we take pride in being a prominent and renowned pump supplier in the heart of Saudi Arabia. We are the pump supplier in Saudi Arabia.

With 44 years of expertise and dedication to excellence in providing a comprehensive range of water pump, fire pump, water heater, valves, Flamco accessories. Established in 1977 with headquarters in Riyadh. Lamah is an innovative organization that brings fresh ideas and 43 years of experience solving water handling challenges for our valued customers. Provides complete water pumping solutions for


🙋‍♂️ We are excited to announce that LAMAH Company has secured a new supply contract to provide grundfos chilled water pumps, hydro mpc booster sets, hydro 1000 water transfer systems, and hydro circ water circulation sets for AMAALA’S TRIPLE BAY.

👉 This achievement showcases LAMAH's expertise in delivering top-notch solutions for diverse project requirements. Our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions ensures we supply reliable equipment and materials.

🤝 A special acknowledgment goes to Engr—Jinu John, whose outstanding leadership and dedication played a crucial role in securing this project. Your hard work and vision have opened the door to this fantastic opportunity! We also extend our gratitude to our CEO, Eng. Samer Topaji, and Marketing & Sales Manager, Eng. Omar Nemer, for their unwavering support.

👉 LAMAH Company has established itself as a trusted partner in large-scale projects. Our proficiency in pump technologies and material supply guarantees that our customers receive exceptional products and resources, contributing to our success.

is your go-to , especially when high technical expertise and service are essential.

👉 Thank you to everyone involved in making this achievement possible! Let’s keep pushing boundaries together!

✌ Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our high-quality products!

For more details, visit:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Jinu John CSMP


📢 🌟 إعلان مثير! 🌟

نحن فخورون بأن نعلن أن شركة لمة قد حصلت على عقد توريد جديد لتوفير مضخات المياه المبردة ومضخات السباكة لمكاتب منتدى مدينة مسك!

👉 يسلط هذا الإنجاز الضوء على خبرة وقدرات شركة "لمة" في تقديم حلول عالية الجودة لاحتياجات المشروع الشاملة. يسلط هذا النهج الشامل الضوء على التزام شركة لمة بتوفير حل كامل يشمل المعدات والمواد الموثوقة.

🤝 تحية خاصة للمهندس. دانيش، الذي كان لقيادته الاستثنائية وتفانيه دور فعال في الحصول على هذا المشروع. لقد مهد عملك الجاد ورؤيتك الطريق لهذه الفرصة المذهلة! كما نتقدم بالشكر إلى الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة المهندس. سامر طوباجي ومدير التسويق والمبيعات م. عمر نمر لدعمهم الوثيق للتمكين النهائي.

#لمة هي المورد #الكهروميكانيكي الأكثر موثوقية خاصة عندما تكون هناك حاجة إلى خلفية فنية وخدمة عالية.

شكرا لجميع المشاركين في تحقيق هذا! دعونا نواصل دفع الحدود معًا!

✌ ترقبوا المزيد من التحديثات بينما نبدأ هذه الرحلة المثيرة مع منتجاتنا عالية الجودة!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer DANISH BIN SUALEH


📢 🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟

🙋‍♂️ We are proud to share that LAMAH Company has been awarded a new supply contract to provide chilled water pumps and plumbing pumps for the Misk City Forum Offices!

👉 This achievement highlights LAMAH's expertise and capabilities in delivering high-quality solutions for comprehensive project needs. This comprehensive approach highlights LAMAH Company's commitment to supplying a complete solution, encompassing credible equipment and materials.

🤝 A special shout-out to Engr. DANISH BIN SUALEH, whose exceptional leadership and dedication were instrumental in acquiring this project. Your hard work and vision have paved the way for this incredible opportunity! Also, thanks are extended to Our CEO Eng. Samer Topaji and the Marketing & Sales Manager Eng. Omar Nemer for their close support of end empowerment.

👉 LAMAH Company has been established as a reliable and capable partner in large-scale projects. Their expertise in pump technologies and material supply guarantees that customers will obtain excellent products and resources, which adds to its success.

is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

👉 Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen! Let’s continue to push boundaries together!

