Elite Performance

Elite Performance

Biomechanics Analyst | Strength Coach | Sports Rehab


Client Feature - Thomas Beattie 1/3

Check out Tom's training in July - August 2021, as we have slightly over 4 weeks of intensive training to gain as much lean mass before his travel to Stateside.

Big shout out to for entrusting his gainz to .sg


How many squat variations do you do?

- HBT Front Valslide Reverse Lunge -

1) String a resistance band through the center of a weight plate and loop in over the barbell. Attach clamps to keep the band from sliding off the barbell sleeve.

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to a Zercher variation) this will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Keep the elbows up throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your collarbone.

4) Stabilize the weight before initiating the movement, with the weight bouncing all over the place, you want to be in control of the weight, not the other way around.

5) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst maintaining a straight back (not hunching over)

6) Done correctly, you should form a "lightning" symbol from a side view

7) This variation is recommended to reinforce good motor control of a squat pattern by reinforcing trunk rigidity / core stability. And is a better option than squatting on a Bosu Ball (please don't do that)

8) Increase difficulty by -
a) adding weights,
b) repetitions,
c) tempo for time under tension
d) pauses at the bottom of the movement

9) Increase complexity / demand on control by -
a) utilizing multiple plates + multiple thinner bands (multiple bands introduces more independent oscillations)
vs a thick band (stronger band is less elastic = lesser oscillations / perturbations = easier to stabilize) and a heavy plate each side ,

b) shifting more bands + weight plates closer to the end of the barbell sleeve (increased moment arm at the barbell translates to greater instability) vs having the weights / bands closer to the lifter

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- HBT Back Valslide Reverse Lunge -

1) String a resistance band through the center of a weight plate and loop in over the barbell. Attach clamps to keep the band from sliding off the barbell sleeve.

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to a Zercher variation) this will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Stabilize the weight before initiating the movement, with the weight bouncing all over the place, you want to be in control of the weight, not the other way around.

4) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst maintaining a straight back (not hunching over)

5) Done correctly, you should form a "lightning" symbol from a side view

6) This variation is recommended to reinforce good motor control of a squat pattern by reinforcing trunk rigidity / core stability. And is a better option than squatting on a Bosu Ball (please don't do that)

7) Increase difficulty by -
a) adding weights,
b) repetitions,
c) tempo for time under tension
d) pauses at the bottom of the movement

8) Increase complexity / demand on control by -
a) utilizing multiple plates + multiple thinner bands (multiple bands introduces more independent oscillations)
vs a thick band (stronger band is less elastic = lesser oscillations / perturbations = easier to stabilize) and a heavy plate each side ,

b) shifting more bands + weight plates closer to the end of the barbell sleeve (increased moment arm at the barbell translates to greater instability) vs having the weights / bands closer to the lifter

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- HBT Front Squats -

1) String a resistance band through the center of a weight plate and loop in over the barbell. Attach clamps to keep the band from sliding off the barbell sleeve.

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to a Zercher variation) this Back Squat will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Keep the elbows up throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your collarbone.

4) Stabilize the weight before initiating the movement, with the weight bouncing all over the place, you want to be in control of the weight, not the other way around.

5) This variation is recommended to reinforce good motor control of a squat pattern by reinforcing trunk rigidity / core stability. And is a better option than squatting on a Bosu Ball (please don't do that)

6) Increase difficulty by -
a) adding weights,
b) repetitions,
c) tempo for time under tension
d) pauses at the bottom of the movement

7) Increase complexity / demand on control by -
a) utilizing multiple plates + multiple thinner bands (multiple bands introduces more independent oscillations)
vs a thick band (stronger band is less elastic = lesser oscillations / perturbations = easier to stabilize) and a heavy plate each side ,

b) shifting more bands + weight plates closer to the end of the barbell sleeve (increased moment arm at the barbell translates to greater instability) vs having the weights / bands closer to the lifter

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- HBT Back Squats -

1) String a resistance band through the center of a weight plate and loop in over the barbell. Attach clamps to keep the band from sliding off the barbell sleeve.

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to a Zercher variation) this Back Squat will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Stabilize the weight before initiating the movement, with the weight bouncing all over the place, you want to be in control of the weight, not the other way around.

