Soco Sales Training

Official Page for SOCO/ Sales Training and sales expert Tom Abbott. For books, coaching, keynotes, t Sales training company based in Singapore.


Are your leads slipping away? Many sales pros watch potential customers vanish, never to be seen again.

This happens because lead nurturing isn't just about follow-up emails - it's a complex process with multiple moving parts.

Without a solid strategy, you're likely missing out on valuable opportunities.

Here, we break down 8 core components of effective lead nurturing, from smart lead scoring to personalized retargeting.

Each technique plays a crucial role in guiding prospects through your sales funnel.

By implementing these strategies, you can keep leads engaged, build stronger relationships, and ultimately close more deals.

Don't let another potential customer slip through the cracks.

Take a closer look at this infographic, identify which areas you need to strengthen in your approach, and start implementing these techniques today.

What's one component you're going to focus on improving?


You're juggling multiple stakeholders, decoding technical jargon, and often facing year-long sales cycles.

It's enough to make any sales team sweat.

But these challenges are also your biggest opportunities.

With the right approach, your team can stand out in a crowded field and become a trusted advisor to your clients. Want to know how?

Check out our specialized Manufacturing & Industrial Sales Training.

We'll show you how to turn complexity into your competitive edge. If you're ready to transform these challenges into your team's strengths, drop us a message.

We're happy to help!

Stand Out, Sell More: How to Differentiate in the Selling Process 09/09/2024

Feeling lost in a sea of competitors? Struggling to convince prospects that you're the best choice?

In today's crowded market, standing out as a sales pro can feel like an uphill battle.

In this article, we dive into proven strategies to help you differentiate yourself in sales.

Discover how to showcase your unique value beyond just your product, build stronger customer relationships, leverage social proof effectively, and offer tailored solutions that hit the mark.

These practical techniques will equip you to stand out in a crowded field and win more deals.

Ready to leave the competition in the dust?

Read our full guide and start transforming your sales game today:

Stand Out, Sell More: How to Differentiate in the Selling Process In today's competitive business landscape, standing out in sales is more challenging than ever. With countless products, services, and competitors vying


According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of our purchasing decisions happen in our subconscious mind.

This insight is crucial when you're looking to influence your buyer's decisions.

In this article, we break down the five stages of the customer's decision-making process, from problem recognition to post-purchase behavior.

By understanding these stages, you can tailor your approach and guide prospects more effectively towards a purchase.

We've packed this guide with key insights to help you connect with customers at each step of their journey in B2B or B2C.

Read the full article and start leveraging this knowledge to your advantage:


Leading a sales team in the manufacturing & industrial sector isn't for the faint-hearted.

Navigating complex buying committees, dealing with long sales cycles, and explaining intricate technical specs – it's not your average sales gig.

These challenges can make hitting targets feel like scaling a mountain.

There are ways to streamline your process, speak the language of technical decision-makers, and close deals faster.

Our Manufacturing & Industrial Sales Training program is designed to tackle these exact issues.

Let's gear up your team for success.


Are you spending too much time on unqualified leads?

Check out this SPANCO framework - it's a quick step-by-step guide to help you sift out 'suspects' and zero in on high-quality leads.

From initial research to closing deals, each step helps you focus your energy where it counts.

Which part of this process do you find most challenging? Is it the suspect definition phase, or maybe the approach stage where you really dive deep into the client's requirements?

Take a good look at each step - how does it stack up against your current process? Are you hitting all these marks, or is there room for improvement?

And hey, why not save this image for a quick reference during your next team meeting? It could kickstart a great discussion on streamlining your pipeline.

Key Account Management Training 29/08/2024

Effective key account management is vital for sales leaders looking to maximize client relationships and drive business growth.

Many sales leaders struggle with aligning their team's efforts to meet the unique needs of key accounts.

Our comprehensive training program at SOCO Sales Training is designed to equip your Key Account Managers with the tools and strategies needed to manage your key accounts effectively.

From understanding your client's unique needs to developing tailored solutions and fostering long-term partnerships, our program covers it all.

