William Cardinal Goh

This is the official FB Page of Archbishop William Goh, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore Avoid “back and forth” arguing: if your point is clear, stop.

We invite you to dialogue here with respect and Christian charity. To foster edifying discussions, we ask that you:

Be kind and courteous, striving for communion and mutual understanding. In disagreeing, address the issues without attacking the person. Refrain from judging others’ motivations or spiritual life, which are known to God alone. Verify your facts before commenting. Respect our ethos a

04 September 2024, Wednesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time 03/09/2024

So many of us who are baptized are still infants; having only drunk milk, not solid food. What is the secret for us to grow in Christian holiness? There is no other way except to follow Jesus and make our way to a lonely place to pray early in the morning before daylight. Unless our hearts and minds are one with the Lord, we cannot be truly His ministers and be effective in our Christian ministry.

04 September 2024, Wednesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time INFANTS IN CHRIST Many people are disillusioned with their faith, their church and community; some even left because they are so disillusioned with the sinfulness of the Church. What they fail to recognize is that the Church is a community of sinners seeking to become saints. It would be too ideal...

03 September 2024, Tuesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time 02/09/2024

Today, we need to be filled with the same Spirit of Jesus, sharing His mind and heart so that we too can preach with personal authority and power to cast out evils from society. We only have to ask for the Holy Spirit and the Father will give to us. Only with the Holy Spirit, can we act with and in Jesus.

03 September 2024, Tuesday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time TEACHING AUTHORITATIVELY IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT SCRIPTURE READINGS: Why is it that many people cannot accept the Catholic Faith in spite of our intelligible explanations of why Christ is the…

02 September 2024, Monday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time 01/09/2024

It is not apologetics and proofs that will convict people about Christ and the Church. Rather, it is the witness of His personal love and mercy for us in our lives.

02 September 2024, Monday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time PROCLAMATION IN FAITH INSPIRES FAITH SCRIPTURE READINGS: How do people come to faith in Christ? In an age of rationalism and science, people are looking for logical proofs and empirical evidence…

01 September 2024, Sunday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time 31/08/2024

Walking and living consciously in the presence of God is the key to living an authentic Christian life. This clearly means that we think and feel with the Lord. We are guided by His Word and His life. We take direction from Him and seek to imitate Him in all that we do. We seek to glorify Him alone and do everything for His glory and for the salvation of our brothers and sisters.

01 September 2024, Sunday, 22nd Week in Ordinary Time LIVING OUT OUR FAITH AUTHENTICALLY There is a difference between subscribing to a religion and to a Faith. Religions are concerned with beliefs, practices and rituals. Faith is concerned with relationships, with God and with one’s fellowmen. There is no dichotomy between worship and ethics. ...

31 August 2024, Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 30/08/2024

We must not be envious of others who have been given more talents than us, or other talents that we do not have. It is not a matter of what we have – riches, beauty, intellectual capacity – but how we make full use of the talents given to us for our growth as we give ourselves for the service of God and others. This is why we should be contented with what the Lord has blessed us with, and consider how best to use them well for His greater glory and for our personal growth in love and in charity.

31 August 2024, Saturday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time GRATITUDE AND FAITHFULNESS SCRIPTURE READINGS: The scripture readings today focus on the theme of gratitude and faithfulness. In the gospel, we read how the master "on his way abroad summoned his…


Reflection Question:
What is stopping me from encountering Christ in a personal way?

📹 Watch full video: https://youtu.be/gwwPriXaGKM
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/30-august-2024-friday-21st-week-in-ordinary-time/

30 August 2024, Friday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 29/08/2024

Evangelization must always precede the celebration of the sacraments. There is a real danger today that these two dimensions of faith are separated or we forget the primacy of the Kerygma. Without an experience of the Kerygma, there can be no true celebration of the sacraments because the sacraments are means by which we enter into the Kerygma.

30 August 2024, Friday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time ENCOUNTERING THE KERYGMA PRECEDES OBEDIENCE IN FAITH SCRIPTURE READINGS: The fundamental conversion experience of St Paul is his encounter with the Crucified Christ. He was on the way to Damascus…


Reflection Question:
How can we ensure a formed conscience?

📹 Watch full video: https://youtu.be/401ZQcbkUyg
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/29-august-2024-thursday-beheading-of-john-the-baptist/

29 August 2024, Thursday, The Beheading of St John the Baptist 29/08/2024

The danger for those of us whose conscience is weak, but still capable of being stirred by the Word of God, is that over time, we may stray too far to come back to God. By resisting the Word of God, our conscience will be violated by further temptations.

29 August 2024, Thursday, The Beheading of St John the Baptist TRAGEDY OF A DEAD CONSCIENCE SCRIPTURE READINGS: There is no greater tragedy in humanity than one that has lost its soul. Indeed, when we look at humanity today, instead of becoming more civilized…


Reflection Question:
What are the motivations behind our performance at work? Do we seek to glorify God and to serve mankind, or do we harbour selfish intentions?