4) This variation is recommended to reinforce good motor control of a squat pattern by reinforcing trunk rigidity / core stability. And is a better option than squatting on a Bosu Ball (please don't do that)

5) Increase difficulty by -
a) adding weights,
b) repetitions,
c) tempo for time under tension
d) pauses at the bottom of the movement

6) Increase complexity / demand on control by -
a) utilizing multiple plates + multiple thinner bands (multiple bands introduces more independent oscillations)
vs a thick band (stronger band is less elastic = lesser oscillations / perturbations = easier to stabilize) and a heavy plate each side ,

b) shifting more bands + weight plates closer to the end of the barbell sleeve (increased moment arm at the barbell translates to greater instability) vs having the weights / bands closer to the lifter

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats -

1) With the bar sitting between your collarbone and shoulder muscles, lift off the rack and stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to Zercher) this Front Racked version will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst maintaining an straight back (not hunching over)

4) Keep the elbows up throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your collarbone.

5) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines, though it's more vertical than preceding videos like Zercher variations)

6) This variation is recommended to strengthen the upper back region as the weight / barbell will tend to pull you into a hunched position, hence it is counter-hunching / promotes better posture.

7) Compared to the previous video, this is a little more trickier to balance as the non working foot is elevated on a stool.

8) And because the knee angle is more acute than the hip angle (knee is bending more than the hip, this barbell position emphasises the Quads / Thighs > Glutes / Hips)

9) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Front Rack Valslide Reverse Lunges -

1) With the bar sitting between your collarbone and shoulder muscles, lift off the rack and stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) With a higher Centre of Gravity (compared to Zercher) this Front Racked version will tax your core to a greater degree.

3) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst maintaining an straight back (not hunching over)

4) Keep the elbows up throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your collarbone.

5) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines, though it's more vertical than preceding videos like Zercher variations)

6) This variation is recommended to strengthen the upper back region as the weight / barbell will tend to pull you into a hunched position, hence it is counter-hunching / promotes better posture.

7) And because the knee angle is more acute than the hip angle (knee is bending more than the hip, this barbell position emphasises the Quads / Thighs > Glutes / Hips)

8) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Zercher Bulgarian Split Squats -

1) Prepare the barbell with Trap Pad for comfort at chest height (I typically use 2 Trap Pads, 1 for each arm)

2) Lift off the rack and hook your feet on a stool (anything that is roughly knee height like a Plyo Box or Bench will do too)

3) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and think of hinging back with your hips / non working knee to the ground whilst maintaining an straight back (not hunching over)

4) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines)

5) Keep the wrists higher than elbows throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your arms.

6) This variation is recommended to strengthen the upper back region as the weight / barbell will tend to pull you into a hunched position, hence it is counter-hunching / promotes better posture.

7) Compared to the previous video, this is a little more trickier to balance as the non working foot is elevated on a stool.

8) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Zercher Valslide Reverse Lunges -

1) Prepare the barbell with Trap Pad for comfort at chest height (I typically use 2 Trap Pads, 1 for each arm)

2) Lift off the rack and stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

3) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst maintaining an straight back (not hunching over)

3) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines)

4) Keep the wrists higher than elbows throughout the movement, otherwise the bar may slip off your arms.

5) This variation is recommended to strengthen the upper back region as the weight / barbell will tend to pull you into a hunched position, hence it is counter-hunching / promotes better posture.

6) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- High Landmine Valslide Reverse Lunges Ipsilateral / Contralateral -

1) Stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst extending your arms to the side as a counter balance.

(Refer to video for the slightly advance version - High Landmine Valslide Reverse Lunges Contralateral)

3) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines)

4) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Low Landmine Valslide Reverse Lunges Ipsilateral / Contralateral -

1) Stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) Lean your weight onto whichever leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider backwards whilst extending your arms to the side as a counter balance.

3) Done correctly, your hips and shoulders should be level from your point of view.

4) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Valslide Lateral Lunges / DB Goblet Valslide Lateral Lunges -

1) Stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) Lean your weight onto the opposite leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider sideways whilst extending your arms in front of you as a counter balance.

