Ural State Agrarian University

The Ural State Agrarian University is a multidisciplinary higher educational institution that trains


Study in Russia / Virtual Fair

🗓14-15 September
⏰11:00 -18:00 online platform

We are happy and pleased to announce the groundbreaking event Virtual Educational Fair - Study in Russia, organized by RUDN University.

It will be carried out on a virtual platform, participants will include 30 leading Russian universities. Over the 2 days, you will have an ample time to chat with highly experienced universities representatives, look through university stands and attend online-webinars.

📲To register - go to www.studyinrussia.online and fill out the form. We will be waiting for you in Russia!

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 30/06/2022

Ural State Argarian University accepts documents for Bachelor's and Master's Degree. If you are interested in applying documents for education, please contact us via Direct Messages or email: [email protected] 💻📲📧

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 12/05/2022

Join us 18/05/2022 at 11:00 at Ural State Agrarian University for an Open Day for international students 🥳📤🔬

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 31/01/2022

On January 29, students of our preparatory faculty for foreign citizens took a part of international ice graffiti competition "Ice storm" ❄️🌍

It is a traditional event for Ekaterinburg, which completes the work of the New Year's ice town on the city's central square. This year's theme was Russian folk tales. Our students from from Egypt, Morocco, Senegal and Haiti have chosen the Russian folk tale "Turnip" for this competition.


📚🖇 January 25 is known is known as Tatiana Day or Students Day in Russia 🖇📚

Tatiana Day also known as Students Day, is named after Saint Tatiana, a Christian martyr in 3rd-century Rome during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus. It is also the name day for the name Tatiana. In Russia, the day is known as Students Day, commemorating the foundation of the Moscow State University.

On 12 January 1755 Julian, Empress Elizabeth of Russia signed a decree for the establishment of the first Russian university, which was constructed in Moscow and put under the care of the first Russian Minister of Education Ivan Shuvalov (that day was his mother's name day). In 1791, the Church of Saint Tatiana was built in the university campus, and the Russian Orthodox Church declared Saint Tatiana the patron saint of students.

Tatiana Day has come to be celebrated as Students Day in countries of the former Russian empire. The observance has a long tradition of festive activities and celebrations. In 1885, Chekhov wrote about Tatiana Day, "This year everything was drunk, except the water from the Moscow river, and only because it was frozen". The day begins with a traditional service conducted at the University's church followed by speeches and the awarding of prizes. Later in the day, many students host or attend parties and public events. Although originating in Moscow, St. Tatiana's Day celebrations have spread to most university towns.

Tatiana Day also coincides with the end of the first term of the traditional academic year for Russian and Ukrainian students, so the holiday also functions as a day of celebration for the completion of final exams.


Do you remember our New Year Celebration for Preparatory Faculty students? 🥳🎅

The photos are already there! You may find them in a group's album "New Year Celebration 28.12.2021" 😉

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 17/01/2022

🥳🎄 Today Russia celebrates The Old New Year 🎄🥳 Let us tell you some information about the history of this holiday.

The Old New Year or the Orthodox New Year is an informal traditional holiday, celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar (January 14).

Although the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic officially adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1918, the Russian Orthodox Church continued to use the Julian calendar. The New Year became a holiday that is celebrated by both calendars.

As in most countries which use the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day in Russia is a public holiday celebrated on January 1. On that day, joyous entertainment, fireworks, elaborate and often large meals and other festivities are common. The holiday is interesting as it combines secular traditions of bringing in the New Year with the Christian Orthodox Christmastide customs, such as kolyada.

The New Year by the Julian calendar is still informally observed, and the tradition of celebrating the coming of the New Year twice is widely enjoyed: January 1 (New New Year) and January 14 (Old New Year).

Usually not as festive as the New New Year, for many this is a nostalgic family holiday ending the New Year holiday cycle (which includes Eastern Orthodox Christmas on January 7) with traditional large meals, singing and celebratory drinking.

