicha movie from the F - sides selection.

OneLove Foundation is a collaborative art and media practice Studio.

F-SIDES is the first Romanian film club dedicated exclusively to films made by women and to alternative ways of looking at and representing femininity in cinematography and society.

Papicha (2019), r. Mounia Meddour Gens

Nedjma, an 18-year-old student passionate about fashion design refuses to let the tragic events of the Algerian Civil War keep her from experiencing a normal life. As the social climate becomes more conservative, she rejects the new bans set by the radicals and decides to put on a fashion show.


◠ The project is financed by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center of Project and co-financed by AFCN.
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.

Photos from Minitremu's post 17/06/2024

Thank you to all the applicants, it was a great pleasure to read you. We were glad to see that the theme proposed for this camp resonated with you. Due to some technical problems, we understand that some emails did not reach us.

We are extending the registration period until June 22 with the request to (re)send the applications to [email protected].

🍒 ᙏιɳι𝜏ɾҽ𝓶ᥙ 𝓐ɾ𝜏 Cα𝓶ρ 🍒 is a camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.

⁕This year’s edition proposes a collaborative process of co-design and reimagining the School, as an inclusive collective learning space, together with Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe (*foundationClass), Andrei Becheru, El Warcha Studio (Aziz Aissaoui, Radhouane Boudhraa, Marlène Halguevache) and Nicoleta Moise.

▼ “Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: ‘You are in the process of being indoctrinated.’ says writer Doris Lessing in her book “The Golden Notebook”.

”We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. (...) Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgments. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being molded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.”

▲How do we get out of this situation? What should school be? What should we learn? How to organize class time? What should the school look like?

You can answer these questions and formulate others, but above all you can imagine a different school in the 9th edition of Minitremu Art Camp and, who knows, maybe our ideas, in time, will take root and we didn’t just sketch (another) utopia.

◠ The project is financed by the Municipality of Timisoara through the Center of Project and co-financed by AFCN.

+ info link in bio


El Warcha, Cirque Foug El Mé, La Goulette 2023
Andrei Becheru, Minitremu #5 zine
Nicoleta Moise, We are here to stay
Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe, The Eye I Live In: artists book and zine making workshop

Photos from Minitremu's post 11/06/2024

Invited guest in the Minitremu Art Camp #9 as part of El Warcha are Marlène Halguevache:Aziz Aissaoui, Radhouane Boudhraa.

El Warcha is a collective and makerspace founded in 2016 in the Medina of Tunis. It aims to promote practical education and civic action through the making of temporary furniture, art installations and public events with local residents. Its name, which means ‘the workshop’ in Arabic, reflects its aim to encourage collective action and learning.

Experimentation is at the heart of this approach. The workshop offers accessible and intuitive construction techniques, using everyday materials, to test ideas and build prototypes. The workshop initially focused on designing practical elements such as street furniture, play areas and lighting installations with children and teenagers. Over time, more theatrical projects were developed: street cinema, a boxing ring and short science fiction films.

In 2021, El Warcha moved to the Kram and began working on floating projects, CinéVague a floating cinema, KORINTI a stage for live music performances and most recently, Cirque Foug Elmé, a circus that took place in 2023 in Lagoulette.

In 2022, El Warcha was invited to take part in Documenta 15, a contemporary art event that paved the way for numerous collaborations, including international ones such as Theater Der Welt in Frankfurt and Rampe Theater 2023.

El Warcha's installations can be found in a number of permanent collections, including the Vitra Design Museum (Germany), Centraal Museum (Netherlands) and Museum Angewandte (Germany).

⁕ Applications for Minitremu Art Camp #9 can be sent to artcamp@𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮.𝐫𝐨 until Saturday, June 15, 2024

+info link in bio


1. Jeux sur la place, 2018
2. Theater Der Welt, Frankfurt, 2023
3. Weddings & Funerals, 2018, Credit Photo: Nao Maltese
4. Cirque Foug El Mé, La Goulette 2023
5. Cirque fel Weha, Nefta 2024
6. Cirque fel Weha, Nefta 2024
7. Cirque fel Weha, Nefta 2024
8. Cirque Foug El Mé, La Goulette 2023
9. Cirque Foug El Mé, La Goulette 2023
10. Fountain, part of The Fridskul Common Library, documenta 15, Kassel, Germany, 2022

Photos from Minitremu's post 10/06/2024

Andrei Becheru, present in Minitremu art Camp #9, is a photographer, editor and the co-founder of FOC collective, based in Bucharest. Handful of earth is the outcome of his fascination for the natural environment and forests, being his first artist book distributed in bookshops in Europe. In Another Lifetime, his current work, is exploring urban and wild environments built on the assumption that nature is everywhere around us and we are part of it. Since 2019 he works as freelance, is a regular contributor to Scena9 magazine and has long-term collaborations with international and local photographers as editor and producer for documentary projects and books.

⁕ Applications for Minitremu Art Camp #9 can be sent to artcamp@𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮.𝐫𝐨 until Saturday, June 15, 2024

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly summer camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.

