Business Genome

Corporate DNA and brand design

Starting Over 13/12/2022

🆕 Tired of New Year's resolutions? Here are some meta-skills to help you stick with them. This cocktail of time management, stoicism, and goal setting may provide that last push to start over – just like we did this year.✵

⚫️ Discover more in Business Genome Weekly Brief:

📩 Leadership, design, and branding tips in a bite-sized format. Once a week. Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief:

Starting Over Tired of New Year's resolutions? Here are some meta-skills to help you keep them.


🎬 When an international business training company Hansen Beck started its journey, we had the rare opportunity to accompany it from the beginning. They are Hansen Beck and their trainers are Ice Pilots.👨‍✈️

Illustrations are one of the key cornerstones of this brand. The images come full circle – they are created by trainers, interpreted and improved by a professional illustrator, and then reused by trainers as flipchart doodles during training sessions.

►Read more:

w Hansen Beck Slovenija

Fundamentals of Good User Interface / UI 06/12/2022

🆕 The user interface is one of the most important parts of any software as it connects the users with the ability to perform an action. Most of them are noticed only when they are not working. To increase users' chances of success, most designers follow interface design principles.

⚫️ Read more about fundamentals of good user interface in Business Genome Weekly Brief:

Fundamentals of Good User Interface / UI The user interface is one of the most important parts of any software as it connects the users with the ability to perform an action.

Effective Team Communication 29/11/2022

🆕 Developing strong team communication skills can be of great benefit. From better understanding, easier collaboration and higher productivity to more creativity, easier problem solving and less likelihood of conflict.

⚫️ Discover more at:

Branding, design and leadership tips in a bite sized format. Once a week. Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief:

Effective Team Communication Developing strong team communication skills can be of great benefit.

Photos from Business Genome's post 28/11/2022

The first energy supplier ⚡ in Slovenia that provides electricity exclusively from carbon-neutral sources has made a significant transformation over the years. Its many subbrands were no longer relevant on the market due to changing consumer needs and GEN-I d.o.o. has grown from a provider of cheap energy to a trailblazer in green transformation. 🍃 We established one unified brand, that can communicate both accessible energy and forward-thinking green energy solutions. We encoded the following brand values into every touchpoint:

- Smart (services, technology, and solutions)
- Accessible (friendly, low-priced, easy-to-use, understandable)
- Green (environmentally conscious, sustainable, responsible)
- Dynamic (growth, optimism, and progress)

Discover more about GEN-I d.o.o. rebranding case:

Typography Fundamentals 22/11/2022

🆕 Typography is not a "one size fits all" solution, but some fundamental principles can be applied when setting text to ensure legibility and readability in most contexts. Good typography reinforces the meaning of the text and matches the character of the content.

⚫️ Discover more at:

At Business Genome, we are building a library of best practices for branding, design and leadership. We translate them into easy-to-follow guides that cover basic and not-so-basic knowledge to elevate a work to the next level.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief:

Typography Fundamentals Good typography reinforces the meaning of the text and matches the character of the content.

Photos from Business Genome's post 15/11/2022

🆕 Constructive criticism is the most effective feedback method. Discover more about principles of constructive criticism at

▶️ Level up your professional soft skills with Business Genome Weekly Briefs. Branding, design and leadership tips in a bite sized format you'll love.
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V novi sestavi Sveta tekmovalnega programa SOF - Slovenski oglaševalski festival tudi naša Tanja Mezga v vlogi podpredsednice.

Spoznajte člane Sveta tekmovalnega programa 💙

Predsednik ostaja Uroš Goričan, kreativni direktor, Dobre zgodbe. Vlogo podpredsednice je prevzela Tanja Mezga, starejša skrbnica ključnih naročnikov in vodja komunikacij v podjetju Business Genome.

Predsedniku in podpredsednici se pridužuje še šest članov, izkušenih kreativnih in umetniških direktorjev ter snovalcev iz priznanih slovenskih oglaševalskih agencij:
- Gal Erbežnik, izvršni kreativni direktor, AV studio,
- Aleš Kočevar, kreativni direktor, Saatchi & Saatchi Adriatic,
- Medeja Kraševec, kreativna direktorica, Luna \TBWA,
- Sašo Petek, kreativni direktor, Agencija 101,
- Benjamin Rančič, direktor potrošniške izkušnje, Renderspace,
- Jure Tovrljan, kreativni direktor, SHIFT Agency Ljubljana.


🆕 Business Genome Weekly Brief explains how to build an accountable and responsible team. ⭐️ Leaders can increase team accountability and responsibility by leading by example, showing their accountability and responsibility, and encouraging team members to follow their lead.

⚫️ Discover more at:

📩 Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief, a once-a-week, bite-size tips on branding, design and leadership.


