Shandong TCM, Jurong East Videos

Videos by Shandong TCM in Jurong East. This is Shandong TCM's Official page. 这里是山东中医的Facebook网页。

Physician Zheng becomes Prof Zhang Disciple

Last Sunday (31 March 2019), our Physician Tee is officially a disciple of paediatric grandmaster and famous TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) expert, Professor Zhang Su Fang.

上个星期日,2019年3月31日(农历二月廿五日),郑美丽医师正式拜小儿推拿泰斗、名老中医 张素芳 教授为师。

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Physician Zheng becomes Prof Zhang Disciple
Last Sunday (31 March 2019), our Physician Tee is officially a disciple of paediatric grandmaster and famous TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) expert, Professor Zhang Su Fang. 上个星期日,2019年3月31日(农历二月廿五日),郑美丽医师正式拜小儿推拿泰斗、名老中医 张素芳 教授为师。

I feel healthier!
Nieji: I feel healthier with pinching! 捏脊:时常捏一捏,我更健康了!

Foot massage to treat fever
We have seen an increase in the number of patients seeking treatment for fever recently. As it is the school holidays now, many parents tend to bring their children overseas. What should you do if your child had fever in a foreign country? 1. Eat food that are bland and easily digestible 2. Ensure the room is well ventilated 3. Drink more water 4. Massage the foot How to do the foot massage? Step 1: Gently rub the soles in vertical direction for 30 times Step 2: Massage each toe in the vertical direction for 20-40 times Step 3: Massage both sides of the Big Toe for 5 minutes (Those with tonsillitis will feel exceptionally pain at this area) *Give the child warm water to drink after the massage. Do this massage for 2-3 times daily. Effects best observed when combined with medication. 最近来了不少小儿发烧的病患,而且现在也是旅游的高峰期,很多家长带孩子出国。如果孩子在旅游的时候发烧了,父母该怎么自行替孩子治疗呢? 我们建议以下几个方法: 1. 饮食宜清淡 2. 保持室内空气清新、流通 3. 多饮水 4. 脚底按摩 脚底按摩的方法: 一、 上下来回搓宝宝的脚心30次 二、 每个脚趾上下按摩20-40次 三、 按摩大趾两侧5分钟(若扁桃体发炎,此处会很痛) *按摩后,家长需及时给宝宝喝温水。每日按摩2-3次,再配合药物治疗则病情能很快好转。

Getting to Shandong TCM (Vision Exchange) from Jurong East MRT...
Opening Promotion!! Free Consultation and 20% Off for Acupuncture and Paediatric Massage at Vision Exchange branch. Not sure how to get to our clinic, Shandong TCM (Vision Exchange)? Check out the video to find out how. 新店开张促销! 免看诊费并且针灸和小儿推拿可享有20%折扣。只限Vision Exchange 诊所。 不知道如何到山东中医Vision Exchange? 跟着视频的指示路线走就可以了。

Neck exercise
Today we will be sharing a simple neck exercise to prevent cervical spondylosis. 今天我们将教大家如何做一个简单的动作来预防颈椎病!

This week, we shall talk about "recurring/frequent flu". Young parents nowadays send their children to childcare centres, after which they notice that their children fall sick easily and frequently. Full recovery is often impeded due to cross contamination amongst children. Usually the child catch the cold again before full recovery and we call this recurring flu. In the long run, this can result in a decrease in immunity, causing patients to be more susceptible to external pathogens such as hand-food-mouth disease, cough and flu, diarrhoea, asthma and chicken pox, and a vicious cycle ensues. Recurring flu can be separated into two stages: (1) Active stage: stuffy or blocked nose, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, swollen tonsil, cough, shortness of breath. Please visit the doctor for consultation and treatment during this stage. Do not do 'NieJi'. (2) Recovery stage: excessive sweating, loss of appetite, weak muscle, thin, lesser cough, lesser runny nose. The child may catch the cold again if care was not taken. During this stage, the external pathogenic factors has been cleared but the immunity has yet to fully recover, hence the child still have some cough and runny nose. During this stage, parents can help the child do 'NieJi' and 'MoFu'. As parents nowadays prefer using natural and organic products/ways, hence external treatment is preferred, for example pediatric tuina, medicinal plasters, herbal vapour therapy. Below are some commonly used paediatric acupoints which can be applied on child patients at home. Paediatric acupoints ‘NieJi’(As shown in video). Do 5 times. ‘MoFu’(As shown in comment's video). Children with constipation can massage for 5min, children without constipation can massage for 3min. Medicinal cuisine: These medicinal cuisine can increase antibodies and improve the immune system. Examples include herbal duck soup, eight treasures porridge (gorgon euryale seed, lotus seed, red date, dried longan, rice, millet, red bean, pumpkin) Ca

