
Solving all types of tax collection issues, looking for the smartest ways while using the latest technology.


How does eWallet help its users detect tax evasion?

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Marketplace purchased dozens of products online. More than half were suspected fakes | CBC News 23/03/2020

The test showed an alarming number of false products.

We fight against counterfeiting products:

Marketplace purchased dozens of products online. More than half were suspected fakes | CBC News To test how prevalent counterfeits are online, Marketplace purchased dozens of well-known products from five popular online retailers: AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Walmart and Wish. More than half were suspected knockoffs.


Myths about counterfeit products # 1

Nowadays, counterfeiters are very skilled at copying the original packaging of products and even if they may not be exactly the same in the end, false packaging can be quite convincing. Thanks to current technological possibilities, copying fonts or design is really simple. Without the original packaging to compare, it is really difficult to detect a fake.

Mýty o falšovaných produktoch #1

Falšovatelia začínajú byť v kopírovaní originálnych obalov výrobkov veľmi zruční a aj keď nakoniec nemusia byť úplne totožné, falošné obaly môžu byť celkom presvedčivé. Vďaka súčasným technologickým možnostiam je totiž kopírovať fonty či dizajn naozaj jednoduché. Bez originálneho obalu, s ktorým ho môžeme porovnať, je teda odhaliť falzifikát naozaj ťažké.

7 Great Things about Buying Counterfeits 16/03/2020

Buying counterfeit products is not just a threat to yourself. What are the other hidden "benefits" of buying illegal goods?

We fight against counterfeiting of products:

7 Great Things about Buying Counterfeits Learn about the hidden “benefits” you get every time you buy something that is counterfeit.


Drugs that do not come from a certified manufacturer often contain incorrect or harmful ingredients.

We fight counterfeiting of medicines:

Lieky, ktoré nepochádzajú od certifikovaného výrobcu obsahujú často nesprávne alebo dokonca škodlivé ingrediencie.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu liekov:


With the eWallet application, you can find out immediately and at the same time you can easily track your expenses. If you find a fake cash receipt, you can immediately report the illegal activity to the authorities.

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Pomocou aplikácie eWallet to viete zistiť okamžite a zároveň si minutú sumu za tovar pohodlne zapísať medzi svoje výdavky. Ak sa stane, že natrafíte na falošný bloček, nelegálnu aktivitu môžete okamžite nahlásiť príslušným úradom.

Viac zistíte na:


Products of unclear origin are often counterfeit goods that may be dangerous to the customer. How does the journey of original product branded with a track & trace code look?

Learn more about Origuard FMCG:

Produkty s pochybným pôvodom často patria medzi falšovaný tovar, ktorý môže byť pre zákazníka nebezpečný. Ako vyzerá cesta originálneho produktu označeného track & trace kódom až k zákazníkovi?

Zistite viac o Origuard FMCG:

California tests find illegal v**es tainted with additives 21/02/2020

During last year, several cases of serious pulmonary disease have occurred in the USA, probably due to illegal vaporizer cartridges. According to recent tests, it looks like the danger has not passed yet.

We fight counterfeiting products:

California tests find illegal v**es tainted with additives Nearly all the samples were labeled with incorrect THC content, the state found. For example, one cartridge claimed the oil was up to 85% THC, but actually contained 33% THC. Some v**e products sei…


According to the OECD Report 2016, the value of counterfeit jewellery represented only 2% of the total amount of seized products. The third most counterfeit product was leather products with a 13% share.

We fight against counterfeiting of products:

Podľa správy OECD z roku 2016 tvorila hodnota falšovaných šperkov iba 2 % z celkovej sumy zabavených produktov. Tretím najfalšovanejším druhom tovaru boli práve kožené produkty s podielom 13%.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:


If you buy a medicine of unclear origin, the drug not containing any active substance is the best thing that can happen to you. In some cases, inexpensive counterfeit medicines also contain some ingredients which can endanger the health of the patient. Rat poison or antifreeze can cause serious health complications instead of treatment.

