
Psychodynamic and client-centred approach.

Stephanie works with clients of all age groups experiencing various forms of distressing emotions, mental health diagnoses and trauma—to name a few ranging from anxiety and depression to physical, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse in her private practice. These experiences have influenced and inspired Stephanie’s belief in doing advocacy work for the vulnerable community, especially with c

I just went on vacation – how am I still burned out? 24/07/2024

Do you ever feel like you need another vacation right after getting back from one? 🌴 That could be burnout talking. 😓

While vacations can provide a temporary escape, the underlying issues (burnout) often persist. Some practical strategies shared in this article to combat this include giving yourself buffer days around vacations 🗓️ and leveraging support systems to manage stress. 💬

However, for lasting relief, systemic changes and a strong sense of self-awareness are essential. 🌟

I just went on vacation – how am I still burned out? Time away can make work stress even more apparent. Here’s what to do about it.


Rumination is like a thoughts washing machine. 😵‍💫

It’s the process of churning thoughts over and over for minutes, hours or days at a time. 👁👄👁

How stress can mask the symptoms of chronic disease 22/07/2024

An article by CNA that's truly worth reading. 📖

Many of our physical and chronic illnesses are closely linked to prolonged stress and the lifestyles we've developed over the years. Often, we don't notice the impact until our body starts to break down, which can sometimes be too late. 😔 (and I am guilty of that)

Understanding the connection between stress and physical illness is crucial for recognizing the signals our body gives us, helping us maintain overall health and well-being. 🌿🧘‍♂️


👇🏻 Check out the CNA article for more in-depth information


How stress can mask the symptoms of chronic disease The signs of chronic illness are often dismissed by doctors as “just stress.” But that comes from a complex relationship between sickness and stress itself.

Photos from Stephxy.therapist's post 22/04/2024

In an article by , they mention the cognitive and emotional benefits tied to engaging in intricate hand activities like writing, knitting, gardening, and art-making. These pursuits not only stimulate our minds but also uplift our mood. Conversely, our increasing reliance on screen-based activities and button-pushing, prevalent in modern life, raises concerns among experts.

👇🏻 To learn more about art therapy

👇🏻 Check out the CNA article for more in-depth information


Photos from Stephxy.therapist's post 20/04/2024

✨ What's your definition of happiness?


In today's world, where we're constantly surrounded by carefully curated online content, it's only natural for us to sometimes feel a sense of social comparison, both within ourselves and within our community. 🌟

However, managing social comparison and self-criticism calls for a gentle and mindful approach to our thoughts and emotions. Instead of measuring ourselves against others, let's focus on embracing our unique journey and celebrating our individual strengths and achievements. 🌱

Practising self-compassion and kindness towards ourselves can work wonders in combating negative self-talk. Setting achievable goals and recognizing our progress, no matter how small, can uplift our spirits and diminish feelings of inadequacy.🌷

It's also beneficial to limit our exposure to social media and cultivate supportive relationships that foster authenticity and acceptance. By prioritizing self-care and nurturing a positive self-image, we can navigate social comparison and self-criticism with greater resilience and inner peace. 🌿


More in-depth insights from CNA article👇🏻

Additionally do check out the link below for more information on the benefits of



New treatment under trial aims to help depression patients who don't respond to medication 17/04/2024

It's truly fascinating and hopefully to witness how technology is advancing, offering more treatment options for certain mental health conditions. 😊🌟


New treatment under trial aims to help depression patients who don't respond to medication Two clinical trials on a new way of caring for treatment-resistantdepression patients are being conducted by the Institute of Mental Health (IMH), in collabo...

Sexism at home: What happens when a woman experiences this with her parents? What should she do? 01/04/2024

👩🏻👦🏻 Sexism at home: What happens when a woman experiences this with her parents? What should she do?

Many of us have likely encountered instances of sexism during our upbringing, work or social life, particularly within Asian cultures. These experiences may range from seemingly innocuous comments such as "Girls should behave and dress more femininely" to directives like "Boys shouldn't show emotion easily; they need to toughen up."

Such comments, while seemingly simple, can have lasting effects on individuals and future generations, leading to the internalization of gender roles and beliefs. For instance, boys may learn to suppress their emotions, as illustrated in the context shared above.

Check out this article in CNA as it discusses sexism in an Asian context and strategies for initiating conversations about sexism within the family in a respectful and strategic manner.



