Mirror Hospitality Expo

Mirror Hospitality Expo brings together the Slovak and global gastronomic community into one place


🍸 Soulmate x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us on today from 10pm at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 for a takeover by .vienna , represented by . 💠 Soulmate isn't just a bar—it's a community hub where bartenders exchange ideas and educate. Experience their unique 'Kitchen Takeover' concept blending culinary artistry with mixology. Whether you're a cocktail connoisseur or a newcomer, enjoy classic drinks and daring creations! 🔹
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Pridajte sa k nám dnes od 22:00 v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, kde ho prevezme Soulmate, zastúpený Dominikom Oswaldom. 💠 Soulmate nie je len bar – je to komunitné centrum, kde si barmani vymieňajú nápady a vzdelávajú sa. Vyskúšajte ich jedinečný koncept „Kitchen Takeover“, ktorý spája kulinárske umenie s mixológiou. Či už ste znalec cocktailov alebo nováčik, vychutnajte si klasické drinky a odvážne kreácie! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️


🍸 Alexandros Sourmpatis x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us on May 9th at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 for a guest shift by representing ! 💠 Alexandros brings over two decades of hospitality experience, working across vibrant bar scenes in Chania, Athens, Cologne, London, and Frankfurt. Studied Greek Bar Academy and excelling in the WSPC spirits program. As Three Cents Global Brand Ambassador, Alexandros leads activations and events worldwide, showcasing premium mixers and his expertise in the craft.. Don't miss this chance to enjoy his passion and expertise firsthand! 🔹


Pridajte sa k nám 9. mája v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 na guest shifte Alexandrosa z Three Cents Artisanal Beverages! 💠 Alexandros prináša viac ako dve desaťročia skúseností s hospitality a pracujúc na pulzujúcich barových scénach v Chanii, Aténach, Kolíne nad Rýnom, Londýne a Frankfurte. Vyštudoval grécku barovú akadémiu a vynikal v programe liehovín WSPC. Ako globálny ambasádor značky Three Cents vedie Alexandros aktivácie a podujatia po celom svete, pričom prezentuje prémiové mixéry a svoje odborné znalosti v tomto remesle. Nepremeškajte túto príležitosť a užite si jeho vášeň a odborné znalosti z prvej ruky! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 07/05/2024

🔷 THE MAP OF MHE 2024 🔷

Seminars, Guest Shifts, Masterclasses, The Market, Street Food, Networking, Mirror Cocktail City, Mirror Junior Bartender Challenge, Live Cooking Show and unforgettable experience!


Semináre, Guest Shifty, Masterclassy, The Market, Street Food, networking, Mirror Cocktail City, Mirror Junior Bartender Challenge, Live Cooking Challenge a nezabudnuteľný zážitok!

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 07/05/2024

🍸 The Bar In Front Of The Bar x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us on May 9th from 8pm at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 for a takeover by .bar.in.front.of.the.bar represented by & 💠 Experience a unique street bar from Athens with a zero-waste philosophy, sourcing ingredients from local producers. 🌱 Discover this hidden jungle-inspired bar with its own laboratory and innovative technologies, supporting sustainable practices and small local communities. Don't miss this eco-friendly and innovative experience! 🔹
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Pridajte sa k nám 9. mája od 20:00 v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, kde ho prevezmú profesionáli z The Bar In Front Of The Bar, ktorý zastupujú Konstantinos Theodorakopoulos & Panagiotis Markozanis 💠 Zažite jedinečný pouličný bar z Atén s filozofiou zero-waste , získavanie surovín od miestnych výrobcov. 🌱 Objavte tento skrytý bar inšpirovaný džungľou s vlastným laboratóriom a inovatívnymi technológiami, ktoré podporujú udržateľné postupy a malé miestne komunity. Nenechajte si ujsť tento ekologický a inovatívny zážitok! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 06/05/2024


Seminars, Guest Shifts, Masterclasses, The Market, Street Food, Networking, Mirror Cocktail City, Mirror Junior Bartender Challenge and unforgettable experience!


Semináre, Guest Shifty, Masterclassy, The Market, Street Food, networking, Mirror Cocktail City, Mirror Junior Bartender Challenge a nezabudnuteľný zážitok!

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 06/05/2024


Seminars, Guest Shifts, Masterclasses, The Market, Street Food, Networking, Live Cooking Show and unforgettable experience!


