First Moscow State Medical University

First Moscow State Medical University is the most prominent Medical University in Russia. Its histor


First Moscow State Medical University would be glad to help you with choosing the field the most suitable for you. We also understand your worries about coming to a country with different culture, traditions, climate and other things. Therefore, we care about every student, and we will assist you with all matters you face upon arrival and first time of your staying in Russia 🇷🇺


First Moscow State Medical University is the best option for every applicant, do not hesitate to contact us to get admission details✍️


Your dream is to become a successful doctor? Then you are in the right place! Apply to our Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University right now to reserve your seat!


Our University trains students in various fields, with lecturers and practitioners sharing years of experience and knowledge with everyone who strives to become a professional in every aspect.

Become part of the team – join First Moscow State Medical University students! 🎓


The University will hold a "Sechenov week"

August 13, 2020 marks 191 years since the birth of Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov!

In memory of the great scientist whose name our university bears, from 10 to 14 August, within the framework of the Sechenov Week project, solemn events will be held in online and offline formats:

- August 13 at 14:00 - laying flowers at the monument to I.M. Sechenov ⠀
📌 st. B. Pirogovskaya, 2, building 3 b ⠀
- August 13 at 14:45 - laying flowers at the grave of I.M. Sechenov ⠀
📌 Novodevichye Cemetery - Luzhnetsky Prospect, property 2 ⠀
🌐 From August 10 on the website of the Sechenov University, in the official communities on the social networks of our university and the Museum of the History of Medicine, videos dedicated to the life and scientific activities of the great physiologist will be published.


Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University is one of the most prominent Medical Universities in Russia which every year produces great doctors and future scientists. We welcome thousands of students from over 190 countries who speak over 140 languages among them👨‍🎓👩‍🎓 Apply for MBBS at Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and become a part of our big student’s family!


Photo of our new main building facility, which is under construction right now. All works are almost finished. The new building will be the biggest and the most equipped educational surface for medical studies in Russia and Europe.

Start up with admission process filling up the application form on our official website.


Looking for a medical course in English in Europe?

Use your chance to be admitted to Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University for September intake.

We offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Don’t waste your time and apply right now!


We would like to introduce you one of our students – Princella Seripenah, 4th year, General Medicine.

💡 What do you like in Russia?

I like to meet new people, get to know a different traditions and culture.

💡Why did you choose Medicine?

I always dreamed of being a doctor. This is my dream and I want to go on the chosen way.

💡What surprised you in Moscow?

The first time I came here, I saw the snow. It's very beautiful.
I also like public transportation in Moscow. It’s always comes on time and you can plan your day.

Photos from First Moscow State Medical University's post 03/07/2020

2020 graduation ceremony of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 👨‍🎓
This year, more than 2500 students of Sechenov University received their diplomas.

We congratulate all students on successful graduation!👏


Sechenov University - the best medical university in Russia

RAEX Agency published the results of the ranking of the best universities in Russia RAEX-100. Sechenov University improved its position and took the 20th place, becoming the first among medical universities of the country.

Last year, Sechenov University took 22nd place in the ranking, while in terms of demand for graduates it was in 21st place, and in terms of research activity - in 19th. At the end of 2019, his position in the ranking on the quality of research also improved by two positions - up to 17th place.


Are you looking for a respectable university to study Medicine? ⚕️ Apply to Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, and your dream of becoming a doctor will come true! 👨🏻‍⚕️


Sechenov University ranked among the best in popularizing research

The Indicator.Ru portal published the results of the ranking “Positioning of university research from Project 5-100 in Russian and foreign media” for 2019. Sechenov University rose in it immediately by 10 positions, ending up in the “silver group”.

The rating “Positioning of scientific research” is compiled by the editors of the portal to evaluate the work of universities supported by Project 5-100 in popularizing research and the achievements of scientists. It takes into account the effectiveness of the press services with Russian and foreign media, the placement of materials on science on its website and in social networks.

This year, the compilers of the rating identified two groups of leaders: “gold” and “silver”. Sechenov University entered the second group, together with St. Petersburg State University, PFUR and UrFU. Moreover, he significantly, by 10 positions, improved his position compared to last year. This was achieved due to the large number of exclusive materials in both Russian and English, as well as the wide geographical coverage of publications - this year media from 16 countries of the world wrote about the university, including the USA, China, Germany and Australia.


