
Make yourself a priority - you are worth it all 🌻 Welcome beautiful human being! My name is Wilma Wanner, and I'm 21 years old from Malmö in south of Sweden.

I am passionate about the entire planet - animals, nature and people ✨


Photos from WilmaW's post 23/07/2021

Have a... ⤸
You never know what might come of it.

Allow your fears to make you fierce, teach your heart how to be kind and understanding
& grow a brave soul.
- By facing and concurring your fears you'll learn more than you could ever imagine!

When you understand yourself and work on your struggles, you receive sympathy and empathy for the people in this world. You grasp why they might act in a certain way because you now understand why you act as you do/ did.

Keep crushing it, wild souls! 😎 ✨

Photos from WilmaW's post 11/11/2020


Buying only organic and fairtrade products can be expensive and, I understand that everyone can’t do that.

Therefore, I have listed three things that I always buy organic and fairtrade, that would make a big difference if you did too. ✨

🍌 Bananas
🍫 Chocolate
☕ Coffee

When buying organic and fairtrade, you can save lives, protect the planet and encourage the market to sell sustainable products. ✨

Swipe to see my three of the week🌞


You create what you focus on✨

Therefore you should focus on what you want. Not what you don’t want 🌙

~ Thank you Adrian Z Wesley, for being amazing!


Hello gorgeous people! ⁣For those who might not know, I’m Wilma, a 20-year-old from south of Sweden. Wonderful to meet you! 👋🏼⁣😌

I love exploring, being creative & helping animals, the planet and people.

Ever since I was a child, I have always been very eager to learn and discover new things. I had an endless imagination and was rarely sitting still, always playing. 🌞

Some time ago, I found an opportunity online.

And, I finally decided to step out of my comfort zone, which turned out to be one of the best things I have done. 💫

I believe that life is about doing what you love, help others and, take care of the planet. ✨🌻

Now I have found that freedom and I help others to do the same.

If you are interested to know more about what I do, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for a chat. 😌

Because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. 🌎⁣⁣


Hey, gorgeous! Yes, you!
I just wanted to say something important.

Do not listen to others saying that your dreams are stupid or unimportant, and don’t let anyone take those dreams away from you. You are Important.🌸

I pushed away my dreams for too long, overthinking, listening to others, not trusting my gut and being scared.
But one day I decided to start listening to myself, be brave and do it! Now here I am, living my best life. 💫

It's never too late to do what you want! So, go out there, achieve those goals and live that dream! ⛰️

I know it's tough, but you got this.
& I got you 🌻

What are your dreams? ✨


There is no perfect time to do perfect things 🌻

You decide if you want change
And if you will take action or not 🌙

You are wildly capable, you just have to be brave✨

Waiting for the train to Sofia, Bulgaria and reading “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by . One of the best books I have ever read✨


Everyone on this planet is given the exact same number of hours in a day. The difference between us is how we use that time. Because it is not about having time, it is about MAKING time. 🌻
It is crazy how much we can get done in a day if we stay focused and determined. ✨
Sure, some of us might work, or study. However, the average working hours are usually 9-5, and we might not go to bed until 10 PM, or later. What do we do for the next 5 hours until bedtime? We probably waste it on watching TV or social media.
If you say that you do not have time, I am telling you this: If there is something you want, you have to MAKE time for it. Imagine where you can be if you make time for your dreams. 💫
So tell yourself this:
I have the power to create the life I desire!

Photos from WilmaW's post 24/10/2020

If something scares you & excites you at the same time, it might be a good idea to try it out ✨🌻


Be gentle with yourself 🌞 You are so STRONG for showing up as your INCREDIBLE self, even though your inner demons might tell you not to✨

You are beautiful, and no matter what you think, you deserve to be HAPPY and do what you LOVE! 🌻




I love stress in some way. I like to be busy; it keeps me going & does every day unique. However, I want to choose my kind of stress. Financial stress is something I do not want. 🌻 Thinking if I have enough money to pay rent, donate or be able to follow my dreams & travel. Hence my second why is...

I don’t need to worry about money. I earn enough money to live my dream life, give to others and save for my future. 💫

My dream is to volunteer in places in need. Such as in wildlife rehabilitation & conservation centres and schools . Usually, you do not get paid as a volunteer and I am ALL down for that. Although, I need an income to travel and have accommodation. (And eat...)

Since I want to travel from place to place, I do not want to work in a specific location. When working online, I can literally work from anywhere, as long as I have internet, a phone and a computer. 💻

I only need to commit 10-15 hours per week on this business. This slots nicely into the hours I used to waste on watching TV. The rest of the time is all mine, to use how I want.

The system makes it possible for me to run my business everyday day, all week long, even when I am asleep. 💤 And I do not need to think too much about it.

The community I am a part of is INCREDIBLE. It is full of positivity, love, AMAZING support and genuine interest.