Semináre, Guest Shifty, Masterclassy, The Market, Street Food, networking, Live Cooking Show a nezabudnuteľný zážitok!


🍸 Super Panda Circus x Urban House 🫗

Exciting news! Join us on May 8th from 8pm at Urban House during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 for a takeover by , represented by & .samsely 💠 Experience an imaginative cocktail bar with a unique approach, inspired by Far-East Asia and filled with unusual tastes and entertainment. Don't miss this captivating & crazy experience! 🔹


Vzrušujúce správy! Pridajte sa k nám 8. mája od 20:00 v Urban House počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, kde ho na jeden večer prevezme Super Panda Circus v zastúpení Michala Nevrlého a Jerguša Samselyho. 💠 Zažite nápaditý cocktailový bar s jedinečným prístupom, inšpirovaný Ďalekou Áziou a plný nevšedných chutí a zábavy. Nenechajte si ujsť tento strhujúci a bláznivý zážitok! 🔹


🍸 Mišel Posavac x Old Fashioned Bar 🫗

Join us on May 8th from 8pm to 10pm at Old Fashioned Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 for a special guest shift by 💠 Mišel is a key member of the Monin global team, focusing on the Paragon brand. His expertise in mixology and hospitality management drives brand advocacy and innovation, shaping the future of beverage experiences. Don't miss this chance to enjoy his passion and expertise firsthand! 🔹


Pridajte sa k nám 8. mája od 20:00 do 22:00 v Old Fashioned Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 na špeciálny guest shift Mišela Posavca. 💠 Mišel je kľúčovým členom globálneho tímu Monin so zameraním na značku Paragon. Jeho odborné znalosti v oblasti mixológie a pohostinstva poháňajú presadzovanie značky a inovácie a formujú budúcnosť nápojov. Nepremeškajte túto príležitosť a užite si jeho vášeň a odborné znalosti z prvej ruky! 🔹


🍸 Rusty Červeň x Sky Bar & Restaurant 🫗

Excited to announce from , Singapore, taking over Sky Bar & Restaurant during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 on May 8th from 8pm to 10pm! 💠 Rusty, known for his genuine hospitality, was the director of beverage at Conrad Singapore Orchard and bar manager at Manhattan Singapore, which ranks No. 63 on The World's 50 Best Bars list and No. 21 on Asia's 50 Best Bars. Don't miss this special guest shift—it's one of his last appearances with Manhattan! 🔹


S nadšením oznamujeme, že Rusty Červeň z Manhattanu v Singapure bude hosťovať v Sky Bar & Restaurant počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 8. mája od 20:00 do 22:00! 💠 Rusty, známy svojou skutočnou pohostinnosťou, bol rBeverage Director v Conrad Singapore Orchard a barovým manažérom na Manhattane Singapur, ktorý je na 63. mieste v zozname 50 najlepších barov sveta a na 21. mieste v 50 najlepších ázijských baroch. Nenechajte si ujsť tento špeciálny guest shift – je to jedno z jeho posledných s Manhattanom! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 06/05/2024

🔥 Z Farmy Na Oheň — street food 🔥

Experience "Z Farmy Na Oheň" at Hviezdoslav Square during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! 💠 This concept, spearheaded by chefs and , showcases farm-quality ingredients with a focus on origin and essence for health. Supporting honest producers and growers, they've curated a market with partner farmers and crafted simple, delicious dishes using the best local ingredients, cooked over fire. Don't miss this culinary delight and be sure to try it! 🔹


Zažite „Z Farmy Na Oheň“ na Hviezdoslavovom námestí počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! 💠 Tento koncept, na čele ktorého stoja šéfkuchári Martin Maňas a Dávid Géczy, predstavuje suroviny farmárskej kvality so zameraním na pôvod a podstatu pre zdravie. Podporujúc poctivých výrobcov a pestovateľov, zorganizovali trh s partnerskými farmármi a vytvorili jednoduché, chutné jedlá z najlepších miestnych surovín, pečené na ohni. Nenechajte si ujsť tento kulinársky zážitok a určite ho príďte vyskúšať! 🔹


🍸 Elysian Budapest x Mirror Bar 🫗

Excited to welcome to Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 on May 8th from 10pm to midnight! 💠 Elysian is a distinguished cocktail bar in the heart of Budapest, known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. will represent Elysian, showcasing their minimalistic design approach and dedication to using the finest Hungarian ingredients. Don't miss this unique experience! 🔹