Clinical studies at Sechenov University

May 20 is celebrated worldwide as the International Clinical Research Day. This holiday was first celebrated in 2005 at the suggestion of the European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network (ECRIN), a non-profit organization whose goal is to facilitate international clinical trials in Europe.

In the spring of 2020, the Department of Clinical Research was created at Sechenov University, the structure of which included the Department of Organization of Preclinical and Clinical Research.
Currently, the University implements several dozen clinical trials of various pharmaceuticals and involves more than 70 researchers.


The Museum of the History of Medicine of Sechenov University once again became a member of the annual All-Russian campaign "Museum Night 2020".

Our Museum has prepared a virtual tour of the exposition "Warriors in White Coats", dedicated to the dedicated work of medical workers at the front, in the rear, and scientific laboratories during the harsh years of World War II.


First Moscow State Medical University will help students to find employment in leading pharmaceutical companies

The A. P. Nelubin Pharmaceutical Institute of Segenov University is developing cooperation with leaders of the pharmaceutical industry. Today, students have the opportunity not only to undergo production practices and internships in global companies such as GSK (GlaxoSmithKline), Меrck, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Servier, etc. but also to participate in joint training programmes prepared by experts of companies and employees of the leading medical school of the country. Each programme is original and offers a variety of additional professional competencies.

For undergraduate, resident and postgraduate students who wish to expand their knowledge and expertise in pharmaceutical technology, the creation and production of biopharmaceuticals and other specialized disciplines, a training programme is being implemented at the Institute of Pharmacy «Development of modern medicines», prepared by one of the leading Russian biotechnology companies «Biocad».During the lectures, the heads of the units and leading specialists of the company acquaint the participants of the program with the organization of the research center, biotechnological production according to the GMP standards, individual stages of the technological process, as well as features of pre-clinical and international clinical research, intellectual property issues in the pharmaceutical industry. Lectures are given for one semester and attract 60 to 70 participants per week.

Upon completion of the training programmes, students receive certificates reflecting additional professional competencies acquired, which are of great interest to employers and contribute to the competitiveness of graduates. The best students get an opportunity not only to improve their own skills, but also to get a start at the company that they’re interested in. Thus, to guarantee successful employment and further work aimed at developing domestic pharmacy.


At the site of the sanatorium "Zvenigorod" Sechenov University, the Winter Medical School "Sechenov.Pro" will be opened for participants of the All-Russian Student Olympiad "I am a Professional."

“I am a professional” is one of the projects of ANO “Russia is a country of opportunities”, the decree on the creation of which the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed on May 22, 2018. The project is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

A specialized winter school for participants of the Olympics “I am a Professional” is an educational forum that is maximally oriented towards going beyond the borders of university training courses.

A rich discussion and interactive program, master classes with the participation of school guests, networking, collaboration sites and meetings within a few days will be available to hundreds of the best students of the country completing their studies in the specialties of "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", " Pharmacy ”and“ Medical and preventive care ”.


Students of medical universities met at the Olympics "I'm a Professional"

The best students of medical universities gathered in Moscow. Intramural competitions of the final stage of the Olympics “I am a Professional” took place on the basis of Sechenov University, TV Center reports.

Participants using special equipment and mannequins showed how to conduct medical procedures. For example, examination of a patient and first aid. The Olympiad is organized by the platform "Russia - a country of opportunities." The main goal is to support novice professionals.


The results of the All-Russian Olympiad of students “I am a professional” have been summed up. Of the 12,440 finalists, 3,758 students from 70 regions of Russia became its diplomats. Among them, 319 medical students. Of these, 118 are studying at Sechenov University. The results of the participants have already been published in their personal accounts on the project website. “I am a professional” is one of the flagship projects of the presidential platform “Russia is a country of opportunities”.

During the Olympiad, students could register for one or more of the 68 areas presented in the project - medical, humanitarian, technical and natural-scientific.

Of the 118 students at Sechenov University who achieved high results and became diploma students of the Olympiad, 2 people won gold medals!


A seminar of Professor Elizabeth Cohn was held on the platform of the Biomedical Club of Sechenov University. Students, residents and graduate students of Sechenovskiy University took part in the Biomedical Club. The seminar on the use of regenerative medicine is a joint project of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery, the Institute of Regenerative Medicine and the University of Milan, Humanitas.

At the seminar, Elizabeth Cohn presented a review of innovative areas of scientific research and clinical research in the field of regenerative medicine, recalled that in any situation the doctor should look at the patient globally - a full examination and history taking are mandatory.