The Old New Year tradition has received mention in Russian art; the playwright Mikhail Roshchin wrote a comedy-drama called The Old New Year in 1973, which was staged for many years. He also made it into a screenplay for a 1980 television film which featured music by Sergey Nikitin and poetry lyrics by Boris Pasternak. The film was released by Mosfilm studios.


New calendar year has already begun! What are your plans for 2022? Share them with us in comments 👇

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 16/12/2021

🇷🇺 USAU 🇷🇺 and 🇨🇳 Shihezi University (China) 🇨🇳 signed a cooperation agreement

🖊 December 14, 2021 Universities agreed on cooperation in field of academic student exchange and faculty and organization of joint research work. The parties agreed to interchange professors and students for training and experience exchange of, exchange scientific and educational materials, using the material and technical base of both universities, participate in international conferences and seminars, publish joint articles and monographs.🇷🇺

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 07/10/2021


When you have arrived in Russia, you are obliged to register your stay within 3 days from your arrival (for visa regime countries) or within 7 days (for visa-free countries). Everyone who has not been provided with a registration mark according to the address of the prospective stay of residence within a specified time will be considered to be illegally in the country.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 05/10/2021

The faculty trains veterinarians in the field of prevention, diagnosis of diseases and treatment of animals.

For high-quality training, the faculty is equipped with educational research and research laboratories, modern lecture halls. As part of the faculty, there is an animal rehabilitation center that provides assistance to abandoned and homeless animals: from surgical operations, treatment and clinical rehabilitation to socialization and finding new families.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 20/09/2021

USAU joins the “Life, Science, Evolution” challenge.

The photo shows a unique training seminar on neonatal resuscitation for neonatologists and resuscitators

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 16/09/2021

The Institute trains staff in economic and management areas based on both Russian and world experience, taking into account the demand for qualified personnel and domestic scientific developments by organizations of the agro-industrial complex.

Graduates work in economic, financial, marketing, production and economic, analytical services of organizations of various industries, state and municipal authorities, financial, insurance and credit institutions, in industrial, design, construction companies, agribusiness companies and services, investment funds and others organizations.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 07/09/2021

Get acquainted with the history of the university⭐️


This year we have 10 countries growth. Students from Peru, Haiti, Mongolia, Senegal, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Ecuador entered the USAU🎉
⠀ In total, students from 29 countries study at our university.
We’re going to tell you more about our students soon.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 18/08/2021

The faculty trains specialists for the agro-industrial complex, research institutions, conducts scientific research and provides scientific support for agricultural production.
Students undergo industrial practice in advanced farms of the Sverdlovsk region and abroad. The faculty has an extensive material and technical base for conducting classes: classrooms and specialized laboratories equipped with high-tech equipment and software; Practical training centers ("Educational apiary", "Meat processing shop", "Livestock production shop").


list of the documents I should bring with me to Russia
⠀ Notarized translation of the passport + copy
⠀ Оriginal document of education + notarized translation
⠀ 10 photos (3*4)
⠀ Certificate of vaccination (if u have)
⠀ Medical insurance (not necessary)


Медицинская помощь иностранцам в России:
бесплатно гражданам других стран доступна только первая и скорая медицинская помощь.
Скорую медицинскую помощь при непосредственной угрозе жизни и здоровью (несчастных случаях, травмах, отравлениях и других состояниях) обеспечивают сотрудники государственных медучреждений. Врачи приводят пациента в стабильное состояние, дальнейшее лечение возможно только при наличии полиса или оплаты.
Only first aid and emergency medical care is available to foreign citizens in Russia free of charge.
Emergency medical care in cases of immediate threat to life and health (accidents, injuries, intoxication and other) is provided by officers of public healthcare institutions. Doctors stabilise the patient’s condition and further treatment is possible only with a valid policy or payment of expenses.


