Asia Lymphatic

Distributor of FDA-registered LymphDrainage XP-II used for Electro-Lymphatic Therapy. Trainers certified by Lymphology Association of Asia.

Disclaimer: Electro-Lymphatic Therapy using LymphDrainage XP-II, as well as any wellness devices mentioned, is intended for use only for general well-being purposes or to encourage or to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and is not intended to be used for any medical purposes (such as detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease). Any health-related inf




How much DEEP SLEEP πŸ’€ does one need?

According to the Sleep Foundation, most adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night and 13% - 23% of that time should be spent in deep sleep [1]. Deep sleep is a crucial part of cognitive functioning, playing a major role in memory consolidation and brain restoration. When the length of deep sleep is less than optimal, the brain is challenged to convert the information we learnt in the day to our memory.

Our patient experienced a significant improvement in her deep sleep duration after ELT therapy. She had almost 2 times the amount of deep sleep after! 🀩 We are so glad to be able to impact our patient's health and help them !

To find out more about ELT and how it can benefit your overall wellness, call/Whatsapp πŸ‘‰πŸ» to speak with our bilingual physicians.



Lymphedema is swelling caused by too much water in a certain area of the body - FALSE πŸ™…

βœ… Lymphedema is a condition where protein-rich fluid known as lymph collects typically in the arms or legs resulting in pain, decreased mobility, and can progress to fibrosis, fatty tissue overgrowth, recurrent soft tissue infections and disability. It occurs when there is damage/blockage in our lymphatic system.

😲 There is no cure but you can manage discomfort and improve your wellness with:
- Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) to stimulate proper flow and drainage of the lymphatic system
- Rebounding exercises/ limb exercises to promote blood circulation and lymphatic flow
- Good skin maintenance to prevent infection

With proper care and management, Lymphedema patients can resume their normal lives πŸ’ͺ🏼 Don't be afraid to seek help from trusted medical professionals!

More about Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) πŸ‘‰πŸ»


Disclaimer: Electro-Lymphatic Therapy using LymphDrainage XP-II, as well as any wellness devices mentioned, is intended for use only for general well-being purposes or to encourage or to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and is not intended to be used for any medical purposes (such as detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease). Any health-related information provided by this device should not be treated as medical advice. Please consult a physician for any medical advice required.


A properly functioning lymphatic system is essential for overall health and wellness.


πŸ₯‘ Food for Lymphatic Health

Eating nutrient-rich foods that can help keep your lymphatic system healthy and functional!

Having a healthy lymphatic system helps to build stronger immunity where our immune cells effectively fight pathogens and prevent the onset of diseases and infections!

Share this food chart with your friends and loved ones for better health 😊



Fresh start to the last quarter of 2020 and also kick starting breast cancer awareness month.

Prevention is best but self checks and early detection is key too. It takes just a few seconds to check - tips below!

4 types of friends you have definitely met in your life - mooncake version! Let us know which mooncake personality you are and tag your friendsπŸ™Šβ€‹
All jokes aside, before you start bingeing on these yummy mooncakes, make sure you prepare a cup of hot tea to aid your digestion. Mooncakes are generally oily and are filled with sweet and heavy pastes which can cause indigestion.​
πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ Our physicians recommend Puer tea, Lotus leaf tea or Shanzha tea to support your digestive functions, preventing indigestion from mooncakes!​
Have a lovely Mid-Autumn festival with your loved ones 🧑


Neglected Lymphatic Diseases - A Groundbreaking Lobby Effort to Congress - LE&RN 13/08/2020

We see this so often - there is hope and there are real treatment options available.

For more information, contact us at +65 8755 6907.

Neglected Lymphatic Diseases - A Groundbreaking Lobby Effort to Congress - LE&RN LE&RN NATIONAL ACTION WEEK β€’ AUGUST 17–21, 2020 NEGLECTED LYMPHATIC DISEASES: A GROUND-BREAKING LOBBYING EFFORT NEEDS...

Home | Asia Lymphatic 02/07/2020

Congested lymph fluid "sticks" to fat cells and many experts believe that a lazy lymphatic system is directly connected to the formation of cellulite. Getting the lymphatic system running smoothly is a key to easy weight loss, looking good and feeling great!

Contact our office for more details on Electro Lymphatic Drainage Therapy at +65 8755 6907

Home | Asia Lymphatic Since 2018, we are proud to be the sole Asia distributor of FDA-registered LymphDrainage XP-IIβ„’ medical device used for Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (ELT). To ensure consistent standards and safety for consumers of ELT across Asia, our trainers are certified by Lymphology Association of Asia...


