Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana

Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana

Stylish Comfort Inspired by Nature with Tesla Superchargers. More at! #FourPointsLjubljana

Providing easy access to the surrounding area's attractions, our hotel has been totally renovated and refurbished and all-in-one is our new synonym.

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana's post 02/10/2024

In 1927, the legendary Australian adventurer Francis Birtles embarked on an incredible nine-month drive from London to Melbourne in a 14-horsepower "Bean" open-top sports car, making history along the way.

At Four Points by Sheraton, we had the honor of hosting two incredible enthusiasts who are retracing Birtles’ epic journey! We’re thrilled to be part of this amazing adventure as they bring the spirit of exploration and adventure to life once again.

Here's to following in the tire tracks of greatness! 🚗🌍


🚀 Naš hotel praznuje 20. obletnico! 🎉

Pridružite se nam pri praznovanju z ekskluzivno ponudbo za organizacijo vašega naslednjega dogodka v Ljubljani! 🌟

📅 Rezervirajte zdaj in izkoristite najboljšo priložnost za vaš dogodek!
⏳ Ne zamudite te enkratne priložnosti!


Our housekeeping team always goes the extra mile – and this time, they've brought a crocodile to life! 🐊✨
Check out this incredible towel art, crafted with care to make your stay extra special. It's the little details that make a big difference!


Naša ekipa hišnega osebja vedno pripravi nekaj posebnega – tokrat so ustvarili pravega krokodila! 🐊✨
Oglejte si to neverjetno umetnost iz brisač, oblikovano z ljubeznijo, da bo vaše bivanje še bolj posebno. Malenkosti so tiste, ki naredijo razliko! 💙


Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana letos praznuje svojo 20. obletnico! 🎉

Ob tej posebni priložnosti vam ponujamo ekskluzivne ugodnosti za organizacijo vašega naslednjega dogodka v Ljubljani:

✅ Brezplačna tehnična oprema.


✅ Brezplačna dobrodošlica s kavo.


✅ Brezplačen osnovni paket brezalkoholnih pijač ob kosilu.

Ponudbe veljajo do 31. januarja 2025 in se nanašajo na vse nove povpraševanja. Ne zamudite! 📅

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana's post 13/09/2024

🌟 Happy Housekeeping Appreciation Week! 🌟

This week, we celebrate the incredible individuals who go above and beyond to keep our environments clean, and welcoming! Your hard work, dedication, and attention to detail make a world of difference.

Thank you for your tireless efforts, and for always striving for excellence. You deserve all the recognition and more! 💙


Ta teden praznujemo neverjetne posameznike, ki se trudijo, da so naši prostori čisti in prijetni. Vaše trdo delo, predanost in pozornost do detajlov delajo velikansko razliko. ✨

Hvala vam za neizmerna prizadevanja in za to, da vedno stremite k popolnosti. Zaslužite si vso priznanje in še več! 💙


Od udobnih sob in okusnih obrokov do fitnes centra in prostorov za sestanke – vse je pod eno streho. Ne glede na to, ali potujete zaradi posla ali prostega časa, vam omogočamo, da ostanete povezani in sproščeni. Doživite enostavnost imeti vse, kar potrebujete, na enem mestu. 🌟

From cozy rooms and delicious dining options to fitness centers and meeting spaces, we’ve got it all covered under one roof. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, we make it easy to stay connected and relaxed. Experience the ease of having everything you need in one place! 🌟

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana's post 03/09/2024

🌟 Exciting times for the Marriott Business Council Hungary & Southeast Europe & Next Gen Marriott Business Council! 🌟

With our size and scale, we have both a global responsibility and a unique opportunity to be a force for good. Our recent Next Gen Business Council meeting was incredible, and I want to give a big shoutout to Cristina Huzum and Stana Djuran for their exceptional leadership!

A special appreciation goes to Andrew Hanel, our Area Director of Human Resources, for his heartwarming presentation. The true highlight of our gathering was connecting with colleagues and coming together to cook meals for the homeless shelter—such a rewarding experience.

