Argolla - unique acrobatic shows

Argolla - unique acrobatic shows ENG: Argolla Productions offers dance and acrobatic shows for social events.

We focus on unusual and unique artistic genres and acrobatics (adagio acrobatics, aerial silk, aerial straps, flying acrobatics, hand to hand, hand balancing, water bowl performance, contortion, jumping, cube and stilt acrobatics, cyr wheel, german wheel, etc.), circus arts, martial arts, fire dance as well as classical dance. Argolla Productions cooperates with artists from many countries (Slovak

Photos from Argolla - unique acrobatic shows's post 09/09/2024

Looking back at the successful run of The Journey to Argolla Wonderland in Salalah.

Twelve Slovak artists traveled to Oman for the Khareef Dhofar festival. The festival celebrates the monsoon season, when nature comes alive in the south of the country and people gather in parks and squares for culture and fun.

The hour-long show we took to Oman is a mix of contemporary circus, artistry, dance, and acting. It's called The Journey to Argolla Wonderland, and it's about a little girl searching for lost keys in a strange, mysterious land. Along the way, she meets magical creatures and sees amazing things like acrobatics, dance, and acting. In the end, she finds out that the magical land – a world of our creativity and imagination – is inside each of us. This summer, Argolla performed 28 successful shows in Oman.


Argolla team will perform 10 shows The Journey to Argolla Wonderland in Kuwait cultural centre Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmed at the beginning of May.

- more about show:


"The Journey to Argolla Wonderland theatre show enthrals audience."

Gulf Times, Sunday, January 28, 2018

- more about show:

The Journey to Argolla Wonderland - Premiere in Doha 30/01/2018

Premiere of our new show for kids and their families. Performance that combines elements of acrobatics, fire, UV light effects, dance, and theater.

More info:

Show was created in our cooperation with Bloom Entertainment ( )

Premiere of our new show for kids and their families. Performance that combines elements of acrobatics, fire, UV light effects, dance, and theater.

The Journey To Argolla Wonderland - Highlights 30/01/2018

Video from premiere of our new show The Journey to Argolla Wonderland in Qatar/Doha.

- you can find more information about the show on our website:

Show was created in cooperation with Bloom Entertainment ( Thank you all.

The Journey To Argolla Wonderland - Highlights Stage performance that combines elements of acrobatics, fire, UV light effects, dance, and theater play together in a phenomenal theater show! The Journey to...

Photos from Argolla - unique acrobatic shows's post 13/01/2018

Six days till the show in Qatar. The Journey to Argolla Wonderland, brand new theatrical, acrobatic and dance show for kids and their families.

The Journey to Argolla Wonderland – Qatar/Doha, January 2018 06/11/2017

We are happy to introduce new acrobatic and theatrical show for kids and their families.

The Journey to Argolla Wonderland is name of stage performance that combines elements of acrobatics, fire, UV light effects, dance and theatre play together in a one theatre show.

Mysterious journey wil start on Friday, 19th January 2018 at QNCC Al Mayassa Theatre in Qatar/Doha.

The Journey to Argolla Wonderland – Qatar/Doha, January 2018 We are happy to introduce new acrobatic and theatrical show for kids and their families. The Journey to Argolla Wonderland is name of stage performance that

Kia Rio 2017 – Argolla Acrobatic Show 20/02/2017

Eng: On the occasion of introducing the new car model Kia Rio an event was held in the premises of Kia Motors Slovakia, at which Argolla productions provided several acrobatic and dance inputs.

Sk: Kia Rio 2017 – Akrobatická Show

Pri príležitosti predstavenia nového modelu auta Kia Rio sa konal event v priestoroch Kia Motors Slovakia, na ktorý Argolla productions zabezpečila niekoľko akrobatických a tanečných vstupov.

Eng: On the occasion of introducing the new car model Kia Rio an event was held in the premises of Kia Motors Slovakia, at which Argolla productions provided several acrobatic and dance inputs. High acrobatics on silk scarves, the romantic duo of acrobats with Cyr Wheel tools, the fire show, the light show and juggling with the cube and finally the astounding water show in a transparent pool, which we placed directly on the stage, so that the acrobat could christen the new model of Kia Rio during her performance.

Photos from Argolla - unique acrobatic shows's post 05/07/2016

Argolla Cyr Wheel act and Pixel Poi performance was one of the main attractions at launch of new smartphone model Huawei P9.

Timeline photos 21/05/2016

Ready for show - greetings from Argolla girls ;)

Circus Under The Rainbow and Argolla Aerial Acts 16/03/2016

Eng: Argolla provided various aerial acrobatic acts for corporate event of company AT&T with name Circus Under The Rainbow. Aerial silk duo, aerial rings duo and aerial straps romantic duo.