✌ Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our high-quality products!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer danish bin sualeh


3 Things You Didn't Know About Lamah Inspection Service

👨‍⚖️ Is your equipment running at its best?

👨‍🏭 At LAMAH, our proactive maintenance services are designed to keep your operations running smoothly, with minimal downtime.

🤷‍♂️ We understand that every minute counts and that's why our expert team is dedicated to ensuring your systems are always in top shape.

🔧 Our comprehensive inspection services help you identify potential issues before they become costly problems, ensuring continuous operation and peace of mind.

With LAMAH by your side, you can focus on what you do best, knowing your equipment is in the best hands.

Don't wait for a breakdown—take control of LAMAH's proactive approach!

✨ Ready to elevate your maintenance strategy? Contact us today and discover the difference our services can make.

👉 For more details, visit

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samer topaji omer nemer


🙋‍♂️ Prepare yourself to be excited by the Lamah achievement!"

👏 We are proud to announce that Lamah Co has received official certification of authorized PREMIER PARTNER for the Control Panel Builder Program by Schneider Electric

✅ This prestigious recognition showcases our dedication to delivering top-notch solutions and our commitment to excellence in the industry. As a Premier Partner, we can bring even greater value to our clients by leveraging Schneider Electric's.

✅Thank you to our incredible team, partners, and clients for their continued support on this journey. We look forward to achieving even more together!

✒ LAMAH is the most reliable hashtag hashtag , especially when high technical background and service are required.

📌 Contact us today and experience the difference! ✨🌍🏢

For More Details

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same topaji omer nemer


🚀 Proud to share that LAMAH’s Engr. Jinu John

🏢 LAMAH is thrilled to announce that Engr. Jinu John has successfully delivered a comprehensive training session on GRUNDFOS booster and submersible pumps, specifically tailored for data center projects.

🙎‍♂️ His deep dive into the technology and its applications provided invaluable insights for optimizing data center infrastructure.

🤝 Thank you, Jinu John CSMP, for delivering this invaluable training session and ensuring our team is equipped with the knowledge to take industry norms in stride!

✒ LAMAH is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

Stay tuned for updates!

📌 Contact us today and experience the difference! ✨🌍🏢

👀 For More Details

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Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Jinu John CSMP



🔧Finding the right multipurpose pump can feel like navigating your business in the right way, but do not despair it doesn’t have to be this way!

👉 Know Your Requirements:
First of all, it is crucial to define the type of your application, pressure, flow rate, and type of fluid.

👉 Check Compatibility:
When selecting the pump materials, it is necessary to choose the best material to which the pump is to operate, this is to ensure that the pumps do not corrode or wear out easily.

👉 Maintenance & Support:
Maintainability and parts availability and replacement should be taken into consideration.

😃 LAMAH is the most reliable electromechanical supplier especially when high technical background and service are required.

📢 Contact us today to experience our exceptional services! ✨

For More Details:

, , , ,

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer


🚀 Ever Wonder What Makes Lamah Pumps Stand Out?

Discover Our Six Pillars of Excellence🌟

👉 At Lamah Co. Ltd, our journey is more than just business—it's about building lasting relationships and making a positive impact. Our Six Pillars of Excellence embody our commitment to you, our valued partners.

👉 These pillars are the foundation of our promise to deliver excellence in every aspect. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, let's continue to innovate, collaborate, and achieve great success! 🚀

😃 LAMAH is the most reliable electromechanical supplier especially when high technical background and service are required.

📢 Contact us today to experience our exceptional services! ✨

For More Details:

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samer topaji Omar Nemer



🙋‍♂️ Hurray! our proud moment, Lamah Company, it has been awarded a prestigious supply contract for the Red Sea nursery project! We will be providing the best Irrigation Pumping set with impeccable performance in terms of reliability.

👉 It also highlights LAMAH’s strength and capacity to offer elaborate solutions for the full range of project requirements. The desire to deliver total solutions with reliable equipment and materials is our competitive edge.

😊 A special word to our engineer, Jinu John CSMP John, for a well-done job, especially owing to his professionalism and creative mind. On this note, special thanks to the Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Samer Topaji and the Marketing & Sales Manager, Eng. Omar Nemer, for their ongoing support and embracement.

