Jason Teow TCM

Jason Teow TCM

At Jason Teow TCM, our physician Jason has over 16 years of experience in the use of classical acupu We look forward to assist you at Jason Teow TCM.

Our TCM physician Jason Teow, is a highly experienced and fully qualified TCM practitioner, who is fully registered in Singapore with the TCMPB, under registration Number: T0401891J. After completing his Bachelor’s Degree in TCM at the highly regarded Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, which was one of the earliest universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) founded in China, physician

Photos from Jason Teow TCM's post 24/05/2023






Female, 85 years old, lower limb edema

The patient has had swelling in both feet for 3 days, with the right foot being more severe. The swelling depresses upon touch and is painful when pressed. The right eyelid is swollen and scaly, there is shortness of breath, and there is difficulty urinating, but normal bowel movements. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for 3 days, the swelling decreased, but recurred on the forth day. The diagnosis indicates a deficiency of the heart, spleen, and kidney yang, and the treatment method involves clearing heat, promoting diuresis, invigorating the spleen, benefiting the kidney, and warming and promoting the circulation of heart yang. The night after about a week of herbal and acupuncture treatment, the patient started to urinate more frequently, and by the next morning, the swelling in both feet had almost completely disappeared. After changing the medication and continuing for another 5 days, the swelling did not recur, and breathing became smoother. The patient is currently still undergoing treatment.

This condition suggests that the patient may have weakened function of the heart, kidneys, and spleen, leading to fluid retention and qi stagnation. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment aims to regulate the functions of the heart, spleen, and kidneys to disperse dampness and tonify yang qi.

During the treatment process, increased urination may be due to the diuretic effect of the herbal medication or the elimination of internal dampness from the body. The disappearance of foot swelling indicates that the treatment has achieved some effect.

It is advisable to continue following the doctor's guidance and undergo further treatment.





圣经的一句话给于我们很好的提醒: "你們各人要快快的聽、慢慢的說、慢慢的動怒"。 但愿朋友们继续保持一颗坚韧的心,乘风破浪,健康幸福!

Listen quickly, speak slowly, get angry slowly

The two-year-old epidemic has brought not only pathological troubles to all human beings, but also mental illnesses of varying degrees to many people. Working from home can create more pronounced tensions in otherwise less than harmonious families. Relationships between colleagues can also be strained by a lack of direct communication. It is not difficult to find a significant increase in domestic and social violence during the epidemic.

Traditional Chinese medicine has always paid more attention to people's emotions than people's physical health. Excessive seven emotions, such as joy, anger, worries, sadness and fear may often directly or indirectly cause the deterioration of the disease, and may also prolong the recovery of the body.

A word from the Bible gives us a good reminder: "each of you should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to be angry". I hope friends continue to maintain a tenacious heart, ride the wind and waves, and be healthy and happy!






Male, 49 years old, stage 4 cancer

The patient developed kidney cancer two years ago, which had spread to the lungs, brain and bones. After chemotherapy and western medication treatment his condition is controlled. Recently, he came to see me because of severe pain in the left calf and frequent cramps at night. Both his palms and feet were cold. In October 2021, a biopsy of the calf was performed, and the injured skin tissue did not heal for a long time. A reddish wound and a large area of ​​erythema is still seen. It is understood that the anticancer drugs taken by the patient have a strong inhibitory effect, which may indicate that the repair function of the skin is low.

The patient experienced significant improvement in less than two weeks after 4 treatments with TCM acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. The wound site was significantly improved. No more cramps at night and very much relief of the pain in the calf. The patient feels that the palm and feet that were previously cold are now much warmer. The fact that the body often does not perspire has also improved.

Cancer patients often endure great pain when battling cancer. Faced with one after another, the sequelae and side effects are often helpless.Traditional Chinese medicine can often give appropriate treatment in this regard to minimize the suffering of patients. Medium to long-term treatments can often preserve the vitality of patients, enhance the conditions for fighting cancer, and improve the quality of life.


Omicron Sequelae

Research data found that more than half of Omicron patients will have sequelae after recovery. Symptoms include chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, insomnia, fatigue, loss of taste, and cognitive decline. Symptoms can last up to a year.

