Soviet Union

"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains."

To Break Imperialist-Capitalist Chain - Aydın Karahan | Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist - Platform 09/12/2023 To Break Imperialist-Capitalist Chain - Aydın Karahan | Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist -

To Break Imperialist-Capitalist Chain - Aydın Karahan | Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist - Platform More than one and half centuries ago, Marx said during the revolutionary era: “Everything solid melts into the air”. Today, we are at the eye of the revolutionary storm, and, everything is upsetting rapidly. It’s the edge of the big changes.  The speed of global developments is dizzying. It.....

The reality of the peoples and countries of the Third World, their struggle for national liberation and the new society, destroys the “pyramidal fantasies” of some - Eduardo Artés Brichetti | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) - Platfo 09/12/2023 The reality of the peoples and countries of the Third World, their struggle for national liberation and the new society, destroys

The reality of the peoples and countries of the Third World, their struggle for national liberation and the new society, destroys the “pyramidal fantasies” of some - Eduardo Artés Brichetti | Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action) - Platfo Practice is the criterion of truth, and today, in the international context, this truth is revealed in all its vigor. It is necessary to debate whether the different analyses that are made today on the international situation, from the point of view of the Communist Movement, are coherent or not. Th...

Popular discontent and fascist tendencies in Bulgaria in the conditions of imperialist domination - Stefan Petrov | 23 September Movement (Bulgaria) - Platform 08/12/2023 Popular discontent and fascist tendencies in Bulgaria in the conditions of imperialist domination - Stefan Petrov

Popular discontent and fascist tendencies in Bulgaria in the conditions of imperialist domination - Stefan Petrov | 23 September Movement (Bulgaria) - Platform First I would like to thank you for the invitation to this event and the opportunity to speak. As you well know, after 45 years of socialist development, large-scale changes began in Bulgaria in 1989, expressed in the restoration of private-property market relations, privatization of key branches of...

Aleksandar Ðenić | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia) - Platform 08/12/2023 Aleksandar Ðenić | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia)

Aleksandar Ðenić | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (Serbia) - Platform Dear comrades,First, I would like to salute you on behalf of the Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. We especially want to send greetings to our fraternal organization from Greece—Collective for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity. Also, we would like to thank the eff...

Socialism is back on the agenda - Eastern Initiative - Platform 07/12/2023 Socialism is back on the agenda - Eastern Initiative

Socialism is back on the agenda - Eastern Initiative - Platform Comrades and Friends, First, thank you for the invitation to this important event. It has been an eventful six months since our last meeting. During this six months, one may say that the world has accelerated. It is becoming increasingly clear, that we are approaching yet another global military con...

On the current situation in the world and the real essence of the war in Ukraine - Dmitrii Kuzmin | Russian Communist Workers’ Party (CPSU) - Platform 07/12/2023 On the current situation in the world and the real essence of the war in Ukraine - Dmitrii Kuzmin

On the current situation in the world and the real essence of the war in Ukraine - Dmitrii Kuzmin | Russian Communist Workers’ Party (CPSU) - Platform Dear comrades in struggle!On behalf of the Central Committee of the RCWP, I welcome the participants of the International Conference “The rising tide of global war and the tasks of the anti-imperialists” in Athens November 2023.Today’s situation in the world is extremely tense. The general cri...

Imperialism is the main threat to humanity - V.B. Zelikov | All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) - Platform 06/12/2023 Imperialism is the main threat to humanity - V.B. Zelikov | All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva)

Imperialism is the main threat to humanity - V.B. Zelikov | All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Nina Andreeva) - Platform At present we are witnessing an extreme aggravation of the political situation in the world: military conflicts are raging in different parts of our planet, terrorist attacks are taking place, people are being killed, military coups are being attempted, social tensions are growing in individual coun...

