Učenje angleščine v Alfa stanju

Učenje angleščine v Alfa stanju

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Joyful Business English Academy
Joyful Business English Academy

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Alpha-theta are the brainwaves of children, that is why children learn to speak languages so fast. To, kar je sedaj, ne bi bila brez izkušenj. Ne štejejo ur.

Težko govori o sebi, rajši ima, če jo opišejo drugi. V 25 letih je učila mnoge ljudi v šolah, podjetjih, povsod, ne samo v Sloveniji. V bistvu jo je življenje in učenje angleščine v tujini, kjer je imela status native speaker competence teacher, najbolj izdelalo. Tam ne komplicirajo, pomembno je le, da obvladaš svoje delo in te imajo radi. Specializirana je za odrasle, tis


Dear Students,
Join our webinar on our membership-based English for Work Speaking sessions.


I am looking forward to meeting you!

Your Sonja

| Joyful business english academy 03/06/2024

Dear Ones,
If you are adults from non-English speaking countries, you had English in school but you get stuck when you need to speak English at Work join our Free Webinar on Wednesday, 5th June 2024, at 5pm CET (Berlin time) where you will get to know everything about our Global English for Work Speaking Sessions. ❤️

Register below:

| Joyful business english academy Free webinar Welcome to our monthly EVENTS where you will get all information about our Global English for Work Speaking Sessions Welcome to our Webinar


Hello, dear Friends,
Welcome to our Free Webinar next week, on Wednesday, 5th June 2024, at 5.00 pm (CET - Berlin time) where you are going to get to know everything about our awesome and fun Global English for Work Speaking Sessions.
Click below and register:


Join us and lose fear of speaking English in work-related contexts.

Sonja T. Joy PhD, a specialist in teaching Business English



My dear Students, 🤗
Dragi moji učenci, 🙂
Vabljeni na naše Global English for Work Speaking Sessions, kjer boste vsak teden vadili vaše govorjenje angleščine za službo.

Spoznali boste odrasle iz Slovenije in ostalih ne-angleško govorečih dežel in praktično vadili vsak teden v govorjenju angleščine za službo.

Izgubili boste ves strah pri govorjenju angleščine v pogovoru z drugimi ljudmi.

Videli boste, da je treba samo redno vaditi za tekoče govorjenje, saj je center za govor kot neka mišica v glavi, ki jo je treba redno trenirati, če ne, postane mlahava. Kot mišice v telesu, ki potrebujejo redne vaje in konsistentnost in čas. Nič ne bo šlo na hitro.

Nehajte se skrivati v službi, ko je treba kaj povedati v angleščini.

Pravi čas je, da začnete SEDAJ. 💯👍
Ko je treba že govoriti, je prepozno za začetek.

Če ste imeli angleščino v šoli vsaj 4 leta in se vam zatika, ko bi radi kaj povedali na svojem strokovnem področju, vedite, da je sedaj treba angleško govoriti. V šoli vas niso učili za življenje, v šoli so vas učili samo za šolske izpite. Tega več ni. Trajbanje slovnice in besed je brezveze in nam nic ne pomaga, če ne znamo tega praktično uporabljat, če ne znamo tvoriti močnih stavkov.

In zabavamo se na naših srečanjih. Odrasli se morajo zabavati in spustiti kontrolo, da se odprejo sproščenemu govorjenju angleščine.

Pridružite se nam kadarkoli. 🤗
Naše speaking sessions so membership-based.

V nedeljo, 19.maja 2024, ob 17.00 bo enourni Zoom webinar, kjer vam več povem o naših speaking sessions.
Prijavite se spodaj:


I'm looking forward to helping you become fluent in English for Work.

Best wishes, your Sonja
Sonja Trampus Joy PhD, a specialist in teaching professional English

Photos from Učenje angleščine v Alfa stanju's post 04/05/2024

Photos from Učenje angleščine v Alfa stanju's post 03/05/2024

Dragi moji 🙂
Vabljeni na Global English for Work Speaking Sessions.

Spoznali boste ljudi iz drugih neangleško govorečih dežel in skupaj vadili GOVORJENJE angleščine za službo.

To so membership-based srečanja, ker naučiti se govoriti angleško za službo, potrebuje čas.

Trenutno je to Beta projekt v razvoju, zato dobite ful dobre bonuse, če se pridružite do 11. maja 2024.

Tudi delamo v alfa-stanju, kar še pospeši ves proces učenja govorjenja.