👉 LAMAH Company is constantly working on the further expansion of the company in large-scale projects and proving its suitability as a reliable partner. Specialization in technologies of the pumps and supply of proper materials make it easier for customers to obtain our products, hence enhancing our performance in the market.

👉 Thus, the phrase will always ensure you receive the best in electromechanical supplies, where technical know-how and fabulous services are expected.

🎯 Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our high-quality products!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Jinu John CSMP


حدث في شركة لامه:

🙋‍♂️ هيا! لحظة فخرنا، لقد تم منح شركة لامه عقد توريد مرموق لمشروع حضانة البحر الأحمر! سنقوم بتوفير أفضل نظام ضخ للري بأداء لا مثيل له من حيث الموثوقية.

👉 يبرز ذلك أيضًا قوة وقدرة لامه على تقديم حلول متكاملة لكافة متطلبات المشاريع. الرغبة في تقديم حلول شاملة مع معدات ومواد موثوقة هي ميزتنا التنافسية.

😊 كلمة خاصة لمهندسنا، جينو جون، على العمل الجيد، خاصة بفضل احترافيته وعقليته الإبداعية. وفي هذا السياق، شكر خاص للمدير التنفيذي، المهندس سامر توبجي، ومدير التسويق والمبيعات، المهندس عمر نمر، على دعمهما المستمر واحتضانهما.

👉 تعمل شركة لامه باستمرار على توسيع نطاق الشركة في المشاريع الكبيرة وإثبات جدارتها كشريك موثوق. التخصص في تكنولوجيا المضخات وتوريد المواد المناسبة يجعل من السهل على العملاء الحصول على منتجاتنا، مما يعزز أدائنا في السوق.

👉 لذا، العبارة #لامه ستضمن لك دائمًا الحصول على الأفضل في الإمدادات الكهروميكانيكية، حيث يتم توقع المعرفة الفنية والخدمات الرائعة.

🎯 تابعوا المزيد من التحديثات ونحن ننطلق في هذه الرحلة المثيرة مع منتجاتنا عالية الجودة!

لمزيد من التفاصيل:

#جرندفوس #كسبي #إبارا #رييم #بينتير #هيرز #الموثوقية #الاحترافية #الابتكار #القيادة #الدعم #الشراكة #كهروميكانيكية #تابعونا #الالتزام #التعاطف #الاستثنائية #المقاولون #المستشارون
Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Jinu john


توريد مفاجئة للتحديث 📢

خبر جديد: شركة LAMAH قد منحت عقد توريد جديد لتوفير صمامات
هيرز لمستشفى نيوم.

يسلط هذا الإنجاز الضوء على خبرة وقدرات شركة لمه في تقديم حلول عالية الجودة لتلبية احتياجات المشاريع الشاملة. يبرز هذا النهج الشامل التزام شركة لمه بتقديم حل متكامل يشمل كل من المعدات والمواد.

شكراً لمهندسنا خالد خدرج الذي أبدى جهودًا مهنية وإبداعية عالية. كما نوجه الشكر إلى الرئيس التنفيذي المهندس سامر طوبجي ومدير التسويق والمبيعات المهندس عمر نمر لدعمهم القريب وتمكينهم

ترقبوا المزيد من التحديثات بينما نبدأ هذه الرحلة المثيرة مع منتجاتنا عالية الجودة!

For more details:

samer topaji omer nemer khaled khodruj


📢 Surprise Supply update! 🎉

🙋‍♂️ We are thrilled to announce that Lamah Company has been awarded a new supply contract for the Neom Hospital project. We will provide state-of-the-art Herz valves, ensuring top-notch performance and reliability.

👉 This achievement highlights LAMAH's expertise and capabilities in delivering high-quality solutions for comprehensive project needs. This comprehensive approach highlights LAMAH Company's commitment to supplying a complete solution, encompassing credible equipment and materials.

🤝 Thanks to our engineer (Khaled Khodruj) who has exposed extremely professional efforts and creativity. Also, thanks are extended to Our CEO Eng. Samer Topaji and the Marketing & Sales Manager Eng. Omar Nemer for their close support of end empowerment.