Our core pillars—sustainability & social impact, innovation, creating community & inclusive culture, and career development—are what drive our mission forward. We are so excited to be part of this amazing team and can’t wait to see what we achieve together!

Thank you Le Méridien Lav Split team for hosting us and providing outstanding service during this gathering! 👏


Not sure where to go for lunch today? Stop by Robin Restaurant for a delicious meal that hits the spot every time! 🍽️ Whether you're craving something light or looking for a hearty feast, we've got you covered. See you soon! 🍽

Niste prepričani, kam na kosilo danes? Ustavite se v naši restavraciji Robin in si privoščite slasten obrok, ki vas nikoli ne razočara! 🍽️ Ne glede na to, ali si želite nekaj lahkega ali iščete nasitno pojedino, pri nas boste našli vse. Se vidimo kmalu! 🍽

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana's post 21/08/2024

Poiščite svoje notranje ravnovesje in mir v našem mirnem prostoru za meditacijo in jogo, tik pred našim fitnesom. Naj bo to sproščanje po vadbi ali začetek s popolno osredotočenostjo na ta trenutek, ta spokojni kotiček v našem hotelu je idealen kraj za ponovno povezavo s samim seboj. 🌿🧘‍♀️

Rediscover your inner balance and peace in our tranquil meditation and yoga space, located just in front of our gym. Whether you're winding down after a workout or embracing mindfulness to start your day, this serene corner of our hotel is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself. 🌿🧘‍♀️


☀️ Pool day! 💦 Come cool off and soak up the sun at our hotel pool with a breathtaking forest view. 🍹

☀️ Ste za dopoldanski užitek ob bazenu? 💦 Ohladite se in uživajte na soncu ob našem hotelskem bazenu s čudovitim razgledom na gozdnato okolico.


🎉 We had the incredible honor of hosting one of the biggest TikTok stars from the Adriatic region – Balkan Dad ! 🌟 With 1.9 million followers on TikTok and over 3 million followers across all platforms, Balkan Dad is truly an icon.

Dear Balkan Dad, it was amazing having you with us! 🎥 Check out the video below and catch a glimpse of his visit with us. Don’t forget to share and tag your friends! 👇


🎉 Imeli smo neverjetno čast, da smo pri nas gostili enega največjih TikTok zvezdnikov iz Adriatic regije – Balkan Dad-a! 🌟 S kar 1,9 milijona sledilcev na TikToku in več kot 3 milijoni sledilcev na vseh platformah, je Balkan Dad resnično ikona.

Dragi Balkan Dad, res je bilo super, da si bil z nami! 🎥 Oglejte si video spodaj in doživite delček njegovega obiska pri nas. Ne pozabite deliti in označiti svoje prijatelje! 👇


Iščete 𝗽𝗼𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗻𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗸𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗷𝗼 za organizacijo vašega dogodka?

Predstavljamo vam 4 razloge zakaj izbrati prav nas:

✅ Brezplačno parkiranje za vse vaše udeležence.
✅ Neprekosljive dvorane: naše dvorane so opremljene z najsodobnejšo avdio-vizualno tehnologijo, ki bo poskrbela za popolno izvedbo dogodka. Ustvarite vtis.
✅ Enostavna dostopnost lokacije, kar zagotavlja brezskrbno udeležbo vseh gostov.
✅ Strokovna podpora: naša ekipa profesionalcev je vedno tu, da poskrbi za gladek potek dogodka.

📧Pišite nam na [email protected] za brezplačno ponudbo.

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana's post 06/08/2024

🌟 Vaša sanjska poroka v najboljšem kongresnem hotelu v Sloveniji! 🌟

Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana ponuja edinstveno lokacijo v objemu narave, kjer lahko povabite do 300 gostov na svojo poroko.

