Travel World

Travel World

TravelWorld is the travel agent for your journeys to Russia! TravelWorld invites tourists to come to the city of Ekaterinburg and to the Ural region of Russia.

Services we offer are: accommodation in hotels and apartments, arranging conferences and seminars, organizing business events, organizing transfers, ordering and arranging meals, providing guided tours and excursions, assisting with travel visas. We can also arrange your tour to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, combined tour like Moscow-Ekaterinburg, Saint-Petersburg-Ekaterinburg etc. We will be glad to see you on our third largest Russian city and the capital of Urals!


Эй, мир!Ты прекрасен!

Немного адреналина Вам в ленту!

Сколько раз пересматриваю, каждый раз с открытым ртом 😧


Travel World

"You should experience it!" Any Russian would tell you this phrase. It’s said about Russian banya (Russian sauna or bath) and traditional Russian meal. If you want to taste Russian food and experience true Russian banya, this tour is for you. You will travel to a family club Sani, which is located in a Russian village not far from Ekaterinburg, Russia.
It’s a kind of "impossible mission" to describe Russian banya (Bathhouse). Just try it! Banya is a house designed for washing body and soul relaxation. After staying in a very hot damp steam room you will get massage done by somebody experienced in the matter. The message is done with the ‘venik’ the wisps of dry but soaked birch twigs with leaves. It looks like a harsh beating but feels like an unusual aromatic massage. You can choose different types of veniks. Thus, lime tree venik will produce antiseptic effect, oaken venik will make your skin soft and reduce high blood pressure. Besides you can have balmy bathes by adding aromas to steam or water. To make washing more comfortable and pleasant you will get towels, slippers, cosmetic means (shampoo, shower gel, soap). After washing in Russian banya you can treat your body with massage, pilling or lie in a milk, salt or herbal bath. To get services in a complex you can order spa packages. Your skin will be soft, your body will be light, and all troubles will go away.
Russian Restaurant
After having rest you may feel like eating. Russians are known for their hospitality. Tables grown with food, making your mouth water. You can taste traditional Russian salads with cabbage and mushrooms, fried meat and salt salmon, Russian soups like fish soup uha and summer soup okroshka. Of course you will taste Russian pancakes with butter, meat or caviar. Wash it down with cold Russian kvas, berry mors or hot green tea. Have a rest in Russian tradition!
13:00 - meeting at your hotel, departure
13:30 – arrival at Sani
13:30 -14:30 russian bathing
17:00 – 18:00 meal in the restaurant
18:00 – ride back through village to the city
18:30 – arrival at your hotel
From 289 usd


Russia is waiting for you


Лазерное шоу на главной площади Екатеринбурга. Репетиция.

Welcome to Ekaterinburg ! Световое представление на площади имени 1905 года планируют проводить каждый день с 29 декабря 2016 года по 8 января 2017 года включительно с 18 до 23 часов,...


Four Seasons Moscow - Contemporary Luxury in the Heart of Moscow for more information on Four Seasons Moscow. In a landmark location steps from Red Square, the Kremlin and the State Duma,...


Interesting facts about Yekaterinburg:

- It was founded by the decree of the first Russian Emperor Peter I and the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II was shot here,
- Roofing iron, produced in Yekaterinburg, at one time covered the roof of the British parliament,
- The frame of the American Statue of Liberty is made of metal produced in Yekaterinburg,
- During the Second World War, Sverdlovsk was the center of broadcasting in the USSR,
- A minor planet (27736) Yekaterinburg, opened September 22, 1990 by the Belgian astronomer Eric Elst, is named in honor of the city,
- June 16, 2009, the first official summit of the BRIC was held here,
- Skyscraper “Vysotsky”, officially opened on November 25, 2011, is the most northerly skyscraper in the world (188 meters), and the only skyscraper in Russia outside Moscow

Welcome to Ekaterinburg!

