

Create the best version of yourself! Happy. Healthy. Confident. Satisfied. A Nu You.

With a premium slimming& beauty concept for women, proven effective and designed by Karim Rashid.

Photos from nuMe's post 10/06/2023

“Wau! 8 týždňov premeny NOVÝ ROK - NOVÁ JA je za mnou. Nemôžem uveriť, ako rýchlo to ubehlo!!!

Ale koniec premeny neznamená, že končím aj ja!

Budem naďalej pokračovať v diéte s nuMe nápojmi, polievkami a tyčinkami. Budem pokračovať v tréningoch aj s koučingom. Toto všetko mi pomohlo cítiť sa naozaj vynikajúco, ba čo viac….PERFEKTNE!!!!

Predo mnou je ďalšia výzva s názvom BRUCHO! My, ženy nikdy nie sme spokojné s naším výzorom. Alebo som totálny perfekcionalista? Ale predsa sa vždy nájde niečo, na čom treba popracovať.

Ak si pamätáte, mala som trochu problémy s vážením, presnejšie s mojou váhou, ktorú mám doma. Každý deň som sa vážila a nechápala som tie čísla, ktoré moja váha ukazovala. Ale Tamara ma presvedčila, aby som ju odložila. Aj keď som nebola až taká spokojná s úbytkom kíl, bola som viac ako spokojná s centimetrami, ktoré ubudli, so zvýšenou svalovou hmotou, s menšou konfekčnou veľkosťou a zvýšeným sebavedomím.

Po stretnutiach s Tamarou sme usúdili, že moja postava má skôr tvar jablka a že bude nevyhnutné, aby som na sebe naďalej pracovala. Rozhodla som sa teda, že ďalších 14 dní budem väčšinou na nuMe diéte a zvýšim príjem vody a počet brušákov. Neexistuje, že by som to nedala! Veď, kde je vôľa, tam je cesta!

Tento týždeň prešiel ako voda a bez problémov. Tréningy s Tamarou 3x do týždňa ráno aj večer, medzitým práca, škola a domácnosť….V piatok som vytiahla dve kamarátky na malú turistiku na neďaleký kopec. Po dlhom čase som si obula trekingové topánky, ktoré neuveríte, mi boli veľké.

Každým dňom na sebe vidím zmeny. Naozaj už nemám ani veci, ktoré by mi sedeli. Všetko nosím krajčírke na zmenšenie. Chcela by som oblečenie, ktoré zvýrazní moje nové krivky.

Sobota bola ako stvorená na zmenu šatníka. Naozaj skvelý pocit, keď sa zbavíte príliš veľkého oblečenia a začnete siahať po menšom konfekčnom čísle. V podkroví som mala odložené krabice so všetkým - zatiaľ - príliš malým oblečením. Pred rokmi som bola dosť vychudnutá, ale keď som pribrala, oblečenie som odložila. Myslela som, že raz…možno niekedy mi bude opäť dobré! Hahahaha. Skúšala som si všetko a som presvedčená, že toľko nohavíc, blúzok, sukní, šiat a svetrov za jeden deň ešte nikto neobliekol... . Večer som bola taká unavená, ako keby som zabehla maratón! Oblečenie som si uložila na 3 kôpky. Moja najobľúbenejšia kôpka bola "OOO, TOTO VŠETKO JE MI DOBRÉ". Rovno som všetky veci z tejto kôpky dala oprať. Môj šatník je konečne plný farieb, taký svieži. Čierne oblečenie zmizlo. Farby sú späť, červené šaty, ružová blúzka, biele džínsy!

Ďalšia kôpka bola plná vecí “OMG, TOTO SOM KEDYSI NOSILA?!” Boli to veci, ktoré sa už nedali nosiť, boli nemoderné. Dala som im druhú šancu, možno ešte niekomu poslúžia. A tretia kôpka bola motivačná "TOTO MI SADNE O CHVÍĽU".Tam boli veci, ktoré sú mi ešte malé, ale nie nadlho….

Keď sa pozriem na svoje dve spolubojovníčky, Nastju a Aidu, neverím, ako dobre sa im darí. Naozaj sme KRÁĽOVNÉ, ako pekne naša premena s konceptom nuMe funguje ! Vytvorili sa medzi nami zvláštne priateľské putá, ktoré si budeme udržiavať a prehlbovať aj v budúcnosti.”