Sechenov University - the most popular medical university in Russia

Sechenov University became the best medical university, taking the first line in the ranking of the demand for universities "Social Navigator" MIA "Russia Today".

The rating includes state, municipal and private organizations of higher education, including 88 classical universities, 125 engineering universities, 49 agricultural, 65 humanitarian (including pedagogical, philological, physical education and sports), 59 from the management sphere and 50 medical.

In 2019, the study included 436 universities. The assessment was carried out on such indicators as the share of graduates who received a job, the commercialization of the intellectual product of the organization, as well as citing the work of its employees.

The best of medical universities was Sechenov University, followed by Altai State Medical University and closes the top three Volgograd State Medical University.


Foreign patients choose clinics Sechenovskogo University

The Clinic Oncology Clinic of Sechenov University is actively developing the field of medical tourism in the framework of the national project “Healthcare”. From the most different countries of the world, even the most advanced, patients come to Russia for treatment who hope for recovery, but cannot afford the expensive services of doctors in their own country. One of them is a 59-year-old US citizen Anthony, who was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer several years ago. Today, he lives a full life, celebrating a crushing victory over the disease every day, and has not experienced a relapse for more than two years.

Anthony turned to the Clinic Oncology Clinic of Sechenov University (in 2017, the Clinic of Oncology, Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Radiology) with complaints of persistent pain and dry throat, as well as a long-term non-healing ulcer on the tonsil mucosa. At that time, he worked in Russia in a famous restaurant as a chef and was very worried about his health, quality of life and further career.


Creating digital competencies among employees is our priority

The strategic professional resources development group conducts a series of training seminars for the university team implementing the Digital University project.

Recall that in December 2019 it became known that Sechenovskiy University won a grant to introduce a digital university model as part of the federal project “Personnel for the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

Earlier this year, the Director of the Center for Medical Information Systems and Technologies Andrei Vetluzhsky took a course in interactive 3D visualization and software development based on augmented and virtual reality technologies.


Participants in the Russian-British dialogue on biomedicine met at Sechenov University

Sechenov University hosted the Russian-British Forum on Biomedical Diplomacy, which gathered on one platform representatives of leading Russian and British universities, research institutes, as well as representatives of the British Embassy in Russia.

The event was organized as part of the work of the Russian-British Association of Young Physicians, which was created at Sechenov University with the support of the rector Peter Glybochko and the British Embassy in Russia.

Denis Butnaru, Vice-Rector for Research at the Sechnov University, and Mark Diamond, Second Secretary for Economic Affairs at the British Embassy, ​​spoke at the opening of the forum.


Spring came to Moscow and the first spring holiday - International Women's Day on March 8. On the eve of the holiday, March 5, 2020, employees of Sechenovskiy University in the space of the Professor's Club on Zubovsky Boulevard, congratulated on the holiday, awarded, presented verses, music and roses.

The poet was right: “Woman is music. Woman is the light. ” The piano sounded: classical music performed by Victoria Bitsadze, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, delighted and fascinated guests and participants of the meeting.

The rector of Sechenovskiy University, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Petro Glybochko noted that the hall of the Professor’s club, where scientists meet, the international expert councils of the “5-100” Project, has never been so beautiful as this spring day.


I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) is the top medical university in Russia. Its history begins in 1758 as the medical faculty at Imperial Moscow University.
For over two centuries Sechenov University has been a pioneer in the Russian healthcare system. A lot of outstanding physicians and scientists, who contributed significantly to the progress in medicine, worked at the University. In 2018, Sechenov University celebrates its 260th Anniversary.
Nowadays Sechenov University will become an internationally-recognized comprehensive academic research platform integrating the world advanced developments aimed at personalized life-long health management and overcoming global health challenges.

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History of First Moscow State Medical University

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University is the first and the oldest medical school in Russia tracing its history from the medical faculty of Moscow Imperial University founded in 1758.

Having passed the path of glory Sechenov University enriched national and world science with many distinguished scientists and significant discoveries, and brought up thousands of physicians devoted to their work.
Many of the University alumni have been recognized internationally for their outstanding contribution to global medicine and other spheres. Botkin S.P., Korsakoff S.S., Pirogov N.N., Sechenov I.M., Sklifosovsky N.V., and Chekhov A.P. are the most renowned.
The history of Sechenov University is tightly connected with the history of medical education and healthcare in Russia. The University is a cradle of most national medical schools and scientific medical societies, first medical journals, guidebooks and manuals.






2-4 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Str

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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