Če kar dobro razumete angleško, ko berete in poslušate druge ljudi, ne znate pa tekoče govoriti in se vam ful zatika, je to za vas.

Če nonstop uporabljate enake fraze v angleščini za službo in bi radi uporabljali širok spekter izrazov in tako zveneli bolj profesionalno, se nam pridružite.

Če bi želeli svoje govorjenje angleščine iz površne turistične angleščine dvigniti na višji nivo za službo,
se oglasite na Orientacijsko srečanje v nedeljo, 5. maja 2024, od 17.00 do 18.00 po Zoomu. Tukaj je link:


At the moment the nature is bursting with new life.
Everywhere you look there are new leaves budding.

So now it is time for your professional English to start budding, growing, improving and manifesting in reality.
It is time to act now because when you need to speak English for work it will be too late. Developing fluency in a language needs time, patience, consistency and practice.

Join us. 🙂
Welcome on Sunday, 5th May 2024, from 5 pm - 6 pm💗


I am looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes, Sonja
Sonja Trampus Joy PhD, a specialist in Teaching English for Work
Email: [email protected]


Patience, consistence and resilience in learning to speak the second language 🙂

In 30 years of teaching adults to speak English at Work I have noticed that the biggest obstacle to achieving fluency in English is the conditioning of our society to get everything fast fast fast with zero patience...
Learning to speak the second language requires patience and consistent practice that is why I need to support my students in a fun and joyful way to keep going. Fun learning and Love of English are the keys.
The natural way of becoming fluent in a language is aligned with the natural tendency to trust and not to hurry.
Take your time, Trust and Enjoy the process.
On Friday the new offer is out: Global Business English Speaking Sessions.
With Love from your devoted teacher Sonja
Sonja Trampus Joy PhD, a specialist in teaching English for Work

Joyful business english academy 17/04/2024

Hello, my dear Business English Students,
Do you want to improve your fluency in Business English in a fun and playful way? We all know that improving fluency in the second language is like training the language muscle in our brain. Like all muscles in our body the language muscle also needs consistent training otherwise it gets flabby…

This is the message to all my current, former and future Business English students.

My name is Sonja Trampus Joy PhD. I hope you still remember how much fun we had in our sessions. I do not know if you still remember, I specialize in teaching Business English, and I obtained my PhD in Teaching Professional English from Dortmund University, Germany.
Now I teach adults in non-English speaking countries via Zoom and in my own school. I also teach at two private Universities.

Welcome to join me in our innovative Global Business English online program:

Global Business English Speaking Sessions: Learning to Use English at Work confidently: How to become confident in speaking English in work-related contexts in a fun and playful way so that you forget that you are learning

Just send me a quick note to let me know if you are interested.

I am preparing this awesome programme and I would like to know if you are interested and willing to join us. There will be speaking sessions offered to you just like the speaking sessions I had with you before if you worked with me in a group with other students. If you worked with me individually these speaking sessions will be such a refreshment for you because you are going to meet my students from Slovenia, Germany and Austria.

Let me give you more information.
1. Namely, I am hosting ongoing Business English speaking sessions via Zoom for my current and former Business English students in non-English speaking countries in Europe. Soon I'll offer them to adults in non-English speaking countries outside Europe.
2. I am planning 90-minute speaking sessions every second week. You will get the available sessions in Calendly where you will be able to select the time slot which suits you. Afternoon or evening sessions as well as Saturday morning sessions will be offered to choose from. You will choose only one 90-minute session per week.
3. There will be max 6 students per session – you will be able to see in Calendly how many more spots are available in one time slot. Every time there may be different people with you in your group. It will be exciting because I am spreading this offer to more and more countries. At the moment I have students from Germany, Austria and Slovenia on my list.
4. All the material to prepare for our sessions will be sent to you via email.
5. Also the available time slots in Calendly will be sent to you via email.
6. Zoom links will be sent to you via email as well.
7. The schedule: week 1 – Speaking session
Week 2 – Written assignment
Week 3 – Speaking session
Week 4 – Written assignment
So there will be a speaking session every second week and a written assignment following each speaking session. In other words, there will be 2 speaking sessions and 2 written assignments every month.
8. These are ongoing speaking sessions. The payment will be 550.00 euros per year. This is a yearly subscription. Monthly payments will be available as well.
I am so excited to support you to become totally fluent in English at Work in a fun and playful way.
If that is something you want to learn, keep improving and pay for it, then just reply to this message saying FLUENT IN BUSINESS ENGLISH.