👉 LAMAH Company has been established as a reliable and capable partner in large-scale projects. Their expertise in pump technologies and material supply guarantees that customers will obtain excellent products and resources, which adds to its success.

is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

✌ Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our high-quality products!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Khaled Khodruj


يسرنا أن نعلن أن شركة لمه قد حصلت على عقد توريد جديد لمشروع TBC WaveSchool2. سنقوم بتوفير سخانات المياه التجارية الحديثة من شركة رييم، مما يضمن أداءً عالي الجودة وموثوقية فائقة.

يسلط هذا الإنجاز الضوء على خبرة وقدرات شركة لمه في تقديم حلول عالية الجودة 👈 لتلبية احتياجات المشاريع الشاملة. يبرز هذا النهج الشامل التزام شركة لمه بتقديم حل متكامل يشمل كل من المعدات والمواد.

شكراً لمهندسنا خالد خدرج الذي أبدى جهودًا مهنية وإبداعية عالية. كما نوجه الشكر 🤝 إلى الرئيس التنفيذي المهندس سامر طوبجي ومدير التسويق والمبيعات المهندس عمر نمر لدعمهم القريب وتمكينهم

ترقبوا المزيد من التحديثات بينما نبدأ هذه الرحلة المثيرة مع منتجاتنا عالية الجودة! 🤝

👉 For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Khaled Khodruj


📢 Exciting News! 🎉

🙋‍♂️ We are thrilled to announce that Lamah Company has been awarded a new supply contract for the TBC WaveSchool2 project. We will provide state-of-the-art Rheem commercial water heaters, ensuring top-notch performance and reliability.

👉 This achievement highlights LAMAH's expertise and capabilities in delivering high-quality solutions for comprehensive project needs. This comprehensive approach highlights LAMAH Company's commitment to supplying a complete solution, encompassing credible equipment and materials.

🤝 Thanks to our engineer (Khaled Khodruj) who has exposed extremely professional efforts and creativity. Also, thanks are extended to Our CEO Eng. Samer Topaji and the Marketing & Sales Manager Eng. Omar Nemer for their close support of end empowerment.

👉 LAMAH Company has been established as a reliable and capable partner in large-scale projects. Their expertise in pump technologies and material supply guarantees that customers will obtain excellent products and resources, which adds to its success.

is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

✌ Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with our high-quality products!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Khaled Khodruj


🔗 Discover the latest from Lamah Co-Ltd!

🌟 Witness the extraordinary accomplishment as Engineer Mahmoud Abdulbaset Accomplished a groundbreaking Successful Acceptance Test at GRUNDFOS Factory in UAE.

🚀 This achievement underscores Lamah Co-Ltd dedication to innovation and excellence in the electromechanical industry.

💪 Delve into the details of this remarkable feat and join us in celebrating this milestone!

🤝 We extend our gratitude to Engineer Mahmoud Abdul baset for his invaluable contribution, elevating our capabilities to new heights! 🙏🚀

✒ Lamah Co-Ltd is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

📌 Contact us today to experience the difference! ✨🌍🏢

For More Details

, , , ,

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer


🙂Warm Eid al-Adha Mubarak from Lamah Company!

🏭We at Lamah Company would like to extend our warmest wishes for a blessed and joyous Eid al-Adha to all our customers, partners, and the wider community.

■Eid al-Adha is a time for reflection, celebration, and strengthening of family and community bonds.

■During this special time, may your homes be filled with happiness, your hearts with contentment, and may you be surrounded by the love of family and friends. We hope this Eid brings you abundant blessings, prosperity, and peace.

○Eid Mubarak!

🏢 LAMAH is the most reliable especially when high technical background and service are required.

📢 Contact us today to experience our exceptional services! ✨

, , ,

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer


📢 Gear Up for an Unforgettable Journey Ahead!!

✍ Lamah Engineers Enhance Heat Pump Skills through Exceptional Training at Riyadh RHEEM office.

🤝 The collaboration between Lamah Engineers and industry experts cultivated an environment of extensive learning and collaboration.