Prečítajte si jej úspešný príbeh >>

Máme pre vás 150 kódov LETO15

Použite kód a získajte 15% zľavu (zľavu je možné uplatniť aj na už zľavnené produkty alebo balíčky)>>


Are you a chocoholic too?🙈 Than we know that you will find your indulgence in a delicious nuMe slim shake Chocolate Muffin with collagen🧋🍫 when you have sweet tooth.😉 But the most important you will treat yourself without guilty conscience and giving your body nutritious meal with everything your body needs for your effective transformation.😋✨


🥳🐶 Today, our sh*tzu Tiger is celebrating 11 years! 🎉Our hairy loving part of nuMe family who every day works for its treats as a security guard in our office and anti-stress therapy in many difficult entrepreneurial situations.😉

Happy birthday Tiger! 🎂🎉🪅🎊🐶💞✨

To a lot more of cuddling, great treats, snow walks that you love so much, toy bears 🧸and nice girl dogs. 🐶🦴🐻☃️💞✨

Your nuMe team 👭👭👫

#11 *tzu


✨Did you know that nuMe slim food with collagen is total meal replacement for weight loss which you can use as a sole source of food 6 portions a day in a very low calorie diet (


Most of the time we are our own obstacle. But let us tell you that there is no better time to make yourself a priority. 💞👍 Stop putting off what you truly want. Wish it, dream it, DO IT! 😍 What are you waiting for? We have your back! 💪⁠


✨Mmmmm, my favorite breakfast Chocolate protein bowl with nuMe slim shake Chocolate Muffin with collagen. Total meal replacement, 6 portions a day in a very low calorie diet (


Don't ever give up! 💪🏻Let nuMe be your “getting up ten” and the last time you need to get up!💪😘⠀

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[𝕃𝕀𝕄𝕀𝕋𝔼𝔻 𝔼𝔻𝕀𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ]🏝 “When you say summer, the sea, the sandy beach, what flavor brings up your memories? That's right COCONUT! 🥥 🥥 🥥 😍 Cocktails, palm trees, fruit and pina colada. 🍹🥥 That's why we have great news for you, because now you can enjoy the delicious exotic and fresh taste of nuMe slim shake Cocco Loco, 🥥🏝 which will take you to tropical beaches with its taste and at the same time nourish it in its fullness and density, but only in 122 kcal 🥥 🥥 🥥 In addition to the simply delicious taste of coconut, it also contains collagen. Full of vitamins, minerals and fiber to give your body everything it needs, and collagen provides additional skin elasticity. All this in a complete nutritional shake with as much as 12 g of protein, which will keep you fit all summer with 1 meal a day or lead to a complete transformation with several meals a day. 🤩👙🙌🏻✨

But watch out! It is available in limited quantities so get your LIMITED EDITION slim shake with Cocco Loco collagen TODAY! Quickly click on the link in bio ➡️


[𝕃𝕀𝕄𝕀𝕋𝔼𝔻 𝔼𝔻𝕀𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ]🏝 “When you say summer, the sea, the sandy beach, what flavor brings up your memories? That's right COCONUT! 🥥 🥥 🥥 😍 Cocktails, palm trees, fruit and pina colada. 🍹🥥 That's why we have great news for you, because now you can enjoy the delicious exotic and fresh taste of nuMe slim shake Cocco Loco, 🥥🏝 which will take you to tropical beaches with its taste and at the same time nourish it in its fullness and density, but only in 122 kcal 🥥 🥥 🥥 In addition to the simply delicious taste of coconut, it also contains collagen. Full of vitamins, minerals and fiber to give your body everything it needs, and collagen provides additional skin elasticity. All this in a complete nutritional shake with as much as 12 g of protein, which will keep you fit all summer with 1 meal a day or lead to a complete transformation with several meals a day. 🤩👙🙌🏻✨

But watch out! It is available in limited quantities so get your LIMITED EDITION slim shake with Cocco Loco collagen TODAY! Quickly click on the link ➡️


Good morning beautiful ✨We have prepared for you a recipe idea for all the berry lovers out there: Chia pudding with Blueberry&Raspberry Shake.😍🍓 Recipe: Mix your nuMe Shake with 3dl of water, then add 2 spoons of chia seeds, let it soak and add some fresh berries on the top. 💕⁠


We’re sailing into a weekend! 👙⛵️🌊☀️

What are your plans for the weekend? Share them with us below in the comment👇🏻😍


We are the only one cutting our own wings. 🐛✂️Spread them out proud and confident 🦋✨and fly to wherever your hearth desires and your mind sets to achieve. You can do it! 💎❤️💪🏻👏🏻💯🔝🌟😀


No more excuses you don't have time for healthy breakfast. 💕Change your eating habits and jump into your favorite bikini 👙by choosing one of effective nuMe Slim packs that will get you there! 💪🏼⁠✨