To remove or not to remove lymph nodes?

Dr Thomas Lodi, who has over 15 years of experience in integrative Oncology, does not recommend removing lymph nodes as the first response to any health issues – he shares more about the importance of our lymph nodes and lymphatic system in the video below!

Many health issues stem from poor lymphatic circulation as a result of congestion at the lymph nodes. Hence, instead of simply removing your lymph nodes, you should consider lymphatic drainage therapy to decongest the lymph nodes and accelerate healthy lymphatic circulation. In Dr Thomas's 15 years of integrative Oncology experience, he has witnessed women with large tumours from breast cancer benefiting from electro-lymphatic drainage therapy. These women saw a significant decrease in tumour size after undergoing lymphatic therapy, thus improving their overall condition.

Electro-Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (ELT) is one of the effective ways to stimulate proper flow and drainage of the lymphatic system. ELT is a gentle and non-invasive treatment that can be used to address conditions such as lymphedema, swelling, chronic pain, cancer support, eczema, and inflammation. It is 8-10x more effective than conventional methods in dispelling congestion in the lymphatic system.

Find out more about ELT at


Just starting on your fitness journey and feeling sore all over?

You are probably experiencing DOMS, also known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Contrary to popular beliefs, DOMS is not due to the accumulation of lactic acid!

The soreness you feel after engaging in a new workout is due to micro tears in muscles during high-intensity exercises. These micro tears contribute to swelling and inflammation of the muscle. And if you think that the amount of soreness you experience directly correlates to the amount of muscle gains you'll see, that is not exactly true.* Achieving your fitness goals does not have to be a painful journey.

DOMS are painful and can bring a lot of inconvenience to your life. (We know that pain just from standing up and sitting down 😭) If you continuously experience DOMS, you can also consider recovery therapies to ease the pain!

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) can help reduce swelling accumulated in the muscles and supports recovery from muscle fatigue. Learn more about ELT β†’



From treating acne to supporting cancer treatments, lymphatic drainage therapy is effective in supporting wellness. Dr Jennifer Gramith has been using Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) technology for over 20 years in the USA. She has witnessed the benefits of using ELT to support cancer treatments and is an advocate of using ELT. She shares more about the benefits and effectiveness of her favourite foundational therapy, ELT, in the video.

We can't stress enough the importance of having good lymphatic health - a well-functioning lymphatic system helps maintain a robust immune system and your overall health.

Read more on how the lymphatic system impacts your immune system β†’


Join us in supporting World Lymphedema Day!

It is surprising how Lymphatic health is still a foreign topic to many even though the lymphatic system plays a central role in our overall health. Poor lymphatic drainage can lead to conditions like Lymphedema.

Lymphedema is localised swelling of the body caused by the lymphatic system's inability to drain lymph fluids normally. Secondary lymphedema is more common, it is a result of damage inflicted on the lymphatic system due to surgical removal of lymph nodes.

For the longest time, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) Massage is used to help clear accumulated fluid in the lymphatic system. With advancement in technology, a more efficient way of clearing lymphatic blockage is available.

ELT, also known as Electro Lymphatic Therapy, is able to work at deeper levels of the lymphatic system and is 8 - 10 times more effective than MLD*.

Proper treatment and care can alleviate the condition and improve lives of many lymphedema sufferers. Let's spread the word and bring greater awareness to Lymphatic health!

For more information on ELT β†’

*Source: Electro Lymphatic Therapy by Jenifer Johnson, ND, CLT


Great educational video on why lymphatic health is important for strong immunity!

Timeline photos 22/02/2020

What is Assisted Lymphatic Therapy (ALT)?

Assisted Lymphatic Therapy is a gentle, light touch non-invasive technique to stimulate the proper flow and drainage of the lymphatic system. A combination of vibrational, light, and electical waves help to stimulate the flow by causing the dissociation of proteins that have become trapped in the interstitium.

Find out more at

CoronaVirus (2019-nCoV) Guide - The LifeCo: Detox and Wellness Centers 06/02/2020

One of the most important systems responsible for proper detoxification and immune response within our bodies is the integrity of our lymphatic system.

It is considered as the body’s sewage system and also serves as a storage area for lymphoid tissues. Making sure that the lymphatic system is not congested will guarantee a better toxin elimination and immune system.

CoronaVirus (2019-nCoV) Guide - The LifeCo: Detox and Wellness Centers The emergence of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a wakeup call for everyone. This is a testament that we live in a truly toxic world! Now is the best time as any to start looking into ways on how to protect ourselves from falling prey to the effects of this global health situation. Viral illnes...