📹 Watch the full homily: https://youtu.be/eYk9a8j4loM
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/28-august-2024-wednesday-21st-week-in-ordinary-time/

28 August 2024, Wednesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 27/08/2024

We must be good exemplars of how we live out our Christian life. But we must be careful that we do not put up a show. Unless the good examples we do come from the depths of our being and not to impress others, our true being will show eventually, and when people realise that we are just putting on an act, they will expose us.

28 August 2024, Wednesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time DOING MUST FLOW FROM BEING For Jesus, holiness must come from the heart, and must be done with sincerity and love. The Sermon on the Mount expounds how one should go deeper than merely fulfilling of the laws and rituals, to fulfilling the Spirit of the Law, which is to love of God and our fellowmen...


Reflection Question:
As we practise the sacred traditions of our faith, how is it helping us to encounter the Lord and have a deeper relationship with Him?

📹 Watch full video: https://youtu.be/Ss-5SnIlnVk
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/27-august-2024-tuesday-21st-week-in-ordinary-time/

27 August 2024, Tuesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 26/08/2024

We must be careful that we do not merely perform the rituals or observe the letter of the laws, particularly the small traditions, the customs and practices and forget the more essential dimensions of our faith which is to love God and neighbour. Whatever we do, we must be led to a deeper relationship with God. When customs and practices are detached from the ultimate goal of where we intend the customs to lead us, then we have missed the point all together. We end up being superstitious, ritualistic and legalistic.

27 August 2024, Tuesday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time DISTINGUISHING SACRED TRADITION FROM SACRED TRADITIONS In the first reading, St Paul urged the Thessalonians to “keep the traditions that we taught you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.” On the other hand, in the gospel, Jesus seems to discard the traditions of the Jews, criticizing them ...

26 August 2024, Monday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 25/08/2024

It is not the legalistic and ritualistic observance of the laws that will save us. Rather, it is our faith in God’s love and that we are justified in Christ.

26 August 2024, Monday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time LEGALISM THE CAUSE FOR THE LOSS OF FAITH Legalism is the strength and also the weakness of the Catholic Church. Laws are certainly needed in any institution to safeguard justice and charity because not all members are strong enough to love like Christ. But an over emphasis on obedience and observan...

25 August 2024, Sunday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time 24/08/2024

Whilst it is undeniable that to live happily we need the material things of life, these alone by themselves cannot fulfil us. Would you choose the gods of the world – symbolized by wealth, power and glory, and worship them, or would you choose the Lord so that you can live a life of true freedom and happiness through service?

25 August 2024, Sunday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time CHOOSING TO SERVE CHRIST IS TO CHOOSE LIFE “As for me and my House, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua was certain that the God of Israel would guarantee them not only prosperity and plenty but also preserve the community as one People of God. What about us? Would you choose the gods of the worl...

24 August 2024, Saturday, St Bartholomew, Apostle 23/08/2024

We must take the step to welcome people to our Church, our movements and our spiritual tradition. Without initiating the invite, those who are sceptical would remain outside the circle because they feel threatened or suspicious of those within the tradition.

24 August 2024, Saturday, St Bartholomew, Apostle BREAKING DOWN THE BARRIERS OF SCEPTICISM We look at life and events with our limited world view. No one has a complete view of life and the world. It is close-mindedness and prejudice from our limited background that hinder us from opening ourselves to new experiences and new ways of encountering ...

23 August 2024, Friday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 22/08/2024

The Word of God is the beginning of conversion. It must be preached to those in exile so that they can once again hear the message of hope.

23 August 2024, Friday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time REVIVING THE DRY BONES SCRIPTURE READINGS: Dry bones! What an appropriate symbol for those who are going through the valley of tears in life. Not just bones, but dry bones! To be just bones is…

22 August 2024, Thursday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 21/08/2024

To pray that His name be kept holy means precisely this: that we want to live a life of holiness so as to display the holiness of God in us.

22 August 2024, Thursday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time KEEPING THE NAME OF GOD HOLY SCRIPTURE READINGS: In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus instructed us to pray thus, "May your name be kept holy." What do we mean in making this petition? What is the…

21 August 2024, Wednesday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 20/08/2024

What kind of leaders we have in the future is dependent on whether leaders are role models for those under their charge. Good leaders will beget good leaders; and bad leaders will beget more bad leaders.

21 August 2024, Wednesday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time GOOD LEADERSHIP BEGETS GOOD LEADERS SCRIPTURE READINGS: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." (Mt…

20 August 2024, Tuesday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 19/08/2024

We can never be in full control over our life and health. Regardless of who we are, we will have to suffer somehow, but in different ways. The rich and powerful are equally unhappy because they seek to be richer and more powerful than others.

20 August 2024, Tuesday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time THE POVERTY OF RICHES SCRIPTURE READINGS: Jesus said to His disciples, "I tell you solemnly, it will be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Yes, I tell you again, it is easier for…


Receiving Blessing

Some people approached me to ask why I knelt down together with the seminarians for a blessing by the three newly ordained priests. It might seem strange that as the Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese and a Cardinal as well, I would seek a blessing from the priests that I had just ordained. But why not? We all need prayers and blessings from everyone and more so by a priest who is configured in Christ. As the chief shepherd of the local church, I need more prayers and blessings from the People of God. This is why at every mass; the celebrant and the community pray for the bishop in the Eucharistic prayer. Truly, the more responsibilities we are entrusted with, the more we need to rely on God’s grace. We must not be arrogant or proud to think that we are all encompassing and self-sufficient, for without God, we can do nothing. We need to constantly go before God in humility, asking for the grace to do His will and bring glory to Him in all we do. The blessing given by the priest is ultimately from God who works through them.