Prospects for the future of mankind taking into account modern geopolitical processes - Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan - Platform 06/12/2023 Prospects for the future of mankind taking into account modern geopolitical processes - Klara Azhybekova

Prospects for the future of mankind taking into account modern geopolitical processes - Klara Azhybekova | Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan - Platform Dear comrades!I am glad to welcome you all in Athens, Greece, the homeland of ancient Greek philosophers, the homeland where the concepts of ancient Greek democracy, dialectics, where the representatives of Miletian materialistic philosophy, Democritus, Heraclitus, as well as the titans of idealisti...

Tsotne Margia | Socialist Platform (Georgia) - Platform 05/12/2023 Tsotne Margia | Socialist Platform (Georgia) - Platform

Tsotne Margia | Socialist Platform (Georgia) - Platform Dear friends, I would like to convey our comradely greetings of the Unified Communist Party of Georgia. Representatives of various organizations and social movements have gathered in this hall today, united by one common goal . To help to prevent a global catastrophe, where the imperialist forces le...

The Three Component Parts and Threedriving forces of the global revolutionary movement - Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece) - Platform 05/12/2023 The Three Component Parts and Threedriving forces of the global revolutionary movement

The Three Component Parts and Threedriving forces of the global revolutionary movement - Dimitrios Patelis | Revolutionary Unification (Greece) - Platform Contents Introduction​ On the current stage, the times and the circumstances. On the internal unity of the contradictions and the driving forces of anti-imperialism and socialism. The limits of abstract anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism and the necessity of establishing a positive and assertive...

The League support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine! 04/12/2023 The League support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine!

The League support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine! The World Anti-imperialist Youth League strongly support the militant struggle of CPGB-ML to be solidarity in Palestine people!

The 1st international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Youth League, "Be in the Spearhead for the realization of the three goals of the Platform" - PlatformNews 04/12/2023 The 1st international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Youth League

The 1st international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Youth League, "Be in the Spearhead for the realization of the three goals of the Platform" - PlatformNews The 1st international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Youth League was held on November 19 at the former municipality building of Drapetsona, near Athens, Greece. Eleven youth wings of the World Anti-imperialist Platform’s members participated in the international conference of the World ...

Platform march commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising - PlatformNews 03/12/2023 Platform march commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising

Platform march commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising - PlatformNews On November 17, the World Anti-imperialist Platform participated in the march in Athens, Greece, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising.  The Athens Polytechnic uprising was a popular struggle against US imperialist backed military junta. Student organizations of the...

Platform Delegation commemorate 50th anniversary of death of comrade Zachariadis: Nikos Zachariadis, Athanatos! - PlatformNews 03/12/2023 Platform Delegation commemorate 50th anniversary of death of comrade Zachariadis: Nikos Zachariadis, Athanatos!

Platform Delegation commemorate 50th anniversary of death of comrade Zachariadis: Nikos Zachariadis, Athanatos! - PlatformNews On November 20th, International Delegation of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform visited the grave of Greek Revolutionary leader Nikos Zakariadis at the First Cemetery in Athens to have a memorial ceremony. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Nikos Zachariadis. Comrade Zachariadis....

International Delegation of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform tributed to the 50th Anniversary of the Polytechnic Protest - PlatformNews 02/12/2023

International Delegation of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform tributed to the 50th Anniversary of the Polytechnic Protest - PlatformNews On November 17, the International Delegation of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform laid a wreath at the Polytechnic University of Athens to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Polytechnic Protest. The Polytechnic Protest was a popular uprising centered by university students against the mi...

Support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine! 02/12/2023 Support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine!

Support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine! Support CPGB-ML comrades in their struggle for solidarity with Palestine! Release unjustly arrested party members immediately!The Palestinian people's strugg...

From the river, to the sea, Palestine will be free! - Platform 01/12/2023 From the river, to the sea, Palestine will be free! - Platform

From the river, to the sea, Palestine will be free! - Platform Signed Organizations Understanding: We the undersigned parties and organisations declare: No cooperation with the criminal zionist war machine! Death to imperialism and its fascist zionist stooge regime in the middle east! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Savra savra hatta nasr! (R...

Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle - Platform 01/12/2023 Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle - Platform

Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle - Platform English Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle Understanding: That we are emerging from the period of deep reaction that followed the capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union and east European socialist bloc, when the strength of the capitalist-imperialist...

Demonisation and lawfare used to suppress support for Palestine in Britain 30/11/2023
Demonisation and lawfare used to suppress support for Palestine in Britain
Rather than prosecuting those who assist the Gaza genocide, our rulers use the judicial system to silence those who speak out against the zionists’ crimes.

Demonisation and lawfare used to suppress support for Palestine in Britain Rather than prosecuting those who assist the Gaza genocide, our rulers use the judicial system to silence those who speak out against the zionists’ crimes.

Scott Ritter on the Al-Aqsa Flood battle 30/11/2023
Scott Ritter on the Al-Aqsa Flood battle
The operation launched by Palestinian resistance forces on 7 October was the most successful military raid of this century.

Scott Ritter on the Al-Aqsa Flood battle The operation launched by Palestinian resistance forces on 7 October was the most successful military raid of this century.

Athens Polytechnic commemoration: ‘Our lessons have been learned in blood’ 29/11/2023
Athens Polytechnic commemoration: ‘Our lessons have been learned in blood’
A seismic shift is taking place in the global balance of class forces. Anti-imperialists everywhere must play their part.

Athens Polytechnic commemoration: ‘Our lessons have been learned in blood’ A seismic shift is taking place in the global balance of class forces. Anti-imperialists everywhere must play their part.

British delegate in Athens: We must learn the lessons of our history 29/11/2023
British delegate in Athens: We must learn the lessons of our history
What lessons can the Greek revolutionary experience teach those of us struggling against imperialism and for socialism today?

British delegate in Athens: We must learn the lessons of our history What lessons can the Greek revolutionary experience teach those of us struggling against imperialism and for socialism today?

HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers! 28/11/2023
HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers!
What does it say about our decaying system that our rulers can spend decades debating and spending to deliver precisely nothing at the end of it?

HS2: they should have gone to ChinaSavers! What does it say about our decaying system that our rulers can spend decades debating and spending to deliver precisely nothing at the end of it?

Athens ceremony for the 50 years since the Polytechnic uprising 26/11/2023 Athens ceremony for the 50 years since the Polytechnic uprising

Athens ceremony for the 50 years since the Polytechnic uprising CPGB-ML participates with the World Anti-imperialist Platform at the anniversary of the student uprising in Greece.__________________________________________...

Anti-zionism is not racism! Join our protest today! 26/11/2023

Anti-zionism is not racism! Join our protest today!
Communists arrested for telling the truth about zionism and imperialism. Free speech is dying in Britain today.

Anti-zionism is not racism! Join our protest today! Communists arrested for telling the truth about zionism and imperialism. Free speech is dying in Britain today.


The first of our four comrades has been released on bail from Sutton police station. Given the fact that he is only 16 years old, it is pretty disgusting that the police held him for the full 24 hours.

He has been banned from leafleting and deviating from the main routes of marches.

More information will be released as we have it.


The Communists: Britain’s only revolutionary communist party. 26/11/2023


Comrades, we are calling a solidarity protest outside Sutton police station at 2.30pm today.
(6 Carshalton Rd, Sutton SM1 4RF)

As yet, we do not know whether our comrades are going to be charged and if so, with what crime. Our understanding is that on arrest it was 'incitement to racial hatred' or something along those lines. All those close enough to hear the charge clearly were arrested.

We have four comrades currently in custody and awaiting interview.