今日我们将分享最后一个治疗鼻炎(鼻塞、流鼻涕)及鼻窦炎的保健操。 We have come to the last exercise for the series of healthcare tips to treat Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 保健操 7 (适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 7 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 弹跳拍手功(如视频) Jump and Clap exercise (As shown in video) 功效:宽胸理气,增强肺活量 Effect: Increase lung capacity, improve lung function. 适用范围:鼻炎、鼻子敏感、胸闷、气喘等 Indications: Rhinitis, sinusitis, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

今天我们将继续教大家第六个治疗鼻炎(鼻塞、流鼻涕)及鼻窦炎的保健操。 Today we will continue with the series of healthcare tips to treat Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 保健操 6 (适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 6 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 拍打下肢(如视频) Hit the lower limbs (As shown in video) 功效:健脾和胃,强壮身体,调中理气 Effect: Improve stomach and spleen function, strengthen the body 适用范围:保健,气血不足 Indications: Improve well-being, Qi and blood deficiency

这周我们将继续教大家第五个治疗鼻炎(鼻塞、流鼻涕)及鼻窦炎的保健操。 This week, we will resume the series of healthcare tips to treat Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 保健操 5 (适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 5 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 擦腹排浊(如视频) Rub the belly to clear the toxins (As shown in video) 功效:调理肠胃功能 Effect: Improve the digestive system 适用范围:便秘、腹胀 Indications: Constipation, bloated stomach

Today we will be sharing on the fourth exercise of the series of healthcare tips to treat Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 今天我们将分享第四个治疗鼻炎(鼻塞、流鼻涕)及鼻窦炎的保健操。 保健操 4 (适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 4 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 摩擦颈项(如视频) Rub the neck (As shown in video) 功效:祛风散寒,调和气血,安神明目,增强颈部肌肉功能 Effect: Expel wind and cold, regulate Qi and Blood, soothe the mind, improve vision, Strengthen the neck muscle 适用范围:感冒、项强,预防落枕 Indications: Cold and flu, stiff neck and prevention of neck and shoulder ache.

This week we will continue with the series of healthcare tips on Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 这周我们将继续分享一系列的保健方法治疗鼻炎及鼻窦炎 (鼻塞、流鼻涕)。 保健操 3(适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 3 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 擦胸运动(如视频) Chest rubbing (As shown in video) 功效:宽胸理气,增强心肺功能 Effect: Increase lung capacity, improve heart and lung function. 适用范围:咳嗽、胸闷、气喘等 Indications: Cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

保健操 2, Daily Exercise 2
In view of the Vesak Day Public Holiday, we will be posting this week’s post in advance. Today we will continue with the series of healthcare tips on Rhinitis and Sinusitis (blocked nose and runny nose). 由于这周六是公定假日,我们将提早分享这周的视频。今天我们将继续分享一系列的保健方法治疗鼻炎及鼻窦炎 (鼻塞、流鼻涕)。 保健操 2(适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise 2 (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 晨起擦面、擦鼻通窍 (如视频) Morning face massage (As shown in video) 功效:明目醒神,疏经开窍,促进鼻部血液循环 Effect: Improve vision, increase alertness, clear nasal cavity, improve blood circulation. 适用范围:预防感冒,治疗鼻炎、鼻塞、流涕等 Indications: Flu prevention, nose-related symptoms, eg blocked nose, runny nose etc.

2. 保健操 (适用于5岁以上的儿童) Daily Exercise (Suitable for kids above the age of 5) 跳绳 (如视频) Rope skipping (As shown in video) 功效:增强人体心血管、呼吸和神经系统的功能 Effect: Improve heart, lungs and nervous system.