Fulbright Slovakia

Fulbrightov program je jedným z najväčších a najrozmanitejších vzdelávacích výmenných pro


Continuing the celebration of Fulbright Slovakia’s 30th anniversary, today we’re spotlighting Emma Steffan’s experience:
“I used to play games in the classroom with my students, especially Scrabble, which we played using Bananagrams tiles. It was always so rewarding to see their progress and confidence in English come out during these activities.”

Curious about Emma’s time at Gymnázium Dubnica nad Váhom? Click the image to learn more! 📸


New issue of our anniversary series celebrating 30 years of Fulbright Slovakia! 🎉 Today, we spotlight Janeil Engelstad’s journey:

"The Fulbright, and the seeds it planted, was life-changing in ways that I could have never anticipated or imagined. The learning from these experiences has helped me to create projects, as well as new and innovative internationally focused university curricula and pedagogy. It blossomed into my founding of Make Art with Purpose, an organization that produces art and design projects addressing social and environmental concerns throughout the world."

Discover more about Janeil's inspiring work and the impact of her Fulbright experience by clicking on the image!

Art with Purpose


Another inspirational journey featured in our anniversary series of alumni highlights🤩 Today, we are excited to share Katarína Procházková's experience.

"During my Fulbright, I gave a speech at the International Banquet, an annual event that brings together academics, university friends, and foreign students. It was a great challenge, and I was pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback and the wonderful conversations I had after the speech.”

Want to know more about Katarína Procházková's transformative experience? Click on the image and dive into her Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence adventure at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 30/07/2024

"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there." ✨

Happy International Day of Friendship! Cheers to all friendships that know no boundaries, Fulbright connections, cultural exchanges, international bonds, and those who stay close despite the distance 💞


Continuing the celebration of Fulbright Slovakia’s 30th anniversary, today we’re spotlighting Devin MacGoy’s experience:

“Slovakia faced some significant challenges while I was there: COVID lockdowns, the war in neighboring Ukraine and its resulting wave of refugees, and the ongoing teen mental health crisis. None of these things were easy to handle but taking them on with the support of those around me made me a more resilient person.”

Curious about Devin’s time at Gymnázium Ladislava Dúbravu in Dunajská Streda? Click the image to learn more! 📸

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 24/07/2024

Naše štipendistky Dana Mikulová a Erika Čvirik Kárpáty sú pripravené získavať nové skúsenosti v USA v rámci programu Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement! ✈️

Program ponúka stredoškolským učiteľom príležitosť stráviť 6 týždňov v USA za účelom profesionálneho rozvoja. Naše štipendistky pôjdu na University of Wisconsin–Madison, kde sa budú vzdelávať primárne v oblasti mediálnej gramotnosti, ale čaká ich aj praktický tréning na amerických stredných školách a bohaté kultúrne vyžitie.

Minulý štvrtok absolvovali štipendistky informačné stretnutie pred odletom, počas ktorého ich prišli pozdraviť aj predstavitelia z U.S. Embassy Slovakia. Ďakujeme všetkým za skvelé stretnutie a už sa tešíme na zdieľanie zážitkov a vedomostí z programu.

Držíme vám palce! 🍀


Waiting for a new issue of our 30th anniversary series? 😉 We're excited to bring you new stories even during the summer! Check out Michael Murphy’s stay at Slovenská Zdravotnícka Univerzita:

“I immensely appreciated the Slovak medical students, physicians, and other healthcare workers coming together to help Ukrainian refugees. This collective effort eloquently showcases the compassion of the Slovak people.”

Click on the image to learn more!
Technik Choir


Another inspirational journey featured in our anniversary series of alumni highlights🤩. Today, we are excited to share Lenka Zgútová's experience.

"The way of learning and teaching has broadened my horizons by making me think critically and allowing me to express myself, which is very different from the rote memorization I was used to.”

Want to know more about Lenka Zgútová’s transformative experience? Click on the image and dive into her Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement adventure at University of Wisconsin-Madison.


As we continue our series of alumni highlights for Fulbright Slovakia's 30th anniversary, today we feature Eva Tvrdá and her journey.

“The U.S. academic community believes in developing a person as a whole, merging academics, personal skills, critical thinking, creativity, and social abilities. It encourages students and staff to participate in extracurricular activities, engage in community service, and take on leadership roles. Values and character are also crucial assets.”

Want to know more about Evina Tvrdá ’s transformative experience? Click on the image and dive into her Fulbright adventure at Case Western Reserve University.

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 01/07/2024

Dear Fulbright ETAs,

Yesterday marked your last official day with us, and we just want to say THANK YOU! You’ve been amazing and inspiring in so many ways. Your optimism, passion, hard work, persistence, and dedication have made a real difference, bringing joy not only to your schools but to our communities and towns.

