SW1 Clinic

SW1 Clinic

Beauty Bootcamp for all skins. we're here to save the world one face at a time. www.SW1clinic.com | www.SW1spa.com | www.SW1shop.com

How to enhance beauty without surgery? - SW1 Clinic 02/09/2024

In today’s world, where filters and beauty standards are constantly evolving, it’s natural to want to put your best face forward. But let’s be real—going under the knife isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Thankfully, you don’t need surgery to glow up! Here’s how you can enhance your beauty in Singapore with non-invasive treatments that are just as effective, minus the downtime.

How to enhance beauty without surgery? - SW1 Clinic Here’s how you can enhance your beauty in Singapore with non-invasive treatments that are just as effective, minus the downtime

Change the shape of your nose with threads! - SW1 Clinic 27/08/2024

Over the last decade or so, only a few aesthetic procedures have stood the test of time and continue to be a popular option when it comes to non-invasive procedures. One of those is a nose thread lift, beloved for its ability to change the shape of your nose without surgery and long downtime.

Whether you’re looking to achieve a more defined nasal bridge, lift a droopy tip, or create a balanced and symmetrical profile, a nose thread lift offers a compelling alternative to traditional rhinoplasty.


Change the shape of your nose with threads! - SW1 Clinic If you are looking to change the shape of your nose without surgery and long downtime. a nose thread lift may just be what you're after.

It’s time to bust these top 4 myths about laser hair removal - SW1 Clinic 21/08/2024

When it comes to saving time and looking your best, laser hair removal is one of the best treatments to indulge yourself in. As an effective and permanent solution for removing unwanted hair, it is a treatment that will save you time from shaving or having to reconsider your wardrobe choices at the very last minute.

Let's put to right these top 4 myths about laser hair removal for you to safely decide if this treatment is right for you.


It’s time to bust these top 4 myths about laser hair removal - SW1 Clinic When it comes to saving time and looking your best, laser hair removal is one of the best treatments to indulge in as an effective and permanent solution.

The latest aesthetic treatments for younger-looking skin - SW1 Clinic 12/08/2024

When considering an aesthetic treatment to help lift and firm your skin to greater heights, there will always seem to be an endless list of options available. But if you are looking for the latest developments in aesthetic technology to help you achieve, smoother, firmer younger skin, look no further than these three treatments from SW1 Clinic.

The latest aesthetic treatments for younger-looking skin - SW1 Clinic These are the latest aesthetic treatments to help you achieve younger skin. Look no further than these three treatments from SW1 Clinic.

Wedding Day Prep: Skincare edition - SW1 Clinic 05/08/2024

When it comes to the big day, the bride always wants to look her best – gown, makeup and skincare included. While we can’t help with any of the wedding logistics, the team at SW1 can help you glow your very best on your wedding day with these skincare tips.

Armed with a strategic game plan, you can be sure to achieve radiant-bride status on your special day.

Wedding Day Prep: Skincare edition - SW1 Clinic Let our team at SW1 Clinic help you glow your very best on your wedding day with these skincare tips.

Maintaining your V-shaped facial contours - SW1 Clinic 29/07/2024

A V-shaped face is coveted by many and with medical aesthetic technology on the rise, there are several non-invasive methods to help you achieve the slim and defined jawline of your dreams without any surgical procedures.

Be it using radiofrequency energy or dermal fillers, these treatments are all completely customisable when done with an experienced aesthetic doctor, to lift and tighten the skin and improve one’s facial proportions.

As with any aesthetic treatment, post-treatment care is crucial to help you maintain and prolong your V-shaped results. Here are some aftercare tips that may be beneficial to you.


Maintaining your V-shaped facial contours - SW1 Clinic A V-shaped face is coveted by many and with medical aesthetic technology on the rise, there are several non-invasive methods to help you achieve the slim and defined jawline of your dreams without any surgical procedures. Be it using radiofrequency energy or dermal fillers, these treatments are all....