Get in touch and learn how you can lead your team to greater success and ensure lasting customer satisfaction:

Key Account Management Training KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT TRAINING Sustainable Selling NAVIGATE KEY ACCOUNTS WITH CONFIDENCE Cultivating Strategic Advisors Who Uncover Opportunities and


True leadership means inspiring others to dream bigger, learn continuously, achieve more, and become their best selves.

As John Quincy Adams said, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

Think about how your actions impact those around you.

Are you fostering an environment where your team feels motivated to grow and succeed?

Let's take a moment to reflect and think about what actions we can take to truly inspire our teams and drive meaningful results.

How have you been inspiring your sales team to reach their full potential?

A Complete Guide To The Key Account Planning Process 27/08/2024

Key account management is crucial for building strong, long-lasting relationships with your most valuable clients.

It involves a strategic approach that focuses on identifying key accounts, understanding their needs, and developing tailored solutions.

We've outlined a comprehensive 7-step process that helps sales professionals effectively plan and manage their key accounts.

Dive into our detailed guide to explore how you can implement these steps to drive revenue and enhance customer retention.

Learn more here:

A Complete Guide To The Key Account Planning Process One of the most significant challenges for key account managers and strategic planning executives alike is finding the time to invest in key account


Curious to see how your Key Account Managers (KAM) are excelling in their role? Here's a quick guide on the 9 attributes that set top performers apart.

Strong communication skills, market expertise, and strategic thinking are just the beginning.

Here, we dive deep into what makes a KAM truly exceptional.

Reflect on these traits: Are they leveraging their leadership skills? How are they enhancing client relationships?

Now's your chance to take a moment and assess their strengths and areas for improvement. Feel free to save this for later!

SOCO Selling Training Leader Program 22/08/2024

Imagine having the tools to create a high-performance sales culture, where your team is aligned, motivated, and consistently hitting targets.

Our Train-The-Trainer program focuses on equipping your trainers and leaders with practical skills they need to deliver an effective sales training system.

From effective coaching techniques to strategic planning and performance management, It's basically everything in the SOCO Selling methodology.

We don't just teach theory - we help your internal trainers implement real changes that impact your bottom line and repeat this process as your team constantly evolves.

Curious about how this could transform your team's performance? Check out the details of our program and see how it aligns with your goals:

SOCO Selling Training Leader Program SOCO SELLING TRAIN-THE-TRAINER PROGRAM Equip Internal Trainers With The Tools to Implement the SOCO Selling Methodology SOCO Selling Train-The-Trainer


Okay so earlier on we shared what happens when training goes wrong, but what happens when training actually goes RIGHT?

Here's what happens when training hits all the right notes. We're talking team alignment, real behavior changes, and a serious boost to your bottom line.

Imagine your whole team following the same playbook, putting new skills to work right away, and watching those sales numbers climb. Plus, you'll spend less time and money on retraining. Sounds pretty good, right?

But here's the million-dollar question: How close is your current training to this ideal? Are you seeing these kinds of results, or is there room for improvement?

Take a moment to compare your current status to what's shown here. Where are you nailing it, and where could you use a fresh perspective?

Not about to insert a promo here, but on a serious note, that's where SOCO Sales Training comes in. We believe in creating training that truly pays off. As Tom always says, we don't want anyone to lose a sale because they can't sell.

So drop us a message, let's start a conversation on how we can help your team reach its fullest potential.

8 Sales Leadership Development Programs You Can't Afford to Ignore 20/08/2024

Ever wonder how top-performing sales teams stay ahead? It often comes down to well-trained managers who know how to inspire and guide their teams.

And if you're feeling the pressure to deliver results sales leaders, we've got your back. Our guide breaks down different training approaches, helping you find the perfect fit for your leadership style and team dynamics.

Whether you're looking to sharpen your own skills or empower your entire management team, there's something here for everyone.

Check out our full guide and discover how the right training can make all the difference:

8 Sales Leadership Development Programs You Can't Afford to Ignore At SOCO/ Sales Training, we're all about giving you the upper hand in sales, even in unpredictable times. That's because, as a sales leader in the dynamic


We've all been there - sitting through a training session that just doesn't stick. Here, we highlight what happens when training goes off track, and trust me, it's not pretty for your sales game.