Sexism at home: What happens when a woman experiences this with her parents? What should she do? A woman should help in the kitchen, always behave like a “lady”, and never talk about her periods – these sexist beliefs affect her self-esteem, career, relationships and emotional well-being. Here’s how women can spot the signs of sexism at home and respectfully bring up this prickly issue ...


🔎 A Guiding Mantra:

Nothing's as valuable as my happiness.💖 Nothing's as priceless as my peace of mind.✨



👩🏻‍🎓🧑🏻‍🎓Regardless of Grades: How does the obsession with grades affect parents and children in Singapore?

Direct quote from the article: "Our social experiment with Primary 5 and 6 students revealed that parents are a major source of stress for our children, and not just that, even the stress our children impose on themselves seems to stem from parental pressure."

It's disheartening to observe that today's Singaporean students are still facing significant pressure from their parents and social circles, if not more. Reflecting on my own experience during my PSLE in 2005, I recall being carefree and not fully grasping the gravity of the exams. However, upon receiving disappointing results (in accordance with the standards set by society) of 142, I was suddenly confronted with fear, shame, and self-blame due to the reactions of my parents and the adults around me.

This experience ignited a drive within me to work harder academically, eventually leading to my progression to NA (normal academic) in secondary 2, and further on to Poly, Uni, and attaining my Master's degree. However, this journey came at a significant cost of constant self-double, low self-esteem and low self-confidence throughout my teenage to young adulthood. (Is it worth it?)

The immense stress imposed by parental and societal expectations on a 12-year-old child is overwhelming. I consider myself fortunate to have navigated through these challenges, but sadly, not all children are as fortunate, as evidenced by the tragic instances of youth su***de increasing over the years.

While academic achievement is undoubtedly important, it should not overshadow the holistic development of a child. Cultivating mental resilience, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills are equally crucial aspects of a child's growth. Prioritising these qualities over solely academic success would lead to healthier and more well-rounded individuals in the long term.


For more in-depth insights into the topic, I invite you to explore the following article👇🏻



😨🧠 Fear Unveiled: Understand Its Power and Impact

Fear is a part of our human survival response.

It is supposed to be intensely uncomfortable and gives us the urge to escape.😨 The feeling of wanting to avoid the fearful situation can be strong. Each time we avoid something out of fear, we are actually reinforcing our belief that it isn't safe or that we might be unable to manage it.

Repeated actions, thoughts, or beliefs like that over a long period of time strengthen a neural pathway in your brain. 🧠 This means that the more we dwell on painful thoughts or memories, the easier and more effortless it becomes for us to bring those thoughts back to our mind the next time—it’s like muscle memory.

💡So, can we break this cycle of ruminating in fear?

Yes, we can! The good thing about neural pathways is that we can change them. 🔄 But when we start something new, like redirecting a new thought, we have to carve out a fresh neural pathway, sometimes from scratch. That takes a huge amount of conscious effort.

Anytime we are under stress, our brain will automatically choose the easiest route, which is the well-trodden path. Hence, it does take a huge amount of conscious effort and awareness to practice redirecting our new thoughts whenever we find ourselves ruminating in fearful thoughts. 🧠💪


Commentary: Smartphones and kids – the high price we’re paying for a giant uncontrolled experiment 03/03/2024

“Children who spend a large part of their formative years in a virtual world are missing out on face-to-face interactions that help to build strong social bonds and resilience.”


📱 Spending formative years on digital devices can indeed have far-reaching negative impacts on children's development and well-being.

Firstly, excessive screen time can significantly impede the development of essential social skills. When children spend more time interacting with screens than with peers and adults, they miss out on crucial opportunities to learn communication, empathy, and cooperation through face-to-face interactions. This deficit in social skills can hinder their ability to navigate relationships and social situations effectively later in life. 📱😞

Furthermore, prolonged use of digital devices often leads to sedentary behaviour, which poses various risks to physical health. Children who spend hours sitting in front of screens are at increased risk of obesity, poor posture, and eye strain. Additionally, excessive screen time has been linked to irregular sleep patterns, which can result in fatigue, irritability, and overall poor physical health. 🛋️👀💤

Mental health is another area significantly impacted by excessive screen time. Research has shown that children who spend more time on digital devices are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and mood swings. The constant exposure to stimulating content, social comparison, and cyberbullying can all contribute to poor mental well-being in children. 😔💻🧠

Moreover, overreliance on digital devices may hinder cognitive development. Instead of engaging in activities that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, children may become passive consumers of content, leading to a stagnation in cognitive abilities. 🤔🎮🧠