Top 4 reasons why EternaLift RF is your must-have aesthetic treatment - SW1 Clinic 22/07/2024

If you are looking to rejuvenate your skin, look no further than EternaLift RF. This treatment in SW1 Clinic combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to target deep layers of the skin, promoting collagen production to help you achieve glowing results, literally.

If you are looking to lift, tighten and refresh your complexion, here are the top four reasons why EternaLift RF could just be the treatment for you.


Top 4 reasons why EternaLift RF is your must-have aesthetic treatment - SW1 Clinic EternaLift RF combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to target deep layers of the skin to help you achieve glowing results.

Unlocking radiant skin with Kojic Acid: The How’s and Why’s — SW1 Spa 17/07/2024

Since its discovery in 1989, kojic acid has gained prominence in the skincare industry due to its potent skin-lightening and anti-aging properties.

Unlock radiant skin with Kojic acid. Click on article to find out how.

Unlocking radiant skin with Kojic Acid: The How’s and Why’s — SW1 Spa Kojic acid is a natural substance derived from various fungi, particularly Aspergillus oryzae, which is commonly known as koji. It is also a by-product of the fermentation process of rice, used in the production of sake, the Japanese rice wine. Since its discovery in 1989, kojic acid has gained prom

Skincare Benefits of Japanese Sake You Didn’t Know — SW1 Spa 08/07/2024

We all know of sake as a beloved beverage from Japan but did you know this popular rice wine also offers a host of skincare benefits. Japanese scientists discovered sake to be a potent skincare ingredient when they realised that the master brewers of sake retained soft, baby-soft skin on their hands even into old age, as they were required to frequently submerge their hands into fermented rice during the brewing process.

Since then, the antiaging and beautifying properties have become increasingly recognized and celebrated. Keep reading to find out how sake can enhance your skin and should be a part of your skincare regimen.

Skincare Benefits of Japanese Sake You Didn’t Know — SW1 Spa We all know of sake as a beloved beverage from Japan but did you know this popular rice wine also offers a host of skincare benefits. Japanese scientists discovered sake to be a potent skincare ingredient when they realised that the master brewers of sake retained soft, baby-soft skin on their hands

Is a Face Thread Lifting the Anti-ageing Solution for you? 20/06/2024

It seems that the quest for maintaining and preserving a youthful appearance never ends, and the search for effective solutions continues. Among the many options available, face thread lift consistently emerges as a promising technique. If you are looking for a non-invasive yet effective approach to combat the signs of aging, face thread lift could just be the treatment option you are after.

Is a Face Thread Lifting the Anti-ageing Solution for you? Thread lifts offer a minimally invasive alternative, and are ideal for patients looking to achieve subtle yet noticeable enhancements.

The ABCs of AHAs and BHAs — SW1 Spa 19/06/2024

Combining Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) in skincare products can offer a comprehensive range of benefits, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your skincare routine. Click to read the full article to discover the key benefits of using products that incorporate both AHAs and BHAs.

The ABCs of AHAs and BHAs — SW1 Spa Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are two types of exfoliants widely used in skincare to promote healthy, radiant skin. AHAs, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, are water-soluble acids derived primarily from fruits and milk. They work by dissolving the bonds holding dead s

Popular treatments for achieving a V-shaped face 10/06/2024

A V-shape face is one of the most popular requests from women from all walks of life. It is desired by many as it gives the appearance of being slimmer, and hence more youthful.

The V-shape face is characterised by a tapered jawline and pronounced cheekbones, popularized in Asian culture. This facial structure is also seen to signify femininity and gentleness, virtues both male and female counterparts seek.

When achieving a V-shape face, surgical procedures to reduce the jaw or add implants to the chin often come to mind. If long recovery times and undergoing anesthesia aren’t your cup of tea, non-surgical options are available to help you achieve the coveted V-shape face.

Popular treatments for achieving a V-shaped face When achieving a V-shape face, surgical procedures to reduce the jaw or add implants to the chin often come to mind.