Guys, let me tell you, this community is UNREAL. I am so grateful for them & that I was brave enough to take this opportunity.✨

If I can do it
You can do it



Be kind to yourself & others
Be proud of yourself & others
Because you matter & what you do matters. 🌻

You make such a big difference in other people's lives, including your own, just by being kind 🌞

Be the Change You Want to See in the World ✨



These past four months I have challenged myself endlessly, and it feels incredible! I stepped out of my comfort zone and for once took actions instead of keep on dreaming 🌙

I know you do not grow in the comfort zone, and I finally took the word for it 🌻

It’s one thing to KNOW that you should take action. It is a whole other level to TAKE action towards your goal. Once you have taken that first step, the hardest part is done ✨

I believe in you 🙌 💫


To succeed in life you need to believe in yourself more than anyone else believes in you 🌙

You need confidence that cannot be taken away from you by any opinions or comments 🌻

You need to shine & be your true authentic self ✨

Be proud of yourself 🙌
Inspired by


Happy Tuesday all you wonderful people! Hope you are having a magical day! 🌙

If not, leave all negativity here. This is a safe space and I want the very best for you.🌻

Relax. Take a deep breath. Everything will turn out great. It might not seem like it, but it will. ✨☺️


Happy Sunday wonderful you! ✨🙌

It's a new month and soon a new week. And so I thought I would give you a bit of Sunday inspiration and encourage you to do - A Vision Board.💫

Maybe it can give you some goals to work towards and clear your mind.

I have posted my vision board for you and, hoped it would give you some motivation. It reminds me of what I want and why I'm doing what I'm doing. 🌻

I hope this can help you follow your dreams ✨


Everybody is going through something you know nothing about.
Be kind.

It can change peoples lives.🌙 🌻


You don't need to do things perfectly. Putting your heart & effort into it is more than enough.🌻

You are amazing! ✨☺️


I was backpacking through Eastern Europe last year and it was Amazing! 💫 I really recommend everyone to travel through Europe by train! It will create some unforgettable memories! 🚞

On my way home I went to Austria to visit my sister. 🌻 And let me tell you something; this place was breathtaking! ✨

I can't wait to do a hike in Austria sometime soon, exploring and relaxing! ⛰️

Have you been to Austria? I'd love to know! 🌞


What the picture says is true! I'm happier now than I've been in a really long time, and it feels amazing! ✨🌻
Even though I haven't had this business for a long time, I'm 110% positive that I made the right decision. 🙌 I'm grateful for myself, realising that I for once needed to put my fears aside and follow my dreams! 💫🌻

All thanks to that "scary" decision, my happiness came back, and I'm back to my vibrant & buzzing self again. ☺️💃🌞

Fears will keep you from doing what you want, so don't listen to them! 🙅‍♀️
- I know it's cheesy, but ☺️ - Listen To Your Heart. 💗✨

Ask your self this and write in the comments:
What do I want my future to look like?

You can reach out to me at any time! ☺️✨


Three questions you can ask yourself for self-discovery! ✨ 🌻 Perhaps you realise that you're not living up to your full potential or following your dreams! 💫🌞

* What is my current situation, and how does it make me feel?
* Is my job fulfilling?
* Do I do things for myself or others?

Love to read your answers in the comments! 🌻
Of course, you can reach out to me personally as well! 💗


I know your dreams seem scary and unachievable. But just because something is frightening, doesn't mean that it's impossible! You can achieve anything! 💫

Tell me about your dreams! 🌙 Why do they scare you? Maybe I can help you! 😊💫



Hello lovely people! 💫

I'm a 20-year-old girl living in Malmö, Sweden, who care for the planet and all living things! I am a vegan, eco-conscious, animal lover, and I'm incredibly fascinated by nature. 🐍🌻

I've gone through some rough things, being very unhappy for a big part of my life, struggling with disease, depression and anxiety, amongst other things. But then I found this wonderful business and everything became MUCH brighter and happier for me. It made my future look clearer, and my dreams possible. This business gives me hope for a better planet! 🌍
I want to help you get hope and happiness as well! 💛

I love to help animals and people, dance goofy to music, play with kids, be in nature, read books, learn new things about the planet, travel (by train, for environmental reasons), exercise and the list goes on! I LOVE so many things!
Health is a big part of my life, and I'm trying to get a better mindset about food.

I'm rather strange, and I'm probably more aware of that than anyone else. But it doesn't bother me being odd - quite the opposite, it fills me with joy!

Take care! You are amazing! ✨



You deserve to treat yourself, with respect, love and kindness. 🌻💕 Be proud of what you have achieved in life and what your body can do! 💫You are amazing! 🙌
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Let that one sink in for a moment.🖊
💫 Tell me about your dreams? 🌜
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Are you your true self? 🌻 I know it can be challenging, but it's worth it! 💫🌙
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Something to think about - don't stand in your way! 🙅‍♀️🌙
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Are you scared of your dreams? 🌙
Tell me about them - I'd love to know!🌞🥰.
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There's not much more to say really. 😊 If something fills you with joy, do that! 🌞💫🌙
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Made by me using Canva.com


You can do anything you set your mind to! It will take determination, action, facing your fears and probably getting out of your comfort zone. However, nothing worth having comes easy in life. 🌍💫
I believe in you!🙌🌙
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Don't forget to take care of yourself! 💫 You deserve to be happy and have the life of your dreams! 🌙
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The world needs you to be YOU. 🌍💫 Embrace yourself, accept your wonderful uniqueness and beautiful personality.🌻🌞 You can do wonders! 🙌
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Don't dwell on the past, wanting to go back or having regrets.🙅‍♀️ Move on - Live in the moment and think about the possibilities you have. 🌌🌙💫
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If we want a change, we have to be prepared to do something new. 🌙 It will be challenging, but it is essential -because nothing improves until we improve.
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If there's something you want to do, GO for it! 🌟 Don't wait around, hoping for some sign or better times. Do what you love and follow your dreams! 🌌🌜
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No one could have said it better than the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! 🎩🌜

I have this as a screen saver as a constant reminder to myself, to take a chance on something that seems scary!
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Something to think about... 🤔 It is so true! Fear is in the way for you! ALL.THE.TIME! Push it aside, and you can create wonders! 🌌🌜

"Make magic every day." 💫

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