Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心, Singapore Videos

Videos by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 in Singapore.

Meet Our SINGAPO人 Treasures 隆重介绍本地华族传世之宝

Composer Dr Kelly Tang has been a constant inspiration in the local music industry. Some of his famous works include “Capriccio for Orchestra” and “Concerto in Three Movements”. His compositions have also been performed for notable individuals such as Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

For all of his contributions to Singapore’s local art scene, Dr Tang is undoubtedly a #SINGAPO人 Treasure.

Dr Tang has composed a piece specially for “The Singaporean Composer Series” by The TENG Company. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness other SINGAPO人 treasures at our Cultural Extravaganza 2024. Check out: for more!

董叶明博士是本地音乐界杰出的作曲家,也是本地音乐界的灵魂人物。激励了不少本地音乐家。他的代表作品包括《乐团的随想曲》 “Capriccio for Orchestra” 及《三乐章协奏曲》“Concerto in Three Movements”。董博士还曾为国务资政李显龙及黃循財总理等知名人士演出。

董博士 对本地艺术界的贡献毋庸置疑,新加坡华人的 “传世之宝”这个美誉更是实至名归。

点击链接,了解更多展现新加坡艺术精髓的节目: #CE2024

Other Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心 videos

Meet Our SINGAPO人 Treasures 隆重介绍本地华族传世之宝
Composer Dr Kelly Tang has been a constant inspiration in the local music industry. Some of his famous works include “Capriccio for Orchestra” and “Concerto in Three Movements”. His compositions have also been performed for notable individuals such as Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong. For all of his contributions to Singapore’s local art scene, Dr Tang is undoubtedly a #SINGAPO人 Treasure. Dr Tang has composed a piece specially for “The Singaporean Composer Series” by The TENG Company. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness other SINGAPO人 treasures at our Cultural Extravaganza 2024. Check out: for more! 董叶明博士是本地音乐界杰出的作曲家,也是本地音乐界的灵魂人物。激励了不少本地音乐家。他的代表作品包括《乐团的随想曲》 “Capriccio for Orchestra” 及《三乐章协奏曲》“Concerto in Three Movements”。董博士还曾为国务资政李显龙及黃循財总理等知名人士演出。 董博士 对本地艺术界的贡献毋庸置疑,新加坡华人的 “传世之宝”这个美誉更是实至名归。 点击链接,了解更多展现新加坡艺术精髓的节目: #CE2024

The Adventures of Kitchen God - Guardian of the Land 《灶神游狮城》 - 大伯公诞辰篇
Tua Pek Kong – A name most Chinese Singaporeans may be familiar with, but do you actually know who Tua Pek Kong is? Watch on to learn more about the origins and history of Tua Pek Kong, as well as how his birthday is celebrated by devotees! 大伯公这个名字大家都熟悉吧,但你们知道大伯公到底是谁吗?今天,跟着灶神来到乌敏岛的一座宝藏级的庙宇,带你了解大伯公的来源,以及香客是怎么庆祝大伯公诞的!

“SG:SW I Write The Songs 2024” Open Call | 【SG:SW 我写我的歌】作品征求
Aspiring to be Singapore’s next hitmaker? 🤩 The 8th edition of “SG:SW I Write The Songs” is back! And everyone is welcome to participate in this nationwide songwriting festival, regardless of your proficiency in songwriting ✨ 想成为新加坡未来的流行音乐推手吗?🤩 第八届【SG:SW 我写我的歌】中文歌曲创作节强势回归!无论您是音乐创作的新手或是拥有着丰富经验的创作人,SG:SW 都欢迎您来参加!✨ The open call for submission begins now till 21 July 2024, 2359 hrs. What are you waiting for? Be part of the next generation of local music talent, more details at: 🎶 【作品征求】期为2024年5月20日至7月21日(晚上11:59 截止)。别犹豫了,立即上网报名吧!了解更多详情: 🎶 --- “SG:SW I Write The Songs” is jointly organised by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) , and 海蝶音樂 Ocean Butterflies Music. The festival aims to provide a platform to uncover and cultivate the next generation of original local music talent. 《SG:SW 我写我的歌》中文歌曲创作节是由新加坡华族文化中心,新加坡词曲版权协会与 海蝶音乐联合主办。本创作节旨在发掘和栽培新一代具有潜能的本地音乐人才,为他们提供尽展才华的平台。