Achieving the ethereal glow may seem out of reach but with one of SW1’s latest laser treatments, Clear Brilliance, radiant skin could be yours. This innovative procedure works by targeting a range of skin concerns, from pigmentation to uneven skin texture and enlarged pores, all of which prevent your skin from achieving a luminous glow.


Most requested Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures of 2024 29/05/2024

In this day and age, non-surgical procedures have become the norm and go-for for beauty enhancements. As we step into 2024, the demand for these minimally invasive treatments shows no signs of waning, as we see more and better advancements in technology and shifting cultural attitudes towards beauty and self-care.

Hang tight as we bring you the latest in rejuvenating skincare regimens that promise natural-looking results and minimal downtime.

Most requested Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures of 2024 As we step into 2024, the demand for these minimally invasive treatments shows no signs of waning.

Embracing Pro-Aging: Shifting the Narrative from Anti-Aging to Pro-Living - SW1 Clinic 27/05/2024

For many decades, the beauty and wellness industries have been dominated by the concept of “anti-aging.” From creams and serums promising to turn back the clock to procedures aimed at erasing wrinkles, society has been inundated with messages suggesting that aging is something to be feared and fought against at all costs.

However, there’s a growing movement to shift this narrative towards one that celebrates aging and promotes a more positive outlook on growing older. Enter the era of “pro-aging.”

Embracing Pro-Aging: Shifting the Narrative from Anti-Aging to Pro-Living - SW1 Clinic For many decades, the beauty industry has been dominated by the concept of "anti-aging. It's time to change that narrative to "pro-aging".

Are you the Ideal Candidate for Ultherapy? 20/05/2024

In recent years, Ultherapy has emerged as a popular option for individuals seeking to rejuvenate their appearance without going under the knife.

Utilizing ultrasound technology, Ultherapy targets sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles, and is a non-surgical alternative to facelifts and other more invasive procedures. If you are thinking about going for a session of Ultherapy, it’s important to understand what the procedure entails and also your own aesthetic goals.

Are you the Ideal Candidate for Ultherapy? Utilizing ultrasound technology, Ultherapy targets sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles, and is a non-surgical alternative to facelifts and other more invasive procedures.

Have you heard of Heaven Glow, the latest skin rejuvenation treatment in town? - SW1 Clinic 16/05/2024

When it comes to turning back the clock to restore younger, healthier skin, our eyes and ears are always peeled for the latest aesthetic treatments available.

A new treatment, Heaven Glow, is rising in popularity as the newest antiaging treatment to try. Read on to find out what it is and why you should include this in your beauty regime.

Have you heard of Heaven Glow, the latest skin rejuvenation treatment in town? - SW1 Clinic A new treatment, Heaven Glow, is rising in popularity as the newest antiaging treatment to try. Read on to find out more.

How To Deal With Your Post-COVID Hair Loss? - SW1 Clinic 03/08/2022

Did you know that hair loss is a common post-COVID symptom?
You may have heard or experienced side effects of COVID-19 such as loss of taste, smell and brain fog. But, if you have been wondering why your hair is falling out in clumps, it may also be a result of your COVID infection.

How To Deal With Your Post-COVID Hair Loss? - SW1 Clinic If you are suffering from hair loss after COVID, know that you are not alone. Read on to find out why this happens and how to help your hair grow back.

(English) Is there a cure for cellulite? - SW1 Clinic 08/03/2022

Cellulite – the dimply bane of our lives. One day the back of your thighs look firm and smooth, and suddenly those dimples creep up on you and make themselves a little too comfortable and homely on our bodies.

The bad news? There’s no easy cure for them.

The good news? All’s not lost, there are things you can do to improve its appearance.

(English) Is there a cure for cellulite? - SW1 Clinic The bad news? There’s no easy cure for them. The good news? All’s not lost, there are things you can do to improve its appearance.

[:en]V-vacious[:] - SW1 Clinic 15/02/2022

As women get older, it’s not uncommon to experience va**nal laxity, with symptoms including decreased sensation in their va**na during in*******se, loss of lubrication, decreased sexual function and libido, and even incontinence where a sneeze, cough or laugh can cause a leak.