Our demands/slogans are:

1. Drop all charges; we are doing nothing wrong!
2. Criticism of zionism is not antisemitic; zionism itself is a racist ideology, and, by claiming to speak for all jewish people, is itself antisemitic.
3. Don't allow the government to continue its campaign of trying to criminalise support for Palestine.
4. By arresting our comrades, who are criticising zionism and British imperialist support for zionism, the Met police are making themselves an accessory to the war crimes currently being committed in Gaza.
5. No cooperation with zionist war crimes and the Nato war machine!
Any Legal fund donation to help our comrade out please donate to us here anything sent will go towards helping us thanks:

The Communists ()
Challenge your ideas — challenge their propaganda — seek the truth — serve the people — change the world!

The Communists: Britain’s only revolutionary communist party. Challenge your ideas — challenge their propaganda — seek the truth — serve the people — change the world!

Comrade Ranjeet arrested alongside others for selling books exposing zionism 26/11/2023 Comrade Ranjeet arrested alongside others for selling books exposing zionism

Comrade Ranjeet arrested alongside others for selling books exposing zionism The book our comrades were selling: video: https:...

Palestine demo in London today 25/11/2023: A message from the downing street 26/11/2023

Palestine demo in London today 25/11/2023: A message from the downing street Ranjeet invites you to come and join us to show your support for Palestine today.Stay strong all activists and right thinking workers. The genocide shall not...

Anti-zionism is not racism! Join our protest today!
Communists arrested for telling the truth about zionism and imperialism. Free speech is dying in Britain today.

301 Moved Permanently

Derby Silk Mill commemorations 2023: no communists allowed 26/11/2023 Derby Silk Mill commemorations 2023: no communists allowed

Derby Silk Mill commemorations 2023: no communists allowed How did the CPB appoint itself the gatekeeper of the British working-class movement?Read:

Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine? 25/11/2023 GB
1:22 / 18:04
Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine?

Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine? Tanks, depleted uranium shells, long-range missiles, F16s: hardly a week goes by without some news of how Britain is upping the ante again.Read: https://thec...

Million man march for Palestine 11/11/2023 - Vauxhall Bridge London 25/11/2023 Million man march for Palestine 11/11/2023 - Vauxhall Bridge London

Million man march for Palestine 11/11/2023 - Vauxhall Bridge London A tidal wave of humanity march over Vauxhall bridge towards the US embassy today to demonstrate their support for the people of Palestine and Gaza.https://th...

Stop the War’s capitulation hides truth about Ukraine, stops workers organising 24/11/2023 Stop the War’s capitulation hides truth about Ukraine, stops workers organising

Stop the War’s capitulation hides truth about Ukraine, stops workers organising It is time we in Britain got off our knees and organised a mass movement of real opposition to the imperialist war drive.Read:

Celebrate the 1917 October Revolution! 24/11/2023 Celebrate the 1917 October Revolution!

Celebrate the 1917 October Revolution! The CPGB-ML celebrates the 106th anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. This event took place on 4 Nov 2023 in Bolivar Hall. Chairing the meet...

Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path 23/11/2023
Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path
Sincere communists must make a serious appraisal of their work at this time of deepening crisis and renewed struggle.

Open letter to CPB: Give up the Labour party and take the revolutionary path Sincere communists must make a serious appraisal of their work at this time of deepening crisis and renewed struggle.

US shaping Philippines into southeast Asia’s ‘Ukraine’ 23/11/2023
US shaping Philippines into southeast Asia’s ‘Ukraine’
The Filipino people have endured decades of brutal neocolonial rule by the USA and its local stooges, depriving them of development, prosperity and dignity.

US shaping Philippines into southeast Asia’s ‘Ukraine’ The Filipino people have endured decades of brutal neocolonial rule by the USA and its local stooges, depriving them of development, prosperity and dignity.

Two ‘British’ positions on Palestine 22/11/2023
Two ‘British’ positions on Palestine
The latest wave of Israeli violence was unleashed in a frenzy of impotent but brutal rage after Palestinian resistance launched its historic Al-Aqsa Flood battle.

Two ‘British’ positions on Palestine The latest wave of Israeli violence was unleashed in a frenzy of impotent but brutal rage after Palestinian resistance launched its historic Al-Aqsa Flood battle.

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