Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management

Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is a group of financial advisor representatives representing Pro

The views and opinions expressed in this page are solely that of the author and do not reflect the official opinion of Professional Investment Advisory Services Pte Ltd. The information contained in this page is for general information only and does not constitute the provision of financial advisory services. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore


Let's raise a toast to our dear friend and colleague, Jacqueline , who has shown incredible grace and resilience in this period of change and uncertainty. Congratulations on achieving MDRT once again! Your unwavering commitment to high professional standards is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being an amazing team player and beacon of kindness. Here's to progress, growth, and conquering the next challenge together! 🎉🙌 💪🏻

Jacqueline Chow - Retirement Specialist


Congratulations to Sharleen on achieving the MDRT 2023! We are extremely proud of your commitment to service, your sincerity, and your overwhelmingly positive impact on the team. You have put in an enormous amount of hard work and dedication to get to where you are today, and it’s truly inspiring to witness. Thank you for setting such a high standard when it comes to advisory, client care, and support. We couldn’t have asked for a better colleague and friend, and we couldn’t be happier for your success! Here’s to many more successes in the future!


The top 3 producers hit the ground running , setting the pace for the rest of the team. With multiple trips upcoming , they have shown to us what it means to manage work and play . Cheers to the good start !


With Quing Jue our senior continuing to produce superb numbers rain or shine, it’s good to see some new faces for the producers of the month ! Special mention to Jason Loke and Tracy Xie for working tirelessly during the supposed December holidays . A well deserved break await you guys during the upcoming Cny . Congrats !


Congrats on your third consecutive COT , achieved in 11 months despite one of the toughest market condition in years. When you set your sights to achieve something , be it your sales goals or personal goals such as fitness, the level of energy and focus that you put into it is second to none . As a leader , you lead by example on the ground not just by coaching but by showing that it can be done . You are an inspiration to the team , well done !

Photos from Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management's post 13/12/2022

It was a hectic run up to year end rushing for deadlines before jetting off for a 4 day team trip jam packed with activities and a goal setting session in the midst of it . I finally have a moment to reflect on our first branch trip in 3 years. It was especially heartening when we look back at the footage of our 2019 team trip to see how much we have grown and the goals that we have achieved. We have more than doubled our headcount and overall revenue in 3 years. Our focus on professional knowledge and providing the best possible advice to clients may seem out of place in a highly sales oriented industry but our results over the years has given me great confidence that we are headed in the right direction.

2022 marks my 10th year in this industry and it is my hope that the ethos of the team , “discipline fitness and fun” will keep the team and I motivated and energize for years to come !


“ when you work and when you play you must be a completely different person “ These are the words that stuck with me as I recalled the sharing by Darren during our team retreat. One of the shortest time taken to achieve mdrt , we hope to see you achieve greater heights when you have the whole year to run in 2023. Congrats ! Lee


Living by the mantra “Work hard play hard “ is easier said then done . Despite the back to back overseas trips and events , our producers displayed incredible discipline to bring in the numbers to close off the year . Congrats !


Yet another year of solid results , always leading by example and ever so generous in sharing . Your energy and drive motivates and inspires those around to do the same . Congrats !


Congrats on achieving COT in 8 months ! Thank you for not only leading by example , but being generous on your sharing. You are an inspiration to the rest of the us ! 💪🏻 Tan Quing Jue


Congrats on your breakthrough ! What a tough year it has been and yet you showed us that it is possible to achieve your best ever year through grit and hardwork. Congrats ! Ron BingZhou


I'm extremely proud of my team for an amazing year and their stellar performance in doing what they do, despite all the challenges faced during the pandemic. I'm also thankful to have been able to physically see everyone back at the awards luncheon by Infinity, where we not only celebrated our successes and achievements, but also met up with old friends and colleagues that we have not seen for a while to find out how they were doing. 💪🏼

The team have come a long way, and we're not done yet! Here's to greater heights and greater triumphs together! In the meantime, check out some of the highlights from the awards luncheon in the video below! 😄


If you have the privilege of being able to lead a team, take a look at your team members.

Are you all from the same background? Do you find yourselves agreeing all the time? Do you all always come up with the same ideas? 🤔

When building a team, one of the common tendencies is to gather like-minded people similar to each other; they can be from the same background, or same professional expertise, or perhaps the same type of personality. Don’t get me wrong - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a united team that works on a common goal and vision, and have the same drive and determination to do the work they are good at.