Writing clearly is a sign of clear thinking. Whether you work as a marketer, designer, programmer, salesperson or in any other field, writing skills are essential. Good writers are effective communicators.

⚫️ Discover more at:

▶️ Level up your professional soft skills with Business Genome Weekly Briefs. Up to 5 minutes at the time, branding, design and leadership tips in a bite sized format you'll love. Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief!

Photos from Business Genome's post 28/10/2022

🆕 V novi številki HR&M - Konferenca in revija za vodenje in razvoj ljudi pri delu, ki obravnava globalne trende, Vesna Marđonović piše o razumevanju in upravljanju kulture organizacij: »Le zapisano kulturo organizacije lahko načrtujemo«.

Kultura predstavlja DNK organizacije ⭐️ in je edina korporativna prednost, ki je ni moč kopirati. Ne smemo je enačiti s poslovno strategijo in vrednotami organizacije, ki jih zapišemo ter razdelimo zaposlenim, naj jih živijo. Večinoma znajo našteti vrednote, a le redko razumejo, kaj določena vrednota pomeni pri njihovem vsakodnevnem delu.

⚫️ Business Genome transformira vrednote v vsakdanje aktivnosti organizacije – z dekodiranjem, načrtovanjem in upravljanjem korporativne DNK. Odlična in usklajena kultura je ključni dejavnik uspešnosti podjetja, medtem ko disfunkcionalna kultura ovira delovanje celo najuspešnejših podjetij.

Vabljeni k branju, članek je objavljen v HR&M - Konferenca in revija za vodenje in razvoj ljudi pri delu, okt/nov 2022, št. 42, letnik 8:

Business Genome I Culture decode and design consultancy 25/10/2022

🆕 At Business Genome, we are building a library of best practices for branding, design and leadership. We translate them into easy-to-follow guides that cover basic and not-so-basic knowledge to elevate a work to the next level.

Sign up for our weekly newsletter with the Business Genome Weekly Brief!

The first brief is about branding, which gives meaning to an organization by shaping its idea in stakeholders' minds. Transforming a business into a brand is no easy task, but at its core, it's a manageable process that transforms your organization from the inside out.

⚫️ Discover more at:

Business Genome I Culture decode and design consultancy We decode, design and manage corporate DNA, make values actionable and improve cultures. Learn how we can help


Jutri, v četrtek 6. oktobra se obeta zanimiv program Indigo festival v na temo oblikovanja s perspektive različnih akterjev, domačih in tujih, ter zaključek 10. Bienala slovenskega oblikovanja s predstavitvijo kataloga Fundacija Brumen in zmagovalnega dela COVID-19 Sledilnik, pa še marsikaj...
Se vidimo!

Photos from Business Genome's post 06/09/2022

🆕 At Business Genome, we decode, design and manage corporate DNA to transform values into daily activities. And because we can not do it all alone, we certify professionals to help build more organisations, develop brands, and grow businesses.📈

On August 26, in Belgrade, we certified 35 decoders of corporate DNA, the Hansen Beck Slovenija Ice Pilots. ⭐️ It was a great and hard working day, both for our Business Genome certifier Vesna Mardonovic, who led a workshop with 35 trained facilitators and consultants, and for the participants, as time - as always – was short and the pace - also as always – was fast.🤷🏻‍♀️

And we did it! 🙌 This means that Business Genome Ambassadors and certified practitioners will now be available in 16 countries.🌎, Welcome aboard! 🤗

Top 25 Women From VC and Startup Ecosystem - Slovenia 29/07/2022

Vesna Mardonovic from Business Genome in the excellent company Top 25 Women From VC and Startup Ecosystem in Slovenia, selected by Vestbee! 👏🔝

Top 25 Women From VC and Startup Ecosystem - Slovenia Get to know the top 25 most inspiring women from Slovenia that shape the VC & startup ecosystem in Central and Eastern Europe.

Kako vrednote postanejo kultura 18/07/2022

▶️ Vesna Mardonovic v današnji prilogi Gazela časopisa Dnevnik, o našem ogrodju Business Genome, ki pomaga dekodirati, načrtovati in upravljati korporativno DNK podjetij ali organizacij. Predstavljena je tudi praktična izkušnja Elan Skis in Boba z Business Genomom; vabljeni k branju:

Kako vrednote postanejo kultura Veliko podjetnikov se pri rasti ekipe sooča z izzivom vrednot in kulture podjetja. Rast zahteva profesionalizacijo in odličnost, pri čemer pa duh podjetnosti in inovativnosti ne sme zamreti. Business Genome - mednarodna inovacija z slovenskim izvorom – pomaga doseči ciljno kulturo, kar kaže t...