For more photos, see the photo gallery:

Sk: Pre firemný večierok spoločnosti AT&T, ktorý sa pod názvom Cirkus pod dúhou odohrával v priestoroch bratislavskej Starej tržnice sme zabezpečili viacero výstupov výškovej akrobacie. Duo na hodvábnych šáloch, výšková akrobacia na kruhu, lietajúci akrobati na lanách.

Fotky z vystúpenia si môžete pozrieť v galérii:

Circus Under The Rainbow and Argolla Aerial Acts Argolla provided various aerial acrobatic acts for corporate event of company AT&T with name Circus Under The Rainbow. Aerial silk duo, aerial rings duo and

Cyr Wheels and Cubes – Vankovka 10th anniversary 10/02/2016

Eng: Our acrobatic performance Argolla Cyr Wheels and Cubes become part of event on the occasion of 10th anniversary celebration Vankovka Centre in Brno, Czech Republic.

Sk: Akrobatické výstupy v obručiach Cyr Wheel a choreografie s kockami v podaní umelcov z Argolly obohatili program zrealizovaný pri príležitosti 10. výročia otvorenia centra Vaňkovka v Brne.

Cyr Wheels and Cubes – Vankovka 10th anniversary Eng: Our acrobatic performance Argolla Cyr Wheels and Cubes become part of event on the occasion of 10th anniversary celebration Vankovka Centre in Brno, Cze...

Argolla 5th Element - China Tour 2015 - Behind The Scenes 05/01/2016

Eng: Memories from our tour with modern circus show Argolla 5th Element around China in summer 2015, consisting of 19 shows in 9 cities. Sneak peek into the backstage and what went on behind the curtain.

Sk: Spomienky na turné v Číne, leto 2015. Pohľad do zákulisia a života za oponou modernej cirkusovej šou Argolla 5. element, s ktorou sme odohrali 19 predstavení v 9 čínskych mestách.

Argolla 5th Element - China Tour 2015 - Behind The Scenes Eng: Memories from our tour with modern circus show Argolla 5th Element around China in summer 2015, consisting of 19 shows in 9 cities. Sneak peek into the ...

Timeline photos 30/12/2015

Eng: Sensual acrobatic act in waterbowl, LED screen on backround with animations of underwater world and half-transparent curtain with visual effects in front of the stage. This breathtaking show prepared Argolla productions in cooperation with Art 4 Promotion agency.
- more:

Sk: Akrobatka predvádza zmyselný výstup v priesvitnom bazéne, na pozadí vytvára atmosféru svetelná obrazovka s animáciami podmorského sveta a pred pódiom obraz dopĺňa polopriesvitná opona, na ktorú sa premietajú vizuálne efekty. Takúto strhujúcu šou sme zrealizovali v spolupráci s agentúrou Art 4 Promotion.
- viac info:

Photos from Argolla - unique acrobatic shows's post 03/11/2015

Eng: Argolla Cyr Wheels and Cubes – Vankovka 10th anniversary celebration.
- more info:

Sk: Argolla na oslavách 10. výročia otvorenia centra Vaňkovka v Brne.
- viac:

Argolla Wind&Fire, Slovak Post 2014 23/11/2014

Eng: Argolla Wind&Fire Show for Slovak Post Event, Istropolis, Bratislava, 2014

Sk: Akrobaticko-tanečná šou Argolla v znamení ohňa a vzduchu. Event Slovenská pošta, Istropolis, Bratislava 2014

foto: Tomas Halasz

Argolla For Kids 16/06/2014

Eng: Artists from Argolla swapped their demanding acrobatic routines for funny games in crazy costumes to put the smile on the faces of little ones. Chase huge flying bubbles, try out circus props, dance with long legged clauns, laugh at juggling and magic tricks, play basketball with baloons, you can experience all of this with our team of proffesionals. We wish to bring joy to kids so we have decided to become a part of their magic world with this visually attractive children's program.

Sk: Artisti z Argolly vymenili náročné akrobatické výstupy za veselé hry v bláznivých kostýmoch, aby vyčarili úsmev na tvárach tých najmenších. Naháňať veľké lietajúce bubliny, vyskúšať si základy práce s cirkusovým náradím, zatancovať si s dlhonohými klaunami, zabaviť sa na žonglérskych kúskoch a kúzelných trikoch, zahrať si balónový basketbal, to všetko môžu deti zažiť v sprievode našich veselých umelcov. Aby sme mohli rozdávať deťom radosť, rozhodli sme sa stať súčasťou ich rozprávkového sveta a pripraviť tento vizuálne atraktívny, veselý detský program.