5 reasons for studying at Ural State Agrarian University
1️⃣Your talents come true. Athletics, basketball, martial artst, football, creative teams and much more
2️⃣From theory straight to practice
3️⃣University dormitory accommodation
4️⃣A wide list of in-demand study majors
5️⃣We are located in the center of the city


Медицинское страхование иностранных граждан
Все иностранные студенты, независимо от формы обучения (очная, очно-заочная) должны иметь медицинскую страховку
Медицинскую справку можно оформить у себя в стране. Главное, чтобы она была действительна в России (переведена и заверена) и соответствовала требованиям вашего вуза. В ряде случаев могут подойти справки, представляемые при оформлении учебной визы.
Health insurance
Every international student regardless of the mode of study (full time and part-time) they have chosen must have health insurance
You can obtain a medical certificate in your home country. The most important thing is that it must be valid in Russia (translated and certified) and meet the requirements of your university.


🐰Как первокурснику адаптироваться к студенческой жизни?
1️⃣Не откладывай дела в дальний ящик
2️⃣Делай конспекты
3️⃣Спрашивай, если непонятно
4️⃣Не стесняйся просить совета или помощи у старших
5️⃣Участвуй в студенческих мероприятиях
6️⃣Заводи много новых знакомств

How can a freshman adapt to student life?
First things first!
📝Make notes
🦖Ask if it's not clear
🤓Don't be shy about asking for advice or help from your tutor
🏆Take part at the students events
🖐🏼Make a new friend

The photo was taken from the Internet


Dear friends, we want to share great news with you!
Ural State Agrarian University received a certificate of international and professional public accreditation from the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, ENQA in several majors of study.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 13/07/2021

🎉Finally, the long-awaited prom!
Congratulations to our dear students on this important event in their life.
We wish you interesting projects and good luck👏🏼

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 09/07/2021

Одним из основных направлений научно-исследовательской работы факультета является проблема использования ресурсосберегающих технологий в различных отраслях АПК. По данному направлению активно проводится научно-исследовательская работа студентов.

One of the main directions of the faculty's research work is the problem of using resource-saving technologies in various branches of the agro-industrial complex. In this direction, students' research work is actively carried out.

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 05/07/2021

Иностранные граждане и лица без гражданства, являющиеся соотечественниками, проживающими за рубежом, имеют право на получение высшего образования наравне с гражданами Российской Федерации и поступление на общих конкурсных условиях при условии соблюдения ими требований, предусмотренных статьей 17 Федерального закона от 24 мая 1999 г. № 99-ФЗ «О государственной политике Российской Федерации в отношении соотечественников за рубежом»


На базе Уральского ГАУ открыт центр реабилитации животных
Место, где наши студенты помогают животным, попавшим в беду.
Центр функционирует с 2012 года, в среднем за год здесь находят помощь свыше 500 братьев наших меньших.

🦁The Animal Rehabilitation Center was opened in 2012 on the basis of the Ural State Agrarian University.
On average, over 500 of animals find help here per year

Photos from Ural State Agrarian University's post 30/06/2021

🌳The faculty has an extensive material and technical base for conducting training and practices: specialized laboratories, an experimental garden of fruit, berry and medicinal plants
Students of the faculty undergo industrial practice in advanced farms, scientific and industrial associations of the Sverdlovsk region and beyond. 🗒 Students have the opportunity to practice abroad (in farms in Germany, Denmark, Austria and other countries).

🍀Факультет располагает обширной материально - технической базой для проведения учебных занятий и практик: учебные аудитории и специализированные лаборатории, экспериментальный сад плодово-ягодных и лекарственных культур🍃.
🌲Студенты факультета проходят учебную и производственную практику в передовых хозяйствах, научных и производственных объединениях Свердловской области и за её пределами. Обучающиеся имеют возможность пройти практику за рубежом (в фермерских хозяйствах Германии, Англии, Австрии и других странах).


Places for active recreation around Yekaterinburg
🌳Mayakovsky park
🌲Shartash forest park
🌊Camping Europe-Asia
🌴 «Огонь» Private Beach
☀️ «Берёзовая» grove
❗️Attention, swimming is not allowed in all bodies of water!
Места для активного отдыха в окрестностях г. Екатеринбург
- Парк Маяковского
-Шарташский лесопарк
-Кемпинг Европа-Азия
-Огонь Пляж
-Березовая роща
❗️Внимание, купание разрешено не во всех водоемах!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



Улица Карла Либкнехта, 42

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:45

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