All questions about visiting Russia you can write to


Russian Tour

St. Petersburg - a unique city of magic
Saint-Pétersbourg - une ville magique et unique

Автор: Андрей Ефимов, Timelab production.


Рекламное агентство Stereotactic выпустило видео для привлечения иностранных туристов в Россию

This is Russia baby. Welcome to Russia! Ролики подготовлены специально для фестиваля Feel Russia — проекта, который знакомит зрителей с достижениями российской культуры и искусства. Главные герои видео — Гюнтер, немецкий профессор-урбанист, и Ли Фен, студентка из Китая. Они путешествуют по всей России, находя в каждом уголке что-то особен…


50 оттенков красного: фото "чумового" рассвета над Екатеринбургом Смотрите 10 красивых снимков просыпающегося города.


Travel World's cover photo


Moscow. Timelapse

Moscow - the most beautiful city in the world! Красивейший ролик о Москве.


Екатеринбург 291

Welcome to Ekaterinburg !

Фильм о Екатеринбурге, полностью снятый на iPhone.


Агентство счастливых путешествий "Еду в отпуск"

Ниспадающие звезды украсят небо Екатеринбурга в День Победы

Необычное красочное действо ждет горожан и гостей столицы Урала во время праздничного фейерверка, который пройдет в Екатеринбурге 9 мая, сразу же после окончания военного салюта.

Заряды будут выпускаться с трех площадок. Сперва будет запущен праздничный фейерверк с пешеходного моста через реку Исеть (в районе музея ИЗО), затем с водной глади Исети. Заключительные, самые мощные залпы прозвучат со стадиона «Динамо».

На всех трех площадках будет запущен в небо «Парковый фейерверк» с высотными изделиями, который позволит изобразить в небе ромашки, пион, переходящий из одного цвета в другой, двойные шары, ниспадающие звезды, кольца и многое другое.

Городской фейерверк в честь Дня Победы продлится 17 минут.


José Carreras in Moscow - Torna a Surriento

E. De Curtis: Torna a Surriento José Carreras Opera Gala in Moscow (1992) Rudé náměstí/Red Square Symfonický orchestr Moskevského rozhlasu/The Moscow Radio S...


Sevastyanova House in Yekaterinburg (also known as the House of Trade Unions) - a mansion built in the first quarter of the XIX century on the banks of the city pond formed by a dam on the River Iset. C Sevastyanova connected home a few urban legends.On one of them , Nikolai Sevastyanov , planned to decorate the roof of the rotunda in gold, which was repeatedly filed petitions even to the Emperor . But as the gold dome cover only the churches, the petition was not approved . And in the sentence petitioner was sentenced to walk every morning to the nearest church to the iron galoshes.No documentary evidence of such moments in life of Nikolai Ivanovich Sevastyanov not available. He began his career as an officer on special assignments Chief Mountain Chief ( VA Glinka) , then it was known as a rich man , and Yekaterinburg spoke of him as nothing but about the famous rich Sevastyanov.According to another legend, the owner built a magnificent palace on the envy of the town , and he lived in a little house opposite , and every evening , sitting on a bench in front of the house , admiring his creation. Then he went bankrupt and was forced to sell the building Ministry of Justice.


The grand opening of the Ekaterinburg Opera and Ballet House took place in October 1912 with a performance of the first Russian opera by M. Glinka, "Ivan Susanin", and since then it has been distinguished as "the best theatre of Asian Russia".


Презентация Екатеринбурга / Video presentation of Ekaterinburg


The Square of 1905 in Ekaterinburg is a place for festivals and celebrations. During the week-long New Year’s Holiday the square becomes a place for a so-called Ice town - an attraction with many ice statues and ice-runs. The main theme of the Ice Town show varies every year.


Vysotsky skyscraper was officially open on November 25 (2011). The building is 190 meters height (54 floors) and has 24 elevators. It is the highest building in Russia outside Moscow and the northernmost skyscraper in the world.

Construction was started in 2005 and have been finished in 2011.