+info link in bio

◠ The project is co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.


1. Image from Minitremu #5 zine
2. Urban environment, In Another Lifetime
3. Presenting Minitremu #6 zine
4. Andrei Becheru, portrait made by Octavian Bâlea
5. Perspective with forests, from In Another Lifetime
6. Dream, 2019, from Handful of Earth book
7. Birds, landscape of a landfill, Bucharest, 2022
8. Framing a Romanian Landscape, author Mircea Albuțiu, edited and designed by Andrei Becheru
9. Rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals

Photos from Minitremu's post 06/06/2024

Nicoleta Moise, our guest in Minitremu Art Camp #9, is an artist and writer based in Bucharest. Her projects combine images, video, text and intuition to make visible less known stories or events, which require time and longer, careful work. She is particularly interested in the intersection of art and journalism in contemporary culture, suggesting the possibility of a new discipline. She is former co-founder of the q***r feminist magazine CUTRA. She works in collaboration with Scena9 as well as other international publications.

⁕ Applications for Minitremu Art Camp #9 can be sent to artcamp@𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮.𝐫𝐨 until Saturday, June 15, 2024

Minitremu Art Camp is a yearly summer camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college.

+info link in bio

◠ The project is co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.


1. We are here to stay
2. The Blue Dream, foto Raluca Voinea
3. The Blue Dream, foto Irina Antohe
4. Sara Allabed, Dunia Moga & Nicoleta Moise - We are here to stay
5. Revista Idea #57, foto Adelina Ivan
6. Portret Nicoleta Moise, de Răzvan Anton
7. Nu sunt deplin fericită decât aici, în țara mea
8. Art and journalism: images and words in collaboration, view from the exhibition The Cipher of the Vast Planetary Rumour at Salonul de Proiecte
9. Art and journalism: images and words in collaboration

Photos from Minitremu's post 05/06/2024

▬Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe, invited in Minitremu Art camp #9, are artists and educators from *foundationClass an art education program based at the Weißenesee Academy of Art and Design Berlin. It is designed for people who have experienced flight, for people who come with a migration experience and it is BIPoC*((Black, Indigenous & People of Color) centered. Our main goal is to open up access to art and design education for those people who do not have access to art universities in Germany.


▬My name is Nadira Husain (she/her), I have been a teacher and mentor at *foundationClass since 2017, teaching primarily painting, expanded painting and drawing. I am a visual artist, whose practice explores visual forms on issues of postmigration, transculturality and cultural hybridity. In parallel to the *fC, I am also a guest professor at UdK where I co teach with Marina Naprushkina. Besides, I am regularly involved in self-organized collective initiatives and projects that aim to
operate from antiracist and intersectional perspectives in the field of art. I come from a multi- cultural background, Indian, Muslim and French.

▬I am Krishan Rajapakshe. (They/them) an Artist and Designer. I was born and raised in Sri Lanka. Now Berlin is a HOME. As an artist, my drawings and design practices are negotiated by producing counternarrated Images and translating them into publishing formats in the migration context.
I am an art-design educator at the *foundationClass since 2019 and also taught as a drawing guest professor at the Weissensee academy of art, berlin 2021/22. I see collaborative artist practices as a way of making politics/friends and commoning the aesthetics. I am one of the founding members of the Zick magazine published in Dresden, ColourfulVoices collective in Berlin and a member of *foundationClass collective.

⁕ Applications for Minitremu Art Camp #9 can be sent to artcamp@𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮.𝐫𝐨 until Saturday, June 15, 2024

+info link in bio

◠ The project is co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.

Becoming, 2022 (ongoing), inkjetprint on textile, from documenta 15, 2022, with*foundationClass*collective, Kassel, DE

The Haunted Museum, Hooka, 2024, by Nadira Husain
acrylic, watercolors, mirrors on canvas and sewn textile
62 x 49 cm

Drawing by Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe

Image from The Eye I Live In: artists book and zine making workshop with Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe

Photos from Minitremu's post 31/05/2024

Cu un focus special pe creativitate (ce este și ce nu este), întâlnirea atelier alături de Szilvia Németh și Gerhard Jäger, a adus împreună experiențele complementare a unei socioloage și a unui artist educator.

Dacă Gerhard Jäger a construit de la zero un foarte complex centru educațional, ce are ca element central dezvoltarea
copiilor prin artă, Szilvia ne-a oferit perspectiva politicilor
educaționale ce au ca element central arta, în educația copiilor noștri.

”All schools should be art schools” este un proiect propus de Minitremu și Brigita Onaca, în colaborare cu Babel Școală și Liceu - prima școală cu învățare experiențială din România, Scoala Generala Nr. 2 Timisoara, Scoala Generala Nr 6, Timisoara,Școala Gimnazială nr. 19 Avram Iancu Timișoara Timisoara și Gradinita Cu Program Prelungit Nr 23, Timișoara.
Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Power Station + | Școli creative, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin buget de la Ministerul Culturii.