However, one of the dangers of having a homogeneous team is that you run the risk of , which can hinder a team from reaching their full potential. Because everyone is essentially the same, you are unable to see different perspectives, or challenge ideas to explore better ones.

This is why having in your team is very important, and something I practice in my team. Yes we are all working in the same function, but I’m thankful that we have very different people from all walks of life. Not all of us come from a finance background - we even have a former police officer and journalist with us! Some of us are working mothers, others fathers, and some without kids yet. From all our varied experiences, we bring to the table different perspectives and ways we approach things, and this is great because then the team can grow as a whole. 💪🏼

So the next time you are hiring for a team, don’t just go for people similar to who you already have. Accept people from different backgrounds. Have a diverse mix of people in your team. Allow them to voice out different suggestions, and to challenge the status quo where necessary. And in doing so, watch your team grow.

(Photo from Clay Banks)

Photos from Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management's post 30/08/2022

I would like to thank my team for their fantastic performance, over the past 2 years. For those who've been around for a while, it's been a rollercoaster journey with Covid affecting how we went about doing our work, and certainly no amount of preparation can ever make you ready for the challenges that the pandemic posed.

We've also very blessed to have welcomed a number of newcomers to the team. It hasn’t been easy especially for them, having to cope with the constant changes while navigating through the pandemic and having to be prospecting and learning online.

Needless to say, I was extremely glad to see everyone back at this awards luncheon by Infinity, celebrating our successes and achievements, and more importantly, catching up with old friends and colleagues that we have not seen for a while.

Looking forward to better days and let's reach for greater heights in the coming year!


I’ve recently welcomed my second baby girl into this world 👼

Am I ready? Haha…well, yes and no. Yes in the sense that, having already had one daughter, I’m prepared for all the things that my wife and I have to do in the first few months. Having learnt all the lessons from my first kid, at least now we feel a little more prepared in welcoming our second daughter.

That being said, you can never be fully ready. After all, babies are all different, and they all come with their own set of challenges that we cannot really prepare for. We just have to wing it, and adapt to it. Wish us luck 😅

Come to think of it, this is quite similar to professional life.

Even though we may be very experienced in a certain area like sales to a particular demographic of client, or have clocked a fair amount of years in the business, I feel that we can never say that we are 100% prepared. What’s more important is that we build in ourselves the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

You may have heard of a saying by Bruce Lee to be like water - fluid, and always flowing and shaping itself to be like whatever container it finds itself in. In a very dynamic and fast-moving industry like sales and financial services, being nimble will allow you to quickly pivot at different situations, which will then give you better odds at succeeding in your task.

Be nimble!

(Photo by Hu Chen)

Photos from Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management's post 23/08/2022

A snapshot of some, not all, members of our team! 💪 We're very proud of everything they've accomplished so far, and looking forward to more awards and achievements by them!

Interested in a career in financial services? We're always looking to add to our team. Drop us a message to find out more! 😊


Introducing our newest team member, Regina! She joined us as a Senior Wealth Consultant just last month, bringing with her a wealth of experience from previous similar roles in other organisations.

“I’m loving the culture here at IPWM so far. The experience and support that’s been given to me is very different from the other agencies I’ve worked at. Everyone is very friendly, and they are willing to share and help if you need any assistance. ☺️ I’m also quite encouraged by how the team approaches clients; in other agencies, it always felt like a business pitch, and approaching clients with products already planned out in your mind to sell to them.

Here, it is more client-centric and hearing them out first before deciding what plan would be best for them, which is what I’ve always wanted. You want to value-add, not just be a salesperson!”

What advice does Regina have for those considering joining this industry? 🧐

“If you have the heart to add value and impact lives, then I would encourage you to join this industry! That being said, joining the right agency matters, especially one which allows you to represent different companies. Of course, you can look no further and join our team!” 😅


Had an awesome time last night at the Manulife FA Awards Night 🎊 Great chance for the team to get together and relax while celebrating the fruits of their labour. Extremely proud of the team for their awards and accomplishments and here's to a great rest of the year ahead! 🥂

Photos from Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management's post 12/08/2022

One of the most common questions that we get is on what type of insurance policies should one get, and how much coverage would that entail.

In this week's , here's a list of the 3 most important policies to have, based on our experience! You also don't want to be overinsured, in paying for more than what you really need. For more tips or advice, feel free to reach out to our team of experienced financial advisors! 💪

Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is an authorised group of Financial Adviser representatives from Professional Investment Advisory Services Pte Ltd.