The heat pump training prioritized technical skills and underscored the significance of effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

🤝 We extend our gratitude to RHEEM office for providing an exceptional training experience that has empowered us to elevate our engineering capabilities to new heights! 🙏🚀

✒ LAMAH stands out as the most reliable , particularly when advanced technical expertise and service excellence are imperative.

🚀 Join us as we immerse ourselves in cutting-edge engineering techniques, accelerating our skills and pioneering future innovations.

Stay tuned for updates!

📌 Contact us today to experience the difference! ✨🌍🏢

For More Details:

Topaji Omar Nemer


جاهز للكشف عن أحدث إنجازاتنا 📢

حصلتشركة لامهعلى عقد لتوريد مضخات غاطسة مياه العواصف مع لوحات التحكم ل صيانة وتحسين الجسور والأنفاق بمدينة الرياض الجزء الرابع و الخامس

🏢 LAMAH is the most reliable electromechanical supplier especially when high technical background and service are required.

For more details:

Samer topaji Omer Nemer


📢 LAMAH Company Fuels Riyadh’s Tunnel Progress

💁‍♂️ We have just awarded a NEW supply contract for stormwater submersible pumps for our maintenance and improvement of bridges and tunnels in Riyadh, part & part5 💦💪

👉 We take great pride in our commitment to excellence and this partnership reinforces our dedication to providing you with the best pumping and plumbing solutions in the market.

👏A huge shoutout to our exceptional engineer, Mohamed Farouk, whose professional expertise and creative ingenuity have played a pivotal role in this achievement. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed CEO, Eng. Samer Topaji, and our dynamic Marketing & Sales Manager, Eng. Omar Nemer, for their invaluable support and empowerment throughout this endeavor.

👉Whether you require reliable water pumps, fire pumps, water heaters, valves and pressure tanks, we have you covered. Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and efficiency.

🤝 Stay tuned as we continue to lead the charge in revolutionizing infrastructure and delivering unparalleled service excellence!

For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer


جاهز للكشف عن أحدث إنجازاتنا 📢

حصلت شركة لامه على عقد لتوريد مضخات التكييف المركزي و مضخات التدوير، و المضخات الغاطسة ومضخات التزويد بالمياه إلى مشروع misk schooL’S

🏢 LAMAH is the most reliable electromechanical suppliers especially when high technical background and service are required.


For more details:

Samer topaji Omer Nemer


📢 LAMAH Company Primed to Unveil Its Newest Achievement!"

💁‍♂️ We have just awarded a NEW supply contract awarded to CHILLED WATER PUMPS, BOOSTER PUMPS, SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS and CIRCULATION PUMPS to our MISK SCHOOL’S! 💦💪

👉 We take great pride in our commitment to excellence and this partnership reinforces our dedication to providing you with the best pumping and plumbing solutions in the market.

✔Thanks to our engineer Jinu John CSMP ) who has exposed extremely professional efforts and creativity. Also, thanks are extended to Our CEO Eng. Samer Topaji and the Marketing & Sales Manager Eng. Omar Nemer for their close support of end empowerment.

👍 Get ready today and discover a world of possibilities for your pumping and plumbing needs.

✍ Whether you require reliable submersible pumps, high-performance ground water pumps, efficient circulation pumps, or top-notch HERZ plumbing valves, we have you covered. Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, durability, and efficiency.

🤝 Stay connected with us as we continue to push boundaries, deliver innovation, and enhance your operations with our exceptional product lineup.

The future of pumping starts here! 🌟💧


For more details:

Samer Topaji Omar Nemer Jinu John CSMP


📢 Announcement for Job Opening

Job Title: Sales Engineer

🏢 Company: Lamah Company

📌 Location: Unit No. ( 7 ), Eastern Ring Rd Ext, Exit 18 Kharj Road, Al Manakh Area,Riyadh 14316 – 7891

✒ Job Description:

As a Sales Engineer specializing in pump systems, you will play a pivotal role in driving our sales initiatives and expanding our market presence. Leveraging your technical expertise and sales acumen, you will be responsible for identifying opportunities, nurturing client relationships, and closing deals. This role offers a dynamic blend of engineering knowledge and sales prowess, making it ideal for individuals passionate about both technology and business development.