👉 Pridružite se nam in uživajte v luksuznem udobju Marriott International
👉 Idealna lokacija z možnostjo prenočitve za vaše goste
👉 Vključena sanjska poročna torta
👉 Darilo za mladoporočenca – brezplačna nočitev v Business Suiti
👉 Možnost civilnega obreda na lokaciji
👉 Čudovita naravna okolica za poročne fotografije
👉 Razvajanje v savnah in bazenu za nevesto in ženina pred ali po dogodku

🔒 Rezervirajte svoj datum takoj: +386 1 47 02 733 / +386 602 720
📧 [email protected]

Več na:



🚲✨ Experience Ljubljana on Two Wheels! ✨🚲🌟🚴

Join us on this unforgettable journey and enjoy the best way to see Ljubljana! From now on, our guests can discover the beauties of Ljubljana in a whole new way! We are excited to introduce the possibility of renting Nomago electric bikes at the hotel, allowing you to explore the city on two wheels.

Get ready, set, go! 🚴
🚲✨ Doživite Ljubljano na dveh kolesih! ✨🚲🌟

Pridružite se nam na nepozabni poti in si privoščite najboljši način za ogled Ljubljane! Z veseljem vam predstavljamo možnost najema koles Nomago, ki vam omogočajo, da raziskujete mesto na dveh kolesih. Na voljo so vam sodobna in udobna električna kolesa, ki jih lahko najamete kar v našem hotelu. Popolna izbira za vse, ki si želite aktivnega in okolju prijaznega raziskovanja mesta.
Pripravite se, pozor, zdaj! 🚴


The world is waiting for the amazing person staring back at you in the mirror. Go explore, discover, and create unforgettable memories. Your adventure starts with the first step. 🌍✈️

Svet čaka na čudovito osebo, ki zre vate iz ogledala. Raziskujte, odkrivajte in ustvarite nepozabne spomine. Vaša pustolovščina se začne s prvim korakom. 🌍✈️


Načrtujete izlet med bivanjem? Naša vrhunska lokacija omogoča hiter dostop do vseh glavnih avtocest. Naj bo naš hotel vaša izhodiščna točka za odkrivanje lepot Slovenije!🚗☀️😎

Are you planning a day trip during your stay? Our prime location offers quick access to all major highways. Make our hotel your starting point to discover the beauty of Slovenia! 🚗☀️😎


Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit when staying with us. Whether on a business trip or enjoying leisure time, our wellness center and pool offer the ultimate retreat after a busy day. ‍ Unwind, refresh, and rejuvenate with us! 🌊😎☀️

Ne pozabite na kopalke, ko boste pri nas! Ne glede na to, ali ste na poslovnem potovanju ali uživate prosti čas, naš wellness center in bazen nudita popolno sprostitev po napornem dnevu. Sprostite se, osvežite in pomladite se z nami! 🌊😎☀️


Z navdušenjem sporočamo, da je naša restavracija Robin prejela oceno 1 vilice v vodiču Falstaff! 🙌

Velika zahvala naši predani ekipi in zvestim gostom.
Veselimo se vašegs ponovnega obiska in uživanja v naši nagrajeni kulinariki! 💪🏻

We're thrilled to announce our Robin restaurant has earned a 1-fork rating from the Falstaff Restaurant Guide!🙌

Huge thanks to our dedicated team and loyal patrons. We can't wait to welcome you back to enjoy our award-winning cuisine!💪🏻


🌟 End the Summer with a Dream Offer! 🌟

Imagine your next business event at our premium conference hotel with a 25% discount! 🎉 The "End of the Summer" promotion lets you host unforgettable events this September. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity! 🚀

📅 Book now and secure your spot!
☎️ + 386 1 47 02 733
👝 [email protected]


🌟 Zaključite poletje s sanjsko ponudbo! 🌟

Kaj če bi vaš naslednji poslovni dogodek potekal v našem vrhunskem kongresnem hotelu, in to s kar 25 % popustom? 🎉 Akcija "End of the Summer" vam omogoča, da septembra izvedete dogodek, ki ga vaši poslovni partnerji ne bodo pozabili. Ne zamudite te priložnosti! 🚀