TCM believes that the virus invades the lungs, damages the lung Qi, and causes coughing and wheezing. Lungs Qi fail to descend, resulting in the inability of body fluids to effectively spread throughout the body. Body fluids are unable to nourish the whole body, resulting in fatigue and cognitive decline.

Traditional Chinese medicine can often effectively improve symptoms through syndrome differentiation. By strengthening the systems and organs and eliminating pathogenic factors, the damaged viscera can be adjusted and healed.



中医认为,病毒侵犯肺脏,肺气受损,升降失和导致咳嗽气喘。肺失宣降导致津液不能有效的疏布全身。津液无法濡养全身而造成疲劳感, 认知能力下降。


Photos from Jason Teow TCM's post 23/10/2021

Knowing your health by looking at the integrity of the tongue

Case analysis
Female, 33 years old. Gastrointestinal discomfort, often with loose stools, diarrhea or sticky stools. Get hungry easily, insomnia, fatigue, psoriasis for many years, irregular menstruation and repeated soreness in lower and upper back. Overweight.

The patient has a typical weak spleen, stomach heat, and internal dampness combined with symptoms of liver and gallbladder heat. As I said in the previous issue, patients with excessive dampness will inevitably result in stomach discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, arthritis, skin diseases, fatigue, insomnia and many other sickness.

10 Oct 2021
Picture 1 and Picture 2
You can clearly see the tongue surface is white and greasy, most of the tongue surface is covered by thick, greasy tongue coating, and the coating can also be seen protruding from the edge. White greasy coating means dampness in the body. The small red dots on both sides of the tongue are called thorns. The two sides of the tongue represent the liver and gallbladder. The thorns indicate that there is heat in the liver and gallbladder. The tip of the tongue is reddish, indicating heart and lung heat, which result in the patient often sleeps poorly.

17 Oct 2021
Picture 3
After a week of treatment, the tongue integrity has improved significantly. The protruding tongue coating has disappeared. The redness of the tongue surface, especially the tip of the tongue, is more obvious due to the reduction of the tongue coating.

Patient's body pain and sleep improves after treatment with herbs and acupuncture. However mid to long-term treatment is still necessary to allow full recovery.




10 Oct 2021

17 Oct 2021





服用保健品可能带来的危害是大多数人并不知道服用的成分,药效,禁忌与副作用。比方说过量维生素A会造成恶心呕吐; 过量的镁摄取会照常腹泻,肌肉无力感,泌尿系统疾病等。对肾病患者或肾脏功能不全者尤其严重。



Let’s talk about health care products with you today. As we all know, health products have flooded the entire market. Almost everyone will have one or two bottles, or even more than a dozen bottles of different types and brands of health products.

The biggest illusion that health products give the public is that they are not medicines, so they have no side effects and can be eaten by everyone. In fact, health care products are only different in the declaration and registration of the efficacy of the drug from the generalization of the drug. In other words, it will directly or indirectly produce certain treatments and side effects on the human body.

Possible harm from taking health care products is that most people do not know the ingredients, effects, contraindications and side effects of taking them. For example, excessive vitamin A can cause nausea and vomiting; excessive magnesium intake can cause diarrhea, muscle weakness, and urinary system diseases. It is especially serious for patients with kidney disease or renal insufficiency.

Simply put, health products are not suitable for everyone. What's more, most salespersons who sell health products and the public who take health products only have one-sided understanding of medicine. When a disease occurs, it should be given targeted treatment. Only doctors with medical knowledge and experience can give patients the most appropriate treatment.

If you turn the cart before the horse, paying more attention to health care products than taking the correct medical treatment, this will result in a long-term adverse effect on the overall physical and mental health of the general public.

Warren Buffett wants 'younger people' to know: Not prioritizing this 1 thing in life is like 'leaving a car out in hailstorms' 15/08/2021


Warren Buffett wants 'younger people' to know: Not prioritizing this 1 thing in life is like 'leaving a car out in hailstorms' Not only is Warren Buffett a whiz at analyzing businesses, he also has a knack for imparting the most essential wisdom in a manner so simple that even a child can understand.