We fight drug counterfeiting:

Ak si kúpite liek s nejasným pôvodom, to, že nebude obsahovať žiadnu účinnú látku, je to najlepšie, čo sa vám môže stať. V niektorých prípadoch totiž lacné falzifikáty liekov obsahujú aj čosi navyše v podobe ingrediencií ohrozujúcich zdravie pacienta. Jed na potkany či nemrznúca zmes môžu namiesto liečby spôsobiť vážne zdravotné komplikácie.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu liekov:


Now you can keep track of your finances while preventing tax evasion. Simply check each cashier block in eWallet by scanning the QR code and assign it to one of the spending categories.

Find out more at:

Teraz môžete mať prehľad o svojich financiách a zároveň zabrániť daňovým únikom. Každý pokladničný blok jednoducho skontrolujete v aplikácii eWallet, do ktorej naskenujete QR kód a minutú sumu zaradíte do jednej z kategórií výdavkov.

Viac zistíte na:

Amazon shoppers: Watch out for counterfeit versions of these 17 brand names 07/02/2020

Amazon continues in active fight against unreliable suppliers.

Amazon shoppers: Watch out for counterfeit versions of these 17 brand names Amazon is taking steps to combat the selling of counterfeit products on its platform.


According to a survey of the US authorities from last year, almost half of the products sold online by third parties can be counterfeited .

We fight counterfeiting products:

Podľa prieskumu amerických úradov z minulého roka môže byť takmer polovica produktov predávaných na internete tretími stranami falšovaných.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:

Fighting Poaching with Convincing Fakes: A Step to Mend Our Ailing Planet 27/01/2020

Occasionally, imitations can be a good alternative. For example, they could save endangered species.

Fighting Poaching with Convincing Fakes: A Step to Mend Our Ailing Planet Human activities have contributed to the decline of the world's biodiversity. But now, we can help our planet through the use of fakes in fighting poaching.

PUMA's Neil Narriman to head up Europe's sports industry body - PUMA CATch up 23/01/2020

Buying a counterfeit product can damage the reputation of the brand and therefore large companies do not rely only on the authorities, but they are also embark on the fight against counterfeiters themselves.

PUMA's Neil Narriman to head up Europe's sports industry body - PUMA CATch up Consumers are at risk from fakes, as unlike their genuine counterparts, counterfeit products do not have to adhere to any environmental or safety standards. Moreover, producers of fake goods have been shown to be closely linked to other kinds of organized crime such as money laundering and even terr...


Some customers don't mind buying cheap counterfeit products. However, buying such clothes or jewelry can also be dangerous to human health.

We fight counterfeiting products:

Niektorým zákazníkom kupovanie lacných falšovaných produktov nevadí. Aj kúpa takéhoto oblečenia či šperkov však môže byť nebezpečná pre zdravie človeka.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:

Survey Reveals Number of Shoppers Buying Counterfeit Goods 15/01/2020

How many percent of customers bought at least one counterfeit of big brand products last year?

Survey Reveals Number of Shoppers Buying Counterfeit Goods Incopro teamed with Sapio Research to find out how many consumers either intentionally sought fakes or were conned into buying counterfeit products.


Markets are often the place where sales of counterfeit products are thriving. In December, the authorities confiscated fake Prada and Armani products worth over £ 100,000 at the Bescot Sunday Market near Birmingham, England.

Trhoviská sú často miestom, kde sa falšované produkty predávajú vo veľkom. V decembri zabavili úrady na Bescot Sunday Markete pri anglickom meste Birmingham medzi inými aj falošné výrobky značiek Prada a Armani v hodnote viac než 100 000 libier.

How to spot counterfeit goods: five tips to identify fakes 11/01/2020

New Year's sales have been on for a while not only in stores but also online. Beware of fake branded sites.

How to spot counterfeit goods: five tips to identify fakes Shoppers warned over dangers of being sold knock-off products following rise in reported cases


Lacné napodobeniny môžu byť nebezpečné aj pre veľké značky. Neraz ich nevedomý nákup vyústi až do úplnej straty zákazníka.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:

Why counterfeit products thrive on Amazon 30/12/2019

Amazon has been struggling for a long time with being overwhelmed by cheap copies of branded products. How could something like this happen?