The unique location of Ekaterinburg gives you the opportunity to visit the border between Europe and Asia. You will visit the mountain Berezovaya – the highest point of the Ural mountains near Ekaterinburg, which is considered to be the border. You will see the special obelisk that marks the border and will be able to take photos of your one leg in Europe and the other one in Asia. Don’t miss the opportunity!


Екатеринбург Timelapse in Motion 2013

Welcome to Ekaterinburg!!!

Видео снято в технике Timelapse in motion Автор: Дмитрий Крылов Музыка: BT - Flaming June (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) Дата съемок:11-27 Января 2013 Параметр...


Great Russia!!!


This exciting tour will guide you through the most famous bars and pubs of the Ural capital. You’ll learn how our co-patriots spend their weekend nights - where they prefer to go, what music to listen and simply how to have fun.

The tour begins with the local Ever-Jazz band concert. A dinner in the relaxed atmosphere with life-music and in the company of sophisticated jazz-lovers is the best beginning of a cultural night. You'll learn a history of the Urals rock movement, obstacles it faced in the Soviet times and its further expansion all over Russia. The next step is a visit of 2-3 best Irish pubs where you’ll be offered typical drinks Ekaterinburg people normally take and where night life reveals its peculiarities and original spirit. The night is young! The tour includes an English-speaking assistant, a driver, a dinner and a drink in each pub. The tour takes 6-7 hours. From 145 usd.


You don`t know how lucky you are. You can be back in the USSR! It is possible and you don’t need the time machine for this. Have a trip about Ekaterinburg in Soviet Style. You will see the Soviet symbols and have a dinner in USSR.

First of all you will see a symbol of Soviet times, the residence of KGB, Gorodok Chekistov (CheKa officers’ cantonment). This is a remarkable example of constructivist architecture, poplar in Russia. Gorodok Chekistov, built in 30-s, is designed in the form of a Soviet symbol, a sickle and a hammer. The complex presented a closed, guarded territory with several blocks of flats, a hostel for young KGB commissars, the Culture House and shops. Now this territory is open, the houses are inhabited with civil citizens and tourists can stay in the former hostel for young KGB commissars, now it houses a modern hotel. Then you will make your way to the District Officers’ House, it was built in ‘Stalin Empire’ style on the Russian Army Square. You will see the open air museum of defense technology and the Afghanistan War Memorial. Do you want to taste Soviet life? After this sightseeing tour, you will have a meal in the restaurant ‘USSR’. Tasty dinner (borscht, pelmeni, pancakes, caviar) and creative design will make you think that it's simply possible to take part in USSR life now! To remember your Soviet trip forever you can buy a Soviet souvenir, Russian fur cap, coins, matreshka (nesting dolls), a USSR T-shirt and others. You will get a bottle of Russian vodka for free. We will lift the iron veil of the Soviet Epoch for you! From 50 usd.
12:00 - meeting and walk to Gorodok Chekistov
12:30 – walk to the District Officers’ House
13:00 – dinner at the restaurant USSR
14:00 – walk to a souvenir shop