Photos from Jason Teow TCM's post 05/05/2021



1 运动如慢跑,快步走,游泳等来增加肺活量,加强肺功能。

2 长期过量食用辛辣,冰凉饮食容易伤脾胃之气。米汤能很好的滋养胃气。

3 尽量一周至少有4-5天在夜间11点之前休息。这样人体的细胞代谢,五脏六腑的排毒与修复功能可以达到一个更好的状态。

4 如果以上3点你都不能有效的做到那最好的方法就是定时做中医调理。最好的调理方法包挂针灸,艾灸,推拿与中药调理。

Immunity in the current epidemic

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the oxygen that the human body breathes into the lungs and the body fluid origin from the spleen and stomach (spleen and stomach qi) metabolize to synthesize the body's qi call Zongqi. This Zongqi is closely related to the Weiqi that forms the body's protective function, which is what Western medicine calls immunity. So in simple terms, to strengthen human immunity, the functions of the lungs, spleen and stomach must be strengthened. The following are my suggestions. Individuals can make appropriate adjustments according to their objective and preference.
1 Exercises such as jogging, brisk walking, swimming, etc. to increase lung capacity and strengthen lung function.

2 Long-term excessive consumption of spicy, cold food and drinks is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. Rice soup can nourish the stomach very well.

3 Try to rest before 11 o'clock at night at least 4-5 days a week. In this way, the body's cell metabolism, the detoxification process and repair functions of the internal organs can achieve a better state.

4 If you cannot do the above 3 points effectively, the best way is to do TCM treatment regularly. The best conditioning methods include acupuncture, moxibustion, TCM massage and Chinese herbal medication.

Photos from Jason Teow TCM's post 07/04/2021

情绪影响健康; 健康影响情绪



通过中医中药的辩证论治可以适当的用调理,滋润,疏通等方法恢复脏腑的功能状态。有趣的例子; 有几位女性病患经过治疗调理之后又开始购物了,心情豁然开朗😊。

Emotion affects Health; Health affects Emotion

The body functions are in a good healthy state when the five internal organs are in a balanced state. When a person is angry, the liver function is in a highly excited state. Staying in this state for a long time will damage the liver. The same person that was anxious and worry for a long time or under high pressure will hurt the spleen and stomach.

In the same way, the recovery of viscera functions can also relieve and improve a person's mood and mental state.

Through the dialectical treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine the functional state of the viscera can be restored with proper conditioning, moisturizing, dredging and other methods. An interesting example; a few female patients started shopping again after treatment, and suddenly felt brighter😊


Nourishing the spleen and stomach during the Spring Festival

During the Spring Festival, excessive eating or drinking too much soda and cold beverage can easily hurt the spleen and yang qi. Once the yang energy of the spleen is damaged, there may be symptoms of abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on. You can cook some barley water at home or soak two slices of ginger in hot water for self-conditioning. Of course, the best conditioning is through warming acupuncture and moxibustion, which directly and effectively achieves the therapeutic effect of warming Yang, dispelling dampness and dispelling cold.











The foundation of health~Spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the functions of the spleen and stomach, and believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired. Its broad functions include the three major human physiological systems of digestion, absorption and excretion. The driving force of the human body comes from the nutrients in food. The transportational function of the spleen can fully transport these nutrients to the whole body, nourish all body systems, viscera, tissues and cells. The spleen and stomach also have the function of distinguishing turbid secretion, excreting the body's bad metabolites out of the body.

Once the spleen and stomach go wrong, it will affect the body's normal digestion, absorption and excretion functions, and the impact on the health of the body can be imagined. Physical symptoms and diseases caused by spleen and stomach dysfunction include but not limited to:

stomach ache
Hiccup pantothenic acid
Loose stools
Weight loss
Beer belly
Weakness or heavy limbs
Easy to catch a cold
Poor appetite
Various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Infertility etc.

In short, spleen and stomach disorders will cause all diseases, and the spleen and stomach will reconcile all diseases. Acupuncture and moxibustion are simple and effective in the treatment and conditioning of the spleen and stomach, with almost no side effects. It can prevent diseases and achieve total wellness.


阴常有余 阳常不足





There is always more yin but not enough yang

Yang is like fire and yin is like water. Yang Qi is the driving force that catalyzes the growth and metabolism of all physiological substances. For example, lack of yang energy cannot promote the gasification of the bladder normally, which will cause difficulty in urination or incessant urination. The most common symptoms of yang deficiency include cold limbs, chills, malaise, abdominal pain, diarrhea, joint pain, reproductive and urinary system diseases. Chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are also often related to yang deficiency.