The Adventures of Kitchen God - Messy Plate of Flavours 《灶神游狮城》 - 海南咖喱饭篇
Do you know what the Four Heavenly Kings of curry rice are? We head down to Loo's Hainanese Curry Rice to find out. PS: What would Aaron Kwok, Leon Lai, Jacky Leung and Andy Lau be if they were a curry rice dish...🧐 你知道海南咖喱饭的四大天王有哪些吗?

The Adventures of Kitchen God - Bowl Soul-full of Love 《灶神游狮城》叻沙篇
Who knew that laksa was the result of a love story? Next time you go on a date, why not go for laksa and show off your knowledge of this creamy noodle dish, and who knows, you just might get lucky! 🤪💖 你知道叻沙的背后藏着一段浪漫的爱情故事吗?让我们来感受那份承载爱情的美味!

The Adventures of Kitchen God - The OG Yong Tau Foo 《灶神游狮城》 - 酿豆腐篇
How to get rich? If you've tried everything from praying to the gods to wearing lucky underwear, perhaps the answer lies in a bowl of Hakka Yong Tau Foo from Hup Chong Hakka Yong Dou Foo! 想要过上富贵的生活吗?也许答案就在一碗客家酿豆腐里!

The Adventures of Kitchen God - No Tea Inside In This Dish 《灶神游狮城》 - 肉骨茶篇
Which do you prefer, peppery white bak kut teh or herbal brown bak kut teh? And why is it called 'teh' (tea) when it's actually soup? Let's find out more at Song Fa Bak Kut Teh! Follow the traditionalist Kitchen God as he descends to Earth, rediscovering the fresh and fascinating aspects of Singaporean Chinese culture! 蒜头胡椒肉骨茶vs.药材肉骨茶 – 谁能夺得你的味蕾?究竟肉骨茶是否真的加了茶?让我们来一探究竟!

The Pawned Wife Behind The Scenes 《典妻》幕后筹备工作
We all love the elaborate makeup and outfits of Teochew opera performers on stage, but we rarely get to see what goes on before the show starts. Today, Wei Tian, lead actress of "The Pawned Wife", gives us a glimpse of what goes on behind the curtain as she shares how she prepares for the production by Nam Hwa Opera! #CE2024 #behindthescenes 潮剧演员在舞台上的精致戏服和戏装常常得到观众的目光,但观众很少有机会看到幕后的准备工作。 今天,让我们来听听饰演南华潮剧社即将上演的《典妻》戏剧女主⸺纬恬,与我们分享她如何为其做准备的。 The Pawned Wife 典妻 9, 10, 12 May: 3pm, 11 May: 7.30pm SCCC Auditorium, Level 9|新加坡华族文化中心表演厅, 九楼 $20/$10

🎭✨Get ready for a Teochew opera performance like no other with Nam Hwa Opera! Discover how they're reshaping tradition and inspiring new audiences through innovation and collaboration. 🌟 Don't miss their groundbreaking staging of “The Pawned Wife” at Cultural Extravaganza 2024! 🎭✨请大家做好准备!南华潮剧社将带来一场前所未有的潮剧表演!了解他们如何通过创新和合作,重塑传统并激励新受众。🌟 不要错过即将在“华彩2024”公演的《典妻》! The Pawned Wife 典妻 📅9, 10, 12 May: 3pm, 11 May: 7.30pm|2024年5月9日、10日、12日:下午3时,5月11日:晚上7时30分 📍SCCC Auditorium, Level 9|新加坡华族文化中心表演厅, 九楼 💰: $20/$10 🌐: Get your tickets here 立即购票: Uncover more SINGAPO人 Treasures here 点击链接,发现更多展现新加坡艺术精髓的节目:

"The Adventure of Kitchen God" EP 2《灶神游狮城》视频集 - 第二集
"The Adventure of Kitchen God" EP 2 《灶神游狮城》视频系列 - 第二集 Together with the Kitchen God, let's explore the customs of the Qingming Festival in Singapore! 随着灶神一同了解新加坡清明节的习俗! Like this video? Tell us your thoughts! 喜欢这个视频吗? 和我们分享你的感想:

What is a SINGAPO人 Treasure to you?
“Cultural Extravaganza” proudly (Re)presents our SINGAPO人 Treasures and we asked the everyday Singaporeans what SINGAPO人 Treasures mean to them. Check out the link to uncover more SINGAPO人 Treasures through our people and our exciting programme line up! “华彩2024”希望重现经典,给观众带来具有浓厚本土特色的精彩节目。我们访问了一些新加坡人,听听看他们心中的 #SINGAPO人 传世之宝是什么吧! 浏览 发现更多新加坡艺术精髓的节目吧!

It’s the Year of the Dragon, why not visit a dragon’s playground?! Find out how “BeLONG’s Art Playground” came about in this video! “BeLONG’s Art Playground” is open from 10am-10pm on Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre’s Roof Garden till 30 April 2024. Don’t miss the chance to check out this beautifully illuminated playground within the CBD. 今年是龙年,一定要来《“Be龙”艺术乐园》!观看视频,了解《“Be龙”艺术乐园》的创作概念。 本次艺术装置位于新加坡华族文化中心天台花园,每天上午10时开放至晚上10时,一直到2024年4月30日。 万勿错过这个位于中央商业区的漂亮互动艺术装置。 Check out the link for more info 点击链接了解更多详情:

Countdown to Chinese New Year!
We are just 5 days away from CNY and you may have started planning your festive itinerary. If you’re stumped on what to do, check out our website to find out what’s open during CNY! 距离农历新年只剩五天了,你的节日行程准备好了吗?如果你还不知道如何度过新年,请浏览获取一些灵感吧! #SINGAPO人 #CNYSGWay #CNY2024

Lyrics (Merit) Award 《狂欢马戏团 The Circus of Joy》 MV | SG:SW 2023 I Write The Songs 我写我的歌
Excited to share the official music video of the SG:SW 2023 我写我的歌 I Write The Songs of the Lyrics (Merit) Award《狂欢马戏团 The Circus of Joy》! 这次,我们为你带来【SG:SW 2023 我写我的歌】中文歌曲创作节“优异作词奖”获奖作品《狂欢马戏团 The Circus of Joy》的MV! Watch the MV’s behind-the-scenes video here! 想观看更多?点击观看MV的幕后花絮!

Mahjong – The SINGAPO人 Way Ep 3 《新加坡式麻将》 第三集
“Swimming” during Chinese New Year? Here are some fun facts about mahjong. 🀄️ Chinese New Year is nearing and get ready for a true blue #SINGAPO人 challenge! Familiarise yourself with the history, culture and basics of mahjong with this video! No more pressure while you contemplate which tile to discard. 😉 🀄️ 准备好在即将来临的农历新年迎接挑战了吗?通过本视频了解麻将的历史、文化和基础知识!下次玩麻将时,就不需要因为用太长的时间选哪张牌丢弃而感到尴尬。😉 Like this video? Tell us your thoughts! 喜欢这视频?与我们分享你的想法!

🎤✨ TGIF Music Station: SCCC x YES 933, “Through All Times” is LIVE NOW! Stay tuned for a great show as local artistes Desmond Ng 黄振隆 ,Celest 张玉华 ,Sherly Devonne Ng,Aggylow and Jordin Tan perform songs across the eras. Hang tight as our hosts Mediacorp YES 933 DJs 启佳 Qijia and Ting Fong will also be sharing how you can win a 2-months KKBOX subscription! 🎤✨ 以“跨时代 • 跨世代”为主题的 #周5音乐站 :新加坡华族文化中心 x YES 933 现已上线!敬请期待本期节目,欣赏本地艺人Desmond Ng 黄振隆、Celest Chong 张玉华、Sherly Devonne Ng 黄艺萱、Aggylow和Jordin Tan 陈卓琳演唱各时代的经典歌曲。 另外也敬请关注主持人新传媒YES 933 DJ Chen Qijia 陈启佳和Tan Ting Fong 陈廷丰在节目中与你分享如何赢取两个月的 KKBOX 订阅。 Enjoyed the show? Share your thoughts with us! 喜欢这场节目?与我们分享你的看法!