Beyond teaching English, you’ve shared your culture and hearts, and we are thankful you chose to spend this year with us. We’re also grateful for how you’ve embraced Slovakia, showing us its hidden beauties that we often overlook. Your adventures have helped us see our own country in a new light.

As you move on, please know you’ve left a lasting impact here. We’ll miss you and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. From this year, you have a second home in Slovakia and people who will be overjoyed to see you again!

With gratitude and warmest wishes,
Fulbright Commission


Another inspirational journey featured in our anniversary series of alumni highlights 🤩 Today, we are excited to share Kristína Bosáková's experience.
"Stepping out of your comfort zone is necessary for becoming a better person. Don´t be afraid to do it."
Click on the image to uncover more about Kristina Bosakova's stay at NC State University.


Pozvite odborníka z USA prostredníctvom Fulbright Specialist programu a podporte inovácie na Vašej inštitúcii! 🚀

Využite jeho expertízu na rozvoj Vašich projektov, vzdelávanie zamestnancov alebo na prednášky pre študentov a kolegov.

📅 Pre viac informácií si pozrite záznam informačného webináru ➡ tinyurl.com/nhdmwxnf

🌐 Alebo navštívte náš web ➡ www.fulbright.sk/specialist


Continuing our celebration of the 30th anniversary of Fulbright Slovakia, we dive into another story from our alumni:
“During my course at Matej Bel University, I facilitated a debate on U.S. Constitutional Law. On a beautiful spring day in Banská Bystrica, I took my students outside to discuss the judicial branch, Federalist and Anti-Federalist disagreements, and theories of constitutional interpretation. Students debated in groups and voted on the most convincing arguments. This was a new experience for many of them, and they enjoyed it.”

Click on the image to discover more about Doug McKechnie’s stay at Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici.


Celebrating Juneteenth: A Day of Freedom and Resilience!

Juneteenth is a pivotal moment in American history, marking the end of slavery in the United States. On this day in 1865, news of the Emancipation Proclamation finally reached Galveston, Texas, more than two years after it was issued. Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, this day represents a significant step toward equality and justice.

Let us all continue to learn from history, embrace diversity, and work together towards a future where freedom and justice prevail for everyone.

Learn more about this important US Federal Holiday: https://tinyurl.com/4sm8w967


It's that time of the year when we meet with our new grantees at our annual Pre-Departure Orientation meeting for Slovak grantees heading to the U.S.! It's always an inspiring moment to connect with these ambitious scholars, students, teachers, and professionals who are about to embark on an incredible journey into the U.S. academic world.
Our 2024-2025 cohort is an exceptional mix, representing the Fulbright Slovak Student Program, Fulbright Slovak Scholar Program, Hubert H. Humphrey Program, Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program, SUSIs (Study of the U.S. Institutes), and the Weiser Professional Development Program. We're also thrilled to have a grantee in the prestigious Fulbright Schuman Program, administered by Fulbright Belgium and Luxembourg. 🇸🇰 🇺🇸
A big thank you to the U.S. Embassy Slovakia for their invaluable insights and advice, and to our amazing alumni for sharing their incredible experiences and tips. Your support is greatly appreciated!
We can't wait to hear all about the amazing achievements and experiences that lie ahead for our grantees. To all of you: enjoy every moment, immerse yourself in learning, and don't forget to share your expertise far and wide. Safe travels and make the most of this extraordinary opportunity!


As we continue our series of alumni highlights for Fulbright Slovakia's 30th anniversary, today we feature Jay Rumas and his impactful journey.

“The response of the Slovak people in my community was swift and inspiring. College students shuttled volunteers and supplies to the Ukrainian border in their cars. Volunteers from Slovakia and around Europe worked on the border around the clock. Fulbright Slovakia allowed me to assist in this effort and meet many of these incredible people, inspiring my career trajectory and allowing me to apply my experience and research to help people.”

Click on the image to delve deeper into Jay Rumas ’s stay at the University of Prešov UNIPO FAN


Staňte sa aj Vy Fulbright štipendistom! 😉
Zaregistrujte sa na zajtrajší webinár 👉 https://forms.gle/RDty1QqotkPDvM137!
Dozviete sa všetky podrobnosti o Fulbright Slovak Scholar Program-e, ako si podať prihlášku, praktické tipy a rady, a na budúcoročnej fotke môžete byť aj Vy 🤩

Day 9 | National Association of Fellowships Advisors (NAFA) 10/06/2024

We had the pleasure of welcoming the National Association of Fellowships Advisors (NAFA) to Bratislava last month!👩‍🎓

Heidi Bauer-Clapp from UMass Amherst shared insights on our meeting at Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave in her blog. She describes the day in Bratislava, including hearing about Fulbright opportunities from our two US grantees, listening to presentations from SAIA, n. o., as well as representatives from three Slovak universities, and exploring Bratislava’s vibrant culture.