I’m happy to call Singapore home.

We are by no means perfect, and there definitely will be people/policies that we disagree with. Sometimes, we’ll compare with other countries, and ask rhetorically “aiya, why can’t Singapore have this, be like this, etc.”

That being said, there are many things we can be thankful for. For example, we have a very stable government, and this has allowed many overseas investors to confidently move their money into the Singapore economy, to invest in our people. We also have many policies in place that look out for Singaporeans, especially in their old age, to cover the cost of living during retirement, as well as to help pay off the costs of medical care.

This National Day, it’s my wish that we’ll continue to be a prosperous nation. The road ahead will be rocky, given the high inflationary environment and the uncertainty of geopolitical events that happen beyond our shores. But I am confident that we will tide through the difficulties, and we will emerge stronger, together.

Happy National Day everyone! 🇸🇬

Photos from Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management's post 04/08/2022

Meet Tracy, who’s one of the ‘newest’ members of my team. She joined us earlier this year in February as a Senior Wealth Management Consultant, after I reached out to her via LinkedIn 😉

So what made her decide to join Infinity Prestige?

“I’m quite impressed with Si Yang’s mentorship, both professionally and personally. Plus, the robust training and processes under the company really convinced me that this would be a place where I can further develop myself and grow in financial services, and more importantly, enable me to provide the best possible solutions and value to my clients.”

“I’m also grateful for the flexibility that the job brings,” says Tracy. “I’ve a son who’s turning 3 soon, and so I really appreciate a job where I can set aside time to spend with my family, and manage my own schedule so that I can still meet clients or head into the office!”

As a , Tracy shares that it’s important for fellow working mothers to find that balance. Our family is perhaps our biggest motivation for working hard, but in the meantime don’t forget your own health and happiness!


It's perhaps no surprise that one of the most common uses of insurance products is to help with paying off hospitalisation costs. In this week's , we quickly summarise exactly how can products like MediShield Life and the Integrated Shield Plan help with hospitalisation costs!

Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is an authorised group of Financial Adviser representatives from Professional Investment Advisory Services Pte Ltd.


You know what they say: that teamwork makes the dream work.

But what exactly does that mean? 🤷🏼

Here at Infinity Prestige, I am very blessed to have a dynamic and vibrant that’s passionate in what they do, and determined to excel. When it comes to hiring people, I think that it’s not that important to hire the best person for the job, but more like the best person for the team. After all, you can certainly train someone to learn the skills needed for the job, but things like teamwork, personality and attitude, it isn’t so easy to build that in a new hire.

One of the things that I’m very grateful for is how helpful and supportive my team is with each other. Instead of being selfish, we have a very open culture where we often bounce ideas off each other, guide each other when we need help, and also encourage one another whenever we face challenges. More importantly, building a is not just working hard, but playing hard as well 💪🏼

If you have the privilege of leading a team, be sure to pay just as much attention to cohesion and bonding as you do for work.

Go for meals together. Be invested in their personal lives. Regularly check in how they are doing. Send them gifts and care packs when they are sick. Convey to them that you’re always approachable for a chat. Get them to collaborate and work with each other more. Make the team culture a positive experience for them!

Teamwork makes the dream work.


Someone once said that investing is binary – you either make money, or you lose money. With financial literacy on the rise and more and more people are beginning to invest their hard-earned money in the stock market, it’s important to invest smart. In this week’s , here are 3 common investing mistakes that people always make! 👨‍💻

To learn more about investing and how to do due diligence, feel free to reach out to us!

Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is an authorised group of Financial Adviser representatives from Professional Investment Advisory Services Pte Ltd.


As an ex-banker myself, I know very well about the ups and downs of a career in . When you’ve just graduated and snagged for yourself a nice job in a top tier bank, it can get quite exciting and you can certainly carve out a very meaningful and fulfilling career for yourself.

After making a to the financial advisory business in 2013, I’ve seen quite a number of ex-bankers make a similar move to this industry. They bring with them a wealth of expertise and knowledge from their past experience, which definitely helps them excel and jumpstart their new journey.

Here are 3 reasons why bankers should consider a career in the financial advisory business:

Financial advisory firms allow their employees to directly ‘own’ their clients. What this means is that advisors are given the autonomy to decide what’s best for their clients’ needs; the flexibility to move around between products/advice as and when needed, rather than being tied down to a particular product or platform.