3) Done correctly, your knees should track over your foot or wider than your feet placement (indicated by the yellow dots and green lines)

4) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Valslide Reverse Lunges +/- DB -

1) Stand on a Slider (Valslide in this case, a towel works too if you're doing it on parquet or marble flooring)

2) Lean your weight onto the opposite leg (non moving leg) and slide the Slider rearward whilst extending your arms in front of you as a counter balance.

3) Done correctly, you should form a "thunder" symbol from a side view (refer to image with yellow lines)

4) Increase resistance by adding weights / repetitions / tempo for time under tension / 1.5 repetition etc.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Dual KB Front Squats -

1) Standing in a narrow stance (heels under your bum), flick up the Kettlebells onto your Forearms and Upper Arms.

2) As a rule of thumb, the Kettlebell handles should be parallel to the floor, hence the Forearms would look like Triangle without the base.

3) With the feet flat, drop into a squat by pushing the knees over the toes, and maintain an upright back at the bottom of the movement.

4) Increase resistance by increasing the weight used.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Shrimp Squats -

1) Standing tall, hold onto the same side ankle.

2) Lightly touch the kneecap onto a soft surface (regress the movement by utilizing a higher box, and vice versa) with your opposite hand reaching forward.

3) Remove the Soft Box for a deeper range and more challenging movement. (In the video, I am using a 15cm box)

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Bulgarian Split Squats on Stool -

1) Get a stool that is stable, and perform this move either barefoot / flat shoes. Soft mushy running shoes are dangerous for this move as it is too unstable.

2) Stand tall on one leg (with the standing Heel, Knee and Hip stacked. You don't want the Heel to be too far forward)

3) By pressing onto the Heel as you descend, think of pushing the supported leg's knee into the floor. This will ensure that you are hinging sufficiently at the hips. This will shift the muscle bias towards the Glutes / Bum more than the Quadriceps / Thighs.

4) Otherwise the default movement pattern is having more pressure onto the ball of the feet and the standing knee will travel in front of the toes.

5) Stand upright with an emphasized hip thrust at the top of each repetition will ensure maximal Glutes / Bum recruitment. If the Hip Thrusting movement is absent, most likely the standing knee will lock out, thus engaging the Quadriceps / Thighs more

6) Hold onto Dumbbells or Kettlebells for additional resistance / challenge.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Pistol Squats on Stool -

1) Get a stool that is stable, and perform this move either barefoot / flat shoes. Soft mushy running shoes are dangerous for this move as it is too unstable.

2) Stand on one leg and kick the other leg forward by driving the heel forward at the bottom of the movement. Feel free to extend your hands in front of you to counter balance.

3) Holding a weight in your hands may be better for some as it helps as a counter weight .

4) Drop your bum to your heels and stand straight up.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Trap Bar Squats -

1) Load up a Trap Bar with Olympic plates to get the bar off the ground.

2) You can choose a shorter range of motion with a Trap Bar Squat by flipping the Trap Bar with the handle at the top.

3) Step into the Trap Bar and settle into your squat stance. Hold the middle of the Trap Bar handle by aligning your knuckle to the shaft of the bar.

4) From the video, you can see that my forearms are roughly in the middle of my thighs, that is how a Trap Bar Squat should look like at the bottom of the movement.

5) Keeping a flat back throughout the entire movement, the arm should be straight and move up and down in a straight line without the bar swaying front or back.

6) Notice the Knee and Hips hinge at an equal rate / pace.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Landmine Zercher Lunges -

1) Stuff the end of a barbell into a Landmine slot or against the corner of a wall.

2) Place a stool or box to lift the barbell off the floor. Adjust the position of the stool or box to desired height for the bottom of the movement.

3) Add a trap pad for comfort.

4) Hoist the bar onto the crease of your elbows, and lean your upper arm against the weight plate,

5) As you lean onto the plate, ensure that your feet make a straight line towards the shoulder.

6) Hinging into a Step Back Lunge, keep the hips level. We can tell if the hip is uneven by the creases in the shirt.

7) The additional forward knee swing is to accentuate the opposite leg hip extension / Gluteus contraction.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Landmine Leaning Squats -

1) Stuff the end of a barbell into a Landmine slot or against the corner of a wall.

2) Place a stool or box to lift the barbell off the floor. Adjust the position of the stool or box to desired height for the bottom of the movement.

3) Add a trap pad for comfort.

4) Hoist the bar on your Upper Trapezius, and rest your head and back against the weight plate.

