南华潮剧社 Nam Hwa Opera, Singapore Videos

Videos by 南华潮剧社 Nam Hwa Opera in Singapore. Monday to Friday - 10 am to 10pm, Saturday - 10am to 7pm

Nam Hwa Opera wishes all teachers a Happy Teachers Day! Have a great weekends!

Other 南华潮剧社 Nam Hwa Opera videos

南华潮剧社在此希望各位老师们能度过一个愉快的教师节👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Nam Hwa Opera wishes all teachers a Happy Teachers Day! Have a great weekends!

售票火爆,欲购从速!SELLING OUT FAST! 携手新加坡南华潮剧社,凤山宫为庆祝九皇大帝圣诞,特邀中国广东普宁市潮剧团呈献15场精彩绝伦的潮剧演出! 超值票价仅需5新币!凡购买任意戏票,即赠送9月28日特别场次免费入场券一张。数量有限,先到先得,送完即止! 我们将免费提供接驳巴士服务! 日期:2024年9月28日至10月12日 请使用以下链接注册并购买门票,踏上您的潮剧之旅!如有任何疑问,请联系69040030或发送邮件至[email protected]咨询。期待您的参与与支持。 In collaboration with Nam Hwa Teochew Opera, the Hong San Temple Association has meticulously prepared 15 spectacular Teochew opera performances to celebrate the Nine Emperor Gods’ Birthday. We proudly present the renowned Pu Ning Teochew Opera Troupe from China. Tickets are priced at an incredible $5. Early birds received a complimentary ticket to the special show on 28/09! Limited tickets available - grab your tickets now! Date: 28th September to 12th October 2024 Use this link below to register for your ticket to purchase your tickets and embark on your Teochew opera journey! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to 69040030 / [email protected] https://forms.gle/bTRquzNcKLEwJUGBA

万紫千红之潮韵迎春 Nam Hwa Blazes: The Spring's Opera ---------------------------------- 目录 Content ----------------------------------- 1)《龙腾虎跃》Flying Dragon Leaping Tiger - 潮州大锣鼓 (Teochew Drum) 《龙腾虎跃》是一首民族打击乐曲,以潮州大锣鼓为主要元素,音乐充满了情绪炽热的动感和浓厚的民族风格,让观众为之瞩目。 这首乐曲通常在盛大节日、庆典和欢迎会等场合演奏,生动地呈现出龙虎相斗、奋勇前进的场面。 “Roaring Dragons, Leaping Tigers” is a Chinese folk percussion music piece that prominently features Teochew gongs and drums. It holds a special place as one of the classics piece to be played during auspicious events, festive seasons, and welcoming ceremonies. Vividly portraying scenes of dragons and tigers clashing each other. 2)《扛石记》The Rock 丘孝本是一位富二代,因好赌成性,将家产败光。夫妻终日好吃懒做,对母不孝,骗母之财不成虐待其母,又逼母扛石把母推下山沟,幸被小贩金如龙撞见救下,认其为母,家道贫寒,俭朴的金如龙夫妇,真诚对待丘母。丘母为之感动,说出老伴为其埋藏银两在树下的秘密并带其夫妻前去取。 丘孝夫妇因抓老鼠意外引火烧家,夫妻沦落街头为乞丐,碰巧撞见取钱回家的三人,追至金家中,丘孝二人向母忏悔,最终痛改前非。 此剧以“俭朴厚实”,真诚对待他人的善心之举,体现善恶终有报,父母之恩重如山,为人子女应当对长辈孝顺恭敬的传统美德。 Once a wealthy man, Qiu Xiao squandered his family‘s fortune through reckless gambling. After failing to extort money from his mother, she was mistreated by Qiu Xiao and his wife , forcing her to carry a heavy stone and push her down to a mountain valley. Fortunately, Qiu’s elderly mother was discovered and rescued by Jin Rulong, a humble hawker. D

南华潮剧社祝愿大家在这个端午佳节,全家安康,福寿绵长! May this festive season bring everyone safety, health, and abundant blessings of longevity and prosperity!

万紫千红之潮韵迎春 Nam Hwa Blazes : The Spring's Opera
1) 《龙腾虎跃》Flying Dragon Leaping Tiger 2) 《扛石记》The Rock

期待已久的《典妻》在“#华彩2024”的开幕仪式上首演!我们采访了几位受邀嘉宾,分享他们看完这部潮剧后的心得。💬🎭✨ 想要来看的观众朋友们,务必抓紧时间购票!精彩剧目绝对不能错过! The long-awaited Teochew opera had a premiere at the #CE2024 Cultural Extravaganza 2024 opening ceremony! We had the privilege of inviting guests to share their impressions of the Teochew Opera show after watching 💬🎭✨ Limited tickets available!! An immersive production that you don't want to miss!