"You should experience it!" Any Russian would tell you this phrase. It’s said about Russian banya (Russian sauna or bath) and traditional Russian meal. If you want to taste Russian food and experience true Russian banya, this tour is for you. You will travel to a family club Sani, which is located in a Russian village not far from Ekaterinburg, Russia.
It’s a kind of "impossible mission" to describe Russian banya (Bathhouse). Just try it! Banya is a house designed for washing body and soul relaxation. After staying in a very hot damp steam room you will get massage done by somebody experienced in the matter. The message is done with the ‘venik’ the wisps of dry but soaked birch twigs with leaves. It looks like a harsh beating but feels like an unusual aromatic massage. You can choose different types of veniks. Thus, lime tree venik will produce antiseptic effect, oaken venik will make your skin soft and reduce high blood pressure. Besides you can have balmy bathes by adding aromas to steam or water. To make washing more comfortable and pleasant you will get towels, slippers, cosmetic means (shampoo, shower gel, soap). After washing in Russian banya you can treat your body with massage, pilling or lie in a milk, salt or herbal bath. To get services in a complex you can order spa packages. Your skin will be soft, your body will be light, and all troubles will go away.
Russian Restaurant
After having rest you may feel like eating. Russians are known for their hospitality. Tables grown with food, making your mouth water. You can taste traditional Russian salads with cabbage and mushrooms, fried meat and salt salmon, Russian soups like fish soup uha and summer soup okroshka. Of course you will taste Russian pancakes with butter, meat or caviar. Wash it down with cold Russian kvas, berry mors or hot green tea. Have a rest in Russian tradition!
13:00 - meeting at your hotel, departure
13:30 – arrival at Sani
13:30 -14:30 russian bathing
17:00 – 18:00 meal in the restaurant
18:00 – ride back through village to the city
18:30 – arrival at your hotel
From 289 usd


If you are curious to get acquainted with the inimitable rural lifestyle typical of the Ural region then you`re more than welcome on this tour! You`ll visit a museum in the open sky that is located in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha (160km from Ekaterinburg) where one can do nothing but marvel at unique wooden buildings of the XVII-XIX centuries, Transfiguration Cathedral dated 1794-1824 and original folk art. Also you`ll have a wonderful opportunity to come to the Former house of Tchaikovsky and witness the mournful place where most members of Romanov dynasty were murdered

8:50 am - meet up at your hotel
9:00 am - departure with a bilingual guide in a comfortable vehicle
11:00pm - we arrive in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, look at authentic peasant log houses and impressive woodwork, examine a fire-tower, a watching tower, four beautiful chapels, a wind mill and a prison tower (built 1656)
2:00 pm - now when you've become a well-knowledged expert in Ural lifestyle, folk crafts and painting, we move to Alapayevsk
2:30 pm - arrival in Alapayevsk and lunch
3:30 pm - brief tour around the city, look at St. Trinity Cathedral, church of St. Catherine at the central cemetery
4:15 pm - we leave the town and on the way back home stop at the place where most members of Romanov dynasty were killed
7:00 pm - back again at your hotel

The tour takes 10-11 hours. From 230 USD


The unique location of Ekaterinburg gives you the opportunity to visit the border between Europe and Asia. You will visit the mountain Berezovaya – the highest point of the Ural mountains near Ekaterinburg, which is considered to be the border. You will see the special obelisk that marks the border and will be able to take photos of your one leg in Europe and the other one in Asia. Don’t miss the opportunity! The tour takes 2 hours. From 90 USD.


Good morning original version

Musique d'origine de la pub télé2


Il monumento a Ekaterinburgo!


Ganina Yama is a disused mine shaft, where the ironstone was produced near the village of Koptyaki, 15 km (9.5 miles) north from Ekaterinburg.

On the night of 17 July 1918, the bodies of Tsar Nicholas II and his family, who had been executed at the engineer Ipatiev’s House (see The Church on the Blood), were secretly transported to Ganina Yama and thrown into the shaft. When the Royal “White Army” approached Ekaterinburg, the bodies were extracted and destroyed by sulphuric acid. Some remnants were retrieved by geologists in 1979.

Today there is a beautiful monastery here dedicated to the Royal martyrs.

The 7 churches, all of them different and mostly wooden, symbolize the 7 members of the Tsar family.
In winter you will love the pattern of green church roofs and white snow on tall pine trees around.

When there, remember to buy a loaf of freshly baked bread and a bottle of mors (berry drink) or kvass (non-alcoholic Russian beer) made by monks.


This newly reconstructed church used to be one of the largest and richest in Ekaterinburg back in the XIX century.

There used to be many highly valued icons with silver and golden frameworks.

In the Soviet Years, the building was used for a movie theatre.

The local head of the Orthodox diocese, archbishop Vikentiy, often serves in Holy Trinity Church.