Not only will this better serve your clients’ needs, but also allow you free reign to come up with more comprehensive plans for your clients.

Related to #1, having full ownership of your clients means that you are somewhat of a business owner now. You’re now responsible for your own success! Yes, this means that you’ll have to fully underwrite the risks involved, but this also means that you get to FULLY participate in the upside as well. You won’t get that in the banking industry.

From my experience, the ones who do well will be those who work hard, and keep working hard. The more you hustle, the more you will be rewarded at the end of the day. And no one will be able to take your portion of the pie away from you.

Professionally, people have different goals that they set for themselves in their career. Some want to chiong to achieve their first million, others want to climb as far as they can without stopping, and others want to be able to spend more time with their family or friends.

That’s great, because in this industry, you are given that flexibility to dictate your own pace. We all want different things in life, and so people cannot be tied down to just one formula that fits for everyone. In the financial advisory business, you decide how fast and how far you want to go, and what you want to prioritise in your professional and personal life.

I crossed over from the banking industry over 10 years ago, and I’ve never looked back since.

If you’re a banker who’s looking for a career switch or just want more autonomy and freedom in your life, please feel free to drop me a message. I’ll be happy to chat! 😁


Earlier this week, I shared about the harsh reality of our industry and how you can easily get demoralised when you face setback after setback. If you have not seen it, go check it out! 🙂

Truth is, it is perfectly natural to feel sian when you somehow struggle to close sales or miss out on a big case but, how you respond will make a world of difference.

The ones who will eventually find are the ones who take different perspectives; they are the ones who don’t see failures as just failures, but rather, as teachable moments for the next sales call or pitch. Think of it as stepping stones that you have to take to eventually be good at what you do. 🦶🏼

In addition, those who find success often take proactive steps to fortify their confidence and . Yes it’s disappointing when you miss out on a big case, but don’t let this stumble your confidence! If I allowed one major failure to completely derail me, I assure you I wouldn’t have lasted 10 years in this industry. 💪🏼 Don’t get rocked easily by failure, but instead continue to push ahead and constantly motivate yourself to be positive about the journey.

Wishing everyone not just success, but also positive failures!


When it comes to CPF, one way to greatly increase your savings is to do voluntary contributions to your OA, SA and MA. Did you know that the maximum amount you can top up is calculated by taking the difference between the CPF Annual Limit of $37,740 and the mandatory CPF contributions made for the calendar year?

In this week's , we break down some of the common benefits and drawbacks of voluntarily contributing to CPF for the purposes of getting a decent return on your money, as compared to investing in other financial products.

Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is an authorised group of Financial Adviser representatives from Professional Investment Advisory Services Pte Ltd.


The harsh reality of this industry is that it’s ultimately results driven.

Unlike other jobs where you can just cruise through a typical 9-5 day and get by, your success here is determined by the number of sales that you close. 🧑🏼‍💻 You set your own pace, and other than a bit of luck, how well you do lies in your ability and your tenacity.

Of course, this also comes with the added pressure of meeting your targets. 🎯

Having been in this industry for 10 years now, I can guarantee you that it will not always be smooth sailing. There will be days when you’ll find it difficult to close leads, or worse - coming so close and just when you think you’ve secured a client, they suddenly back out at the very last minute.

Combined with the added pressure of meeting your targets, repeated disappointments can often take a toll on your mental health. You might get demoralised, and that will certainly affect your ability. 😔Think of it as a job hazard!

So how can we all protect ourselves from falling into this downward spiral? Stay tuned for part 2.

Si Yang - Infinity Prestige Wealth Management Infinity Prestige Wealth Management is a group of financial advisor representatives representing Pro


Celebrating another win for the team! 🎉 congratulations to for completing your Achiever Foundation Club, and continue to work hard! Credit to Jacqueline Chow for your consistent mentorship and guidance.

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Videos (show all)

Infinity Group Awards & Recognition Luncheon 2022
This marks the 6th year of my team building journey. One of the biggest, unexpected rewards are the bonds that we build ...
3 types of advisors that misses their targets
Ep 6: How to protect your morale
Dangerous advice for new advisors
MDRT Coaching Series: How to handle clients' objections
3 reasons why bankers should consider a career in financial advisory business
Infinity Wealth management congratulates Jacob Chong for his achievements in 2019



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