Catch up on NAFA's adventures and learn more about Fulbright in Slovakia and the advantages of choosing Slovakia as your study abroad destination! 🇸🇰

Day 9 | National Association of Fellowships Advisors (NAFA) Hello, this is Heidi Bauer-Clapp (she/her) from UMass Amherst reporting on our activities for Monday, May 20! Today is Whit Monday, a holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost in the Christian tradition—universities, museums, and most shops are closed, so NAFAns were on the move again, this time ...


Continuing our celebration of the 30th anniversary of Fulbright Slovakia, we dive into another insight from our alumni:

“The Fulbright experience is unparalleled and offers invaluable personal and professional growth that cannot be replicated. Embrace the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, expand your academic and professional horizons, and build lasting connections. It is truly a transformative journey that is well worth the effort.”

Click on the image to discover more about Lubomira Šlapková-Tóthová’s stay Washington University in St. Louis.


🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 FULBRIGHT FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING ASSISTANT PROGRAM (FLTA) for Ukrainian young teachers is accepting applications!

The FLTA program is designed for young teachers enthusiastic about teaching their native language to American students. It offers participants the chance to become cultural ambassadors, meet new people, and participate in community events and campus activities. Through the program, participants can refine their teaching skills, increase their English language proficiency, and expand their knowledge of U.S. society and culture while serving as teaching assistants for their native language to U.S. students.

The Fulbright FLTA Program is a nine-month, ECA-funded, non-degree program for early career teachers or professionals (under the age of thirty) in related fields such as Linguistics, Ukrainian Literature, Translation Studies, Communications, Journalism, American Studies, and English Language Teaching. This is an opportunity for young teachers to teach Ukrainian language (assist American teachers) at U.S. universities and colleges.

📅 The deadline has been extended to July 14, 2024!

👀 More information can be found on the Fulbright Ukraine website: https://fulbright.org.ua/uk/fulbright-foreign-language-teaching-assistant-program/

🤔 For further questions, please contact Fulbright Ukraine.

Don't forget to tag fellow Ukrainians, both in Ukraine and abroad, who might be interested in this opportunity! 👩‍🦰🧑‍🦰

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 31/05/2024

🎓 Chcete získať prestížny Fulbright grant?

Na podanie prihlášky ostáva už len mesiac! Prihlášky na Fulbright Slovak Student Program prijímame do 30. júna 2024. Výskum je následne možné realizovať v ktoromkoľvek študijnom odbore s výnimkou klinickej medicíny (ide o priamy kontakt s pacientom).

Čo program ponúka?
✅ Grant na 6-9 mesiacov
✅ Spiatočná letenka
✅ Víza pre vás aj rodinných príslušníkov
✅ Príspevok na knihy
✅ Administratívna podpora

Nezmeškajte šancu na rozšírenie akademických a profesionálnych obzorov v USA. Viac informácií a prihlášku nájdete na našej webovej stránke.

🔗 https://www.fulbright.sk/slovak-student


Another inspirational journey featured in our anniversary series of alumni highlights. Today, we are excited to share Anna Podlesná's experience.

"I believe in collaboration. The Humphrey Fellowship transformed my perspective on the collaboration between academia and business. It gave me the courage to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. When I met Dr. Connie Sung and other professors and researchers, as a business professional, I expected a gap between practice and academia. I was amazed by their supportive attitude and dedication to developing practical solutions."

Click on the image to delve deeper into Anka Podlesna's stay at Michigan State University Humphrey Fellowship Program .


Objavte všetko, čo Fulbright Slovak Scholar Program ponúka! 💡

Ak Vás zaujímajú:
✅ Detailné informácie
✅ Praktické tipy
✅ Skúsenosti absolventa

➡️ tak sa zaregistrujte na náš webinár, ktorý sa koná 12.6.2024 o 16:30 - https://forms.gle/RDty1QqotkPDvM137


Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Fulbright Slovakia, we continue offering insights from our alumni:

“I was able to live my 'American dream.' It did not matter where I came from or who I knew. I was given an equal opportunity to compete with my classmates or potential internship candidates, and I was able to achieve results through my hard work and diligence.”

Click on the image to dive deeper into Tomáš Cár’s stay at Johns Hopkins University.

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 21/05/2024

We had the pleasure of welcoming the National Association of Fellowship Advisors (NAFA) to Bratislava yesterday! 🚍

The meeting kicked off with a warm welcome from Comenius University’s Vice-Rector for International Relations Jozef Tancer, Fulbright Slovakia's Executive Director Lýdia Tobiášová, and NAFA Prestigious Scholarship Advisor at UC Davis Scott Ryan Palmer. We presented the Fulbright opportunities available for U.S. candidates in Slovakia, where they can teach, study, conduct research, or assist with teaching English. These programs provide a unique opportunity for students and scholars to immerse themselves in Slovak culture, enhance their academic and professional expertise, and build international connections.