S nadšením vítame Elysian Budapest v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 8. mája od 22:00 do polnoci! 💠 Elysian je výnimočný cocktailový bar v srdci Budapešti, známy svojim záväzkom k udržateľnosti a environmentálnej zodpovednosti. Máté Szábo bude reprezentovať Elysian a predstaví svoj minimalistický dizajnový prístup a odhodlanie používať tie najlepšie maďarské suroviny. Nenechajte si ujsť tento jedinečný zážitok! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 06/05/2024

🍸 Alma Prague x Mirror Bar 🫗

Excited to host at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 on May 8th from 10pm to midnight! 💠 Alma is a large complex consisting of three floors, featuring a restaurant, cocktail bar, café, wine bar, and more. .sochor.86 and will represent Alma, showcasing their strong focus on using seasonal and foraged ingredients in their cocktails. Don't miss this unique evening 🔹


Tešíme sa na hosťovanie Alma Prague v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 8. mája od 22:00 do polnoci! 💠 Alma je rozľahlý komplex pozostávajúci z troch poschodí, v ktorom sa nachádza reštaurácia, cocktail bar, kaviareň, vináreň a ďalšie. Almu budú zastupovať Pavel Sochor a Matouš Boček, ktorí predvedú svoje silné zameranie na používanie sezónnych a forage surovín vo svojich cocktailoch. Nenechajte si ujsť tento jedinečný večer 🔹


🍸 Rasty Kasár x Mirror Bar 🫗

Excited for May 8th at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 as we welcome from ! 💠 Rasty, an accomplished barista-bartender, started his journey at the iconic American Bar at the SAVOY Hotel in London. Now at Teddy's Speakeasy in Athens, Rasty champions the fusion of coffee and cocktails, redefining the craft with innovative drinks. Don't miss this special takeover showcasing Rasty's expertise and creativity where he will be behind the bar with another global winner — Adrián Michalčík! 🔹


Tešíme sa na 8. mája v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, keď privítame Rastyho Kasára z Teddy's Speakeasy! 💠 Rasty, uznávaný barista-barman, začal svoju púť v ikonickom American Bare v hoteli SAVOY v Londýne. Aktuálne pôsobiaci v Teddy's Speakeasy v Aténach Rasty presadzuje spojenie kávy a cocktailov, čím nanovo definuje remeslo inovatívnymi drinkami. Nenechajte si ujsť tento špeciálny Rastyho guest shift plný odbornosti a kreativity, kde bude za barom s ďalším globálnym víťazom — Adriánom Michalčíkom! 🔹


🍸 Adrián Michalčík x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us on May 8th at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 as we welcome on one of his last guest shifts under ! 💠 Adrian's journey from Slovakia to Prague, and eventually Oslo, led to winning prestigious awards like the Global Finale of Diageo World Class 2022. Pier 42, nestled in the boutique Hotel Amerikalinjen, redefines classic cocktails with a modern twist, incorporating fragments of Norway's rich heritage. Don't miss this exciting takeover showcasing exceptional mixology where Adrián will be behind the bar with another global winner — Rasty Kasár! 🔹


Pridajte sa k nám 8. mája v Mirror Bare počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, keď privítame Adriána Michalčíka na jednej z jeho posledných hosťovačiek pod Pier 42! 💠 Adriánova cesta zo Slovenska do Prahy a nakoniec do Osla viedla k získaniu prestížnych ocenení, ako je Globálne finále Diageo World Class 2022. Pier 42, zasadené do butikového hotela Amerikalinjen, nanovo definuje klasické cocktaily s moderným nádychom a zahŕňa fragmenty bohatého nórskeho dedičstva. Nenechajte si ujsť tento vzrušujúci guest shift, kde predvedie výnimočnú mixológiu, na ktorej bude Adrián za barom s ďalším svetovým víťazom — Rastym Kasárom! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 05/05/2024

💧 Eira & Three Cents 💧

Great news! 💠 Thanks to our partnership with & , we are excited to offer our lovely attendees free non-alcoholic beverages during the Expo. You can find these refreshing drinks in the space of Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel. So visit seminars, enjoy masterclasses, try cocktails & enjoy your stay with us!