Your team's running in different directions, the new skills you learned are gathering dust, and your precious time and money? Down the drain. Ouch.

it doesn't have to be this way. Proper training can be your secret weapon to crushing those sales goals. It's all about finding a holistic approach that keeps everyone on the same page and excited to put new skills into action.

So, sales leaders, what's your experience? Have you seen these training pitfalls in action? More importantly, how do you keep your team's training on point and producing results? Just food for thought.


Understanding the different types of sales quotas can help you tailor your approach and hit your targets more effectively.

Which quota type resonates with your selling style? Are you all about that bottom line with revenue sales, or do you thrive on volume and racking up those qualified leads?

Maybe you're a numbers whiz who loves forecast-based targets, or perhaps you shine when juggling a combination of goals.

No matter your forte, knowing where to channel your efforts can make all the difference in closing deals and driving success. Find the approach that brings out your best performance and drives results for your team.

Take a look at this infographic to identify which quota type aligns with your strategy and see how you can optimize your performance.

Which type of quota do you think drives your team? Share it with your colleagues or repost with your thoughts so we can all learn from each other.

SOCO Selling Training Leader Program 13/08/2024

Leading a sales team goes beyond meeting targets.

Sometimes, it's about fostering growth and collaboration within your team. What better way to do it than to equip your internal sales trainers with the tools to implement the SOCO Selling Methodology to ensure consistency in training, efficient knowledge transfer, and adaptability to your company culture?

Our Train-The-Trainer program helps your trainers onboard new team members faster and develop their skills effectively.

Have your internal trainers and leaders join us to enhance their skills and create a supportive environment where your sales teams can thrive.

Drop us a message to get started:

SOCO Selling Training Leader Program SOCO SELLING TRAIN-THE-TRAINER PROGRAM Equip Internal Trainers With The Tools to Implement the SOCO Selling Methodology SOCO Selling Train-The-Trainer

20 Best Sales Methodologies That Drive Real Results 13/08/2024

Ever feel like you're stuck in a sales rut? Maybe it's time to shake things up with a fresh approach.

Our article here dives into 10 popular sales methodologies that could revolutionize your selling game. From the classic SPIN Selling to the modern Challenger Sale, we break down each method's core principles and how they can work for you.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding these diverse strategies can help you connect better with clients and close more deals.

Curious about which method might suit your style best? Or want to mix and match for a custom approach?

Check out our full guide and discover new ways to level up your sales skills. Who knows? Your next big win might be just a methodology away.

20 Best Sales Methodologies That Drive Real Results The ability to drive exceptional sales results is paramount to the success and growth of your sales organization. However, finding the best sales


Happy 59th National Day, Singapore! 🇸🇬

As we celebrate Singapore's progress, let's reflect on how we can grow in our own careers.

Singapore continues to thrive as a business hub, offering endless opportunities for professional development.

What steps are you taking to improve your skills this year?

Whether it's learning a new language or honing your leadership abilities, every effort counts.

Here's to Singapore and your personal growth! 🥳

What Makes a Great Salesperson: 6 Personality Traits (Good vs Bad Salespeople) 09/08/2024

What makes a top-performing salesperson?

It's not just about hitting targets. From active listening to embracing feedback, certain traits set the best apart.

Curious to see how you measure up? Here, we break down the key differences between good and not-so-good salespeople.

Check it out for insights that could boost your sales game.

What trait do you think is most crucial for sales success?

What Makes a Great Salesperson: 6 Personality Traits (Good vs Bad Salespeople) Salespeople are an essential component of any business, responsible for driving revenue growth and expanding market reach.


Ever wonder if you're more of a hunter or a farmer in the sales world?

As sales pros, we often find ourselves leaning towards one style or the other. Hunters thrive on the thrill of the chase, always looking for that next big deal. Farmers, on the other hand, cultivate relationships and nurture long-term growth. Both play crucial roles in the sales ecosystem.