5) Test your feet placement before loading up with weights, as you want to be perpendicular to the barbell at the top of the movement and lean into the barbell throughout the movement.

6) Keeping your spine neutral / back flat, drop your bum towards your heel by hinging at the knees more than your hips.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Lumberjack Squats -

1) Stuff the end of a barbell into a Landmine slot or against the corner of a wall.

2) Place a stool or box to lift the barbell off the floor. Adjust the position of the stool or box to desired height for the bottom of the movement.

3) Test your feet placement before loading up with weights, as you want to be perpendicular to the barbell at the top of the movement and lean into the barbell throughout the movement, as the barbell will slip out of the landmine unit if you pull it.

4) Typically I clasp my palms under the end of the barbell with my thumb at the corner of the barbell to prevent the barbell from pressing into my Sternum.

5) I will also hold my upper arm close to my ribs for stability as the upper arm tends to fatigue sooner as the weight is going down the arms before the legs give out.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- BB Strapped Front Squats -

1) Tie weightlifting straps onto the knurlings of the barbell.

2) Wrap the weightlifting straps around palms and adjust the length needed so that you will be holding close to the knot.

3) Wedge the barbell between the shoulder muscles and throat, resting on the Clavicle as the rack holding the barbell in place.

4) It is important to never let the elbows point downwards as the barbell may slip off the shoulders, so keeping the elbows parallel to the floor throughout the movement is key.

5) I've placed a plate to stand on, it is to accentuate the Quadriceps more and maintain an upright back.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- DB Goblet Squats -

1) Hold a Dumbbell by the base of your palms and your Sternum and clasping it with your forearm.

2) Maintain a vertical back as possible by hinging at the knees more than hips.

3) DB Goblet Squat is a variation of Front Squat, hence the focus is more towards the Quadriceps vs Gluteus.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-


How many squat variations do you do?

- Strap Hack Squats -

1) Ingredients ;
a) Power Rack - for overall stability, not sure if a half rack will be sturdy enough to resist toppling over.
b) Squat Safety Bar - as it sits snuggly on the upper traps, best to shrug a little to cushion the pressure on the spine.
c) Any tough webbing sling - just Google @ Webbing Sling, I used a 1meter, 1tonne rated sling on each side of the Squat Safety Bar

2) Set the J Cups outside the Power Rack, typically 1 slot higher than your usual Barbell Squat because of the additional cushion of the Squat Safety Bar.

3) Loop the Webbing Sling on the Weight Storage Pins (I used the highest Pins) and on the inside of the collar and shaft of the Squat Safety Bar.

4) Typically I will place my foot between the closest Power Rack uprights, feel free to adjust your feet placement (typically depends on your femur length, with a longer femur requiring a further forward feet placement)

5) Lift off the Squat Safety Bar and lean against the taut Webbing Sling whilst benchmarking your current foot placement against the Power Rack Uprights.

6) Drop into a squat, with a vertical back at the bottom of the movement. You should look like you're sitting on a stool at the bottom without any forward trunk lean. Check if your feet is sliding (sign of insufficient traction between the shoes and flooring)

7) Find your balance and sweet spot for feet placement before loading up any weights.

8) For safety, I would place a box at each end of the bar in case I have to bail out at the bottom of the movement.

9) Have fun and get ready to order a wheelchair for the next week or so.

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-

4 Steps to Successful Weight Loss 01/01/2021

A New Year, a New YOU! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Elite Performance and for our first video of the year, we have .rain27 sharing some tips and pointers on how you can stay on your New Year's resolution to π—Ήπ—Όπ˜€π—² π˜„π—²π—Άπ—΄π—΅π˜!

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions we can include and motivate everyone collectively. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

For we train the mind through physical means for your gains will ripple throughout everyone around you!

May you do the same, if not better.

- Elite Performance-

Video link: https://youtu.be/iD5gmNY46NA

4 Steps to Successful Weight Loss A New Year, a New YOU! Introducing .rain27 from Elite Performance, she will be explaining various strategies on how to adhere to your fitness goals an...

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Videos (show all)

HBT Front Valslide Reverse Lunge
How many squat variations do you do?- HBT Back Valslide Reverse Lunge -1) String a resistance band through the center of...


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