Skvelé správy! 💠 Sme nesmierne radi, že vďaka nášmu partnerstvu s Eira & Three Cents počas Expo môžeme našim milým návštevníkom ponúknuť bezplatné nealkoholické osvieženie. Tieto chutné nápoje nájdete v priestoroch hotela Radisson Blu Carlton. Navštívte semináre, vychutnajte si masterclassy, vyskúšajte cocktaily a užite si pobyt u nás!


🍸 Záhir Bar x Old Fashioned Bar 🫗

, a world-class American cocktail bar based in Nitra, Slovakia, will be taking over Old Fashioned Bar on May 7th during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, starting at 8pm 💠 Join us for classy and sophisticated cocktails represented by its founder and owner, the godfather of bartending in Slovakia - Ľuboš Rácz! will be joined with gents from Becher’s Bar - Vítězslav Cirok & Jan Šebek. Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹


Záhir Bar, “American cocktail bar” svetovej úrovne so sídlom v Nitre, prevezme Old Fashioned Bar 7. mája počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 so začiatkom o 20:00 💠 Pridajte sa k nám na elegantné a sofistikované cocktaily zastúpené jeho zakladateľom a majiteľom, krstným otcom barmanstva na Slovensku - Ľubošom Ráczom! K Ľubošovi sa pridajú aj páni z Becher’s Baru - Vítězslav Cirok & Jan Šebek. Nenechajte si ujsť tento nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 05/05/2024

🍸 Becher’s Bar x Old Fashioned Bar 🫗

from the iconic Grandhotel Pupp will be taking over Old Fashioned Bar on May 7th during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, starting at 8pm 💠 Becher's Bar boasts a remarkable English gentlemen's club atmosphere and 25 years of tradition in crafting high-quality cocktails. Join us for "White Coat" classics and innovative creations represented by & ! These gentlemen will join forces with Ľuboš Rácz from Záhir Bar. Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹


Becher's Bar z kultového Grandhotela Pupp prevezme Old Fashioned Bar 7. mája počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 od 20:00 💠 Becher's Bar sa môže pochváliť pozoruhodnou atmosférou anglického gentlemanského klubu a 25-ročnou tradíciou vo výrobe vysokokvalitných cocktailov. Pridajte sa k nám na cocktailové klasiky v podobe „White Coat“ a inovatívych kreácii v zastúpení Vítězslava Ciroka a Jana Šebka! Títo páni spoja sily s Ľubošom Ráczom zo Záhir Baru. Nenechajte si ujsť tento nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 🔹


🍸 Scarfes Bar x Sky Bar & Restaurant 🫗

Exciting news! from Rosewood London is taking over Sky Bar & Restaurant on May 7th during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, from 8pm 💠 Scarfes Bar, inspired by the atmosphere of a drawing room with live jazz music, creates an intimate setting and is currently ranked No. 41 in The World's 50 Best Bars. Join us for a memorable evening represented by ! 🔹


Vzrušujúce novinky! Scarfes Bar z Rosewood London preberá Sky Bar & Restaurant 7. mája počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, od 20:00 💠 Bar Scarfes, inšpirovaný atmosférou salónu so živou jazzovou hudbou, vytvára intímne prostredie a momentálne je hodnotený 41. miesto v rebríčku The World's 50 Best Bar. Pridajte sa k nám na nezabudnuteľný večer v zastúpení Martina Sisku! 🔹

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 05/05/2024

🔹 Anna Sebastian 🔹

We proudly welcome another female addition at MHE 2024, ! 💠 Anna Sebastian spent 13 years overseeing beverage programs at The Savoy and The Langham, winning accolades like Best International Bar Team and leading her teams onto The World’s 50 Best Bars list. She champions women in hospitality through her platform Celebrate Her and advocates for equality and diversity. Anna is also an experienced host and presenter, collaborating with top brands and celebrities like Rita Ora and David Beckham. 🔹 Don't miss her unique perspective at this year's Expo!


S hrdosťou vítame ďalšiu ženskú posilu na MHE 2024, Annu Sebastian! 💠 Anna Sebastian strávila 13 rokov dohľadom nad beverage programom v The Savoy a The Langham, získala ocenenia ako Best International Bar Team a viedla svoje tímy do zoznamu The World’s 50 Best Bars. Prostredníctvom svojej platformy Celebrate Her presadzuje ženy v hospitality a obhajuje rovnosť a rozmanitosť. Anna je tiež skúsenou hostiteľkou a moderátorkou, ktorá spolupracuje s poprednými značkami a celebritami ako Rita Ora a David Beckham. 🔹 Nenechajte si ujsť jej jedinečnú perspektívu na tohtoročnom Expe!