看了这出“全副戏妆 + 戏服“的预告片, 有没有比较心动呢? #华彩2024 《典妻》明天就开演了! 赶紧上ticketmaster网页购票吧! The official performance will commence tomorrow, do remember to purchase your tickets at Ticketmaster! #CE2024 #华彩2024 #Teochewopera #teochewdialect

今天的预告片段我们来认识一下导演吧!🎬📢 #华彩2024《典妻》 正式开演倒数2天!不要错过,记得买票哦! For today's video, let’s get to know the man who oversees the production team - through the cast member's perspective Counting down 2 days more to this spectacular Teochew opera! Grab your tickets now if you haven't! #CE2024 #theatre #Teochewopera #teochewdialect

"The Pawned Wife" trailer 2 - Interview with cast
经典的剧目怎么能少了幕后采访呢?我们在#华彩2024:《典妻》排练时,邀请了主要演员们一同分享他们对这部潮剧的心得。✨✨ 想要买#华彩2024《典妻》戏票的观众朋友们,请游览Ticketmaster的网页购票吧! Let's watch this exclusive interview where the cast members from ‘The Pawned Wife’ share their thoughts on this classic traditional Teochew Opera. ✨✨ For those who wish to purchase tickets for #ce2024 "The Pawned Wife", visit Ticketmaster to get your tickets #CE2024 #NamHwaOpera #teochewopera #teochewdialect

倒数五天,《典妻》即将上演!您已经购票了吗?📅 🎟️” ”The Pawned Wife“ performance will commence in 5 days! Have you purchased your tickets yet?📅🎟️

难得的公共假期,放下繁忙的工作,好好休息一下。🌴⛱️🥂 Set aside your busy schedule and take a good rest today!!🌴⛱️🥂

🏔️人生跌宕起伏,总会遇到不少磨难,每当这时候,我们又该如何面对呢?💪 我社前任董事主席,CK集团创办人兼主席洪振群,三番两次遭到生意上的重创,陷入人生低谷,却能屡次浴火重生。尽管人生曲折,他依旧保持初心继续行善,如今释怀过去,笑看自己的人生路。 这次,他将首次从商业跨界到艺术,与好友水墨画家林禄在合作“创意无限”洪振群 X 林禄在慈善摄影画展,以艺术回馈社会。⠀ 诚邀大家前来欣赏这场别开生面的慈善艺术盛会,通过摄影和水墨画的结合,感受“真、善、美”的力量。❤️ Life is full of ups and downs, and we often encounter many hardships. When this happens, how should we face it? Mr. Ang Chin Koon, our former chairman, founder and chairman of CK Group, has suffered severe setbacks in business multiple times, plunging into the depths of life's challenges. Yet, he has managed to rise from the ashes repeatedly. Despite life's twists and turns, he remains true to his original intentions, continuing to do good deeds. Now, he has let go of the past and smiles at his own life's journey. This time, he will venture from business into the realm of art for the first time, collaborating with his friend, a locally renowned painter, Mr Lin Luzai, in the "Infinite Creativity" charity photography exhibition. Through art, they aim to give back to society. You are cordially invited to come and enjoy this unique charity art event. Through the combination of photography and ink painting, experience the power of truth, goodness, and beauty. ❤️ 🗓️:2024年4月20日 - 2024年4月25日 20/04/2024 - 24/04/202 🎫:入场免费 Free Admissio 📍:新加坡华族文化中心多功能礼堂,七楼 Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Multi-Purpose Hall, Level 7 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ * 此活动由南华潮剧社 Nam Hwa Opera主办, Tzu-Chi Foundation SG 慈济基金会 协办,

《我是传承人》少儿戏曲汇演还有两周就开演咯!台上的光鲜亮丽背后是日复一日的勤学苦练。 让我们走进训练室, 看看我们南华的戏曲宝宝们平时上课的日常吧! Only two weeks left until the epic showcase “The Legacy In Me”' lights up the stage with our young talents! 🌟 Behind the glamorous spotlight lies endless days of dedication and hard work. Join us behind the scenes as we peek into the weekly grind of our Nam Hwa Opera prodigies! 💫 #南华潮剧社 #戏曲宝宝 #戏曲少儿班 #OperaStars #TrainingRoomChronicles