Everywhere in your body is tissue called fascia. Scientists are unlocking its secrets. 04/02/2020

By releasing fascia through bodywork, it could be possible that fascia becomes more pliable, lymphatic fluid flow increases and swelling goes down.

Everywhere in your body is tissue called fascia. Scientists are unlocking its secrets. Experts say studies could reveal discoveries about our anatomy, including cures for illnesses.

Timeline photos 29/01/2020

Immunity boosting tea we can easily make at home for this virus season

One of our BEST DEFENCES against viruses is actually our own body’s Immune System. πŸ’ͺ🏻

As we stay vigilant in light of the Coronavirus, here’s a simple Immunity Boosting Tea recipe 🍡 which you can prepare for your family. Simply place all the ingredients in a pot, bring it to a boil, let it cool before consuming.

Sharing is caring - share this recipe with your family and friends.

We at Oriental Remedies Group highly encourage you to also practise the following precautions:
1) use hand sanitizers often
2) wash your hands more frequently 🀲🏻
3) wear a mask (correctly) in crowded spaces 😷
4) stay hydrated, drink plenty of water. 🚰

Eating healthy πŸ₯— and sleeping well πŸ›ŒπŸ» are also important practices to pay extra attention to during this period.

Besides traditional methods to boost immunity, we have very effective treatments such as Electro-Lymphatic Therapy and Negative Ion Therapy to further enhance your immunity with better lymph flow and strengthened cellular health.

Should you like us to look at customised ways to strengthen your immunity, feel free to contact the clinic at 8742 2163 and make an appointment with us. πŸ“ž

The ORG team wishes everyone the best of health.


Timeline photos 25/01/2020

Wishing all a healthy and prosperous Lunar New Year in the Year of the Rat! 🐭🧧 Don't forget to stay active and take care of your lymphatic system while enjoying those CNY goodies 🀀


Meet your interstitium 22/01/2020

The Intersititium is so important, it is being considered to be the new organ!

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is a gentle, light touch non-invasive technique to stimulate the proper flow of lymph fluids by causing the dissociation of the proteins that have been become trapped in the interstitium and also improve drainage of our waste clearing system.

This can improve overall blood circulation and improve body wellness!

Meet your interstitium Vast new structure in the human body could be considered an organ.

Timeline photos 21/01/2020

Experiencing any of these symptoms?

If you are, it is likely that your lymphatic system may be congested.

This means that toxins & waste have accumulated in your body and have not been flushed out, hence posing a risk to your health as it may manifest into diseases and health issues.

As such, maintaining a healthy lymphatic system is vital to your body's immunity and overall health. Here at ORG, we recognize the importance of the lymphatic system and we provide Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) for our patients to remove the congestion and improve their lymphatic circulation.

If you would like to know more about how we can help with your lymphatic health, please contact us @ 8742 2163 to book an appointment with our professional & certified physicians.

Photos from Asia Lymphatic's post 08/01/2020

Final Day @ Phuket

The final lapse of the ELT training at Phuket consisted of assessments for the trainees to test what they have learnt from the few days of training.

And... Congratulations to all for passing! After all the anxious practises and numerous revisions, they were able to pass and obtain their certificates 😊

Our team is really glad to have the opportunity to spread the knowledge of Electro-Lymphatic Therapy outside of SG and all the way to Phuket! We are also glad that gets proper training for the use of ELT. We hope that through this training, they will be able to help more people, whether cancer patients, the chronically ill or even just wellness warriors underdoing normal detox, to benefit from ELT.

We look forward to reaching out to more people, more places and more countries in the future!

Photos from Asia Lymphatic's post 07/01/2020

Day 2 @ Phuket

Physician Leong covered ELT Specialist level and we had more practice sessions for the participants to revise what they have learnt.

Despite the short training period, sufficient practice is essential in helping the trainee assimilate what they have learnt into their mind. Practice makes perfect!

Psst, Janine has achieved competency in her assessment even though it is only her 2nd day of training. πŸ‘


Photos from Asia Lymphatic's post 06/01/2020

Day 1 @ Phuket
ELT Level 1 training completed!

First half of the day was Theory 101 with Physician Leong giving thorough explanation to the group at on the Lymphatic System and ELT.

2nd half of the day - Our trainers hard at work teaching the steps during the practical session, with the participants very focused on practising the steps on helpful models.

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Videos (show all)

To remove or not to remove lymph nodes?Dr Thomas Lodi, who has over 15 years of experience in integrative Oncology, does...
From treating acne to supporting cancer treatments, lymphatic drainage therapy is effective in supporting wellness. Dr J...


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