Check out the different traits, tools, and philosophies that define each approach. Maybe you'll recognize yourself in one of these styles, or perhaps you're a bit of both. Understanding your natural tendencies can help you play to your strengths and work on areas where you might need to grow.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all in sales. Whether you're out there hunting for new leads or tending to your existing customer base, what matters is finding the approach that works best for you and your clients.

So, which style do you identify with more? Are you a hunter, a farmer, or a bit of both? And how do you think you can leverage these different approaches to boost your sales game? 🤔


What a fantastic day at TISKL-Taylor's International School Kuala Lumpur !

Tom had the pleasure of leading our Presentation Perfection workshop with this energetic group.

We dove into techniques for closing with confidence and had a blast doing it.

It's always rewarding to see participants ready to apply their new skills.

Big thanks to everyone who participated and made the session so engaging.

We're always excited to help sales pros sharpen their skills!


With over a decade of experience, we understand the importance of interactive, industry-specific, and locally relevant training.

Our tailored training programs in Vietnam and across APAC have been recognized for excellence, equipping teams with the skills they need to thrive.

Join the ranks of high-performing sales experts and take your company’s success to new heights.

Discover the difference with SOCO/, where sales training is not just a 1-day affair but a continuous journey towards achieving your team’s full potential.

Get in touch with our friendly program advisors today:


Did you know that a whopping 98% of sales could slip away if you don’t persist beyond the first contact point?

A solid sales cadence is the heartbeat of successful sales interactions. It’s the structured approach that ensures no lead goes cold and every opportunity has the best chance to convert.

For sales professionals, a well-planned cadence means they can nurture leads with the right touch at the right time, leading to more meaningful conversations and, ultimately, more closed deals.

It’s time to revamp your follow-up strategy with a solid sales cadence that keeps leads warm and converts.

Here's a guide to crafting a winning sales sequence that nurtures leads and delights customers long after the deal is done:


Sales Operations keeps your team on track with strategic planning and day-to-day activities like forecasting and territory setting.

In contrast, Sales Enablement equips your reps with the necessary tools for effective customer interactions through coaching and consistent messaging.

Knowing this distinction can help you align your strategies to optimize sales performance and drive business growth by addressing common challenges such as inefficient processes and inconsistent performance, leading to more effective selling strategies for your sales teams.

Align your operations with enablement for better results with this quick guide.


Want to stay ahead in the digital age?

Well then, social selling is a game-changer, and HubSpot's got the scoop on the top training programs to sharpen your skills.

Check out their blog post featuring some of the best courses out there - including ours! 😃

Learn more and take your social selling to the next level:


Prospecting is the first step in the sales process, where you identify potential customers. It’s about finding the right people who need what you’re selling.

Training helps your team understand the needs and interests of these potential customers, so they can connect in a way that’s more likely to lead to a sale. It’s about making calls that count.

With the right training, your team can become trusted advisors rather than just sellers. They learn to focus on the right accounts and develop relationships that lead to sales. This isn’t just good for business, it’s essential for growth.

Are you ready to give your team the tools they need to succeed?

Invest in prospecting sales training and watch your sales pipeline thrive:


Provoking your prospect is about challenging their status quo and sparking a realization that they need what you’re offering.

For us sales professionals, understanding this technique of provocation means we can effectively identify our prospects’ pain points and present our solutions as the necessary remedy.

Here's how to identify them:

**Identifying a critical issue** is the first step. It’s like being a detective. You need to dig deep to uncover the real challenges your prospects face, even those they might not be aware of, so that you can provide a genuine solution.

Then, **formulate your provocation**. This isn’t about being aggressive. You need to be insightful and craft a message that’s tailored to the critical issue you’ve identified. One that’s impossible for the prospect to ignore because it hits right at the heart of their business needs.

Finally, **lodge your provocation**. This is where you present your formulated message to the prospect. It’s a delicate balance of being assertive yet respectful, ensuring that the conversation opens doors rather than closes them.

If you master these same steps, you are not only standing out from the crowd but also bringing real value to your prospects, helping them see the urgent need for a solution - the solution that YOU offer.

Ultimate 5-Step Prospecting Plan To Keep Your Pipeline Moving 24/07/2024

Lead generation is essential but often seen as a daunting task. It involves time and effort, and without a solid plan, sales reps might find themselves with an empty pipeline.