🍸 Raiza Carrera x Mirror Bar 🫗

from Madrid is taking over Mirror Bar on May 7th during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, from 10pm to midnight 💠 Raiza brings over 10 years of bartending experience, with origins from Peru and training in hotel management in Lima. She's made a name for herself internationally after working in Buenos Aires and Barcelona. Recognized as Spain's best bartender in 2023, Raiza is based in Madrid and Barcelona, running a consultancy company and founding Agite Club. Join her alongside Cassandra Eichhoff from European Bartender School for an amazing evening! Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹 
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Raiza Carrera z Agite Club v Madride preberá Mirror Bar 7. mája počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024, od 22:00 do polnoci 💠 Raiza prináša viac ako 10 rokov barmanských skúseností s pôvodom z Peru a školení v hotelovom manažmente v Lime. Po pôsobení v Buenos Aires a Barcelone si urobila medzinárodné meno. Raiza, ktorá bola v roku 2023 uznaná za najlepšiu barmanku Španielska, sídli v Madride a Barcelone, prevádzkuje poradenskú spoločnosť a ualožila Agite Club. Pridajte sa k nej po boku Cassandry Eichhoffovej z European Bartender School a užite si úžasný večer!
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️


🍸 Casandra Eichhoff x Mirror Bar 🫗

Excited to announce from European Bartender School in Cape Town, taking over Mirror Bar on May 7th during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 from 10pm to midnight! 💠 Cassandra, hailing from Namibia, is a hospitality professional and heads up the . Known for her expertise in mixology and community development, Cassandra is a leading figure in South Africa's bar education scene. Joining her is Raiza Carrera from Agite Club for an unforgettable evening! Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹 
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


S radosťou oznamujeme, že Cassandra Eichhoff z European Bartender School v Kapskom Meste “prevezme” Mirror Bar 7. mája počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 od 22:00 do polnoci! 💠 Cassandra, pochádzajúca z Namíbie, je profesionálkou v oblasti hospitality a vedie European Bartender School. Cassandra, známa svojimi odbornými znalosťami v oblasti mixológie a komunitného rozvoja, je vedúcou osobnosťou na scéne barového vzdelávania v Južnej Afrike. Pridá sa k nej Raiza Carrera z Agite Club pre nezabudnuteľný večer! Nenechajte si ujsť tento nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 05/05/2024

🍸 1930 x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us on May 7th for a special takeover by at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 from 8pm to 10pm. 💠 Experience the elegance, ambition, fashion, and mystery represented by the most famous secret private club in Italy. Meet and , the talented representatives of 1930 Cocktail Bar! Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹 
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Pridajte sa k nám 7. mája na špeciálny takover barom 1930 v Mirror Bar počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 od 20:00 do 22:00. 💠 Zažite eleganciu, ambícióznosť, módu a tajomnosť, ktorú predstavuje najslávnejší secret private klub v Taliansku. Zoznámte sa s Benjaminom Fabiom Cavagnom a Alessandrom Covellim, talentovanými predstaviteľmi cocktailového baru 1930! Nenechajte si ujsť tento nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 04/05/2024

🎨 Asot Haas 🎨

Get ready for an artistic transformation at Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel during Mirror Hospitality Expo! 🎨 We're thrilled to host a talented artist from Bratislava, known for his exceptional work in design, sculpture, glass art, painting, and graphics. Asot is celebrated as one of the most successful artists of his generation, with a rich portfolio of individual and collective exhibitions worldwide. Don't miss this unique display of creativity 💠


Pripravte sa na umeleckú premenu preistorov v hoteli Radisson Blu Carlton počas Mirror Hospitality Expo! 🎨Sme nadšení, že môžeme hostiť Ašota Haasa, talentovaného umelca z Bratislavy, známeho svojou výnimočnou prácou v oblasti dizajnu, sochárstva, sklárskeho umenia, maľby a grafiky. Ašot je oslavovaný ako jeden z najúspešnejších umelcov svojej generácie s bohatým portfóliom individuálnych a kolektívnych výstav po celom svete. Nenechajte si ujsť túto jedinečnú ukážku kreativity 💠