Behavioural problems can also arise from excessive screen time, including aggression, impulsivity, and decreased self-regulation. Exposure to inappropriate content or online predators can further exacerbate these issues, posing significant risks to children's safety and well-being. 😡👾🚫

Finally, excessive device use can disrupt family dynamics and communication. When children prioritize screen time over spending quality time with family members, it can lead to conflicts, reduced bonding opportunities, and a breakdown in familial relationships. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦📵💔

In summary, while digital devices offer numerous benefits, it's essential to recognize and address the negative impacts they can have on children's social, physical, mental, cognitive, and behavioural development, as well as family dynamics. Striking a balance between screen time and other activities is crucial for promoting healthy development and well-being in children. 🌟👶🏻👧🏻👦🏻



For more in-depth insights into the topic, I invite you to explore the following article👇🏻

Commentary: Smartphones and kids – the high price we’re paying for a giant uncontrolled experiment The most unanticipated and unacceptable price for access to such power and convenience has been our children’s mental health. There is still time to change course though, says Matthew Brooker for Bloomberg Opinion.


Wishing all a blessed and joyful Christmas🎄💚 As we approach the year's end, our calendars are filling up with festive gatherings for Christmas, New Year, and Chinese New Year. 🎉 While this season brings joy and togetherness, it can also stir up stress affecting mental health.

The flood of invitations from colleagues, clients, friends, and family, along with the high expectations for perfect gatherings and gift exchanges, adds to the festive spirit. 🎉 Yet, it can also create real pressure and anxiety. The need to meet societal and personal expectations may heighten stress levels, especially for those facing mental health challenges. 🌟 Moreover, the potential disruptions to routines during this time can indirectly worsen mental health issues. 🔄💚

Recognizing and addressing these stressors during the festive season is crucial for maintaining and promoting mental well-being. 🌟💖🧠

Let's all be kinder to our minds. 🙏



Having internal resources is like having a robust immune system that protects our body from infections. It provides a safeguard for our emotional resilience. 🛡️💪🏻🧠


What are the common misconceptions about going to therapy? When do you need counselling? 22/11/2023

Therapy / Art Psychotherapy goes beyond merely spending money to express frustration to a therapist—it's a profound experience. 🌱

It's a collaborative effort between the client, therapist and artwork (for art psychotherapy), where the client is the expert in their life, thoughts, and feelings, and the therapist is versed in psychological theories and interventions.

It provides a secure space for open exploration without judgment, aiming to break through challenging patterns and foster meaningful changes, supporting personal growth.

Think of therapy like a dental check-up—not just for a toothache but for regular mental hygiene. 🦷💬 Seeking a therapist is investing in your mental well-being!


What are the common misconceptions about going to therapy? When do you need counselling? About one in four Singapore residents between 18 and 29 years old have poor mental health. But how is therapy different from talking to a friend or family member?


Once we sustain the habit of prioritising our mental and physical health, they will sustain us in every way possible. ✨ 🧠 💪🏻


Photos from Stephxy.therapist's post 16/11/2023

Will you give social media detox a try? 😎


Overwhelmed by group chat messages? You are not alone 16/11/2023

Being bombarded by group chat messages can be overwhelming.😵‍💫 The constant stream of notifications, updates, and messages can create a sense of information overload, making it challenging to keep up and respond promptly.

The feeling of being constantly plugged into group conversations may lead to stress and anxiety as individuals try to manage the influx of information. 📱

Balancing the need for communication with the need for personal space becomes crucial in navigating the challenges of being overwhelmed by group chat messages.

Finding effective strategies to manage notifications and set boundaries can help alleviate the stress associated with the constant digital chatter. 🚀


For more in-depth insights into the topic, I invite you to explore the following article👇🏻


Overwhelmed by group chat messages? You are not alone Generally, research suggests that the group chats people enjoy most are smaller groups with closer friends Read more at

Money Talks Podcast: How much should you be spending on your health and wellness? 15/11/2023

😵‍💫In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the importance of investing in our health and well-being. But how much should one allocate to ensure a balanced and sustainable approach to health and wellness?🤔💰

Dive into this podcast/article for the inside scoop! 🎙️📰


Money Talks Podcast: How much should you be spending on your health and wellness? Singapore is home to a US$12 billion wellness economy, according to the Global Wellness Institute. How much of our personal income should we spend on health and wellness?

Photos from Stephxy.therapist's post 10/11/2023

🌞 Self-care is the cornerstone of a healthy and balanced life, and it’s not a luxury, but a necessity for our physical and mental well-being. It’s like a power-up for our daily lives! 💪🏻 Taking time for self-care allows us to recharge, reduce stress, and boost our resilience. It empowers us to handle life’s challenges, maintain positive relationships, and be super productive!