Photos from Minitremu's post 21/05/2024

🌱Art of Learning / A school for life🌱
Szilvia Németh & Gerhard Jäger

Szilvia Németh is the director of the educational center T – Tudok, Center for Knowledge Management and Research Inc Hungary, and will support an intensive session of presentations of functional models of creative partnerships between artists and teachers. She will also talk about the importance of educational resource networks and how they help integrate arts and culture into teaching.

Being in Timișoara for the second time, Gerhard Jäger will continue the discussions related to the “learning environment” spaces; and will provide us with new resources and support for teaching through arts and culture in an intensive session open to the school community.

The importance of the integration of art in the teaching of any discipline and the diversification of the artistic environments present in schools is one of his recurrent occupations, resources developed over time, being tested in the ABC Brussels center, but also in schools, museums, festivals or galleries.

“All schools should be art schools” is a project proposed by Minitremu and Brigita Onaca, in collaboration with Babel School and Liceu - the first school with experiential learning in Romania, General School No. 2 Timisoara, General School No. 6, Timisoara, Secondary School no. 19 Avram Iancu Timisoara Timisoara and Kindergarten With Extended Program No. 23, Timisoara.

The project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is financed by the Power Station + | Creative schools, run by the Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget from the Ministry of Culture.

Photos from Minitremu's post 20/05/2024

„Principalele activități umane sunt jocul, munca productivă si creația”, ne spune Vasile Cioca in cartea sa Jocul de-a / cu arta. Fiecare dintre ele au ceva din celelalte. De exemplu jocul conține și elemente de învățare sau de creație. La fel munca poate avea momente de creație. Creația are momente ludice dar este și muncă perseverentă.

Atelierul intitulat „Clasa ca spațiu de joacă” dedicat pedagogului dar și copilului interior, a adus multă relaxare, descoperire și exprimarea propriei creativități. Au fost 2 ore intense în care învățătoarele și educatoarele au descoperit complexitățile unor tehnici artistice experimentate la clasele primare si la grădiniță de profesoara de arte vizuale Brigita Onaca.

Dacă încurajăm copiii să experimenteze cu diversele procese artistie, ei vor rămâne cu capacitatea de a se exprima liber, de a se baza pe imaginație și intuiție, ocolind de timpuriu modele și contururi prestabilite.

”All schools should be art schools” este un proiect propus de Minitremu și Brigita Onaca, în colaborare cu Babel Școală și Liceu - prima școală cu învățare experiențială din România, Scoala Generala Nr. 2 Timisoara, Scoala Generala Nr 6, Timisoara,Școala Gimnazială nr. 19 Avram Iancu Timișoara Timisoara și Gradinita Cu Program Prelungit Nr 23, Timișoara.

Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național „Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023” și este finanțat prin programul Power Station + | Școli creative, derulat de Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin buget de la Ministerul Culturii.


🍒The registration period has begun for the contemporary art camp ᙏιɳι𝜏ɾҽ𝓶ᥙ 𝓐ɾ𝜏 Cα𝓶ρ #9 🍉

Registration deadline: June 15, 2024

☀️ᙏιɳι𝜏ɾҽ𝓶ᥙ 𝓐ɾ𝜏 Cα𝓶ρ 🌱is a camp intended for theoretical, real or vocational high school students and students in their first years of college. It is a pretext to talk, through art, about current topics in contemporary society and any other subjects that interest you. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere where openness and critical observation, debate and artistic reflection of any kind are encouraged.

⁕This year's edition takes place in Timișoara between ✦ 1 - 10 July 2024 ✦ and proposes a collaborative process of co-design and reimagining the School, as an inclusive collective learning space, together with Nadira Husain and Krishan Rajapakshe (*foundationClass), Andrei Becheru, El Warcha Studio, Studio Peisaj (Raluca Rusu and Alexandru Ciobotă) and Nicoleta Moise.

▼ “Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: 'You are in the process of being indoctrinated.' says writer Doris Lessing in her book “The Golden Notebook".

”We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. (...) Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgements. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being molded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.”

▲How do we get out of this situation? What should school be? What should we learn? How to organize class time? What should the school look like?

You can answer these questions and formulate others, but above all you can imagine a different school in the 9th edition of Minitremu Art Camp and, who knows, maybe our ideas, in time, will take root and we didn't just sketch (another) utopia.

✮ Because places are limited, participation in the camp is based on a selection that takes into account the chemistry of a geographical mix, ages, gender, concerns and curiosities that ensure the uniqueness of a collective experience.

If you are interested in participating, send us an email in which we can kindly ask you to tell us who you are, what passions you have, and why you would like to participate. If you have a portfolio of images or texts made by you, videos, films, music, mixtapes or any other materials that you think represent you, send them by transfer or attachment, they will help us get to know each other better.

⁕ Applications can be sent to artcamp@𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮.𝐫𝐨 until Saturday, June 15, 2024

+info link in bio

🪂 We are waiting for you! 🪂

◠ The project is co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.

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Strada Coriolan Brediceanu Nr 2, Ap. 5, Interfon 07

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00
Saturday 16:00 - 19:00

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