Argolla For Kids Eng: Artists from Argolla swapped their demanding acrobatic routines for funny games in crazy costumes to put the smile on the faces of little ones. Chase huge flying…

Photos from Argolla - unique acrobatic shows's post 10/06/2014

Argolla water show in Slovenia/Portoroz, duet of 2 female performers.

Argolla Show -  Sunday Parade 25/04/2014

International community event in Old Market Bratislava was organised in cooperation with Živica, Nadácia Milan Šimečka and many other non-governmental organisations. Argolla performers takes part for introducing new local currency Živec.

Thanks for photos: Boris Nemeth and Tomas Halgas

Fire Dancer Performance 07/02/2014

Argolla Firedancers at Ramal International Festival in Kuwait... just now!

© Bertrand Boone
الآن .. حضور كثيف لمشاهدة عرض فرسان النار في مهرجان رمال الدولي

Now..huge crowd is enjoying "The Fire Dance" show at Remal International Festival

Argolla 5th Element - Modern Circus Show 04/11/2013

Argolla 5th Element - Video On Demand

Enjoy. You can now download the full-length footage of the modern circus show Argolla the 5th Element through Vimeo:

"You will be amazed. The performance you will see on the stage can be called neither a traditional circus nor a dancing show nor a juggling, nor a theater play nor a musical. Argolla the 5th Element takes a bit of everything. It challenges the concept of traditional circus and proves that human body is capable of more than you think."
SME newspaper ( )

Argolla 5th Element - Modern Circus Show Argolla productions presents a new dimension of modern circus arts in hour-and-half-long performances. The story about the search for the mystical fifth element…

Eurovea Circus Style 08/04/2013

Eng: A two-hour performance of the artistic company Argolla was the main attraction at Eurovea’s birthday party on 23rd March in Bratislava.

Sk: Hlavným prvkom veľkolepej narodeninovej oslavy nákupno-spoločenského centra Eurovea, 23. marca 2013 v Bratislave, sa stal 2 hodinový program umelcov z artistického zoskupenia Argolla.

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Our Story

ENG: Argolla Productions offers dance and acrobatic shows for social events. We focus on unusual and unique artistic genres and acrobatics (adagio acrobatics, aerial silk, aerial straps, flying acrobatics, hand to hand, hand balancing, water bowl performance, contortion, jumping, cube and stilt acrobatics, cyr wheel, german wheel, etc.), circus arts, martial arts, fire dance as well as classical dance.

Argolla Productions cooperates with artists from many countries (Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Austria, England, Czech Republic, China and several others). We have created and performed various projects both in Slovakia and abroad.

We know how to adjust our performances to any non-standard conditions and needs of a specific event, theatrical production, company party, product launch, corporate show, fashion show or festival. All we need is your rough idea, a visit to the venue of the event or pictures of the venue and we are able to offer you several alternatives for a really impressive performance at your event.

We can also help with visual concept of an event – coordination of interior decorations, scene, costumes, music, acrobatic, artistic, theatrical and dance acts so that they create one harmonic whole.

SK: Argolla productions pripravuje tanečno – akrobatické show na rôznych spoločenských podujatiach.

Máme za sebou úspešnú realizáciu malých, i väčších projektov na Slovensku a v zahraničí (Česká republika, Katar, Grécko, Slovinsko, Taliansko, Macedónia a i. ).

Venujeme sa prevažne nezvyčajným, osobitým umeleckým žánrom - akrobacii ( akrobacia v priesvitnom bazéne, akrobacia na hodvábnych šáloch, lietajúci akrobati, výšková akrobacia na kruhu, akrobacia na visiacich lanách, hand to hand akrobacia, silová akrobacia, kontorzia, jumping akrobati, akrobacia s kockou, akrobacia cyr wheel, akrobati na chodúloch, cirkusová artistika ai.), bojovým umeniam, tancu s ohňom, ale i klasickému tancu.

Program vieme prispôsobiť akýmkoľvek neštandartným podmienkam a potrebám konkrétneho eventu. Stačí nám Vaša približná predstava, prehliadka, prípadne fotky daného priestoru a vieme Vám ponúknuť niekoľko alternatív, ako je možné urobiť efektné vystúpenie na Vašom podujatí.

Videos (show all)

Argolla Aerial Twins - Marta Kubisova, Spici Lucerna
Argolla Geometric show
Argolla Water Acrobatic Show
Argolla Hand To Hand show
Argolla Cube Juggling Show
Argolla Cloud Swing and Corde Lisse
Argolla Aerial Ring




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