In the little cafe outside the church you can try bread baked in the monastery Ganina Yama, mors (berry drink) and kvas (non-alcoholic Russian beer) made by monks.


Moscow - Saint-Petersburg

7 days/6 nights

Recommended period: all the year round
Destinations: Moscow, St.Petersburg
Main sights: the Moscow Kremlin, Sergiev Posad, the Hermitage, summer residence Tsarskoye Selo
Accommodation: Hotel Rossiya ***/ Izmailovo Alfa ***; Hotel Pribaltiyskaya ****/Cosmos ****
Meals: breakfast
Transport: coach

Day 1
Arrival in Moscow. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

Day 2
Sightseeing tour of the city: Kremlin embankment, photostops at the Cathedral of Our the Saviour, Novodevichy Convent, the Sparrow Hills with observation platform and the view of Moscow State University, photostops at Poklonnaya Hill with Victory Park, Tverskaya Street and Red Square with views of St. Basil Cathedral. Excursion in the territory of the Kremlin, the historical centre of the Russian capital. Visit to two magnificent cathedrals of the Kremlin.

Day 3
Guided tour to Sergiev Posad, located 75 km from Moscow, visit to the Trinity Sergiev Monastery (Lavra).
Departure to St. Petersburg by night train.

Day 4
Arrival in St.Petersburg. Breakfasrt in a city restaurant.
Sightseeing tour: Nevsky prospekt, Palace embankment, Spit of Vasilevsky Island, view of Kazansky Cathedral, the Admiralty, the monument to Peter the Great, photostop at Our Saviour on the Blood Cathedral, St.Isaac’s Cathedral, Palace Square. Excursion to St. Peter and Paul’s Fortress.
Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

Day 5
Excursion to the Hermitage, the largest museum in Russia, that has 3 million items which are displayed in 4 buildings of the Hermitage Complex.

Day 6
Trip to Tsarskoye Selo, a summer residence of Russian Tsars, approximately 18 km. from St.Petersburg. Visit to the Catherine Palace and the park.

Day 7
Breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel.
Transfer to the airport or to the railway station.

Package price from 800 euro per person.


¡DuendeWorld es su agencia de viajes en Rusia!
DuendeWorld lo invita a conocer la ciudad de Ekaterimburgo y la región de los montes Urales en Rusia.
Los servicios que ofrecemos son: alojamiento en hoteles y apartamentos, organización de conferencias y seminarios, organización de eventos empresariales, traslados, alimentación, tours y excursiones siempre guiadas, trámites para visas de viaje. Así también, usted puede organizar su viaje a Moscú y a San Petersburgo, combinar un tour Moscú-Ekaterimburgo, San Petersburgo-Ekaterimburgo, etc.
Estaremos encantados de verlo en la tercera ciudad más grande de Rusia y la capital de los montes Urales!


According to foreign travelers, Russian love for purity - their main national feature. Every town and village has a bath (Banya)!

Banya accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation, stimulates breathing. Heat, steam, water and massage (rubbing a sponge or broom) deep cleanses the skin, increase flexibility and joint mobility.

Experts in banya attach great importance to a birch broom - this Russian "massage device." Broom percussing must first be very easy. Lightly touching the body with only leaves and then with the ends of branches, more and more percussing along the shoulders, back, along the arms and legs (along rather than across - it's one of the commandments of bath science!).

Visit Russian Banya in Ekaterinburg 4 hours - 150 euro!


En la primavera de 1723 por decreto de Pedro I en la orilla del río Iset inició la construcción de las obras más grandes de Rusia hierro. Fábrica-fortaleza fue nombrada Ekaterimburgo - en honor de la emperatriz Catalina I, esposa de Pedro I. Ekaterinburg fue construido como la capital de la región minera, que se extiende en dos continentes - Europa y Asia.

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00

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Yekaterinburg, 620144

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ТК Пангея представляет новый офис - открыт в центре Ека