A well-structured sales prospecting plan is the key to keeping the pipeline flowing.

It helps your team identify potential customers and ensures that the sales team’s efforts are not in vain.

The plan also serves as a record of the team’s actions, aiding in accountability and progression.

A full sales pipeline is vital for business growth. With the right prospecting plan, you can ensure a steady flow of qualified leads.

Read more about crafting a powerful prospecting strategy that delivers results here:

Ultimate 5-Step Prospecting Plan To Keep Your Pipeline Moving Lead generation is tricky. It's time-consuming, laborious and sometimes pretty tedious. Many sales reps put it off until the last minute and end up with a


Feeling stalled in your sales process? It’s not just you.

Many sales professionals encounter hurdles in advancing deals due to a lack of problem recognition, which is a critical step in the sales journey.

Without understanding and agreement on the problem, prospects are less likely to move forward with a solution. That’s where the right questions come in.

They are the key to unlocking your client’s core issues and aligning your solutions with their needs.

Our “10 Questions to Move a Sale Forward” infographic is a strategic tool designed to help you identify and address the real challenges your clients face.

You’re not only showing that you’re listening but also that you care about providing value.

Are you ready to shift the conversation and propel your sales to the next level?

Prospecting Training - Modern Approach to Generating Leads 18/07/2024

Prospecting training is the backbone of a thriving sales team. With the right training, sales professionals learn to identify and engage with prospects who are more likely to convert into customers.

It’s time to give your team the edge they need. Training is crucial as it aligns your team under a single effective methodology, fostering consistency and clarity in your sales processes.

It’s the key to unlocking sales growth, and empowering your team with the tools and knowledge to close more deals.

Choosing SOCO Sales Training means opting for an award-winning provider recognized for evolving sales processes with cutting-edge practices.

Our training is designed to transform your team’s prospecting skills and help them win more deals.

It’s not enough to just sell; teams must be equipped to sell smarter, and that’s where prospecting training comes in.

Ready to build a reliable sales pipeline and connect with key decision-makers?

Get in touch today:

Prospecting Training - Modern Approach to Generating Leads PROSPECTING POWER Keeping The Pipeline Full Fast Track Success: Develop Skills to Acquire Customers Drive Results with a Creative & Persistent

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Our Story

SOCO/ Sales Training is an award winning sales optimisation company.

SOCO/ helps build high performance sales teams in organisations with sales teams of one to one thousand (and more). Our suite of solutions and products are designed to get sales staff trained quickly and efficiently with minimal downtime.

We believe in creating solution-focused, goal-oriented sales professionals that take pride in their profession. All training reinforces the S.E.L.L.I.N.G traits we believe all sales professionals should abide by.

With our integrated suite of products, our training is designed to outlast short term improvements by instilling sustainable selling behaviours that are reinforced between training sessions.

Videos (show all)

Here's a glimpse at our recent sales training sessions delivered in Indonesian. Our training sessions are globally acces...
Facing the challenge of reaching decision-makers? It's a common hurdle and is one of the most critical reasons why deals...
How do I respond when a customer wants use case stories in their industry and we don't have any? Firstly, don't panic!He...
What do you do when the client doesn't want to share their budget? In this Q&A, Tom covers how you can navigate the budg...
"How can I stand apart when our competitors are doing the same thing as us?"The reality is, most companies, in most indu...
What a journey! From a fan moment with Gary Vaynerchuk in 2018 to training the VaynerMedia APAC sales team in 2023! If y...
Curious to know how you can get customers to open up on discovery calls? In this Q&A video, we spill the secrets on fram...
So I had the body language thing down, and I was very good at sales.  But my product knowledge was lacking. My competito...
Struggling to get responses to your emails or calls? We’ve got you covered! Check out new Q&A segment where we spill the...
Sales SUPERSTARS are curious. They want to know things. They ask questions, a lot of questions so they can thoroughly un...
Make sure that you’re always top of mind with your customers. Because these days, there’s not a lot of loyalty in sales....
Sales is a combination of products, processes, and people skills, so you want to improve your communication style. Typic...


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