🌈 Remember, self-care is unique to each person, so find what works best for you. Mix and match these techniques to create a routine that suits your needs. Self-care is an investment in your health and quality of life, helping you live your best, most fulfilling life! 🌟


Commentary: Parents, your habits can determine whether your kids will age well 06/11/2023

Parents, your habits can determine whether your kids will age well?

👪 As parents, our responsibilities go beyond meeting our children’s basic needs. Nurturing a wholesome and conducive living environment and instilling positive habits at home is paramount. 🏡

🌟 When children observe their family members engaging in regular physical activity, emphasizing balanced nutrition, and maintaining a positive perspective on the aging process, they are more likely to adopt and continue these practices throughout their lives.

📚 Furthermore, research consistently indicates that children who share meals with their families not only excel in their academic pursuits but also experience lower instances of depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Additionally, they tend to have healthier dietary choices and improved cardiovascular health. 🍽️💪📊

For more in-depth insights into the topic, I invite you to explore the following article👇🏻


Commentary: Parents, your habits can determine whether your kids will age well The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases across age groups in Singapore highlights that active ageing must commence at a young age, says Tan Chin Hock, father of three.

ADHD is a complex neurodevelopment disorder with varying degrees of severity and can manifest differently in different individuals. 07/08/2023

Unravelling the Enigma: Exploring ADHD, the Intriguing Neurodevelopmental Puzzle 🧩🧠

Step into the realm of the mind as we embark on a captivating journey to unlock the mysteries of ADHD. 🚀✨ Delve into the intricate tapestry of this neurodevelopmental disorder, where focus dances and creativity soars. 🎨🌟

From understanding science to embracing diverse perspectives, we're on a quest to decode, empower, and celebrate the vibrant minds that shape their world. 🌈💡

Let's embark on this enlightening adventure together, embracing the quirks and brilliance that make each journey unique. 🌟🚀


ADHD is a complex neurodevelopment disorder with varying degrees of severity and can manifest differently in different individuals. ADHD is a complex neurodevelopment disorder with varying degrees of severity and can manifest differently in different individuals.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Swimming for Children with Special Needs. 07/08/2023

Diving into Possibilities: Unveiling the Therapeutic Magic of Swimming for Children with Special Needs 🏊‍♂️💫
Beyond the shimmering ripples, diving into the pool offers our exceptional young ones a world of profound healing and growth.

🌟 It helps boost muscle strength and cognitive stimulation, build emotional well-being, enhance problem-solving skills, and establish heartwarming connections. The pool becomes a canvas of transformation. 🌊✨


The Therapeutic Benefits of Swimming for Children with Special Needs. Swimming, often regarded as a recreational activity, holds a treasure trove of therapeutic benefits for children with special needs.

Understanding Trauma: Its Impact and Coping Mechanisms. 04/08/2023

Unveiling the Layers: Navigating Trauma's Terrain – Understanding Its Impact and Embracing Resilient Coping 🌱💪

Trauma's echoes ripple through lives, leaving imprints both seen and unseen. Discover the impact of trauma as we illuminate the path towards healing and resilience. From the power of self-care to the beauty of community support, we'll unravel the coping mechanisms that light the way through the darkness. 🌟🤝


Understanding Trauma: Its Impact and Coping Mechanisms. Trauma is the lasting emotional response that often results from living through a distressing event.

How does our relationship with our parents or primary caregiver develop our attachment style? 23/07/2023

Did you know that our early childhood relationship with our parents or primary caregiver plays a pivotal role in shaping our attachment style, which, in turn, influences how we approach and handle future relationships?

For more in-depth insights into the various attachment styles, I invite you to explore the following article 👇🏻.


How does our relationship with our parents or primary caregiver develop our attachment style? Our attachment style developed with our parents or primary caregivers sets the foundation for how we navigate future relationships.

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Videos (show all)

Rumination is like a thoughts washing machine. 😵‍💫It’s the process of churning thoughts over and over for minutes, hours...
😨🧠 Fear Unveiled: Understand Its Power and ImpactFear is a part of our human survival response.It is supposed to be inte...
We are all born with worthiness; worthiness is inherent.🤍💖#worthiness #selfworth #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth #ment...
😵‍💫 What are Emotions?      #Emotions #emotionsareenergy #repression #mindandbody #humaninstinct #mentalhealth #mentalhe...





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