The causes of yang deficiency and decline include old age, staying up late for a long time, fatigue, excessive sexual activity, overeating cold drinks or food, illness and injury, etc.

Warming acupuncture moxibustion is to use the meridian theory to put needles on specific acupoints to regulate the qi and blood of the viscera, and use warming moxibustion to warm the meridians and dispel the cold in the body. Warm acupuncture is rarely seen in local Chinese medicine clinics. The reason is that the smoke when burning moxibustion is more odorous, and the doctor or assistant needs to monitor the whole process around the clock to avoid scalding the patient.

At Jasonteow TCM we often applies warm acupuncture to patients, which is a very effective traditional treatment for diseases and maintainace of wellness.

Photos from Jason Teow TCM's post 26/12/2020

Eczema patient
Female 27

Patient has been suffering from eczema for about 5 months, been using steroid cream but symptòms relapsed. Skin is covered with rashes, inflammation all over the upper and lower limbs. Some parts of the skin appear darkened, scaly and damaged. Intense itchiness and frequent flushes over face and neck area.

Treatment with acupuncture, moxibustion and herbs. Advise patient to follow up with treatment twice a week in the beginning. Reduce frequency as the symptoms have subsided. Patient is consistent with treatment and symptoms have reduced significantly in less than 3 months. Skin has turn smooth with minor inflammation.

The final part of treatment is to restore the skin colour back to normal.

To date the patient skin is normal with no symptoms of eczema. She is happy and continues treatment on a periodical basis for overall wellness.


Today's health tips: a quick checks on your health status by looking at your legs.

There is this Chinese saying "寒从脚先起"," 人老腿先衰". The lower limbs can be a good reflection of a person health because more then often when a person ages, the legs will first to have the signs of deficiency. These include but not limited to the following:

1. Feeling of soreness, pain or stiffness while walking, jogging, climbing up or down steps or squatting.
2. Persistent pain over the knee area, ankle or tightness along the thigh or calf area.
3. Legs edema along the calf and feet.
4. Darkening of skin colour over the lower leg.
5. Skin appearance is very dry or cracked.
6. Legs cramps particularly during bedtime.
7. Persistence itchiness, rashes on both legs or one leg.
8. Feeling of weakness or heaviness while walking.
9. Varicose veins appear along the legs.
10. Numbness or have feeling like the feet is walking on sponges.
11. Coldness over feet, calf or knee.
12. Sharp pain over the heel of the feet in the morning.

Should you have any of the symptoms above, it is advisable to seek treatment. The symptòms above indicate not just deficiency on the legs but it reflects the condition of the internal system. For example having leg cramps in the night may means the muscles and soft tissues are not sufficiently nourished which may be a deficiency of the liver or the heart. An experienced TCM physician can detect signs of sickness at a very early stage and thus can eliminate the root cause before the condition deteriorates.


Eczema patient
Female, Age 83

21 Oct 2020 ,
1st picture on the left (taken before 1st treatment)
Leg is swollen with inflammation, intense itching at night, skin redness and oozing. Skin is dry.

9 Dec 2020
2nd, 3rd and 4th picture (taken before 2nd treatment)
Thigh itchiness significantly reduced. Calf less swollen and skin colour improved. Oozing stopped, however still swollen and reddish.

20 Dec 2020
5th picture taken 11 days after last treatment.
Itching significantly improved. No swollen or inflammation. Skin turn darker and is still very dry.

This is a typical case study of eczema caused by liver heat and dampness in the body. TCM herbs is used to expel the heat and removed the dampness. Complemented with acupuncture is to enhance and regulate the skin to heal on its own. Follow up treatments are required to nourish the blood and moisturising the skin. Darkening of skin can be further lighten and improved with acupuncture.


Welcome to JasonTeow TCM page.
The purpose of this page is to share with you some holistic treatment about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These treatment includes acupuncture, moxibustion, chinese herbal medication, bloodletting, cupping, guasha and acupressure.

If you have any query or if you need TCM services please feel free to contact me via WhatsApp or email. Thank you!

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