Why counterfeit products thrive on Amazon Millions of fraudulent products is an inevitable result of a scale-at-all-costs business strategy

French govt seeks to comb social media to detect tax evasion 27/12/2019

France seeks to experiment with social data. By analyzing profiles, statuses and photos, the government wants to detect tax evasion.

French govt seeks to comb social media to detect tax evasion France’s government is seeking to give the authorities the power to trawl social media for signs of tax avoidance and fraud, according to a provision of the budget 2020 draft law that is being debate…


According to the OECD report in March this year, the most counterfeit product are shoes of various world brands.

We fight against product counterfeiting:

Podľa správy OECD z marca tohto roku je najčastejšie falšovaným produktom práve obuv rôznych svetových značiek.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:


It is in the third world countries where the proportion of counterfeit drugs is very high.

We fight against product counterfeiting:
Origuard PHARMA:
Origuard FMCG:

Najväčší problém s falšovanými liekmi majú práve krajiny tretieho sveta.

Bojujeme proti falšovaniu produktov:
Origuard PHARMA:
Origuard FMCG:

Uganda introduces Digital Tax stamps to boost revenue 14/12/2019

Uganda continues to fight illegal products and introduces digital tax stamps.

We bring solutions in fight against illegal trade:

Uganda introduces Digital Tax stamps to boost revenue Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Government has given Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) the go ahead to introduce the long awaited Digital Tracking Solution (Digital Tax Stamps). Speaking at a joint press conference Friday with Uganda Manufacturers Association, The Prime Minister’s Office and Mini...


Have a look at our newest product - eWallet, where customers can have all their receipts at one place. From eWallet they can manage all their expenses. And if after scanning the QR code the customer sees incorrect data or the receipt is not registered with Tax Administration database, one can report the fraudulent activity directly through the eWallet app.

Illegal to***co factory dismantled in Hungary 05/12/2019

Hungary is also doing well in the fight against illegal products.

Illegal to***co factory dismantled in Hungary Six million ci******es and enough to***co to produce 21 million ci******es found in an illegal factory in Budapest. Hungarian customs officers arrested 20 factory employees and the ringleaders behind the operation.


Up to 60% of results for medicines on search engines present potentially counterfeit pharmaceutical products.

Až 60% výsledkov z internetových vyhľadávačov pri hľadaní liečív vás môže odkázať na potenciálne nelegálne produkty.

Breaking the Fakes: How A New York Company Is Using A.I. To Crack Down On The Multibillion-Dollar Trade In Counterfeit Goods 30/11/2019

Artificial intelligence can also help to fight against product counterfeiting.

Breaking the Fakes: How A New York Company Is Using A.I. To Crack Down On The Multibillion-Dollar Trade In Counterfeit Goods The Dubai government is the latest customer for technology developed by Entrupy, which claims it can quickly spot fake luxury goods

Naše inovácie sú transparentné. Aj preto sa niektorým nepáčia. - Allexis 25/11/2019

Aj keď bojujete férovo, vždy sa nájde niekto, kto o vás môže pochybovať. Naše pôsobenie však nesiaha len po hranice Slovenska a o kvalite našich produktov sa presvedčili už aj v Írsku, Švédsku či Estónsku.

Naše inovácie sú transparentné. Aj preto sa niektorým nepáčia. - Allexis Každý, kto sa snaží niečo zmeniť, musí počítať s prekážkami. A ak chcete zmeniť niečo, čo sa týka daní, budete čeliť enormnému tlaku a nevôli. V predvolebnom období sa do éteru dostávajú značne populistické vyjadrenia a vyfabrikované škandalózne správy, ktoré sa snaž...

Applied DNA receives patent on traceability for cellulosic products | Home Textiles Today 25/11/2019

The origin of textile products can now also be traced using DNA.

Applied DNA receives patent on traceability for cellulosic products | Home Textiles Today Applied DNA Sciences’ CertainT platform is now patented for cellulosic fibers and materials, including rayon.

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