There are now non-surgical options to rebuild collagen within the va**nal tissue without pain or downtime. In as little as 30 minutes, our female doctors will administer the treatment, V-Vacious using the Vivieve System, that will help to improve the structural integrity of the va**na and provide more robust support to the urethra.

Contact us to find out more about the Vivieve System.

**naltightening **nalrejuvenation

[:en]V-vacious[:] - SW1 Clinic V-vacious is a non-invasive offering administered via the Viveve System, a patented, cryogen-cooled radiofrequency device that rebuilds natural collagen to improve the structural integrity of the va**na and provide more robust support to the urethra.

3 beauty treatments to get your skin ready for CNY | Coconuts 30/12/2021

The glow emanating from your face from these beauty treatments might just be enough to distract grandma from asking when you’re getting married for a third time in the same hour this Chinese New Year.

| Grove: Coconuts Media Brand Studio x SW1 Clinic |

3 beauty treatments to get your skin ready for CNY | Coconuts | Grove: Coconuts Media Brand Studio x SW1 Clinic | Put your best face forward.


Christmas is coming and we are here to bless your skin!

Ranging from all-time skincare favourites like Vitamin C Elixir and Skin Laundry I to discount vouchers with up to 50% off facials, enjoy savings of up to $5000 for a special price at just $288!

Best of all, all of our vouchers have a validity till 31st January 2022.

Get yours now at https://sw1shop.com/ or check it out at our clinics today!

Christmas shopping made easy with these unique gift sets - SW1 Clinic 17/11/2021

The joy of giving is never truer when it comes to Christmas. For some of us, we may not have a clue what to get, while for the rest of us we may feel inundated and overwhelmed with the options available.

Either way, we can all agree there’s a gift for everyone and here’s a roundup of gifts we think could help you solve your shopping woes this year end.

Christmas shopping made easy with these unique gift sets - SW1 Clinic There’s a gift for everyone out there and here’s a roundup of gifts we think could help you solve your shopping woes this Christmas.


Limitations. There are no such things. The only limits that exist are the ones in our minds.

Watch how Pastor Henry changed his life around and turned over a new leaf!

Photos from SW1 Clinic's post 10/09/2021

During our WFH days, particularly for women, some may have used bralettes to feel more comfortable at home. It begs the question as we ease ourselves back into working in the office - can we still wear bralettes out despite it being wireless?

Check out ELLE's beauty feature with our consultant plastic surgeon, Dr Chia Hui Ling, who specialises in breast reconstruction and breast enhancement surgeries, as she discusses on what constitutes a proper bra and the criteria that makes a good fit for individuals.

Chia Hui Ling

No pain, yes gain: This treatment uses gold microneedles to give you better skin 17/08/2021

You've heard of Sylfirm but have you heard of SylfirmX? Find out more about why this treatment is gaining popularity and how it can help with your skin concerns.

No pain, yes gain: This treatment uses gold microneedles to give you better skin Let’s face the facts, it’s time to pamper that skin On top of the usual advice, like using sunblock daily (please tell us you are already doing this), there’s more we can do to ensure our body’s largest organ is well taken care of,...

Postnatal dull skin? These treatments can restore your glow | SW1 Clinic 02/07/2021

Some of us might have enjoyed a pregnancy glow but post pregnancy could be an altogether different story.

Dark eye circles from sleepless nights, lingering melasma and skin discoloration from your hormones going on overdrive and even a neglected skincare routine with so much going on in your life right now can cause skin to look a little lacklustre and dare we say it, dull.

The good news is you don’t have to live with dull skin forever. Glowing, radiant skin can be yours again if you follow these tips from our aesthetic doctor from SW1 Clinic.

Postnatal dull skin? These treatments can restore your glow | SW1 Clinic Glowing, radiant skin can be yours again post-pregnancy if you follow these tips from our aesthetic doctors from SW1 Clinic.

Facials to look forward to in Phase 3       — SW1 Spa 15/06/2021

For more than a month, Heightened Alert Phase 2 meant any services which required masks to be removed, including facials and saunas, ceased.