Our current grantees, U.S. Student Caleb Ranum and English Teaching Assistant Sianna Serio, shared their authentic experiences at Slovak institutions, offering NAFA members a glimpse into the daily lives of Americans on Fulbright scholarships in Slovakia.

Executive Director of SAIA, n. o. gave an insightful overview of higher education in Slovakia, paving the way for engaging discussions with representatives from Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, STU - Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, and Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave. Their presentations highlighted the diverse educational opportunities and potential for collaboration.

A special shoutout to Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave for graciously hosting the meeting. We all enjoyed the discussions and the opportunity to connect!

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 07/12/2023

Posuňte výučbu angličtiny na vašej škole na nový level! 🎓

Program pre asistentov výučby anglického jazyka ponúka stredným školám na Slovensku príležitosť požiadať o asistenta výučby anglického jazyka na jeden školský rok.
Myšlienkou Fulbrightovho programu však nie je len výučba jazyka, ale predstavuje skutočný most medzi kultúrami. Pomáha študentom nielen zdokonaľovať svoje jazykové zručnosti, ale tiež otvára dvere k pochopeniu rôznorodosti a zvyšovaniu kultúrneho povedomia.
Podajte si prihlášku a umožnite študentom a učiteľom získavať nové vedomosti, skúsenosti a perspektívy!

✍️prihlášku nájdete na https://bit.ly/3GzULBX
💬 otázky ohľadne programu adresujte na email [email protected]
🔔deadline na podanie prihlášky je 31.12.2023
💡 viac informácií o programe nájdete na https://www.fulbright.sk/asistenti-vyucby-anglictiny


Viktor, ďakujeme za darček 🎁🤩
Vypočujte si inšpiratívny rozhovor s absolventom letného semináru (SUSI) pre stredoškolských učiteľov - Viktorom Verbom 👉 https://reginavychod.rtvs.sk/clanky/mimoriadne-relacie/346700/na-hodine-anglictiny


for the position of 📣Regional Diversity Coordinator for Fulbright Programs in countries throughout Europe and Eurasia!

Based at a Fulbright Commission in one of the following European cities: Brussels, London, Paris, Rome, the Coordinator is responsible for supporting international exchange program in Europe and Eurasia specifically on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access ( ), by facilitating trainings for Fulbright Commissions and U.S. Embassies in Europe, as well as providing in-person and online seminars and workshops for U.S. and European Fulbright grantees.

The position is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State, which also sets priorities for the work of the Coordinator.

👉Read all the details on the job description and qualifications needed here -https://tinyurl.com/3kzfdvfm

⏰Apply by January 15, 2024


Gratulujeme novovymenovanému členovi súdnej rady - Tomášovi Gábrišovi - absolventovi Fulbright Slovak Scholar Programu na University of Pittsburgh 👏

Photos from Fulbright Slovakia's post 23/11/2023

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

We wish you an amazing day filled with warmth, good company, and great food!
Since the Thanksgiving holiday is not celebrated in Slovakia, we want to encourage you to take a turn around the dinner table when you are with your family and friends and say what you are thankful for. There is so much to be grateful for and we rarely get the chance to think about it or say it out loud. May this be the we remind ourselves of all the things we should be thankful for 🫶

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Bratislava?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Celebrating Juneteenth: A Day of Freedom and Resilience!Juneteenth is a pivotal moment in American history, marking the ...
International Education Week is almost over but our mission of spreading the word about international education is not! ...
👩‍🎓 Study in the United States like 296 Slovak students in 2022/23 to get the best education and international experienc...
Viktor si svoj sen vďaka letnému semináru v USA splnil. Teraz je rad na Tebe 🫵  Prihlás sa na informačný webinár o Letný...
As the academic year comes to a close, this year's Fulbrighters opened up about their year in Slovakia. 😍Let the next ad...
Vyrazili sme za Vami do Košíc a Banskej Bystrice! 🤩                       O našich výmenných programoch pre stredoškolsk...
Letné semináre v USA sú ochutnávkou americkej kultúry, zážitkov, načerpaním novej motivácie a stimulov, ale najmä skvelo...
Ako najlepšie osláviť International Education Week? Podajte si prihlášku na Letný seminár v USA a zažite silu akademicke...
Join 305 Slovak students currently studying in the U.S. 👉 visit our advising center EducationUSA in Bratislava  #StudyWi...
Thank you all for a wonderful week! It was fun, it was intense and we enjoyed it a lot! Lectures, workshops, sightseeing...
2021-2022 Cohor in Review
After months of hard work, we´ve finally got to the “YAY!“ moment 🤩We are so delighted to introduce our brand new Fulbri...



Panenská 29

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