🍸 Flying Dutchmen x Mirror Bar 🫗

Join us for an exciting takeover at Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! 💠 , represented by .janse , will be hosting from 10pm to midnight on May 6th. Known for their focus on (neo-)classic cocktails and boasting the largest backbar in the Netherlands with over 800 unique spirits. Flying Dutchmen has received numerous accolades, including Best Cocktail Bar 2018 by Esquire Magazine and Top 10 Best Cocktail Bar in Europe 2019. Don't miss this unforgettable experience! 🔹
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Pridajte sa k nám na vzrušujúcom “takeover” v Mirror Bar počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! 💠 Flying Dutchmen, ktorý zastupuje Timo Janse, bude hosťovať od 22:00 do polnoci 6. mája. Známy pre svoje zameranie na (neo)klasické cocktaily, pýšiaci sa najväčším barovým displejom v Holandsku s viac ako 800 jedinečnými spiritmi. Flying Dutchmen získal množstvo ocenení vrátane Best Cocktail Bar 2018 od Esquire Magazine a Top 10 Best Cocktail Bar v Európe 2019. Nenechajte si ujsť tento nezabudnuteľný zážitok! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️

Photos from Mirror Hospitality Expo's post 04/05/2024

🍸 Handshake Speakeasy x Mirror Bar 🫗

Let’s start the week of guest shifts on Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 💠 Join us on Monday, May 6th from 8pm to 10pm for an unforgettable evening as takes over Mirror Bar during Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! Meet and as they bring their renowned bar to you. Handshake's secret location is a treasure worth discovering, recently ranked as the 3rd Best Bar in the World by The World's 50 Best Bars and No. 1 in North America's 50 Best Bars 2024. Don't miss this special event—it's sure to be extraordinary! 🔹 
❗️ Please note that Mirror Bar will not be accepting reservations during MHE 2024 and will operate on a walk-in basis only. ❗️


Začnime týždeň guest shiftov na Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 💠 Pridajte sa k nám v pondelok 6. mája od 20:00 do 22:00 a užite si nezabudnuteľný večer, keď Handshake Speakeasy prevezme Mirror Bar počas Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024! Zoznámte sa s Rodrigom Urracom a Andonim Cardenasom, ktorí vám prinášajú svoj renomovaný bar. Tajomstvo Handshake je poklad, ktorý stojí za to objaviť, nedávno bol hodnotený ako 3. najlepší bar na svete podľa rebríčka The World's 50 Best Bars a číslo 1 v rebríčku North America's 50 Best Bars 2024. Nenechajte si ujsť túto špeciálnu udalosť – bude určite výnimočná ! 🔹
❗️Upozorňujeme, že Mirror Bar nebude počas MHE 2024 prijímať rezervácie a bude fungovať len formou walk-in ❗️

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Mezcal is always the answer 🍸Eduardo Goméz, founder of @ojodedios Mezcal and the renowned Tequila & Mezcal Fest, and his...
❗️ 3 weeks to go ❗️Only 3 weeks left! 🎉 Get ready for the ultimate hospitality extravaganza at Mirror Hospitality Expo 2...
Sharing is caring 💙Flashback to Mirror Hospitality Expo 2023 and the insightful talk by @ivan_boris80 on the essence of ...
Angel’s share and flavor complexity 🥃Throwback to Mirror Hospitality Expo 2023 where we had the privilege of hosting @th...
The importance of barback 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Martin Siska is one of the most successful Slovak bartenders in abroad and we are thr...
Elevating hospitality 💠Join us at the Mirror Hospitality Expo 2024 as we bring the world's top-level hospitality and coc...
Tickets online
The most important part of the bar, team 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Hanky Panky is a globally recognized mexican bar known for unique atmo...
Rum drinkers always have friends 🥃

@mrdaiquiri was a part of Mirror Hospitality Expo 2023 and brought us an interesting...
THE MARKET 💠Flashback to the Market atMirror Hospitality Expo 2023! Guests and visitors alike savored the flavors of glo...
DAY 4 RECAP 💠We made it to the end… Thank you to all attendees especially our guests, who came from all around the world...
DAY 1 RECAP 💠What an opening! Thank you to all visitors, who attended the first day of Mirror Hospitality Expo 💙 Incredi...



Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel

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