Lemarc Thomas Matchmaking, Stockholm Videos

Videos by Lemarc Thomas Matchmaking in Stockholm. Lemarc Thomas Matchmaking, building beautiful relationships. We provide an international matchmaking

What’s your love language?

You probably know this by now, so we dare you to go further….

We can’t deny that the love languages has been really helpful and to bring attention to our different needs in relationships, noticing others’ bids for connection and trying to meet each other even when the ask is not our default mode.

Reflect on your past relationships. For each write down: 1, what made you feel content, loved, fulfilled in this relationship; and 2, what you longed for that this relationship could not give.

This might be hinting at some of your core relationship needs.

Needs you need to identify, be accountable for and learn language to communicate them.

Say if we’re making sense.. 🤍✨

Other Lemarc Thomas Matchmaking videos

What’s your love language? You probably know this by now, so we dare you to go further…. We can’t deny that the love languages has been really helpful and to bring attention to our different needs in relationships, noticing others’ bids for connection and trying to meet each other even when the ask is not our default mode. Reflect on your past relationships. For each write down: 1, what made you feel content, loved, fulfilled in this relationship; and 2, what you longed for that this relationship could not give. This might be hinting at some of your core relationship needs. Needs you need to identify, be accountable for and learn language to communicate them. Say if we’re making sense.. 🤍✨

Mature love: Having your needs met is a gift.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, having your needs met by someone you love is a gift. It’s best to seek people who can consciously meet your needs but it’s not their job to soothe you.