This is a pre-offer. I will reserve the current price for you if you reply as soon as possible, or before the offer is launched on Friday, 26th April 2024.

We are going to start on Monday, 6th May 2024. Every second week you will register in Calendly based on your availability every second week.
In two weeks I’ll include you in my Active Campaign or MailChimp email system where you will be able to unsubscribe if you are not interested working on your fluency in Business English.

I would SO MUCH want to see you again.
If there is enough interest we may also organize a retreat at the Slovenian coast. It will be so cool to hug you after a loooong time.
I am looking forward to your reply.

Some links if you want to check more about me:
Webpage: www.joyfulbusinessenglishacademy.com
FB page: Joyful Business English Academy
Email: [email protected]

Best wishes, your Business English teacher Sonja Trampus Joy PhD

Joyful business english academy When you take this course, you will bulid your self-confidence to speak and write English for Work in 3 months.


My dear Students in Slovenia 💖
Danes najavljam novo skupino v Sloveniji.
Speaking English at Work with Alpha-Theta Language Learning.
Torej Spregovori tekoče angleško v službi z alpha-theta frekvencami.
Prijavite se na mail:

[email protected]

Začnemo 26.junija 2023. Prilagodili se bomo vašim potrebam. Skupinice maksimalno 4-5 učencev. Ne boste verjeli, koliko ljudi danes izkoristi počitnice za učenje govorjenja jezika za službo. Poleti smo bolj sproščeni, zato gre hitreje. Pa še učenje v alfa stanju je hitrejše.

Pišite na:
[email protected]

Warm hugs from your alpha-theta teacher Sonja T. Joy PhD

🌟 Learn more here 28/05/2023


🌟 Learn more here I obtained my PhD in Teaching Business English from Dortmund University, Germany. I am so grateful for this experience because Germany is still the biggest and the most developed market for Business English in the world.


Join our global Speaking English at Work sessions


My dear adult students from non-English speaking countries. 🤗 Join our Speaking English at Work sessions.
I love observing how my amazing students lose fear of speaking English at work. They find better jobs, or they even get their dream jobs, they get promoted and get involved in international projects.
Join us.
There is the link to our free webinar Introduction to our Global Speaking English at Work Sessions:

Join Zoom Meeting

Here is the link to join our speaking sessions that start on Monday, 29th May 2023:


I'm looking forward to meeting you. 💓

Best wishes, Sonja T. Joy PhD, your joyful instructor

Learn to speak English at work in 3 months 18/05/2023

My dear learners of English as a second language around the globe 🙂
I am so happy to announce our global speaking sessions. We start on 29th May 2023.
If you are an adult in a non-English speaking country who had English at school but you find it very hard to speak about work-related topics, join our global English at Work speaking sessions.
Lose fear of speaking English at work by joining other students from all over the world who support each other in becoming fluent in English, the language of global communication.
On Sunday, 21st May 2023, join our free Zoom Webinar where you are going to get all the information about joining our global speaking English challenge.
Zoom link below:
Register for our global Speaking English at Work sessions:


I am so much looking forward to meeting you and helping you lose fear of speaking English at Work.
Best wishes, Sonja T. Joy, your joyful teacher 🙂

Learn to speak English at work in 3 months I obtained my PhD in Teaching Business English from Dortmund University, Germany. I am so grateful for this experience because Germany is still the biggest and the most developed market for Business English in the world.


Become fluent in English using meditation techniques or alpha-theta language learning 🙂

Spregovorite angleško s pomočjo meditacijskih tehnik ali učenja v alpha-theta stanju 🌺

Pridružite se učenju v skupini ali pa 1:1 z mano 🤗

Prijave do konca tedna:


Vaša Sonja 🌹
Sonja T. Joy PhD, specialistka za učenje angleščine za odrasle v alfa stanju


Alpha-Theta učenje angleščine za odrasle

Danes je šolsko učenje angleščine že čisto mimo ☺️
V šolah se še kar trajba slovnica in besedišče, folk pa se ne zna izražat oz. ne zna govorit 🙃🙂
Kaj ti pomaga slovnica in besedišče, če tega ne znaš uporabit v močnih polnopomenskih stavkih 🤗💖
V šolah učijo samo za šolske izpite, ne pa za življenje 🤔

Tudi opažam, da odrasli naivno mislijo, da znajo kar samodejno govorit, ker so v šoli imeli angleščino pred 10 ali 20 leti 🙃 Malo morgen, dragi moji he he ☺️🙂🤗 Ne boste kar sami spregovorili brez pomoči, saj vas v šoli nihče ni učil govoriti, tam ste samo trajbali slovnico za izpite 🙃