👀 Key Responsibilities:

Technical Expertise: Utilize your in-depth understanding of pump systems to provide technical guidance and support to clients. Assess customer requirements and recommend appropriate solutions to meet their needs.

Sales Strategy: Develop and implement strategic sales plans to achieve revenue targets and expand market share. Identify new business opportunities and cultivate relationships with potential clients.

Client Relationship Management: Build and maintain strong relationships with existing clients, serving as their primary point of contact. Understand their needs, address concerns, and provide timely solutions to enhance customer satisfaction.

Proposal Development: Prepare comprehensive proposals and presentations outlining product specifications, pricing details, and value propositions. Collaborate with internal teams to customize solutions and meet client requirements.

Market Analysis: Stay abreast of industry trends, competitor activities, and market dynamics. Conduct market research to identify emerging opportunities and potential areas for growth.

Sales Support: Work closely with the sales team to coordinate activities, share insights, and facilitate seamless communication. Provide technical support and training to colleagues as needed.

📑 Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Engineering or a related field.

Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in the pump field, with a strong understanding of pump systems and their applications.

More than 2 years of experience in sales, preferably in a technical or engineering-related industry.

Proven track record of achieving sales targets and driving business growth.

Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills.

Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.

Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

Applications to be sent to: [email protected]


Samer topaji Omar Nemer

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Videos (show all)

LAMAH Company Welding Mastery
🔍 Searching for a trusted valve supplier in Saudi Arabia?👀 Look no further! 💥 Lamah Herz valves supplier is best-in-clas...
🙋‍♂️ Ready to elevate your water management systems? Look no further than Lamah.🏭 Lamah takes pride in being a premier s...
🌟 Discover the Power of Flamco with Lamah! 🌟Welcome to Lamah, your trusted authorized distributor of Flamco Group! We sp...
LAMAH is the Foremost distributor of #Rheem water heater supplier in saudi arabia.#electromechanical #supplier especiall...
Welcome to Lamah Co. LTD, a renowned company based in Saudi Arabia, dedicated to providing a wide range of high-quality ...
Welcome to Lamah Co. LTD, a renowned company based in Saudi Arabia, dedicated to providing a wide range of high-quality ...
We are excited to announce that brand new stocks of #Ebara surface water #pumps have just arrived at Lamah Co-Ltd! These...
"Wishing you a joyous and blessed Eid filled with love, happiness, and peace. May this auspicious day bring you and your...
Greetings from the #lamah team to you and your family during the holy month of Ramadan.Lamah Trading & Contracting Compa...
Announcement for a technical presentationLamah Trading and Contracting Company are pleased to announce its intention to ...
On behalf of Lamah Co. Ltd, we wish the people of Saudi Arabia a Happy Founding Day. Let's hope the kingdom continues to...


Unit No. ( 7 ) Eastern Ring Rd Ext, Al Manakh, 2767 Exit 18 Kharj Road

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 6pm
Thursday 7:30am - 6pm
Sunday 7:30am - 6pm

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أجهزة مساحة

Artfix_sa Artfix_sa
الرياض, السعودية
Riyadh, 12211

‏‏‏‏تصميم ـ إشراف ـ تنفيذ ديكور داخلي - خارجي مشاريع ?

شركة اعمار العقارية شركة اعمار العقارية
المملكة العربية السعودية/الرياض شارع الصحراء المغربية

إعمار التشييد للتطوير العقاري من الشركات الرائدة في مجال تقديم المقاولات والاستثمار والتطوير العقاري

Advanced Facilities Management Advanced Facilities Management
Riyadh/Prince Abdulaziz Ibn Musaid Ibn Jalawi Street, Murabba
Riyadh, 12628

Imagine what you can

Gardenartksa Gardenartksa
Riyadh, 12241


Saudi Geo Co Saudi Geo Co
Uqdah, Prince Mamdooh Street
Riyadh, 12241

Saudi Geo is a premiere destination for couture contracting in Saudi Arabia. We provide unique design, construction and project management services.