Breakfast sets your complete day of energy, mood and when is your last meal. nuMe has your back with easy to prepare shakes which you can turn also into protein bowl full of goodness. 🥣💃🏻😍⠀

🤩 Here is our todays recipe:🤩⠀
• nuMe slim shake with collagen blueberry raspberry heaven⠀
• mixed with water or skimmed milk ⠀
• coconut chips⠀
• chia⠀
• blueberries⠀


[FIT MONDAY] 🏃🏼‍♀️Shape your whole body with some simple exercises with no equipment needed. 😊💕 Summer is comming, but you are not to late to get ready for it with nuMe. 👙🌞With every nuMe slim pack of nutrition you receive access to online workouts that you can do in a comfort of your home! 🏃🏼‍♀️💪🏻🏠✨⁠


Nothing in life that comes easy is a lesson or appreciated as much as the thing you struggled and worked your ass the most for! 💪🏻✨Do you agree ? 👸🏻

Have a great Friday! 💞

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nuMe Slim Bar is a delicious tasting snack bar in only 136 kcal and 12 g of protein with only 1,5g of sugar😍, infused with the crunchy taste of coconut. 😀💕 Let its rich flavours guide you to improved eating habits and a healthier, slimmer you. 🙆‍♀️👑 Designed to efficiently melt away your low self-confidence and potential health issues, and create a nu you today. The bar can also help you when you are having chocolate cravings. 😊😉🍫⁠


For all the busy queens👑💕 who want to keep their meals low calorie and healthy here is a dinner idea: nuMe slim soup and wok veggies with shrimp and soy sauce. 😊👌


Nothing in life that comes easy is a lesson or appreciated as much as the thing you struggled and worked your as the most for! 💪🏻✨


💕Love starts with loving yourself first 💕and taking care of you, your health, feeling good, confident & full of energy for everything that awaits for you during the day. And with nuMe delicious slim shakes, soups & bars with collagen you can expect also to bring you results you want on your journey of transformation. 👙👗👖
What’s the best, your favorite nuMe slim pack is just one click away➡️ 💻📦💗 


[Success story] 🌟 "I am completely new woman from inside and out. Not only I am 11 kg lighter than I was when I began my (weight lose) journey, but also I completely fell in love with my life. ⁣⠀
💋 nuMe slim food was a great way to kick start my motivation as results were seen already after one week. My body learned to eat 6 small portions a day and for myself it was great because I didn’t need to organize my nutrition, weigh everything, calculate, etc. With nuMe slim food I had complete control of what I was putting in my body.⁣⠀
😘 A sailing boat is safe in the harbor, but this is not its purpose. So, put the sails up and dare to explore the ocean, waves and wind which can bring you to unleash your full potential! I did. I chose nuMe!⁣"⁣⠀
You can check her full transformation journey on 💖😊⁣⠀


Fashionable. Multifunctional. Easy to be carried around. Simply nuMe . 💗 


Grab your after work and go for a fast walk and do a short training outside.🏞😁💪🏻🍑✨ What better way to spend your afternoon!💞👭


✨Perfect day for cuddling 🐶 & pampering with your favorite vanilla slim shake with collagen bringing you back on track! 👙👖👗NU SPRING. NU YOU! nuMe here I come💃🏻💕


Do you miss summer like we do? ☺️👙🏖 Warm sun touching your skin, sea waves, wind in your hair and feeling just free? ☀️🌊🤩 Only 30 days to go and you still have time to prepare your body for that gorgeous bikini.😉 nuMe has your back with effectiveness that will bring you to your goal guaranteed! 💕💪🏻✨
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[MOTIVATIONAL WEDNESDAY] Seize the day 💪🏻👸🏻✨

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[DELICIOUS RECIPE] 🤩💪🏻Start your Tuesday with simple & delicious nuMe slim shake Blueberry/Raspberry with collagen topped with coconut chips and mixed with chia pudding 💕⁠😋

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Start A NU You Today!

Join the numerous satisfied nuMe users, who managed to make a complete transformation of themselves with the help of nuMe Slim products, a transformation of their negative patterns, bad habits and nutrition habits, this way creating a NEW SELF. They placed their trust into our effective Slim products, proven by numerous clinical studies and rewarded with not only one, but two design prizes. You will not lack support on the way, because we have created a nuMe motivation group to keep you on the way to your goal – BECOMING THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.

Put yourself first and start a NU you today >>

Videos (show all)

🥳🐶 Today, our shitzu Tiger is celebrating 11 years! 🎉Our hairy loving part of nuMe family who every day works for its tr...




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