Kako se je Elan vrnil na kolesarski trg 13/07/2022

Naše novo sodelovanje z dolgoletnim naročnikom Elan Skis je tokrat na področju kolesarstva 🚵‍♀️, kamor se Elan vrača po več kot petnajstih letih. Oblikovali smo produktne grafike za nova kolesa, ki so že na voljo v trgovinah Hervis Sports Slovenija in na Elanu ( ⭐️

Kako se je Elan vrnil na kolesarski trg Elan je po več kot 15 letih obudil kolesarski program, predstavili so tako kolesa kot tudi kolesarsko kolekcijo. O viziji, ciljih in marketinških aktivnostih smo se pogovarjali z Melanjo Korošec, direktorico blagovne znamke Elan.

Photos from Business Genome's post 10/06/2022

🏆 WÜSTHOF's newly streamlined brand identity, devised by Business Genome, has won two prestigious accolades at this year's German Brand Awards, organised by German Design Council. ⭐️⭐️ The most outstanding brands are chosen from around 1,200 participants. One of the most respected premium kitchen knife brands in the world, WÜSTHOF Deutschland utilised the Business Genome framework to translate company values into a new brand positioning applicable to all touchpoints, resulting in a modular, flexible, and robust visual identity system.

The successful collaboration has already won the 🔴 Red Dot Design Award Brand and Communication 2021. 👏 Learn more about the brand identity and its corporate DNA here:


▶️ Na prihajajoči MQ konferenci 2022 Združenje Manager: "Nove prakse in nove praske", naslednjo sredo, 15. junija, na Brdu pri Kranju, bo predstavljeno tudi ogrodje Business Genome, s katerim se dekodira, načrtuje in upravlja korporativno DNK podjetja ali organizacije. Se vidimo!

🎯V teh negotovih časih je voditi podjetja in ljudi brez novih praks in prask nemogoče. Oboje - prakse in praske - bomo čez točno 1 teden osvetlili na MQ konferenci 2022 na Brdo pri Kranju. Rezervirajte si 15. junij. 👉

Zakaj je ne smete zamuditi? Z nami bo:
💎17 izjemnih sogovornikov,
💎več kot 100 udeležencev ter
💎1 chef z Michelinovo zvezdico - Tomaž Kavčič - oz. njegove dobrote.
Oglejte si program. 👉
Prijavite se tu. 👉

📷Lanske foto utrinke z MQ konference si oglejte tu.👉

Photos from Druga Godba's post 05/06/2022

Veseli smo pohvale in se hkrati zahvaljujemo za odlično sodelovanje! 🤝⭐️

A quick guide to the fundamentals of corporate DNA design 23/05/2022

To manage a complex system, like a business or a brand, we must be ready to embrace its complexity, not shy away from it. And to become flexible and resilient, companies “need to be designed and managed less as structures and more as organisms,” writes Matevž Medja, founder of Business Genome, in his concise guide to the innovative framework.

▶ Visit our blog to learn about the system that’s built on a metaphor, but brings tangible results:

A quick guide to the fundamentals of corporate DNA design Why every organisation should know its corporate genome.

Kako se bo nadaljevalo izročilo Gigodesigna? 17/05/2022

🆕 Iz multidisciplinarne oblikovalske agencije Gigodesign v Business Genome, kjer z isto ekipo nadaljujemo z načrtovanjem tržnih znamk in se še bolj poglobljeno ukvarjamo z dekodiranjem in načrtovanjem korporativne DNK podjetij in organizacij, pri čemer uporabljamo istoimensko orodje Business Genome. Danes so o nas pisali v Marketing magazin-u, povabljeni k branju!

Kako se bo nadaljevalo izročilo Gigodesigna? Kot smo že pisali, se multidisciplinarni oblikovalski studio Gigodesign v dosedanji obliki poslavlja, njegovo izročilo pa b***a nadaljevali podjetji Business Genome in Sito.

Strategic Design Consultancy - Business Genome 09/05/2022

For decades, we have honed our skills as a multidisciplinary design agency (Gigodesign). Now, we have evolved to become a specialist in corporate DNA design and branding. The same dedicated and awarded team of experts, expanded with specialists, skilled in decoding and recoding corporate DNA, is set to transform brands to become future-proof. ⭐️

As a strategic design consultancy, we leverage corporate DNA to help leaders consolidate values, culture and brand. We help businesses unlock the intrinsic potential for growth, employee retention and brand differentiation.

In a world that’s moving ever faster, evolution is essential. Join our journey by following our channels, and visit our webpage to learn about how we’ve helped leaders reach their full potential.

Strategic Design Consultancy - Business Genome Decode, design & manage corporate DNA. Unlock the intrinsic potential for business growth, employee retention and brand differentiation.

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