But why did I kneel? This is the same question you should ask yourself too. Many of you also come to me for blessing or anointing. Some of you stand and some kneel for blessing. Surely, kneeling is more than merely an expression of rendering respect to the bishop. I am not God. When you kneel before me for blessing it is because you recognize that I act in the person of Christ. It is not me who is blessing you but God blessing you through me. So I kneel down to honour Christ who works through the priest. Kneeling down also is a sign of humility and a conscious recognition that God is above us all. No matter who I am, whether archbishop or cardinal, I am like anyone else who needs His blessing and assistance.

19 August 2024, Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 18/08/2024

The secret to finding true happiness in life is to be interiorly free like Jesus for the love and service of God and our fellowmen. It is being in a loving relationship with God and with our fellowmen.

19 August 2024, Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time INTERIOR FREEDOM SCRIPTURE READINGS: Are you really happy in life? Why are you not really happy? What is preventing you from being truly happy? Why are you feeling incomplete? What is missing…

18 August 2024, Sunday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time 17/08/2024

The Eucharist for us is the great wisdom of God, an infinite gift to humanity. Through the Eucharist, we are reminded that happiness consists in giving our lives for others. We are called to be bread broken for others.

18 August 2024, Sunday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time LIVING A LIFE OF WISDOM BY BEING AN EUCHARIST FOR OTHERS SCRIPTURE READINGS: St Paul, writing to the Ephesians, said, "Be very careful about the sort of lives you lead, like intelligent and not…

17 August 2024, Saturday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time 17/08/2024

We live in a global village. Realising that the actions of one could have impact on others, we must all the more assume a greater responsibility for the decisions and actions we take.

17 August 2024, Saturday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY SCRIPTURE READINGS: The first reading from Prophet Ezekiel focuses on personal responsibility in our decisions and actions over collective responsibility. This is a…

16 August 2024, Friday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time 15/08/2024

How have we used the gifts that God has blessed us with? We must use our skills and knowledge for the service of others and to glorify God.

16 August 2024, Friday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time MISUSING GOD'S GIFTS SCRIPTURE READINGS: In today's first reading, we read of the infidelity of Israel. God had been generous with His love for them. Although Israel was insignificant, yet God…

15 August 2024, Thursday, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 14/08/2024

Today's feast of the Assumption is an assurance that the Church would triumph over evil, and even death, which is the wages of sin. Mary as the prime example of what we, as Church, will experience at the end of time.

15 August 2024, Thursday, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary VICTORY OVER EVIL AND DEATH SCRIPTURE READINGS: In every age, evil is present in different ways. Since the beginning of history, the Evil One has been active in sowing seeds of evil in the hearts…


Reflection Question:
Is there someone God is calling me to reconcile with?

📹 Watch full video here: https://youtu.be/OG92j7pC2SA
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/14-august-2024-wednesday-19th-week-in-ordinary-time/

14 August 2024, Wednesday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time 14/08/2024

Most people find it daunting to seek reconciliation, especially with those who are so deeply hurt they do not want to be reconciled. How do we reconcile with someone who has hurt us, or feels that we have hurt him?

14 August 2024, Wednesday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time RECONCILIATION IN THE SPIRIT SCRIPTURE READINGS: In any community, there are bound to have differences, misunderstandings, and quarrels, which result in hurt and a breach of relationship. The Christian community is not exempted from the consequences of Adam's. We have pride, our diverse


Reflection Question:
What must I do to listen and savour the Word of God with a child-like heart?

📹 Watch full video here: https://youtu.be/deq9tqyZF4Y
📖 Read today's Scripture Reflection: https://www.catholic.sg/13-august-2024-tuesday-19th-week-in-ordinary-time/



We can be true prophets of God only if we have heard the Word of God, assimilated and interiorized His message. Unless we have tasted the Word of God, relished its wisdom and truth, we will not find the strength, the passion and zeal to announce the Word of God to others. Indeed, hearing the Word of God with faith and docility is the first step towards doing. We must be child-like in listening to the Word of God, which means to be totally dependent on our Father and trusting Him in everything, just like a child.

Read more: https://www.catholic.sg/13-august-2024-tuesday-19th-week-in-ordinary-time/

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Videos (show all)

Importance of a Good Conscience
Intentions of the traditions
How to Reconcile with Someone
Listening to the Word of God with a Child-like Heart
God's Constant and Everlasting Love
Over-familiarity: An Obstacle to Faith
We are a Constant Work-in-Progress
Coping with the Struggles of Ministry
Homily Extract: Understanding God's Plan For Us (17th July 2024)
HEm Homily Video Snippet 12th July.mp4
HEm Homily Video Snippet 11th July 2.mp4
HEm Homily Video Snippet 10th July.mp4






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