📅 Rezervirajte zdaj in zagotovite si svoj termin!
☎️ + 386 1 47 02 733
👝 [email protected]


🚙✨ Summer has come in full splendor! Sara Briški Cirman -Raiven has arrived at Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana to receive her new vehicle Forthing T5 EVO from Plan-Net AVTO. We wish her endless magical moments on the road! 🌟🌞

🚙✨ Poletje je prišlo v polnem sijaju! Sara Briški Cirman - Raiven je prispela v Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana na predajo novega vozila Forthing T5 EVO iz Plan-Net AVTO. Želimo ji neskončno čarobnih trenutkov na poti! 🌟🌞


We’re thrilled to share Marriott International’s 2024 Serve 360 Report today! 🎉📊 Dive into our latest achievements and see how we’re making a meaningful impact in the world through our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts throughout 2023. 🌍✨

From volunteering in our communities to cutting down carbon emissions, expanding hospitality opportunities for underrepresented groups, and raising awareness on human trafficking, we proudly showcase the strides we’re making towards our 2025 Sustainability and Social Impact goals. 🌱🤝

Our 1927 foundation was built on the values of caring for people, our communities, and the planet—and these core values continue to inspire our path forward. 🌟💪

A huge shoutout to our amazing associates whose dedication is helping us create a more resilient, inclusive, and responsible world for travel. Together, we are truly bringing Marriott’s core value of Serve Our World to life. 🌏❤️

Check out the full report here:


We were thrilled to host Serbian tennis sensation Andrea Obradović at the Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana! 🌟 Check out her feature in Adriatic Traveller magazine, showcasing how pros unwind.

Andrea kicked off with a refreshing swim 🏊‍♀️, and melted away stress with a Four.SPA massage 💆‍♀️, and savored a gourmet breakfast 🍽️. She powered through a workout with panoramic views 🏋️‍♀️, and found serenity in our swimming pool🧖‍♀️. Supporting stars like Andrea is our passion! 💪🏆

Read the entire article in the Adriatic Traveller Magazine:


Indulge in a culinary journey at our restaurant Robin, where Slovenian flavors take center stage amidst lush greenery. ✨

Prepustite se kulinaričnemu popotovanju v naši restavraciji Robin, kjer slovenski okusi zavzamejo osrednje mesto sredi bujnega zelenja. ✨

Timeline photos 31/01/2023

Escape to Miami for a stay at Four Points by Sheraton Coral Gables

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Coral Gables
Photo by: on IG

Timeline photos 23/01/2023

Sit down to enjoy a local brew amidst natural light and soothing colors.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Cleveland-Eastlake

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton's post 12/01/2023

Find stunning views from every room, when you stay at Four Points by Sheraton Danang.

Photo by on IG

Timeline photos 30/12/2022

Wake up to the sights and sounds of NYC right outside your window.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Manhattan SoHo Village

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton's post 20/12/2022

Situated at the base of one of Montenegro's mountain ranges, every room at Four Points Kolasin is bound to have a stunning view.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Kolasin

Timeline photos 09/12/2022

Light up your stay with Japan's natural and minimalistic design styles at Four Points Nagoya Chubu Airport.

📍 フォーポイントバイシェラトン名古屋 中部国際空港
Photo by: on IG

Timeline photos 29/11/2022

At Four Points by Sheraton Bali, Kuta, you can visit three on-property restaurants, each with beautiful views, contemporary design and international fare.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Bali, Kuta

Timeline photos 14/11/2022

Take a step back in time to the historic Four Points by Sheraton Wakefield Boston Hotel & Conference Center

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Wakefield Boston Hotel & Conference Center
Photo by: on IG

Timeline photos 03/11/2022

A blend of style and comfort in the heart of Seoul at Four Points by Sheraton Seoul Station / 포포인츠 바이 쉐라톤 서울역

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Station
Photo by: on IG

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton's post 27/10/2022

At there is space to relax and recharge when you're back from exploring the city.