欢喜来唱歌 (第五集)新春特辑 Happy Sing Along Ep 5 Chinese New Year Special
🍊🍊 “Happy Sing-Along” celebrates Chinese New Year early 🎉 Bask in the CNY mood with hosts Marcus Chin 陈建彬, PeiFen李佩芬, 程皓皓 Aven and artiste Anna Lim Ru Ping, Yuan Jin, 朱莉莉 Michelle Choo, 张雄 Zhang Xiong, 许琼芳 offering a generous mix of Chinese songs, dialect tunes, Q&As and funny skits about local Chinese culture! 🍊🍊《欢喜来唱歌》提前向你拜年 🎉 和主持人陈建彬、李佩芬、皓皓,本地艺人林茹萍、袁瑾、朱莉莉、张雄和许琼芳一起高唱贺年歌曲,迎接龙年的到来。另外也有新春搞笑短剧,让你笑哈哈迎新春! Buy tickets to our next live show now! 立即购票下一场的门票!! Like the show? Tell us what you think! 喜欢这场演出?让我们知道你的想法!

Mahjong – The SINGAPO人 Way Ep 2 《新加坡式麻将》 第二集
🀄️ Chinese New Year is nearing... Get ready for a true blue #SINGAPO人 challenge! Familiarise yourself with the history, culture and basics of mahjong with this video! No more pressure while you contemplate which tile to discard. 😉 🀄️ 准备好在即将来临的农历新年迎接挑战了吗?通过本视频了解麻将的历史、文化和基础知识!下次玩麻将时,就不需要因为用太长的时间选哪张牌丢弃而感到尴尬。😉 Like this video? Tell us your thoughts! 喜欢这视频?与我们分享你的想法!

✨🌸 Celebrate CNY the #SINGAPO人 way with “CNY Family FUN 2024”! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🥳 From 26 to 28 Jan, usher in the Year of the Dragon and create joyous memories with us! Catch the exciting line-up of family-fun filled activities happening at SCCC and Singapore Chinese Orchestra, including a family photoshoot booth, a spring bazaar with over 40 booths, a treasure hunt-based game, DIY workshops, performances and more! Admission is free, selected programmes are ticketed. #CNYSGWay #CNYFamilyFUN Keep an eye on this space, or visit the link for more information about what’s to come! ✨ 到《新春合家FUN 2024》和我们一起以新加坡华人的方式欢庆农历新年! 1月26至28日,一系列老少咸宜的节目等你来参加!除了可以体验穿汉服拍全家福、逛逛有40多个摊位的新春市集、参加寻宝游戏和工作坊,你还能欣赏各式各样的精彩表演! 关注我们或点击链接查询活动详情吧✨

“Harmonies Across Generations” Full Concert 《合家童乐》音乐会 - 月亮代表我的心
Here’s a throwback to the “Harmonies Across Generations” concert as part of the Mid-Autumn Family FUN event, jointly presented with SCO! Under the baton of Conductor Adrian Chiang, the Asian Cultural Symphony Orchestra played a series of familiar tunes about the moon and nursery rhymes that kids and parents could sing along to. Kids also had the chance to go on stage to try conducting! Here’s your chance to watch/rewatch the show online. Catch the full performance at 欢迎你来重温《合家童乐》音乐会!这场音乐会是新加坡华乐团与新加坡华族文化中心联办的《月满市区合家FUN》中秋特备活动精彩节目之一。亚洲文化乐团在指挥官郑逸杰的执棒下,演奏首首关于月亮的动人乐曲和儿歌,让表演厅内回荡着观众欢乐的歌声和满满的温馨气氛。孩子们也在这场音乐会中上台尝试指挥! 点击 查看完整版音乐会!