In potem dobim mlade na fakulteto, ki so polni slovnice, a ne znajo nič pametnega povedat, ko je treba argumentirati svoje mnenje 🙂 tekoče govorjenje ne bo kar z neba p***o, če vam ni nihče pomagal spregovoriti 🤗 tudi kolege profesorje imam na faksu, ki mislijo, da znajo govoriti angleško na podlagi tega, da znajo naročiti hrano in pijačo na potovanju, v bistvu jim je pa nerodno kaj pametnega povedat, ko gre za izražanje v stroki, tukaj se pa izgubijo. Besede in slovnica niso dovolj.

Če želimo spregovoriti v jeziku, ga ni dovolj samo 'znati', treba ga je ZAČUTITI ♥️💗

Učenje v alpha-theta stanju je učinkovito, ker odraslim pomaga, da se sprostijo in popolnoma zaupajo procesu učenja in učitelju, ki uživa v delu z njimi 💝🌹♥️

Pokličite me na: 041 297 276 ali mi pišite na naslov: [email protected] ali [email protected].

Vaša alpha inštruktorica Sonja Trampuš Joy PhD 🌺


Zakaj je učenje jezikov v Alfa stanju tako učinkovito za odrasle?
Pridružite se nam na FB LIVE v nedeljo, 12. Decembra 2021, ob 18.00 💙


Learning to SPEAK a language takes letting go of control and practicing speaking consistently 💓 Da bi SPREGOVORILI v drugem ali tretjem jeziku, moramo spustiti nadzor nad učenjem, redno vaditi in se zabavati. Center za govorjenje v glavi je kot ena mišica, ki jo moramo redno trenirati, ji dati čas in je ne smemo forsirati. Učenje v alpha-theta stanju to mišico v glavi sprosti, da prenehamo nadzirati in se odpremo govorjenju. 💕
Sonja Trampus Joy PhD, specialistka za učenje poslovne angleščine v alfa stanju


REVOLUTIONARY ALPHA-THETA LANGUAGE LEARNING brings results because it's a natural way of learning languages 🌞
Učenje angleščine v alfa stanju oz. bolj natančno, alfa-theta stanju, je naravno učenje jezika. Alpha-Theta Language Learning truly works. Deluje zato, ker alpha-theta frequencies spravijo možgane odraslih v sproščeno stanje, ko ne morejo več nadzirati procesa učenja. Alpha-Theta Frequencies odprejo našo podzavest, da jezik prodre v globje plasti našega bitja. To je povsem nekaj drugega kot šolsko, nenaravno učenje jezika, ki ostane na površini, zato se ne morete odpreti govorjenju.


Waw, sacred geometry 🙂 so powerful 👍 the symbol of connection before alpha-theta sessions ✨


Učenje jezikov v alfa-theta stanju nam pomaga čutiti jezik. Če hočemo jezik govoriti, ga moramo začutiti. Če hočemo govoriti, ni dovolj jezika samo 'znati'. Znati slovnico in besede je dovolj za šole in za izpite. Šolski pristop ni dovolj za govorjenje, šole učijo za izpite, ne za življenje.
Alpha-theta frekvence v učenju jezika vam pomagajo resnično začutiti jezik.

Using Alpha-Theta Frequencies in learning to speak the second or third language opens you up to FEELING the language. It is not enough to just 'know' the language if you want to be able to use it actively. You need to FEEL the language to be able to SPEAK it.

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Videos (show all)

Free webinar Global English for Work Speaking Sessions
Global English for Work Speaking Sessions
My dear Students, 🤗Dragi moji učenci, 🙂Vabljeni na naše Global English for Work Speaking Sessions, kjer boste vsak teden...
My dear Students in Slovenia 💖Danes najavljam novo skupino v Sloveniji.Speaking English at Work with Alpha-Theta Languag...
My dear adult students from non-English speaking countries. 🤗 Join our Speaking English at Work sessions.I love observin...
Become fluent in English using meditation techniques or alpha-theta language learning 🙂Spregovorite angleško s pomočjo m...
Alpha-Theta učenje angleščine za odraslealiSPREGOVORIMO V ANGLEŠČINI V SVOJI STROKIDanes je šolsko učenje angleščine že ...
REVOLUTIONARY ALPHA-THETA LANGUAGE LEARNING brings results because it's a natural way of learning languages 🌞Učenje angl...





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