📍 Four Points By Sheraton Venice Mestre
Photo by: on IG

Timeline photos 17/10/2022

Escape to Four Points by Sheraton Desaru for sunshine and classic interiors.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Desaru
Photo by: on IG

Timeline photos 07/10/2022

Enjoy uncomplicated city living in the fashion capital of the world at Four Points by Sheraton Milan Center.

Photo by: .alexandraa on IG


If you love beer and travel, this contest is for you. Enter now for a chance to become our Honorary Chief Brew Officer. 🍻

NPN. Ends 10/18. To enter & rules:

Photos from Four Points by Sheraton's post 03/10/2022

Take in the views of the English Garden in Munich's city center, or cozy up at the bar to sample local Bavarian brews at Four Points by Sheraton Munich Arabellapark.


Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana is where the city meets nature. This hotel, designed with local inspiration, is for travelers of all kinds - you can relax and recharge or have a nightcap at the bar.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana
Video by on IG

Timeline photos 07/09/2022

There's a place for everyone under the sun.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Cancún Centro

Timeline photos 24/08/2022

Stay in a lagoon access room to walk into our pool right from your door.

📍 Four Points by Sheraton Bali, Kuta
Photo by: on IG

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Our Story

Our hotel is located in one of the ultimate spots in town, surrounded by the nature, with easy access to all major cultural and natural attractions of Slovenia. We’re just minutes from historic downtown of Ljubljana. Plus, a short walk takes you to the Path of remembrance and comradeship, a 33 km (20.5 miles) long circular path around Ljubljana. The path is recommended to hikers, joggers, runners and cyclists. We’re conveniently located with easy access to Italy, Austria and Croatia.

Naš hotel se nahaja na edinstveni lokaciji v mestu, kjer jo obdaja razkošna narava in, ki vsem gostom omogoča enostaven dostop do večjih kulturnih in naravnih privlačnosti Slovenije. Nahajamo se le nekaj minut iz starega mestnega jedra slovenske prestolnice – Ljubljane. Nekaj korakov in prispeli boste do Poti spominov in tovarištva (PST), 33 km dolge krožne poti okrog Ljubljane. Steza je idealna za vse rekreativce. Lokacija hotela omogoča hitre povezave z Italijo, Avstrijo in Hrvaško; nudimo tudi transfer iz in do letališča Jožeta Pučnika Ljubljana vsakih 90 minut (vsak dan med 7.00 in 23.00 uro).

Videos (show all)

🚀 Naš hotel praznuje 20. obletnico! 🎉Pridružite se nam pri praznovanju z ekskluzivno ponudbo za organizacijo vašega nasl...
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana letos praznuje svojo 20. obletnico! 🎉Ob tej posebni priložnosti vam ponujamo ekskluziv...
Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana
Balkan DAD
Indulge in a culinary journey at our restaurant Robin, where Slovenian flavors take center stage amidst lush greenery. ✨...
Stunning new look
🌸✨ Indulge in the flavors of the season with our Spring Dinner event! 🍽️🌼 Mark your calendars for Friday, April 26th, an...
🌸🍽️ Embrace the season of renewal with an unforgettable dining experience! 🌷✨Indulge in the flavors of spring at our exc...
🌸🐰 Spring into Easter with an Egg-ceptional Dinner at our hotel! 🌸Celebrate the holiday surrounded by family and friends...
🌸🐰 Dive into an Egg-stravagant Easter Dinner Weekend at our hotel! 🌸Join us on Friday, March 29th, and Saturday, March 3...
Embrace the magic of love that dances in the air, weaving its enchanting spell around us all. Let's celebrate the beauty...
Dive into Love, Art & Adventure at LUV Fest! ❤️ From Feb 8 to Mar 12, Ljubljana transforms into a playground of:🎨 Stunni...



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