If facials were your favourite form of self care, this piece of news might have sent you into a state of anxiety. Thankfully the wait is now over and we’re able to resume such services and facials are back in the works.

Facials to look forward to in Phase 3       — SW1 Spa For more than a month, Heightened Alert Phase 2 meant any services which required masks to be removed, including facials and saunas, ceased. If facials were your favourite form of self care, this piece of news might have sent you into a state of anxiety. Thankfully the wait is now over and we’re a...

Healthy Food Deliveries in Singapore to Complement Your Fitness Workout | SW1 Clinic 04/06/2021

No matter what diet you are on, keto, vegan, or simply low-calorie, you can have delicious (and nutritious) meals delivered right to your doorstep. Which ones should you choose? We’ve listed 5 of our favourite food delivery options in Singapore, so you too can move onto everything healthy!

Healthy Food Deliveries in Singapore to Complement Your Fitness Workout | SW1 Clinic We’ve listed 5 of our favourite food delivery options in Singapore, so you can complement your fitness workout with a healthy meal plan.

Replicate your own facial experience right at home — SW1 Spa 24/05/2021

You may have heard about the recent restrictions on lockdown in Singapore, including suspending personalized services that requires you to remove your mask, such as facials and saunas.

If the idea of not having your monthly facial fix is giving you a near-anxiety attack, take a few deep breaths and read on as we’ve got you and your skin covered.

Replicate your own facial experience right at home — SW1 Spa You may have heard about the recent restrictions on lockdown in Singapore, including suspending personalized services that requires you to remove your mask, such as facials and saunas. If the idea of not having your monthly facial fix is giving you a near-anxiety attack, take a few deep breaths and

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SW1 story

Limitations. There are no such things. The only limits that exist are the ones in our minds.

At SW1, we help people fulfill their potential by breaking definitions that limit us. Be your own rebel. Challenge expectations. Defy limitations.

SW1 isn’t a business. SW1 isn’t just one of the most comprehensive aesthetic & plastic surgery clinic in Singapore. SW1 is a movement to empower the people to live amply, with greater vision and a finer spirit of hope and achievement. That’s why our team of medical experts don’t see ourselves as aesthetic doctors and plastic surgeons, we see ourselves as Dreamweavers, here to enrich the world and help people who walk through our doors to live without limits.

SW1 Clinic was founded by Dr Low Chai Ling, who had also founded The Sloane Clinic in 2003. Dr Low left The Sloane Clinic in 2017 because she felt that the time has finally come for her to fulfill her greater vision of creating an empowering space of wellness not constrained by boundaries. Thus, SW1 was born. Dr Low’s inspiration for the clinic name “SW1” was drawn from the time she spent as a student living in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea. SW1 Clinic is the culmination of Dr Low’s journey come full circle, symbolising the evolution of her medical aesthetic vision over the last 14 years.

Videos (show all)

Looking for a way to enhance your skincare routine? Clear Brilliance laser treatment can help. This gentle laser treatme...
SW1 Clinic's latest skin rejuvenation treatment, HeavenGlow, combines PDLLA (Poly-D, L-Lactic Acid) and Hyaluronic Acid ...
Christmas is coming and we are here to bless your skin! Ranging from all-time skincare favourites like Vitamin C Elixir ...
The Face Mask: Plus or Fuss Pt 2
Whatever your skin type, we have the right skincare products for you. And we've made it even easier for you now to shop ...
Get creative with the SW1 Bespoke Peel and put together a skin toner using home ingredients you can easily find at home!...
A breakthrough in non-surgical hair restoration, Revage 670 is an FDA-approved low level laser therapy to stop hair loss...
Introducing DEFENSE, a lavender-scented hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol..Available n...




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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
Sunday 09:00 - 16:00

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Helping YOU select the best anti aging and laser treatments!

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My life, My choice.

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THE SKIN PHARMACY is a skincare brand, created by two pharmacists. We believe that no two skin types